So Trumpkins.

Trump supporters need to remember that Trump leaned left most of his life. Don't whine when that leaning rears it's ugly head.

THe political landscape has shifted to where someone who is willing to pursue American interests in government policy is considered to be "Right".

ON immigration and trade and foreign policy, that's good enough for me.
1. You are a race baiting asshole.

1b Illegals are rounded up NOW. They just come back. Turn up the rate of deportations, and prevent returns and reduce illegal access to the US job market, and the illegal population will decline quickly.

Well, when Trump wrecks the economy, we will probably have less illegals because there won't be a good reason for them to come here, but he won't stop them from coming in...

Meanwhile, Trump has scrubbed references to a Muslim Ban from his website...

And the Walkback begins.

Of course a significant portion of the jobs went to "paco" you race baiting asshole. And with the proper Trade Policy, a lot of those can come back. YOu would rather see American poor and dependent on government than have good jobs.

What proper trade policy is that, guy? You see, the thing is, manufacturing jobs have been declining WORLD WIDE, not just in the US, because of automation. And yes, it will still cost $3.00 an hour to pay Paco to run that machine in Mexico, or $1.00 for Ching to run it in China, so why would they pay Cleetus the Redneck $15.00 to run it in the US?

The coal mines and steel mills are not goign to reopen because Trump says so.
Half the country is to be considered angry rednecks?

He hasn't been sworn in in and is not the President yet so explain how he has fucked up the country.

California isn't going anywhere. You know it. We all know it.

I'm sure someone in Yugoslavia said that about Slovenia in 1980...And then look what happened. countries can fall apart a lot faster than you think.

You have been roundly defeated.

We are tired of the rhetoric and insults.

Racist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc.

Half of this country find your insults deplorable and irredeemable.

Grow up Joe.

It's time to grow up

Not really. Hillary got more votes. Trump has no mandate or legitimacy.

Once the dumb, racist, inbred bible thumping rednecks realize that he isn't going to heal their pain, they are going to turn on him pretty quickly.
Why is a wall racist?

are you fucking retarded?

Says the man that can't actually answer the question.

I've answered that question many times.

Incidently, we already know you are retarded. And Racist.

Actually, I don't recall you ever answering the question.

Mostly I recall you attacking anyone who dares to question the liberals agenda.

LIke calling them "retarded" and "racist".

The differences are that we on the right are happy to answer questions of policy and then to point out how the lefty in question is being an asshole.

While you lefties call people assholes INSTEAD of answering the question, because on some level you know that you are in the wrong.

THe other difference is that when we on the right call a lib an asshole, or even a racist, the lib in question is generally being an asshole and a racist.

You are a race baiting asshole.
There's direct evidence that the DNC was colluding with the Clinton Campaign to sabotage the Sanders Campaign or haven't you been paying attention to the emails between the DNC party bosses that have been leaked?

I don't think that had any effect on the election. Sanders lost because he wasn't in the mainstream.

LOL, so I guess you're not "With Her" anymore, was it difficult extracting your tongue from her asshole?

Fuckin' fair weather friends, poor Hillary, with supporters like you it's no wonder she got her ass kicked.

I realize your racist ass has reading comprehension problems, but my position was always Trump was unacceptable, not that Hillary was any great shakes.
Trump supporters need to remember that Trump leaned left most of his life. Don't whine when that leaning rears it's ugly head.
From a political standpoint, don't whine before you assess what your party leader is getting by giving up something that the other side wants. It's one of the mistakes the left made over the last 6 years, every time President Obama wanted to give an inch to the Republicans to get a foot of what he wanted the Democrat Party Base went ballistic and he had to go hardline to placate his base and thus he pretty much ended up getting NOTHING and had to resort to unilateral executive action to get his way.

