So What Do You Think Is A Fair And Decent Wage?...

Your statements are absurd. Your arrogant inhumane approach is gonna come back around on you. These Workers actually do bring skills and services that Americans want and need. They're not the dumb animals you think they are. They're actually valuable people. Their jobs are much harder than you think. You're exhibiting convenient ignorance. But like i said, that's all-too common in this country these days. It's coming back around though. You'll pay for the Slave Labor.

What statement is absurd? What is inhuamne? Who decides what is humane?

(PS. I dont think i ever said they are dumb. I said a 12 year old could do their job.. That means you must think 12 year olds are dumb. HOW INHUMANE OF YOU TO SPEAK THAT WAY ABOUT 12 YEAR OLD) ;) have a nice day

Their jobs are much more difficult than you think. They're not the dumb animals you think they are. They're actually skilled hard-working Americans. You've chosen convenient ignorance on that. It is an arrogant inhumane approach. But that is coming back around on you. You're gonna pay for Walmart's Slaves. It's Karmic Justice.

Did I say they are dumb? What is so difficult about the job? You have taken the convenient argument, and side stepped my questions.

What statement is absurd? What is inhuamne? Who decides what is humane?
Couldn't have said it any better myself.

[ame=]Jon Stewart Hammers Fox's Stuart Varney: You Want to Lecture the Pope on Helping the Poor?! - YouTube[/ame]
I believe there has to be an automatic balance, though. The nation's minimum wage goes up, the welfare checks are limited to 3 years with 20% decreases each year until they are stopped the third year. We stop enabling the able bodied workers.

The three year rule would not apply to the physically grossly disabled, elderly or severely mentally handicapped. Agree to the $10.00 an hr.

Everyone pays taxes.

You call these people workers. Does that mean that you recognize the FACT that most recipients of public assistance.........our tax dollars........are working people? Does that mean that you understand that we are subsidizing the business activities of large corporations like WalMart and McDonalds?
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

You have to at least separate the question into the two disparate issues.

Issue 1) What is a fair wage for a fair days work for a fair task.
Issue 2) What should one be able to survive on.

Issue (1) is really between you and your employer, be it whether you are employer or whether you have come to an agreement with someone else for pay for a job. The factors that go into what I would pay someone are many. How fast will you accomplish the task, how good are you at the task, what is your error rate, how well do you deal with outlier issues, will you be a leader of men who increases overall through put or drag the team down with negative vibes, are you loyal (will you stay and get better or leave after training)... Then there cost of living adjustments and competition adjustments that come into effect. Is this boston (relatively expensive) or austin (relativly inexpensive). Add all that up create a reasonable pay scale range, grade the employee on that scale... boom there's the pay offer. If he accepts great, if he turns it down maybe offer a little more on the risk that he'll get there on the scale or find someone else.

Issue (2) basic survival, I define survival as the absolute minimum for a healthy person to survive, you need water, 1200 calories (estimate) or so a day, and some shelter. I'd guess you could survive on around 400 a month. I have a water purification system that can filter lake / river water for less than 1cent a gallon with an initial cost of $200. Chicken, eggs, rice, and veggies on sale.. you can easily get enough food for 300 a month. You can cook the old fashioned way, using a pot and grate on an open wood fire. Shelter is sharing a spot on the floor with a sleeping bag for 50 a month. That leaves you with 50 a month for other stuff like used clothes. You should be able to work about 100hrs a week. So you need to find a job that pays around 95cents an hour.
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Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

You have to at least separate the question into the two disparate issues.

Issue 1) What is a fair wage for a fair days work for a fair task.
Issue 2) What should one be able to survive on.

