So What Do You Think Is A Fair And Decent Wage?...

A very high price to pay for low wages.

Collecting Donations For Wal-Mart Employees That Cannot Afford Thanksgiving Dinner?

Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
November 19, 2013

You may find what is happening at one Wal-Mart in Ohio very hard to believe. At the Wal-mart on Atlantic Boulevard in Canton, Ohio employees are being asked to donate food items so that other employees that cannot afford to buy Thanksgiving dinner will be able to enjoy one too.

On the one hand, it is commendable that someone at that Wal-Mart is deeply concerned about the employees that are so poor that they cannot afford to buy the food that they need for Thanksgiving. On the other hand, this is a perfect example that shows how the quality of the jobs in this country has gone down the toilet. Wal-Mart is the largest employer in the United States and it had operating income of 26.5 billion dollars last year. Wal-Mart is not required to pay their employees a decent wage, and it is very unlikely that anyone will force them to. But they should. Because Wal-Mart does not pay decent wages to their employees, the rest of us end up with the bill. As you will see below, huge numbers of Wal-Mart employees end up on Medicaid and other government assistance programs. Meanwhile, those that control Wal-Mart continue to enjoy absolutely massive profits.

The following is a short excerpt from a local news story about the donation bins that have been set out at the Wal-Mart in Canton, Ohio. As the story notes, this does not appear to be a nationwide program, and the donation bins are only available in an employee-only area…
The storage containers are attractively displayed at the Walmart on Atlantic Boulevard in Canton. The bins are lined up in alternating colors of purple and orange. Some sit on tables covered with golden yellow tablecloths. Others peer out from under the tables.

This isn’t a merchandise display. It’s a food drive – not for the community, but for needy workers.
“Please Donate Food Items Here, so Associates in Need Can Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner,” read signs affixed to the tablecloths...


» Collecting Donations For Wal-Mart Employees That Cannot Afford Thanksgiving Dinner? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A few thoughts here:
1. Any such "drive" is suspect. Knowing that certain political entities seek to discredit and demonize WalMart at every chance, I'd be more likely to consider such an effort just that, a political ploy. Sorry, but the anti-capitalist, anti-free-market factions have earned the discredit. Too bad their political maneuvers eventually do more harm than good to those they claim to want to help. Are we even sure that WalMart sponsored this drive?
2. My daughter worked at WalMart when 9/11 happened. A very close relative, someone involved in her upbringing, worked (still does) at the Pentagon. The store manager matched employee contributions to buy her a ticket to go "home" and make sure all was well. (She couldn't reach anyone for a couple of days.) While it may be a national chain, there is always some leeway for local management to act. Perhaps this store's management has decided to try to help in some way. At least it's something.
3. Everything I've read the past few weeks indicates that WalMart workers will be required to work on Thanksgiving, so what does it matter whether they have to goodies to celebrate? How about a decent day off to spend the holiday with family? Maybe workers should be offered the opportunity to volunteer to work Thanksgiving?

Working on Thanksgiving is mandatory at Walmart. I have relatives who have worked there. You don't show on Thanksgiving, you're out. But hey, Slaves don't need to spend time with their families. They just need to work. That's all their worth.

I didn't say I agreed with that. I think it should be voluntary, if done at all. Of course, I have to work on Thanksgiving, it falls on a scheduled day of work for me. If I wanted to, I might be able to use some PTO (paid time off), if not too many other co-workers ask for that day off. Most just call in sick, making it even more miserable for those of us who do honor our commitments.
Who are you to dicate what is humane? How dare you act like you have some supreme humanity and that you care for those people and I do not. If you work at a low skill job, you should expect a low wage. There is nothing inhumane about that.

Every worker does provide skills and services that Americans want and need; but that doesnt mean every job deserves to paid well.

And under the current economic system, I do agree that many things will come back and haunt us. The taxpayer will carry many burdens that we should not be forced to carry. And large corporations will laugh all the way to the bank.