In the end they turned Obama into a hardline ideologue and ended up paying for it by being run completely out of power at the Federal Level (not to mention facing the prospect of having the Obama "legacy" completely erased, i.e. ZERO "gains" over the last 8 years). Even President George W. "Gunslinger" Bush ended up doing better than that for his party......
Actually, I don't recall you ever answering the question.

Mostly I recall you attacking anyone who dares to question the liberals agenda.

LIke calling them "retarded" and "racist".

Well, that because you have reading comprehension problems, Cleetus. Trump isn't building a wall tokeep Polish Construction workers or Slovenian Models out, he's building a Wall that will never happen to keep them brown Mexican people out..
Which is racist.

The differences are that we on the right are happy to answer questions of policy and then to point out how the lefty in question is being an asshole.

While you lefties call people assholes INSTEAD of answering the question, because on some level you know that you are in the wrong.

LIke I've said, I was Republican for years... until I woke up one morning to find myself with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and a 25% reduction in pay.

Then I realized that despite being white, I was pretty much in the same boat as the Lesbian Hispanic who worked in the same office and was in the same situation.

Obviously, you haven't figured this out yet, because you voted for a fake billionaire who told you that Brown people are responsible for your unhappiness.
1. You are a race baiting asshole.

1b Illegals are rounded up NOW. They just come back. Turn up the rate of deportations, and prevent returns and reduce illegal access to the US job market, and the illegal population will decline quickly.

Well, when Trump wrecks the economy, we will probably have less illegals because there won't be a good reason for them to come here, but he won't stop them from coming in...

Meanwhile, Trump has scrubbed references to a Muslim Ban from his website...

And the Walkback begins.

Of course a significant portion of the jobs went to "paco" you race baiting asshole. And with the proper Trade Policy, a lot of those can come back. YOu would rather see American poor and dependent on government than have good jobs.

What proper trade policy is that, guy? You see, the thing is, manufacturing jobs have been declining WORLD WIDE, not just in the US, because of automation. And yes, it will still cost $3.00 an hour to pay Paco to run that machine in Mexico, or $1.00 for Ching to run it in China, so why would they pay Cleetus the Redneck $15.00 to run it in the US?

The coal mines and steel mills are not goign to reopen because Trump says so.

1. THe recent WTO Airbus ruling shows that the our trade "partners" have cheated to steal jobs from US. Stopping that will help the economy not hurt it.

2. It will be easy to massively increase deportations of illegals. Trump's site has a lot of details on how that will be done.

3. The Wall will greatly aid in stopping the illegals for returning, as will other plans Trump has on that issue.

4. Proper vetting of muslims will mean an nearly universal ban. Rabid anti-Americanism and Antisemitism is rampant in the Muslim world. Any real look at muslim immigrants will find real reasons to bar them, individually.

5. Agricultural jobs have been declining for longer. Agriculture is still a large portion of our economy that provides a lot of jobs across the spectrum. No responsible government would just give up on such a large segment of economic activity and jobs.

6. You are a racist asshole.

7. Because trade policy will be set up to balance out the low wages of those places.

8. NOt. the Coal Mines and steel mills will reopen because the world still needs coal and steel and there is no reason that Americans can't have their share of those jobs.
I voted NOT Hillary with a hope, not an expectation. So it's on record, we already know Trump will not be going after anyone. that leaves his agenda. It's looking like he is favoring RINO's through the fat body from new Jersey who hjmself, is a massive (literally) lib. it's also rumored he (crispy cream) is bringing Boosh and Romney washout in. that being the case, which trump promise will be kept and which will end up like Obama gitmo promise ? I think he will mess with ACA but not kill it, he will pass on Messing with NAFTA, and the wall will end up like dubyas border fence. approved, but never funded. I know it's only a day after, but looking at Trumps staff picks, I'm not to optimistic.