Issue (1) is really between you and your employer, be it whether you are employer or whether you have come to an agreement with someone else for pay for a job. The factors that go into what I would pay someone are many. How fast will you accomplish the task, how good are you at the task, what is your error rate, how well do you deal with outlier issues, will you be a leader of men who increases overall through put or drag the team down with negative vibes, are you loyal (will you stay and get better or leave after training)... Then there cost of living adjustments and competition adjustments that come into effect. Is this boston (relatively expensive) or austin (relativly inexpensive). Add all that up create a reasonable pay scale range, grade the employee on that scale... boom there's the pay offer. If he accepts great, if he turns it down maybe offer a little more on the risk that he'll get there on the scale or find someone else.

Issue (2) basic survival, I define survival as the absolute minimum for a healthy person to survive, you need water, 1200 calories (estimate) or so a day, and some shelter. I'd guess you could survive on around 400 a month. I have a water purification system that can filter lake / river water for less than 1cent a gallon with an initial cost of $200. Chicken & rice and veggies on sale.. you can easily get enough food for 300 a month. You can cook the old fashioned way, using a pot and grate on an open wood fire. Shelter is sharing a spot on the floor with a sleeping back for 50 a month. That leaves you with 50 a month for other stuff like used clothes. You should be able to work about 100hrs a week. So you need to find a job that pays around 95cents an hour.

It could be done. But i'm guessing some sort of Government assistance would still be required. Especially if there are children involved.
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

You have to at least separate the question into the two disparate issues.

Issue 1) What is a fair wage for a fair days work for a fair task.
Issue 2) What should one be able to survive on.

Issue (1) is really between you and your employer, be it whether you are employer or whether you have come to an agreement with someone else for pay for a job. The factors that go into what I would pay someone are many. How fast will you accomplish the task, how good are you at the task, what is your error rate, how well do you deal with outlier issues, will you be a leader of men who increases overall through put or drag the team down with negative vibes, are you loyal (will you stay and get better or leave after training)... Then there cost of living adjustments and competition adjustments that come into effect. Is this boston (relatively expensive) or austin (relativly inexpensive). Add all that up create a reasonable pay scale range, grade the employee on that scale... boom there's the pay offer. If he accepts great, if he turns it down maybe offer a little more on the risk that he'll get there on the scale or find someone else.

Issue (2) basic survival, I define survival as the absolute minimum for a healthy person to survive, you need water, 1200 calories (estimate) or so a day, and some shelter. I'd guess you could survive on around 400 a month. I have a water purification system that can filter lake / river water for less than 1cent a gallon with an initial cost of $200. Chicken & rice and veggies on sale.. you can easily get enough food for 300 a month. You can cook the old fashioned way, using a pot and grate on an open wood fire. Shelter is sharing a spot on the floor with a sleeping back for 50 a month. That leaves you with 50 a month for other stuff like used clothes. You should be able to work about 100hrs a week. So you need to find a job that pays around 95cents an hour.

It could be done. But i'm guessing some sort of Government assistance would still be required. Especially if there are children involved.

Why would there be children involved? Who would have kids when they can't afford them? Why should government be involved in our lives?

We don't need governments to set up systems to take in children for whom the parents are absolute failures. We can handle the kids one at a time.
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You have to at least separate the question into the two disparate issues.

Issue 1) What is a fair wage for a fair days work for a fair task.
Issue 2) What should one be able to survive on.

Issue (1) is really between you and your employer, be it whether you are employer or whether you have come to an agreement with someone else for pay for a job. The factors that go into what I would pay someone are many. How fast will you accomplish the task, how good are you at the task, what is your error rate, how well do you deal with outlier issues, will you be a leader of men who increases overall through put or drag the team down with negative vibes, are you loyal (will you stay and get better or leave after training)... Then there cost of living adjustments and competition adjustments that come into effect. Is this boston (relatively expensive) or austin (relativly inexpensive). Add all that up create a reasonable pay scale range, grade the employee on that scale... boom there's the pay offer. If he accepts great, if he turns it down maybe offer a little more on the risk that he'll get there on the scale or find someone else.