People need to stop lumping the current corporate economy that America has with a free market. Its really more fascist than capitalist.

Every American Worker deserves respect. Your approach is a bit arrogant and inhumane. But unfortunately, your approach is the norm in today's America. A Walmart Worker is less than human. They deserve to be treated like miserable slaves. But hey that's ok, because that mentality is coming back to bite Americans. Now it's the average American Taxpayer who will carry the burden of Walmart's Slaves. If you supported the Slave Labor, then don't bitch about your Taxes being raised. It's just too damn bad. Deal with it. That's exactly what you tell the Slaves, right?

LOL. You talk about respect yet you have no idea what it is. How is my approach inhumane? Did i make anyone work at Walmart? No.
I respect everyone, especially those who provide me with services I want (Walmart employee). But that service is somehting i can train a 12 year kid to do really. Its not hard, it's not difficult. It's not inhumane to say that and recoginze that.

They are not less human, but they do do less valubale work than other people who provide services to me (like my plumber).

Your statements are absurd. Your arrogant inhumane approach is gonna come back around on you. These Workers actually do bring skills and services that Americans want and need. They're not the dumb animals you think they are. They're actually valuable people. Their jobs are much harder than you think. You're exhibiting convenient ignorance. But like i said, that's all-too common in this country these days. It's coming back around though. You'll pay for the Slave Labor.
Who are you to dicate what is humane? How dare you act like you have some supreme humanity and that you care for those people and I do not. If you work at a low skill job, you should expect a low wage. There is nothing inhumane about that.

Every worker does provide skills and services that Americans want and need; but that doesnt mean every job deserves to paid well.

And under the current economic system, I do agree that many things will come back and haunt us. The taxpayer will carry many burdens that we should not be forced to carry. And large corporations will laugh all the way to the bank.

People need to stop lumping the current corporate economy that America has with a free market. Its really more fascist than capitalist.

Every American Worker deserves respect. Your approach is a bit arrogant and inhumane. But unfortunately, your approach is the norm in today's America. A Walmart Worker is less than human. They deserve to be treated like miserable slaves. But hey that's ok, because that mentality is coming back to bite Americans. Now it's the average American Taxpayer who will carry the burden of Walmart's Slaves. If you supported the Slave Labor, then don't bitch about your Taxes being raised. It's just too damn bad. Deal with it. That's exactly what you tell the Slaves, right?

LOL. You talk about respect yet you have no idea what it is. How is my approach inhumane? Did i make anyone work at Walmart? No.
I respect everyone, especially those who provide me with services I want (Walmart employee). But that service is somehting i can train a 12 year kid to do really. Its not hard, it's not difficult. It's not inhumane to say that and recoginze that.

They are not less human, but they do do less valubale work than other people who provide services to me (like my plumber).

The problem I see is when all these folks demand everyone else 'respect' them and yet, they do not respect themselves enough to find a way up and out of low-paying, low-skilled jobs. Too many people equate 'respect' with the amount they can glean in handouts.
A few thoughts here:
1. Any such "drive" is suspect. Knowing that certain political entities seek to discredit and demonize WalMart at every chance, I'd be more likely to consider such an effort just that, a political ploy. Sorry, but the anti-capitalist, anti-free-market factions have earned the discredit. Too bad their political maneuvers eventually do more harm than good to those they claim to want to help. Are we even sure that WalMart sponsored this drive?
2. My daughter worked at WalMart when 9/11 happened. A very close relative, someone involved in her upbringing, worked (still does) at the Pentagon. The store manager matched employee contributions to buy her a ticket to go "home" and make sure all was well. (She couldn't reach anyone for a couple of days.) While it may be a national chain, there is always some leeway for local management to act. Perhaps this store's management has decided to try to help in some way. At least it's something.
3. Everything I've read the past few weeks indicates that WalMart workers will be required to work on Thanksgiving, so what does it matter whether they have to goodies to celebrate? How about a decent day off to spend the holiday with family? Maybe workers should be offered the opportunity to volunteer to work Thanksgiving?

