So...Trump’s now going after legal immigrants.

These are people here LEGALLY. They are obeying our laws, working, following the rules.
How stupid does that sound? When getting welfare to be here is following the rules the rules need changed. Wait, that’s what Trump is doing. Man that guy is awesome!
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.
Deporting Alien Trash who are leaning on Public Aid ???

What a grand idea !!!

Time to start culling the herd.

What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.

Say an immigrant's child has an ilness or an injury, and this guy can't afford the medication and care that would keep the child alive so he gets on some type of program... medicaid or whatever, to help the child get treatment? Is he now on the list to get deported? Gets complicated.
These are people here LEGALLY. They are obeying our laws, working, following the rules.

Well get them off their lazy buttocks then and tell them to take the FIRST available job because no more handouts, if they are able to work they should be working and paying taxes, they should be contributing to your economy not TAKING from it.

The work they do isn't valuable enough to keep them off welfare, and I know there are Americans willing to do the work. We don't need more people that are only capable of doing work that qualifies them for welfare. It sucks for them, but as far as our economy and government expenses go, kicking them out is a good thing. What I see is Donald making another decision that will save us money.
These are people here LEGALLY. They are obeying our laws, working, following the rules.
How stupid does that sound? When getting welfare to be here is following the rules the rules need changed. Wait, that’s what Trump is doing. Man that guy is awesome!

What, you mean just being alive and not a criminal doesn't entitle you to be taken care of by our government?
Leaked Draft of Possible Trump Executive Order on Public Benefits Would Spell Chilling Effects for Legal Immigrants

Major Changes Ahead?

The draft executive order would dramatically reorder longstanding policy regarding admissions, adjustment of status, deportation, and sponsor reimbursement. Among the key changes contemplated:

  • Redefining “public charge” and “means-tested public benefits” to span a much wider variety of federal programs. The draft order refers to all “public benefits for which eligibility or amount is determined in any way on the basis of income, resources or financial aid.” Though rulemaking might narrow its scope, this definition could include a wide variety of federal programs such as school lunches, college financial aid, home heating assistance, and public health services that are not included in the welfare law’s means-tested definition.
  • Deporting legal permanent residents for using benefits. Under current interpretation, green-card holders may become deportable as public charges only if they use cash welfare or are institutionalized in long-term care funded by the government. (Under the welfare law, they can only be deported as public charges within their first five years of U.S. residency.) If implemented as written in the leaked executive order, legal immigrants could be ordered deported for using a wide variety of benefits, potentially including food and nutrition assistance, federally subsidized health insurance through Medicaid or the ACA, and education benefits.
  • Refusing to admit prospective immigrants who could become public charges. The executive order could also exclude large numbers of people who are otherwise eligible from being admitted as LPRs. As written, the order could be interpreted to make a high-school degree or better a prerequisite for admission or adjustment to a green card, for instance, or having a certain level of assets. The result could be restrictions on low-income or less well-educated immigrants from entering via some family reunification channels. And some people who are already in the United States—for instance nonimmigrants married to a U.S. citizen—would be unable to adjust to LPR status.
  • Seeking repayment of benefits from sponsors. The draft order also instructs federal agencies to request reimbursement for benefits used by legal immigrants. (The welfare law currently allows agencies to collect benefits used by LPRs who have not become citizens or who have not worked for at least ten years.) The government would need to determine the cost of benefits used by each immigrant, locate his or her sponsor, send a notice requesting payment, and ultimately pursue the sponsor legally or hire a collection agency.
These are people here LEGALLY. They are obeying our laws, working, following the rules.

Well get them off their lazy buttocks then and tell them to take the FIRST available job because no more handouts, if they are able to work they should be working and paying taxes, they should be contributing to your economy not TAKING from it.

I have read the FULL article it does not say they are working as in working, it says that they either rely on WELFARE for HALF their INCOME or that they rely on WELFARE for ALL of their INCOME. If you work as in work you claim ZERO welfare because you are working in a job and can provide for yourself and do not need hand outs.
Yes immigrate to live on our dole.

Why have they not got jobs then? Why are they predominantly on welfare? What have they CONTRIBUTED to get Gibs Me Dat? Zero that's what, they just get hand outs for doing ZERO, they are pointless and useless and a drain on your financial and medical resources that SHOULD be used for your OWN peoples who HAVE worked and contributed and now perhaps cannot work because of serious illness and/or injury from accident.

