So...Trump’s now going after legal immigrants.

Hell...these people soak our healthcare system for millions. Just today I processed 3 claims for a combined total of 500k to Medicaid. They come here sick and spend weeks in the hospital on the tax payers dime. When we could be using this money helping vets.


I still want to see a declaration of war if we're gonna keep funding trillions of dollars for all of the unconstitutional military occupation in nations that have donenothing to us. Really, I see no difference in military welfare than immigrant welfare. My heart bleeds for what vets endure. But I think most of it is unnecessary.
Agreed. From a strictly economic standpoint it's a good decision.
Is it? What will the total cost of such decisions be?

If you don't pay federal income taxes you are a drag on our government expenses. I want more people that can contribute, not more that need help. We're better off with fewer uneducated people that rely on welfare.
No one is contributing less than Ivanka and Melania.
Should we get rid of them too?
Oh right..They’re not brown skinned.

Trump and his family no doubt pay a good amount in taxes. This is a bad argument.
You don't know that. We've never seen them.

On the other hand he has had quite a few bankruptcies.
You can bet your bottom dollar that the last administration had the IRS go over his tax returns with a fine tooth comb. If they could find nothing that they could use then I think it would be a safe bet that he paid what he was supposed to pay.
Could we set the bar just a bit higher?

And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.
It was sarcasm .............LOL

We can't take in the whole world and give them hand outs...........We have our own to take care of first.

The whole strategy of Perpetual Gibs Me Dat also is directly releated to The Cloward-Piven Strategy, a deliberate overloading of America's welfare system so it COLLAPSES and then is replaced by a Redistribution of Wealth which would pay for a guaranteed annual income for ALL which would then end poverty. Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven both were of course Communists. Piven was even more extreme than Cloward, she was a friend and a student of the FANATICAL Marxist Murray Levin, in an ideal society Levin would have been taken out and shot so he couldn't have poisoned the minds of students with his vile Marxist Indoctrination.

Murray Levin - Wikipedia



Cloward–Piven strategy - Wikipedia
Only citizens of the US should receive welfare.
Do you know what legal immigrants are?
They aren’t citizens. If they were citizens he could not deport them.
Are you a nonreader like the president?

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation
I said they are not citizens. If they were citizens he could not deport then. A citizen is nondeportable!
Nothing wrong with America getting rid of parasites.

wake me up when they delouse the offal office

Not possible..............The delousing crews came in after Obama left..........and they said the oval office would have to be destroyed and rebuilt to get rid of the stinch.............

Sorry............can't happen..........Obama screwed the dang place up.
Is it? What will the total cost of such decisions be?

If you don't pay federal income taxes you are a drag on our government expenses. I want more people that can contribute, not more that need help. We're better off with fewer uneducated people that rely on welfare.
No one is contributing less than Ivanka and Melania.
Should we get rid of them too?
Oh right..They’re not brown skinned.

Trump and his family no doubt pay a good amount in taxes. This is a bad argument.
You don't know that. We've never seen them.

On the other hand he has had quite a few bankruptcies.
You can bet your bottom dollar that the last administration had the IRS go over his tax returns with a fine tooth comb. If they could find nothing that they could use then I think it would be a safe bet that he paid what he was supposed to pay.

Doubtful. You have no evidence to support that claim.

Why won't he show them? :dunno:

The ultimate irony is he married immigrants...and Melania brought her parents over (chain immigration)....
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.

You do realize that this country can only support so many non workers. Right? It is sad for them, but I would like my daughter to grow up in a country that has the resources to support HER!

They aren't non-workers.
If they need welfare we don’t need them. We have plenty of our own to do that job.
Coming from a man who declared bankruptcy six times

He wants to punish immigrants who have financial difficulties
And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.
It was sarcasm .............LOL

We can't take in the whole world and give them hand outs...........We have our own to take care of first.

The whole strategy of Perpetual Gibs Me Dat also is directly releated to The Cloward-Piven Strategy, a deliberate overloading of America's welfare system so it COLLAPSES and then is replaced by a Redistribution of Wealth which would pay for a guaranteed annual income for ALL which would then end poverty. Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven both were of course Communists. Piven was even more extreme than Cloward, she was a friend and a student of the FANATICAL Marxist Murray Levin, in an ideal society Levin would have been taken out and shot so he couldn't have poisoned the minds of students with his vile Marxist Indoctrination.

Murray Levin - Wikipedia

View attachment 209290
View attachment 209291

Cloward–Piven strategy - Wikipedia
Unfunded liabilities are gonna tank us...........and they just keep adding to it............and for non citizens.........what I read it's to target those who are less than 5 years here who are a financial liability...............meaning the tax payers have to take care of them.............

Like we can just keep adding more to an ever increasing debt..........insanity.
If you don't pay federal income taxes you are a drag on our government expenses. I want more people that can contribute, not more that need help. We're better off with fewer uneducated people that rely on welfare.
No one is contributing less than Ivanka and Melania.
Should we get rid of them too?
Oh right..They’re not brown skinned.

Trump and his family no doubt pay a good amount in taxes. This is a bad argument.
You don't know that. We've never seen them.

On the other hand he has had quite a few bankruptcies.
You can bet your bottom dollar that the last administration had the IRS go over his tax returns with a fine tooth comb. If they could find nothing that they could use then I think it would be a safe bet that he paid what he was supposed to pay.

Doubtful. You have no evidence to support that claim.

Why won't he show them? :dunno:

The ultimate irony is he married immigrants...and Melania brought her parents over (chain immigration)....

Do you really think Donald Trump is a net loss on our federal income taxes? I'm sure he pays as little in taxes as possible, just like all rich people, but he is definitely paying taxes. It is RIDICULOUS to imply Donald Trump is some kind of mooching hypocrite for his opinions on immigrants.
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a deliberate overloading of America's welfare system so it COLLAPSES and then is replaced by a Redistribution of Wealth which would pay for a guaranteed annual income for ALL which would then end poverty.

This is precisely why the socialists are so interested in overthrowing our system. All of the fundamentals are already in place for them. Most of the grunt work is already done for them.

No doubt about it, our economic sytem is designed to fail. The dollar is worth about 4 cents right now. There's not much farther to go.

The quickest way to destroy a country is to destroy its dollar.
Only citizens of the US should receive welfare.
Do you know what legal immigrants are?
They aren’t citizens. If they were citizens he could not deport them.
Are you a nonreader like the president?

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation
I said they are not citizens. If they were citizens he could not deport then. A citizen is nondeportable!

I'm sure they are next on Trump's agenda.

White House Launches Effort To Take Citizenship From Those Who Lied To Get It
Only citizens of the US should receive welfare.
Do you know what legal immigrants are?
They aren’t citizens. If they were citizens he could not deport them.
Are you a nonreader like the president?

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation
I said they are not citizens. If they were citizens he could not deport then. A citizen is nondeportable!

I'm sure they are next on Trump's agenda.

White House Launches Effort To Take Citizenship From Those Who Lied To Get It
Don't Lie then.

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