Working on Thanksgiving is mandatory at Walmart. I have relatives who have worked there. You don't show on Thanksgiving, you're out. But hey, Slaves don't need to spend time with their families. They just need to work. That's all their worth.

I didn't say I agreed with that. I think it should be voluntary, if done at all. Of course, I have to work on Thanksgiving, it falls on a scheduled day of work for me. If I wanted to, I might be able to use some PTO (paid time off), if not too many other co-workers ask for that day off. Most just call in sick, making it even more miserable for those of us who do honor our commitments.

Bet the Walmart CEO is off on Thanksgiving. Bet he'll be enjoying a wonderful day with his family. But oh well, the Slaves aren't people. They're just Slaves.
My friend was not scheduled to work on Thanksgiving at Walmart so whoever said it is mandatory is just full of it. According to her--I asked her because so many of these threads have cropped up at USMB and elsewhere--the supervisors first ask for volunteers. They might have to schedule somebody who would prefer to be off if they don't get enough volunteers, but because of the double pay, they almost always do. And those who are scheduled and really need to be off can almost always find somebody to trade shifts with.

And the Wal-mart CEO doesn't work in the stores. He leaves that up to the managers who generally trade off holiday schedules with each other as do the department supervisors. But there will be managers and supervisors on duty during all times the stores are open.
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You know what, every profession has people who will look down on you and treat you like furniture, at best. I am a licensed, skilled professional earning a pretty decent wage. Guess what, airline pilots look at me like I'm some kind of coulee. Of course, some of my colleagues are guilty of treating our low-skill laborers like shit, too. It's a real shame.
Every American Worker deserves respect. Your approach is a bit arrogant and inhumane. But unfortunately, your approach is the norm in today's America. A Walmart Worker is less than human. They deserve to be treated like miserable slaves. But hey that's ok, because that mentality is coming back to bite Americans. Now it's the average American Taxpayer who will carry the burden of Walmart's Slaves. If you supported the Slave Labor, then don't bitch about your Taxes being raised. It's just too damn bad. Deal with it. That's exactly what you tell the Slaves, right?

LOL. You talk about respect yet you have no idea what it is. How is my approach inhumane? Did i make anyone work at Walmart? No.
I respect everyone, especially those who provide me with services I want (Walmart employee). But that service is somehting i can train a 12 year kid to do really. Its not hard, it's not difficult. It's not inhumane to say that and recoginze that.

They are not less human, but they do do less valubale work than other people who provide services to me (like my plumber).

Your statements are absurd. Your arrogant inhumane approach is gonna come back around on you. These Workers actually do bring skills and services that Americans want and need. They're not the dumb animals you think they are. They're actually valuable people. Their jobs are much harder than you think. You're exhibiting convenient ignorance. But like i said, that's all-too common in this country these days. It's coming back around though. You'll pay for the Slave Labor.

What statement is absurd? What is inhuamne? Who decides what is humane?

(PS. I dont think i ever said they are dumb. I said a 12 year old could do their job.. That means you must think 12 year olds are dumb. HOW INHUMANE OF YOU TO SPEAK THAT WAY ABOUT 12 YEAR OLD) ;) have a nice day
My friend was not scheduled to work on Thanksgiving at Walmart so whoever said it is mandatory is just full of it. According to her--I asked her because so many of these threads have cropped up at USMB and elsewhere--the supervisors first ask for volunteers. They might have to schedule somebody who would prefer to be off if they don't get enough volunteers, but because of the double pay, they almost always do. And those who are scheduled and really need to be off can almost always find somebody to trade shifts with.

And the Wal-mart CEO doesn't work in the stores. He leaves that up to the managers who generally trade off holiday schedules with each other as do the department supervisors. But there will be managers and supervisors on duty during all times the stores are open.

