So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

I read your historical comments carefully, Oldstyle . I was inclined at first to agree with you when you first mentioned the economic pull of better paying jobs in the north, about WWI creating job opportunities for southern African Americans, about decreased family farm ownership among all groups. Obviously for many blacks WWI opened up a possible escape from poverty and oppression. Many were long economically and politically forced into de facto slavery in the south. They were a despised race-color caste of sharecroppers, prisoners searching for any escape.

But then you started this narrow game about why they didn’t leave earlier, challenging IM2 to “explain that!,” and I concluded you were not trying to educate but just win a point, a point you were fundamentally ignorant about. As I tried to explain earlier, NOTHING about the African-American experience in that period, not life in the south, not life in the north, not buying a tiny farm or losing that farm, not staying in the south, not moving to the north .... can be explained adequately without reference to the overwhelming reality of American racism. This was a period of increasing national racism, north and south. Black scholars understand this. Most whites have no idea.

Some excellent points. It is also a historical fact that after the KKK briefly experienced a decline in the late 1880's, they experienced a resurgence in membership, and reached a peak of close to
4 million in the 1920's, and was present in nearly every southern state, which also contributed to the migration during that time frame.
On February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission findings, the Economic Policy Institute published a report evaluating the progress of the black community since the Kerner Report was released. It was based on a study done by the Economic Policy Institute that compared the progress of the black community with the condition of the black community at the time of the Kerner Commission. The Kerner Commission met in 1968 and made recommendation on how to move toward racial progress. Titled “50 years after the Kerner Commission,” the study’s central premise was that there had been some improvements in the situation blacks faced but still face disadvantages that were based on race.

Here are some of the findings.

African Americans today are much better educated than they were in 1968 but still lag behind whites in overall educational attainment. More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with just over half in 1968—which means they’ve nearly closed the gap with white high school graduation rates. They are also more than twice as likely to have a college degree as in 1968 but are still half as likely as young whites to have a college degree.

The substantial progress in educational attainment of African Americans has been accompanied by significant absolute improvements in wages, incomes, wealth, and health since 1968. But black workers still make only 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by white workers, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites, and the median white family has almost 10 times as much wealth as the median black family.

With respect to homeownership, unemployment, and incarceration, America has failed to deliver any progress for African Americans over the last five decades. In these areas, their situation has either failed to improve relative to whites or has worsened. In 2017 the black unemployment rate was 7.5 percent, up from 6.7 percent in 1968, and is still roughly twice the white unemployment rate. In 2015, the black homeownership rate was just over 40 percent, virtually unchanged since 1968, and trailing a full 30 points behind the white homeownership rate, which saw modest gains over the same period. And the share of African Americans in prison or jail almost tripled between 1968 and 2016 and is currently more than six times the white incarceration rate.

Following up on this, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute, wrote an op ed published in the February 28th edition of the New York Daily News entitled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” It had been 50 years since the commission made those recommendations at that point, yet Rothstein makes this statement: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.” People knowing nothing about responsibility want to lecture us on being accountable for our own situation. Since our situation is caused by white racism, we are held accountable and responsible to point it out and then demand that it stop.

The blacks get rich off racism is a meme created in modern times by that fat slob Limbaugh. Of course some of you here will try repeating the idiotic comments made during Jim Crow by Booker T. Washington. For him to say that while looking at the carnage done by whites right in his face is a historical example of foolishness that is unprecedented. You can't get rich off racism if there is none and when you look at those leaders you are not looking at overly wealthy people.

View attachment 329358
Al Sharpton has been estimated net worth of around $1 Million as of April 2020.
View attachment 329367

As of April 2020, Jesse Jackson’s estimated net worth is $15 million.
View attachment 329363
As of April 2020, Farrakhan’s estimated net worth is $5 million
View attachment 329365
As of April 2020, Rush Limbaugh has an estimated net worth of more than $700 million. He is one of the highest-paid people in the United States.
View attachment 329366
As of April 2020, the estimated net worth of Sean Hannity is approximately $300 million.
And here we see just exactly who has gotten famously rich from using race.

Here is another that should be on that list:

... You would do MORE for bias and inequality by SELLING academics as one of the HIGHEST values in the Black "culture"... Stop pushing stinky canards about "math and science" is RACIST and academic achievement is "too white".. Stop WASTING money sending your kids to college to get "Grievance Degrees" and get them interested in CAREERS that serve more people and give them economic security..

You're literally KILLING them by NOT elevating academics as a core cultural value..

