So Vester was gay

Oh no, gay people. Disease, disease, keep away you'll spread the disease.

What is this? Primary school?

Even better, he had a Cock. (shock horror)


It's name was Bernard.
Doesn't matter if he was gay, straight, black, white, blue, brown. Dude was a nutbar. Period.
He did not kill because he was gay, he killed because he had an anger problem and had had difficult in several jobs
He was a gay, black racist with a chip on his shoulder and decided to take two people's lives because the little faggot was "upset". Fuck that fat queer, I'm glad he's dead. Too bad he had to take two other DECENT people down with him, the POS. I just wish he would have suffered for several months before he croaked.
I bet his favorite characters are you and bobby and steve dooly and cat rape
I bet you have a stinky vagina and bad breath.

dang 24000 post, you must have quite the life

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