So...Trump’s now going after legal immigrants.

These are people here LEGALLY. They are obeying our laws, working, following the rules.
How stupid does that sound? When getting welfare to be here is following the rules the rules need changed. Wait, that’s what Trump is doing. Man that guy is awesome!

What, you mean just being alive and not a criminal doesn't entitle you to be taken care of by our government?
Could we set the bar just a bit higher?

What is wrong with helping them get back on their feet?

We have our own financial issues to take care of before we can prioritize the needs of foreigners.

You need to realise that Leftists HATE their OWN peoples including themselves, YOU are at the very bottom of the scale, YOU are nothing, the Third World Shit Holers are elevated to the very top of the scale and they are to be given EVERYTHING that YOU and your many generations of family have worked for, it ALL is to be handed to Third World Shit Holers, you know the Redistribution of Wealth thing, by STEALING EVERYTHING off YOU and giving it ALL to the worthless Third World Shit Holers this is ONLY correct because of you know The Slave Trade and Colonialism.
What is wrong with helping them get back on their feet?

It wouldnt be a problem if the federal government wasn't involved in welfare.

At the state level, welfare is not only completely constitutional, but the states have a moral duty to help their citizens if they're in need. But not with federal money. Therein lies the unconstitutionality of it.
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.

You do realize that this country can only support so many non workers. Right? It is sad for them, but I would like my daughter to grow up in a country that has the resources to support HER!
Trump Proposal Would Penalize Legal Immigrants for Using Government Aid

The proposal is largely consistent with the Trump administration’s recent calls for tighter limits on public benefits and legal immigration.

“I think the deep logic of this rule is to alter immigration flows into the United States and to be a step towards the kind of de facto merit-based legal immigration that the administration is interested in,” Michael Fix, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute, told Governing earlier this month. "And it's another lock on the door to public benefits."
I hope it is challenged in court.
You know you can can just move to one of these countries and help support as many of them as you want on your own dime right? There’s no reason to bring them here for you to take care of, you can go to them. And then you won’t have to worry about these icky immigration laws.
These are people here LEGALLY. They are obeying our laws, working, following the rules.
How stupid does that sound? When getting welfare to be here is following the rules the rules need changed. Wait, that’s what Trump is doing. Man that guy is awesome!

What, you mean just being alive and not a criminal doesn't entitle you to be taken care of by our government?
Could we set the bar just a bit higher?

And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
These are people here LEGALLY. They are obeying our laws, working, following the rules.
How stupid does that sound? When getting welfare to be here is following the rules the rules need changed. Wait, that’s what Trump is doing. Man that guy is awesome!

What, you mean just being alive and not a criminal doesn't entitle you to be taken care of by our government?
Could we set the bar just a bit higher?

And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............

What is wrong with helping them get back on their feet?

It wouldnt be a problem if the federal government wasn't involved in welfare.

At the state level, welfare is not only completely constitutional, but the states have a moral duty to help their citizens if they're in need. But not with federal money. Therein lies the unconstitutionality of it.

At one point there was no welfare, and in America at the beginning of the 20th Century when MILLIONS who had NOTHING on my Continent sailed to America, they lived in tiny buildings in New York City and they often had big amounts of children and the adults in the family worked two, three sometimes four jobs to pay for their family and also to save some moneys so they could get the family into a larger building and hopefully open a restaurant or an Import business for olive oil or fruits etc

These peoples had NO welfare to rely on, they either worked or they starved and the MAJORITY worked and were able from hardwork to get a better situation for them and their family. These were America's first big big amount of Immigrants from my Continent.

Now America ONLY has Immigrants from the Third World, who go to America with next to ZERO and expect American taxpayers to PAY for them and their family via a variety of welfare programmes. Disgusting.

Memo to America: STOP the welfare. Period.
How stupid does that sound? When getting welfare to be here is following the rules the rules need changed. Wait, that’s what Trump is doing. Man that guy is awesome!

What, you mean just being alive and not a criminal doesn't entitle you to be taken care of by our government?
Could we set the bar just a bit higher?

And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.
What, you mean just being alive and not a criminal doesn't entitle you to be taken care of by our government?
Could we set the bar just a bit higher?

And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.
It was sarcasm .............LOL

We can't take in the whole world and give them hand outs...........We have our own to take care of first.
Could we set the bar just a bit higher?

And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.
It was sarcasm .............LOL

We can't take in the whole world and give them hand outs...........We have our own to take care of first.

I know.
How stupid does that sound? When getting welfare to be here is following the rules the rules need changed. Wait, that’s what Trump is doing. Man that guy is awesome!

What, you mean just being alive and not a criminal doesn't entitle you to be taken care of by our government?
Could we set the bar just a bit higher?

And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


You hate white people.

See what I did there?
And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.
It was sarcasm .............LOL

We can't take in the whole world and give them hand outs...........We have our own to take care of first.

I know.
Legal immigrants? It seems that they are soon to be illegal aliens and are in the U.S. on temporary or illegal status. Why in the world does the crazy angry left think American citizens should support wards of the federal government when their stay in the U.S. is limited to begin with? Adopt a couple or get some freaking balls lefties. You want to murder the unborn of U.S. citizens because they are inconvenient but you want to sanction adults who are in the Country temporarily and will probably stay on the freaking taxpayer dole while their visa runs out. Is it part of the TDS sweeping the left?
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And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.
It was sarcasm .............LOL

We can't take in the whole world and give them hand outs...........We have our own to take care of first.

I know.

Your post made an excellent foil for my response.
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.
I agree with you we need to give out more welfare, Medicaid and other freebies until we don't have enough coming in from taxes to pay for it. Then we need to borrow until our countries credit won't even rate junk bond status. Then everyone in the country can suffer together.
Hell...these people soak our healthcare system for millions. Just today I processed 3 claims for a combined total of 500k to Medicaid. They come here sick and spend weeks in the hospital on the tax payers dime. When we could be using this money helping vets.
What, you mean just being alive and not a criminal doesn't entitle you to be taken care of by our government?
Could we set the bar just a bit higher?

And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.

The Leftists support Open Borders for ALL of the Western world, they know the Western world does not have the resources to take care of our own and HALF the Third World, but it's not about that, it essentially is that the Leftists HATE Western Civilisation because of their mental illness that exhibits itself in the Perpetual Guilt Complex about Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism.

The West in the minds of Leftists has to be punished for things that happened many many Centuries ago, giving financial aid to the Third World has basically been a total failure most of that crowd are still on square one in the same poverty and disease they have always been in. So on Planet Leftist the only solution now is to import as much of the Third World into the First World, they refer to this insanity as Diversity and Multiculturalism and VIOLENTLY DEMAND that EVERYONE accepts it, the end game of course is that the First World within 20-30 years will BECOME no different to the Third World, bankrupt, full of poverty and disease and misery and THEN and ONLY THEN will the Leftists be finally HAPPY.

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