So We Have A Vaccine...

Will Trumers take it?

My wife is terrified that they will not and that this will extend the pandemic. She may have a point but I frankly don't care.

I'll take it. She'll take it. everyone I know that I care about will take it.

If Trumper/QAnon types don't...that's tough. They will die off . Sad in a way but they won't be missed.

So what say you Trumpers?

Will you take the shot?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
"Die off"? That's quite a stretch, given that the disease kills a very small percentage of those it infects. Maybe you're just hoping.
Will Trumers take it?

My wife is terrified that they will not and that this will extend the pandemic. She may have a point but I frankly don't care.

I'll take it. She'll take it. everyone I know that I care about will take it.

If Trumper/QAnon types don't...that's tough. They will die off . Sad in a way but they won't be missed.

So what say you Trumpers?

Will you take the shot?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

You do realize the fatality rate in the US is about 1.8%, of course you don't, you're a fricken liberal.
The crying assed shame is that I will likely have the vaccine in my arm months before a charge nurse in rural Iowa who is in the room with covid patients.
Why? Are certain states getting priority?
The crying assed shame is that I will likely have the vaccine in my arm months before a charge nurse in rural Iowa who is in the room with covid patients.
Why? Are certain states getting priority?

Not that I'm aware of.

But it certainly worked that way in the past with other mass vaccination programs....they weren't pandemics but if the distribution model holds, the larger the city, the more the cases, the greater chance you have to get a shot. The sad thing is that in Phoenix, if a healthcare worker succumbs to Covid and cannot work, there are 18 other world-class hospitals in the area. If the same healthcare worker can't do her job in Humbolt or Winslow....the magnitude of losing a direct care giver who treats twenty patients is much greater. The rural healthcare workers should be prioritized in this environment. When it comes to general population...the inverse is true. But when you have a class/tier system... there should be an emphasis placed on outcomes if the care isn't given.

At least thats my view. People smarter than me (hard to believe I know) get paid a lot of money to model these scenarios. But I think common sense would tell most of us that if you have 10 level one trauma centers in a metropolitan area and none for 200 miles in some areas, the importance of that rural level one center is magnified.
Look Ma, I took the COVID-19 vaccine! Derp!
The crying assed shame is that I will likely have the vaccine in my arm months before a charge nurse in rural Iowa who is in the room with covid patients.
Why? Are certain states getting priority?

Not that I'm aware of.

But it certainly worked that way in the past with other mass vaccination programs....they weren't pandemics but if the distribution model holds, the larger the city, the more the cases, the greater chance you have to get a shot. The sad thing is that in Phoenix, if a healthcare worker succumbs to Covid and cannot work, there are 18 other world-class hospitals in the area. If the same healthcare worker can't do her job in Humbolt or Winslow....the magnitude of losing a direct care giver who treats twenty patients is much greater. The rural healthcare workers should be prioritized in this environment. When it comes to general population...the inverse is true. But when you have a class/tier system... there should be an emphasis placed on outcomes if the care isn't given.

At least thats my view. People smarter than me (hard to believe I know) get paid a lot of money to model these scenarios. But I think common sense would tell most of us that if you have 10 level one trauma centers in a metropolitan area and none for 200 miles in some areas, the importance of that rural level one center is magnified.
I agree, especially with rural areas being hit hard for the first time.

The city where my stepmom lives has stopped all hospital visiting hours (her son is in with a serious head injury). At first I was thinking it was to protect the patients, but it is probably to protect the workers, and it makes sense. Without nurses and all the rest, we'd be out of luck.
I will let those most at risk take it first if that is their choice there are many people from all walks of life and political backgrounds who choose not to get vaccines I know some who don't get a flu shot. I don't know about anyone else but I prefer letting people make this decision for themselves than have the government make it for them.
The crying assed shame is that I will likely have the vaccine in my arm months before a charge nurse in rural Iowa who is in the room with covid patients.
Why? Are certain states getting priority?

Not that I'm aware of.