Issue (2) basic survival, I define survival as the absolute minimum for a healthy person to survive, you need water, 1200 calories (estimate) or so a day, and some shelter. I'd guess you could survive on around 400 a month. I have a water purification system that can filter lake / river water for less than 1cent a gallon with an initial cost of $200. Chicken & rice and veggies on sale.. you can easily get enough food for 300 a month. You can cook the old fashioned way, using a pot and grate on an open wood fire. Shelter is sharing a spot on the floor with a sleeping back for 50 a month. That leaves you with 50 a month for other stuff like used clothes. You should be able to work about 100hrs a week. So you need to find a job that pays around 95cents an hour.

It could be done. But i'm guessing some sort of Government assistance would still be required. Especially if there are children involved.

Why would there be children involved? Who would have kids when they can't afford them? Why should government be involved in our lives? Huh?

I'm just dealing with the reality. Children are usually involved. But you gave a number you feel someone can survive on in today's America. I appreciate that. Doesn't matter whether or not i agree with that number. It's your assessment. Thanks.
I'm just dealing with the reality. Children are usually involved. But you gave a number you feel someone can survive on in today's America. I appreciate that. Doesn't matter whether or not i agree with that number. It's your assessment. Thanks.

Thus, the issue for most is not what is the minimum amount one needs to survive, the issue for many is what is the minimum amount one needs to live out the American Dream. That would be a different question, for which I would provide a different number.

Further, as current trends would indicate, the left / right issue is whether or not everyone is "entitled" to the American Dream by birth-right and / or just be being here in the states, and when they get really bold with spending also including everyone around the world in the circle of entitlement spending.
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Living Wage

For what little my op is worth, the MIT site seemed pretty on target with geographical areas I'm familar with.

I've heard of the EPI calculator, and believe it to be an attempt at even-handedness, but have not looked it over.
Living Wage

For what little my op is worth, the MIT site seemed pretty on target with geographical areas I'm familar with.

I've heard of the EPI calculator, and believe it to be an attempt at even-handedness, but have not looked it over.

Hey, thanks for the info. Very enlightening. What number personally, would you throw out there?
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.

A "fair and decent wage" is what another is wiling to pay you, and you're willing to accept.

Nothing more, and nothing less.
FYI I recently calculated that number for my second son to illustrate to him what type of job he should shoot for if he wants to live in texas and have a family. My number came out to around 60k being a decent wage for a single income family with a stay at home mom. My number came out to around 70k (or 35k avg) for a two wage family with a goes to work mom. The point of discussion was what types of jobs are viable jobs to live out that American Dream.

That dream was a basic apartment, health care, utilities, food, two cars, etc. Nothing extravagant.

Looks like the MIT site pretty much agrees with my numbers.
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I guess the most difficult nagging question is, what do we do with the Millions of Americans who just aren't making it in today's America? Wages continue to decrease, while the cost of living continues to increase. That's just the current reality. So what's the answer?
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If you run the numbers, and I'm going by the California cost of living, you'd have to make at least 25 dollars an hour.
Living Wage

For what little my op is worth, the MIT site seemed pretty on target with geographical areas I'm familar with.

I've heard of the EPI calculator, and believe it to be an attempt at even-handedness, but have not looked it over.

Hey, thanks for the info. Very enlightening. What number personally, would you throw out there?

Well, I've used the MIT site simply for my own interest. And I have no ideological truck in things like "how much should walmart pay." We're a corporate capitalist econ, and if the govt sees fit to provide assistance with food shelter healtcare etc, I can live with it, and we all differ as to how much is enough.

That said, the site indicates in urban Mississippi where I live 2 adults and 1 child need about 37,200 before taxes to have a liveable wage. I think that is pretty bare bones, but it doesn't seem unreasonable to me, and I think it's probably what families in working class neighborhoods are making.

I knew a union organizer who pointed me to a calculator that factored in things like "how close is a library" but I can't find it anymore.

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