WTF you have Veterans who have been treated like CRAP and have not been able to get adequate medical treatment and you have elderly peoples who have to CHOOSE between feeding themselves OR paying for their extortionate medical costs including drugs to keep them going and you have these wastes of human skin from Third World Shit Holes who have contributed ZERO and expect perpetual Gibs Me Dat from America's taxpayers.

LUCY! Read the article! They are working! They are not living off welfare!

Maybe they need multiple jobs.
Leaked Draft of Possible Trump Executive Order on Public Benefits Would Spell Chilling Effects for Legal Immigrants

Major Changes Ahead?

The draft executive order would dramatically reorder longstanding policy regarding admissions, adjustment of status, deportation, and sponsor reimbursement. Among the key changes contemplated:

  • Redefining “public charge” and “means-tested public benefits” to span a much wider variety of federal programs. The draft order refers to all “public benefits for which eligibility or amount is determined in any way on the basis of income, resources or financial aid.” Though rulemaking might narrow its scope, this definition could include a wide variety of federal programs such as school lunches, college financial aid, home heating assistance, and public health services that are not included in the welfare law’s means-tested definition.
  • Deporting legal permanent residents for using benefits. Under current interpretation, green-card holders may become deportable as public charges only if they use cash welfare or are institutionalized in long-term care funded by the government. (Under the welfare law, they can only be deported as public charges within their first five years of U.S. residency.) If implemented as written in the leaked executive order, legal immigrants could be ordered deported for using a wide variety of benefits, potentially including food and nutrition assistance, federally subsidized health insurance through Medicaid or the ACA, and education benefits.
  • Refusing to admit prospective immigrants who could become public charges. The executive order could also exclude large numbers of people who are otherwise eligible from being admitted as LPRs. As written, the order could be interpreted to make a high-school degree or better a prerequisite for admission or adjustment to a green card, for instance, or having a certain level of assets. The result could be restrictions on low-income or less well-educated immigrants from entering via some family reunification channels. And some people who are already in the United States—for instance nonimmigrants married to a U.S. citizen—would be unable to adjust to LPR status.
  • Seeking repayment of benefits from sponsors. The draft order also instructs federal agencies to request reimbursement for benefits used by legal immigrants. (The welfare law currently allows agencies to collect benefits used by LPRs who have not become citizens or who have not worked for at least ten years.) The government would need to determine the cost of benefits used by each immigrant, locate his or her sponsor, send a notice requesting payment, and ultimately pursue the sponsor legally or hire a collection agency.

It was just about three weeks ago, that I emailed Trump about needing to move on LEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

He must have started working on this immediately after getting my e-mail.

He is a good employee.
The utter hypocrisy of the Original Poster is obvious to any who have read her previous rantings.

She would be singing an entirely different tune if she thought these foreign Porch-Sitter/Freeloaders were going to vote Republican rather than the other way around.

We owe 21 Trillion. We can't pay for our own Porch-Sitters loaded onto the Federal Plantation.

What a great President Trump is--wants Immigration based on MERIT. Who but a Vote-whoring Democrat/
Socialist (Bolshevik-in-Training) would want Freeloaders rather than Self-Sufficient People.
I hope it is challenged in court.

Hopefully The Donald gets that Brett Kavanaugh on the USSC soon and then the Bedwetters who want Third Worlders to get Perpetual Gibs Me Dat can get slapped down once and for all.
The utter hypocrisy of the Original Poster is obvious to any who have read her previous rantings.

She would be singing an entirely different tune if she thought these foreign Porch-Sitter/Freeloaders were going to vote Republican rather than the other way around.

We owe 21 Trillion. We can't pay for our own Porch-Sitters loaded onto the Federal Plantation.

What a great President Trump is--wants Immigration based on MERIT. Who but a Vote-whoring Democrat/
Socialist (Bolshevik-in-Training) would want Freeloaders rather than Self-Sufficient People.

It is a shame that you have to announce these measures, it is a shame you cannot do what others are doing and have a completely secret policy of Removal and Deportation and just remove these Third World nuisances in the middle of the night, it's very very easy to accomplish, you just don't tell anyone Externally that you are doing it, this way the MSM and the Human Rights Fifth Column don't know about any of it. Middle of the night operation, military cargo aircraft, load with, take off and just dump them ANYWHERE you feel like, return to base, rinse and repeat.
These are people here LEGALLY. They are obeying our laws, working, following the rules.
How stupid does that sound? When getting welfare to be here is following the rules the rules need changed. Wait, that’s what Trump is doing. Man that guy is awesome!

What, you mean just being alive and not a criminal doesn't entitle you to be taken care of by our government?
Could we set the bar just a bit higher?

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