But it certainly worked that way in the past with other mass vaccination programs....they weren't pandemics but if the distribution model holds, the larger the city, the more the cases, the greater chance you have to get a shot. The sad thing is that in Phoenix, if a healthcare worker succumbs to Covid and cannot work, there are 18 other world-class hospitals in the area. If the same healthcare worker can't do her job in Humbolt or Winslow....the magnitude of losing a direct care giver who treats twenty patients is much greater. The rural healthcare workers should be prioritized in this environment. When it comes to general population...the inverse is true. But when you have a class/tier system... there should be an emphasis placed on outcomes if the care isn't given.

At least thats my view. People smarter than me (hard to believe I know) get paid a lot of money to model these scenarios. But I think common sense would tell most of us that if you have 10 level one trauma centers in a metropolitan area and none for 200 miles in some areas, the importance of that rural level one center is magnified.
I agree, especially with rural areas being hit hard for the first time.

The city where my stepmom lives has stopped all hospital visiting hours (her son is in with a serious head injury). At first I was thinking it was to protect the patients, but it is probably to protect the workers, and it makes sense. Without nurses and all the rest, we'd be out of luck.

Correct. The first rule of emergency response is to do the most good for the most people. In mass vaccinations, that means large urban areas. That's just the way it is. But these are targeted, vocation-specific prophylaxes.
Will Trumers take it?

My wife is terrified that they will not and that this will extend the pandemic. She may have a point but I frankly don't care.

I'll take it. She'll take it. everyone I know that I care about will take it.

If Trumper/QAnon types don't...that's tough. They will die off . Sad in a way but they won't be missed.

So what say you Trumpers?

Will you take the shot?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
I may take it if you take 400 doses at once, as my guinea pig.

Will Trumers take it?

My wife is terrified that they will not and that this will extend the pandemic. She may have a point but I frankly don't care.

I'll take it. She'll take it. everyone I know that I care about will take it.

If Trumper/QAnon types don't...that's tough. They will die off . Sad in a way but they won't be missed.

So what say you Trumpers?

Will you take the shot?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

I don't give a damn what the trump people do.

If they don't take it they can die. I no longer care.

I did at first but they don't care if they get it so why should I? Hell, some of them say it's good to get the virus so why should I give a rat's ass if they get it and die?
Will Trumers take it?

My wife is terrified that they will not and that this will extend the pandemic. She may have a point but I frankly don't care.

I'll take it. She'll take it. everyone I know that I care about will take it.

If Trumper/QAnon types don't...that's tough. They will die off . Sad in a way but they won't be missed.

So what say you Trumpers?

Will you take the shot?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
Since Covid is all a big hoax in the minds of the tards, many of them probably won't get the shot.

It's Darwin's way of thinning the herd of the weakminded.
I think we should go on a q-anon board and tell the tards the Covid vaccine makes you gay.
Will Trumers take it?

My wife is terrified that they will not and that this will extend the pandemic. She may have a point but I frankly don't care.

I'll take it. She'll take it. everyone I know that I care about will take it.

If Trumper/QAnon types don't...that's tough. They will die off . Sad in a way but they won't be missed.

So what say you Trumpers?

Will you take the shot?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Interestingly Rump tweeted that he and his staff will not be taking it right away, I wonder why?
I'm not a Rumper but I know what is in it and no I won't be taking it.
Will Trumers take it?

My wife is terrified that they will not and that this will extend the pandemic. She may have a point but I frankly don't care.

I'll take it. She'll take it. everyone I know that I care about will take it.

If Trumper/QAnon types don't...that's tough. They will die off . Sad in a way but they won't be missed.

So what say you Trumpers?

Will you take the shot?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

I don't give a damn what the trump people do.

If they don't take it they can die. I no longer care.

I did at first but they don't care if they get it so why should I? Hell, some of them say it's good to get the virus so why should I give a rat's ass if they get it and die?
so you're finally learning not to give a shit what other people do?

About time

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