I didn't vote Trump, I voted Johnson. But geez man, the guy has been President ELECT for all of two days much less having come into office. It's a bit early to declare he's not fulfilling his campaign pledges. Does this thread really pass as not crap in your mind? Most Democrats are giving him more of a chance than you are. This is satire, not politics
There's direct evidence that the DNC was colluding with the Clinton Campaign to sabotage the Sanders Campaign or haven't you been paying attention to the emails between the DNC party bosses that have been leaked?

I don't think that had any effect on the election. Sanders lost because he wasn't in the mainstream.
LOL, so your little theory is that the DNC morons just did all this nefarious bullshit for the fun of it? Unfortunately you're not bright enough to realize that those in the DNC that worked against Sanders were clearly worried about any potential snags and weren't about to tolerate any risk to their pre-ordained nominee, thus the Democrat Party base was fucked from the get go, they might as well not bothered voting in the Primaries since the outcome was already a lock for Her Royal Highness.

I realize your racist ass has reading comprehension problems, but my position was always Trump was unacceptable, not that Hillary was any great shakes.
Ah yes, that's the ticket, when someone points out what a total fool you are pull that RACE CARD out ..... so predictable.

...But you failed to answer the question: Was it difficult pulling your tongue out of Hillary's ass? after all you spent so much time right here stumping for her.

Personally I don't like Republicans and I don't like Democrats but there is a silver lining to Trump & the Republicans winning which is;

Morons like you didn't get there way.:happy-1:
I voted NOT Hillary with a hope, not an expectation. So it's on record, we already know Trump will not be going after anyone. that leaves his agenda. It's looking like he is favoring RINO's through the fat body from new Jersey who hjmself, is a massive (literally) lib. it's also rumored he (crispy cream) is bringing Boosh and Romney washout in. that being the case, which trump promise will be kept and which will end up like Obama gitmo promise ? I think he will mess with ACA but not kill it, he will pass on Messing with NAFTA, and the wall will end up like dubyas border fence. approved, but never funded. I know it's only a day after, but looking at Trumps staff picks, I'm not to optimistic.

What "you all know" will fit on the head of a pin.

Again, true, but trump is already bringing the people who caused the problems on to his team.

What did you expect? The Republican advisors are the same people who helped Bush screw up foreign policy and the economy. Did you think it would be different?
Trade and Immigration have been the focus of his campaign, imo.

imo, that is what he will focus his time, energy and political capital on.

Unless the political class unites to stop him AND the people do not support him, I expect that he will follow up nicely on those issues.

You are going to be so shocked when that wall doesn't get built and the brown people don't get r ounded up.

You do realize that we already HAVE long stretches of walls and fences along the border NOW, right?

Yes. And they don't work. Mostly because most "illegals" don't sneak past a fence. They get in here on legitimate visas, and then overstay their visas.

the problem is, you dumb inbred racist crackers, that won't bring back the jobs. Those jobs didn't go to Paco, they went to a machine.
Dumb inbred racist crackers?

You truly are a fucking jackass!
Actually, I don't recall you ever answering the question.

Mostly I recall you attacking anyone who dares to question the liberals agenda.

LIke calling them "retarded" and "racist".

Well, that because you have reading comprehension problems, Cleetus. Trump isn't building a wall tokeep Polish Construction workers or Slovenian Models out, he's building a Wall that will never happen to keep them brown Mexican people out..
Which is racist.

The differences are that we on the right are happy to answer questions of policy and then to point out how the lefty in question is being an asshole.

While you lefties call people assholes INSTEAD of answering the question, because on some level you know that you are in the wrong.

LIke I've said, I was Republican for years... until I woke up one morning to find myself with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and a 25% reduction in pay.

Then I realized that despite being white, I was pretty much in the same boat as the Lesbian Hispanic who worked in the same office and was in the same situation.

Obviously, you haven't figured this out yet, because you voted for a fake billionaire who told you that Brown people are responsible for your unhappiness.

1. You are a racist asshole.

2. The wall goes were it goes because that is where the majority of illegals are from . That is not racism, you race baiting asshole. That is dealing with the reality of the situation. 62% of illegals are mexicans. I can't even find numbers on poles.