I'm wondering how many people who are screaming bloody hell about "slave labor" will be stepping out after dinner to grab some of those hot bargains. Or maybe running out to WM to get that last minute item they forgot for dinner?
My friend was not scheduled to work on Thanksgiving at Walmart so whoever said it is mandatory is just full of it. According to her--I asked her because so many of these threads have cropped up at USMB and elsewhere--the supervisors first ask for volunteers. They might have to schedule somebody who would prefer to be off if they don't get enough volunteers, but because of the double pay, they almost always do. And those who are scheduled and really need to be off can almost always find somebody to trade shifts with.

And the Wal-mart CEO doesn't work in the stores. He leaves that up to the managers who generally trade off holiday schedules with each other as do the department supervisors. But there will be managers and supervisors on duty during all times the stores are open.

The Walmart CEO will not be working on Thanksgiving. Bet on that. What's good for him is obviously not good for the Slaves.
LOL. You talk about respect yet you have no idea what it is. How is my approach inhumane? Did i make anyone work at Walmart? No.
I respect everyone, especially those who provide me with services I want (Walmart employee). But that service is somehting i can train a 12 year kid to do really. Its not hard, it's not difficult. It's not inhumane to say that and recoginze that.

They are not less human, but they do do less valubale work than other people who provide services to me (like my plumber).

Your statements are absurd. Your arrogant inhumane approach is gonna come back around on you. These Workers actually do bring skills and services that Americans want and need. They're not the dumb animals you think they are. They're actually valuable people. Their jobs are much harder than you think. You're exhibiting convenient ignorance. But like i said, that's all-too common in this country these days. It's coming back around though. You'll pay for the Slave Labor.

What statement is absurd? What is inhuamne? Who decides what is humane?

(PS. I dont think i ever said they are dumb. I said a 12 year old could do their job.. That means you must think 12 year olds are dumb. HOW INHUMANE OF YOU TO SPEAK THAT WAY ABOUT 12 YEAR OLD) ;) have a nice day

Their jobs are much more difficult than you think. They're not the dumb animals you think they are. They're actually skilled hard-working Americans. You've chosen convenient ignorance on that. It is an arrogant inhumane approach. But that is coming back around on you. You're gonna pay for Walmart's Slaves. It's Karmic Justice.
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Bet the Walmart CEO is off on Thanksgiving. Bet he'll be enjoying a wonderful day with his family. But oh well, the Slaves aren't people. They're just Slaves.

Hell Yeah ... You bet ... Let's petition Wal-Mart to let their employees stay home on Thanksgiving ... And we can divide up all the money Wal-Mart makes that day and add it straight to their paychecks.

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How bout just paying em better? Could help them a bit more, no? I mean come on, Walmart can afford it. Walmart should be ashamed. Their Employees begging for scraps? Pretty despicable.

I think the ability for any employee to earn more money is a noble idea ... And sincerely hope that your application to Wal-Mart's management team is considered.
Other than that ... I think it is a disgrace to present the notion that Thanksgiving Dinner is any more important than dinner Tuesday night as far as the hungry are concerned.


Not following your logic. People shouldn't have to work on A holiday that has been traditionally closed so people can get together with their extended families. Not unless they work for police/fire/ambulance.
This is nothing to be proud of. Pretty shocking anyone would defend it.

I think the ability for any employee to earn more money is a noble idea ... And sincerely hope that your application to Wal-Mart's management team is considered.
Other than that ... I think it is a disgrace to present the notion that Thanksgiving Dinner is any more important than dinner Tuesday night as far as the hungry are concerned.


Not following your logic. People shouldn't have to work on A holiday that has been traditionally closed so people can get together with their extended families. Not unless they work for police/fire/ambulance.

No problem ... I think you just missed the very last part ... "as far as the hungry are concerned".

I personally know hungry people don't care what day it is ... They are hungry either way.
I wasn't talking about whether or not they had to work ... just that I think it is foolish to think that hungry on Thanksgiving is any different than hungry on Tuesday.
When people start focusing on Thanksgiving as far as hungry is concerned ... They are using the day to express their point ... And expect to draw addition sympathy for a problem some people face everyday.

