So we are going to pay for a new embassy in Jerusalem

We are going to build a new embassy in Jerusalem and make Mexico pay for it
There is a GIANT phony premise to the international failed attempt to bring peace to the region in question. The phony premise is, 'If the Israeli's would simply [DO THIS] or [REFRAIN FROM DOING THAT OTHER THING], then "we" could make real progress in resolving the conflict peacefully."

The premise is utterly false and phony, and everyone familiar with the situation on the ground knows it. The Palestinians, and their Muslim supporters around the region and around the globe, want nothing less than the elimination of the Jewish State - death to all Jews, if you want to know the truth. That is the only thing the Israeli's could "do" - cease to exist - that would satisfy the Palestinian group.

And this is not a "secret plan." It is actually taught in Palestinian schools and mosques - but the liberal, English-speaking Press ignores it, or chooses to believe that it is not serious.

The Palestinians trot out a list of "atrocities" from time to time: settlements, checkpoints, border walls, arrests. While these may be an irritation, the elimination of any or all of them won't satisfy the Palestinians, because as I say, what they really want is NO ISRAEL, and NO JEWS.

So while the recognition of the capital of Israel and the possible relocation of our embassy is the Cause de jour, it really does nothing to make the situation better or worse, it just gives the Jew Haters something else to blame their lawlessness on. This time.

Those who notice body language had to be very aware of how nervous The Donald was yesterday during that news conference. His mouth was dry as a desert, and he was sticking verbatim to the script. I give him credit for keeping a campaign promise and figuratively telling the American and International leftist Press to kiss his ass.

Hear, hear.
The phony premise is, 'If the Israeli's would simply [DO THIS] or [REFRAIN FROM DOING THAT OTHER THING], then "we" could make real progress in resolving the conflict peacefully."
I disagree. The premise, if you will, is more about whether or not you agree that men can give other men's land to a third group of people. You, for example believe that's fine, but go anywhere on earth and ask people for more than half their land and see how they respond.
The phony premise is, 'If the Israeli's would simply [DO THIS] or [REFRAIN FROM DOING THAT OTHER THING], then "we" could make real progress in resolving the conflict peacefully."
I disagree. The premise, if you will, is more about whether or not you agree that men can give other men's land to a third group of people. You, for example believe that's fine, but go anywhere on earth and ask people for more than half their land and see how they respond.

Unless you win it in war.
Will it have Trumps name on it?? Big bold letters, TRUMP.

Why don't they pay for it, put that 4 billion a year we give to them and make them pay for it.

How much will this cost us in military life's and VA benefits for the maimed.

They need to pay for it and also fight their own fight without our help.
So we are paying Arab nations to reward terrorists?
The phony premise is, 'If the Israeli's would simply [DO THIS] or [REFRAIN FROM DOING THAT OTHER THING], then "we" could make real progress in resolving the conflict peacefully."
I disagree. The premise, if you will, is more about whether or not you agree that men can give other men's land to a third group of people. You, for example believe that's fine, but go anywhere on earth and ask people for more than half their land and see how they respond.
Arabs-Moslems never owned the land.

No one required Arabs-Moslems to give up half the land they occupied.
Will it have Trumps name on it?? Big bold letters, TRUMP.

Why don't they pay for it, put that 4 billion a year we give to them and make them pay for it.

How much will this cost us in military life's and VA benefits for the maimed.

They need to pay for it and also fight their own fight without our help.
Delirious again?
Will it have Trumps name on it?? Big bold letters, TRUMP.

Why don't they pay for it, put that 4 billion a year we give to them and make them pay for it.

How much will this cost us in military life's and VA benefits for the maimed.

They need to pay for it and also fight their own fight without our help.
Well, if Obama had closed Gitmo(you know with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi) in the first 2 years of his presidency, we could of taken the funds for that and used it to move the embassy in Israel. Oh yeah, you forgot about that lie?

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Bill Clinton promised to do it too!

There is a reason that he didn't.

Because he was a spineless crap weasel.
Then so is DoTard Trump a spineless crap weasel because as soon as he finished his speech, he signed a WAVER delaying the moving of the embassy!!!!!
What's in it for us other than pissing off a people who have little to lose and are more than happy to die for their beliefs?

Every US embassy in the world is located in the capitol city of the host nation EXCEPT in Israel.

This is because the US has been trying not to offend a people who are perpetually offended at the expense of a people who are used to being taken for granted.

I’m glad to see this appeasement come to and end.

Jerusalem is NOT the capital of Israel and never has been.
The phony premise is, 'If the Israeli's would simply [DO THIS] or [REFRAIN FROM DOING THAT OTHER THING], then "we" could make real progress in resolving the conflict peacefully."
I disagree. The premise, if you will, is more about whether or not you agree that men can give other men's land to a third group of people. You, for example believe that's fine, but go anywhere on earth and ask people for more than half their land and see how they respond.
Arabs-Moslems never owned the land.

No one required Arabs-Moslems to give up half the land they occupied.

Well Jews never did either, but yes the Palestinians have a much longer history there than Hebrews.
What's in it for us other than pissing off a people who have little to lose and are more than happy to die for their beliefs?

Every US embassy in the world is located in the capitol city of the host nation EXCEPT in Israel.

This is because the US has been trying not to offend a people who are perpetually offended at the expense of a people who are used to being taken for granted.

I’m glad to see this appeasement come to and end.

Jerusalem is NOT the capital of Israel and never has been.
It is amazing what comes out of public education these days.:cuckoo:

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