3. Regardless of your claim of being a past republican, my description of your behavior stands. You call people assholes NOT because they are, but in place of a real answer to any question.

4. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

5. I voted for Trump because I like his policies on Trade, Immigration and Foreign Policy. In trade a lot of our problems are causes by our trade partners being assholes. You may have noticed my recent focus on the recent WTO Airbus ruling, which is about the EU, you race baiting asshole. In immigration, I want to see a decrease in supply of labor to raise demand, ie wages. That is not racist, you race baiting asshole, just because the vast majority of immigration is "Brown". And not fucking with Russia is not about Race, but about the lack of communism.
Trade and Immigration have been the focus of his campaign, imo.

imo, that is what he will focus his time, energy and political capital on.

Unless the political class unites to stop him AND the people do not support him, I expect that he will follow up nicely on those issues.

You are going to be so shocked when that wall doesn't get built and the brown people don't get r ounded up.

You do realize that we already HAVE long stretches of walls and fences along the border NOW, right?

Yes. And they don't work. Mostly because most "illegals" don't sneak past a fence. They get in here on legitimate visas, and then overstay their visas.

the problem is, you dumb inbred racist crackers, that won't bring back the jobs. Those jobs didn't go to Paco, they went to a machine.
Dumb inbred racist crackers?

You truly are a fucking jackass!

He is a racist asshole. LIke many on the left.

He sort of knows it, but still sees no contradiction between being a racist and pretending to be upset by the "Racism" he claims to see on the Right.

Which actually makes sense when you think about it, IF you assume that he is purposefully LYING when he accuses other of racism.
Half the country is to be considered angry rednecks?

He hasn't been sworn in in and is not the President yet so explain how he has fucked up the country.

California isn't going anywhere. You know it. We all know it.

I'm sure someone in Yugoslavia said that about Slovenia in 1980...And then look what happened. countries can fall apart a lot faster than you think.

You have been roundly defeated.

We are tired of the rhetoric and insults.

Racist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc.

Half of this country find your insults deplorable and irredeemable.

Grow up Joe.

It's time to grow up

Not really. Hillary got more votes. Trump has no mandate or legitimacy.

Once the dumb, racist, inbred bible thumping rednecks realize that he isn't going to heal their pain, they are going to turn on him pretty quickly.
You're a waste of my time.

More votes?

1/5 of 1%?

Quit with the insults Joe.

It makes you the biggest fucking fool on this board.


Grow up.
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Actually, I don't recall you ever answering the question.

Mostly I recall you attacking anyone who dares to question the liberals agenda.

LIke calling them "retarded" and "racist".

Well, that because you have reading comprehension problems, Cleetus. Trump isn't building a wall tokeep Polish Construction workers or Slovenian Models out, he's building a Wall that will never happen to keep them brown Mexican people out..
Which is racist.

The differences are that we on the right are happy to answer questions of policy and then to point out how the lefty in question is being an asshole.

While you lefties call people assholes INSTEAD of answering the question, because on some level you know that you are in the wrong.

LIke I've said, I was Republican for years... until I woke up one morning to find myself with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and a 25% reduction in pay.

Then I realized that despite being white, I was pretty much in the same boat as the Lesbian Hispanic who worked in the same office and was in the same situation.

Obviously, you haven't figured this out yet, because you voted for a fake billionaire who told you that Brown people are responsible for your unhappiness.
Sounds like you failed on your own to me.
Too soon to tell. What's not too soon to tell is all of the exploding liberal heads. If nothing else that makes it worth it.

So it's okay if he wrecks the country so long as you got a few moments of making people you don't like upset?
Whatever happened to stronger together?
If you disagree with leftists you are divisive and against any possible unity.
Of course they realize that their bullshit has been rejected and the race card, homophobe, deplorable memes are no longer going to work.

But this jackass keeps resorting to them.

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