We all need to accept the reality of everyday ... And quit using props to push a point that is irrelevant to the hungry.

My friend was not scheduled to work on Thanksgiving at Walmart so whoever said it is mandatory is just full of it. According to her--I asked her because so many of these threads have cropped up at USMB and elsewhere--the supervisors first ask for volunteers. They might have to schedule somebody who would prefer to be off if they don't get enough volunteers, but because of the double pay, they almost always do. And those who are scheduled and really need to be off can almost always find somebody to trade shifts with.

And the Wal-mart CEO doesn't work in the stores. He leaves that up to the managers who generally trade off holiday schedules with each other as do the department supervisors. But there will be managers and supervisors on duty during all times the stores are open.

I'm wondering how many people who are screaming bloody hell about "slave labor" will be stepping out after dinner to grab some of those hot bargains. Or maybe running out to WM to get that last minute item they forgot for dinner?

Very true. I have been sooooooo grateful when I have forgotten something critical that I needed for the Thanksgiving dinner that there was somewhere to go to get it.

But the bottom line for me is liberty. Those who don't want to work on holidays ever should qualify themselves for jobs that never open on Sunday or start their own business and run it as they choose.

Those who don't want to open their businesses on holidays, power to them. I wish them the very best.

Those who do open their businesses on holidays, I won't question why they choose to do that or presume to judge them.

Those who work on holidays, I will appreciate their efforts, most especially when I need what they have to offer, and hope they enjoy the extra money or time off at another time or whatever perks they get.

Those who don't want to shop on holidays--and I am one of those--bless us all because there is nobody who tells us we have to do that.

Those who do want to shop on holidays, it is certainly because they PREFER to do that than not do that, and I am of the live and let live group who thinks it is their choice and it is okay.

In other words, everybody doesn't have to see it as I see it in order to be acceptable.

And I have worked for minimum wage and I have worked for $100 or more an hour and in both cases it was a fair and decent wage and helped me out. Nobody forced me to take the jobs. I have hired people at minimum wage and I have hired people at a rate that was more than I was making. But I forced nobody to do anything and nobody thought they weren't making a fair and decent wage.

I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for some.

Or why it is so hard to understand why there is no way to put a dollar amount on what is fair and decent wage unless you know what it is that a person needs to know and be able to do to earn it.
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How bout just paying em better? Could help them a bit more, no? I mean come on, Walmart can afford it. Walmart should be ashamed. Their Employees begging for scraps? Pretty despicable.

I think the ability for any employee to earn more money is a noble idea ... And sincerely hope that your application to Wal-Mart's management team is considered.
Other than that ... I think it is a disgrace to present the notion that Thanksgiving Dinner is any more important than dinner Tuesday night as far as the hungry are concerned.


Not following your logic. People shouldn't have to work on A holiday that has been traditionally closed so people can get together with their extended families. Not unless they work for police/fire/ambulance.

But that's just it. Stores have NOT been traditionally closed on Thanksgiving. When I lived in Nashville, I remember the first time the Kroger in my community closed most of that day. And my relatives and I always made a run to the local K Mart or Walmart on Christmas to pick up gift wrap for the next year. All commercial stores being closed on those days is a manufactured concept which creates another class of victim. It would seem to me that we have enough victims as it is.
My friend was not scheduled to work on Thanksgiving at Walmart so whoever said it is mandatory is just full of it. According to her--I asked her because so many of these threads have cropped up at USMB and elsewhere--the supervisors first ask for volunteers. They might have to schedule somebody who would prefer to be off if they don't get enough volunteers, but because of the double pay, they almost always do. And those who are scheduled and really need to be off can almost always find somebody to trade shifts with.

And the Wal-mart CEO doesn't work in the stores. He leaves that up to the managers who generally trade off holiday schedules with each other as do the department supervisors. But there will be managers and supervisors on duty during all times the stores are open.

I'm wondering how many people who are screaming bloody hell about "slave labor" will be stepping out after dinner to grab some of those hot bargains. Or maybe running out to WM to get that last minute item they forgot for dinner?

Very true. I have been sooooooo grateful when I have forgotten something critical that I needed for the Thanksgiving dinner that there was somewhere to go to get it.

But the bottom line for me is liberty. Those who don't want to work on holidays ever should qualify themselves for jobs that never open on Sunday or start their own business and run it as they choose.

Those who don't want to open their businesses on holidays, power to them. I wish them the very best.

Those who do open their businesses on holidays, I won't question why they choose to do that or presume to judge them.

Those who work on holidays, I will appreciate their efforts, most especially when I need what they have to offer, and hope they enjoy the extra money or time off at another time or whatever perks they get.

Those who don't want to shop on holidays--and I am one of those--bless us all because there is nobody who tells us we have to do that.

Those who do want to shop on holidays, it is certainly because they PREFER to do that than not do that, and I am of the live and let live group who thinks it is their choice and it is okay.

In other words, everybody doesn't have to see it as I see it in order to be acceptable.

And I have worked for minimum wage and I have worked for $100 or more an hour and in both cases it was a fair and decent wage and helped me out. Nobody forced me to take the jobs. I have hired people at minimum wage and I have hired people at a rate that was more than I was making. But I forced nobody to do anything and nobody thought they weren't making a fair and decent wage.

I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for some.

Or why it is so hard to understand why there is no way to put a dollar amount on what is fair and decent wage unless you know what it is that a person needs to know and be able to do to earn it.

I hear ya, but it's no longer possible to ignore these problems. We're all beginning to pay for the Slave Labor. It's a domino-effect. It's a problem that's not going away. In fact it's actually getting worse. It will have to be addressed.
My friend was not scheduled to work on Thanksgiving at Walmart so whoever said it is mandatory is just full of it. According to her--I asked her because so many of these threads have cropped up at USMB and elsewhere--the supervisors first ask for volunteers. They might have to schedule somebody who would prefer to be off if they don't get enough volunteers, but because of the double pay, they almost always do. And those who are scheduled and really need to be off can almost always find somebody to trade shifts with.

And the Wal-mart CEO doesn't work in the stores. He leaves that up to the managers who generally trade off holiday schedules with each other as do the department supervisors. But there will be managers and supervisors on duty during all times the stores are open.

I'm wondering how many people who are screaming bloody hell about "slave labor" will be stepping out after dinner to grab some of those hot bargains. Or maybe running out to WM to get that last minute item they forgot for dinner?

Very true. I have been sooooooo grateful when I have forgotten something critical that I needed for the Thanksgiving dinner that there was somewhere to go to get it.

But the bottom line for me is liberty. Those who don't want to work on holidays ever should qualify themselves for jobs that never open on Sunday or start their own business and run it as they choose.

Those who don't want to open their businesses on holidays, power to them. I wish them the very best.

Those who do open their businesses on holidays, I won't question why they choose to do that or presume to judge them.

Those who work on holidays, I will appreciate their efforts, most especially when I need what they have to offer, and hope they enjoy the extra money or time off at another time or whatever perks they get.

Those who don't want to shop on holidays--and I am one of those--bless us all because there is nobody who tells us we have to do that.

Those who do want to shop on holidays, it is certainly because they PREFER to do that than not do that, and I am of the live and let live group who thinks it is their choice and it is okay.

In other words, everybody doesn't have to see it as I see it in order to be acceptable.

And I have worked for minimum wage and I have worked for $100 or more an hour and in both cases it was a fair and decent wage and helped me out. Nobody forced me to take the jobs. I have hired people at minimum wage and I have hired people at a rate that was more than I was making. But I forced nobody to do anything and nobody thought they weren't making a fair and decent wage.

I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for some.

Or why it is so hard to understand why there is no way to put a dollar amount on what is fair and decent wage unless you know what it is that a person needs to know and be able to do to earn it.

I know what you mean, Foxy. I work with guys who make more money than I do, for less work, and less valuable work. Whatever they managed to negotiate, it's all the same to me. (I actually got about a 6% raise this year, the one in particular got 1%.) What really bugs me is, this one guy in particular, when someone bitches and makes himself generally unpleasant because he's not being treated "fairly" and then has the nerve to treat the less-skilled, lower-paid workers like dog shit on his shoe. If things are so bad, he just needs to go find a job that better suits him. I've told him this for years now. It never stops his bitching and he certainly hasn't looked for anything better. And you want to know what's really, really bad...the bosses want to fire him, he's bad for business and bad for other employees (he's run off more than a few with his crappy attitude), but they are afraid he might just "go postal" if they did fire him. So he's got the bosses too scared to kick his nasty, bitter ass to the curb, like he should be. Even more interesting (sometimes I hate being right), when he was hired, I was part of management. After dealing with him for a very brief time, I warned the bosses what he was like, it was that evident, even then.
I'm wondering how many people who are screaming bloody hell about "slave labor" will be stepping out after dinner to grab some of those hot bargains. Or maybe running out to WM to get that last minute item they forgot for dinner?

Very true. I have been sooooooo grateful when I have forgotten something critical that I needed for the Thanksgiving dinner that there was somewhere to go to get it.

But the bottom line for me is liberty. Those who don't want to work on holidays ever should qualify themselves for jobs that never open on Sunday or start their own business and run it as they choose.

Those who don't want to open their businesses on holidays, power to them. I wish them the very best.

Those who do open their businesses on holidays, I won't question why they choose to do that or presume to judge them.

Those who work on holidays, I will appreciate their efforts, most especially when I need what they have to offer, and hope they enjoy the extra money or time off at another time or whatever perks they get.

Those who don't want to shop on holidays--and I am one of those--bless us all because there is nobody who tells us we have to do that.

Those who do want to shop on holidays, it is certainly because they PREFER to do that than not do that, and I am of the live and let live group who thinks it is their choice and it is okay.

In other words, everybody doesn't have to see it as I see it in order to be acceptable.

And I have worked for minimum wage and I have worked for $100 or more an hour and in both cases it was a fair and decent wage and helped me out. Nobody forced me to take the jobs. I have hired people at minimum wage and I have hired people at a rate that was more than I was making. But I forced nobody to do anything and nobody thought they weren't making a fair and decent wage.

I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for some.

Or why it is so hard to understand why there is no way to put a dollar amount on what is fair and decent wage unless you know what it is that a person needs to know and be able to do to earn it.

I hear ya, but it's no longer possible to ignore these problems. We're all beginning to pay for the Slave Labor. It's a domino-effect. It's a problem that's not going away. In fact it's actually getting worse. It will have to be addressed.

There's two sides of the coin and two ways to look at it. Is it lack of government initiative that is causing a shitty economy with unusually low wages? Or is it too much government initiative or the wrong kind of government initiative that is causing this? I believe the evidence will show that it is the latter. The best way to achieve higher wages is full employment. The current Administration seems to be doing everything it possibly can to make sure that won't happen.

I do not believe there is any such thing as 'slave labor' in the private sector in the USA. I have accepted minimum wage on numerous occasions to get my foot in the door. I never had to stay at that level more than a very short time, however, because I could quickly demonstrate my worth to the employer. If I failed to do that, I would quickly be moving on to another job with better prospects.

I made quite a bit more money working for the other guy than I did running my own business, but I chose to run my own business just to avoid the downside the sometimes exists when you work for the other guy. In my case, I was making VERY good money the last time I worked for the other guy, but it simply wasn't worth it for any amount of money.

I lloved working for myself though there were more than a few weeks that I made almost nothing. It isn't for everybody though which is why employers are as critical to the economy as are those who work for wages or commission.

The only slave labor we see in America these days is via a government who thinks Citizen A should be forced to support Citizen B. THAT is slave labor.
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