Did IM2 say anything like the above? He quoted many academic studies, and most of them were well worth reading. When he defends Obama — a genuinely well educated man; when he uses W.E.B. Dubois as his avatar — a man who could outthink any one of us in several languages, he doesn’t show disrespect for academic achievement. Yet he gets insulted by many here just for supporting his party and the party of Obama and most African-Americans!

I don’t include you, flacaltenn, among those who badger and insult just for partisan purposes. Doesn’t seem like you would do such a thing. I hope not.

I may even agree with some of the points you raise, but in other contexts. I don’t usually agree with IM2’s (in my opinion) often over-aggressive tone, or in all aspects of his analysis. But when he’s right he’s right. We haven’t many African-American voices here and they should be listened to and not ganged up on. He should be defended against racist attacks, not hounded over every different perspective or supposed error he makes, like our “history major” Oldstyle does. He should not be falsely charged.

The historical reality, the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow hangs heavy upon ALL Americans. Otherwise we wouldn’t even be having this discussion, let alone getting all worked up about it. IM2’s point about the different and more subtle forms that white racism takes is valid. The felt experience of African Americans, their own historical experience, should not be made light of, just as when speaking directly to other Americans from different backgrounds, be they Jews or Catholics or Poles or Southern whites, a little forebearance and a careful use of language is important.

If we accept the idea that the "legacy of slavery" is such a major issue still today, so that today's blacks and future generations of blacks will always have a infinite grievance against their fellow white citizens,

we can never live in peace and harmony and tolerance.

I reject that idea. I reject the idea that I bear any "heavy" legacy for the action so other people long ago.
What do you think Jesse Jackson DID to make that 15 million, IM2?
What do you think Rush did to make that 700 million? Whites like you always want to ignore what you do and try pointing fingers at others. Limbaugh got filthy rich by race baiting people like you into believing blacks were using race as some kind of industry. and he still does.
What do you think Jesse Jackson DID to make that 15 million, IM2?
What do you think Rush did to make that 700 million? Whites like you always want to ignore what you do and try pointing fingers at others. Limbaugh got filthy rich by race baiting people like you into believing blacks were using race as some kind of industry. and he still does.
Jesse Jackson was working that cottage industry long before Rush Limbaugh was even a blip on the radar! I ask again...what has Jesse Jackson ever done to have 15 million in the bank? He's made a fortune playing the race card for 50 plus years!
I read your historical comments carefully, Oldstyle . I was inclined at first to agree with you when you first mentioned the economic pull of better paying jobs in the north, about WWI creating job opportunities for southern African Americans, about decreased family farm ownership among all groups. Obviously for many blacks WWI opened up a possible escape from poverty and oppression. Many were long economically and politically forced into de facto slavery in the south. They were a despised race-color caste of sharecroppers, prisoners searching for any escape.

But then you started this narrow game about why they didn’t leave earlier, challenging IM2 to “explain that!,” and I concluded you were not trying to educate but just win a point, a point you were fundamentally ignorant about. As I tried to explain earlier, NOTHING about the African-American experience in that period, not life in the south, not life in the north, not buying a tiny farm or losing that farm, not staying in the south, not moving to the north .... can be explained adequately without reference to the overwhelming reality of American racism. This was a period of increasing national racism, north and south. Black scholars understand this. Most whites have no idea.
So let me see if I follow your rationale here, Tom! You think that it took two generations of blacks living in the south before they were suddenly overwhelmed by the "reality of American racism" and THAT caused millions of them to uproot and move to the north? That's what you're going with to explain why The Great Exodus started in 1920 and not in 1870? With all due respect...that's absurd!

A more reasonable explanation is that a massive shortage of labor in the north brought on by the First World War prompted northern industrialists to recruit southern black labor to work in their factories. It isn't that the southern blacks were reacting to southern racism because let's be honest here...racism was alive and well from the close of the Civil War until the start of's that they were reacting to the promise of a better life in the north. A better life because of better jobs!
You are white. I am black with family that made the move. It was due to racism, period. That is what they and all the old blacks I talked to while growing up told me. You can have all the opinion you want, you can believe what you want, but the facts have nothing to do with your wants.
What do you think Jesse Jackson DID to make that 15 million, IM2?
What do you think Rush did to make that 700 million? Whites like you always want to ignore what you do and try pointing fingers at others. Limbaugh got filthy rich by race baiting people like you into believing blacks were using race as some kind of industry. and he still does.
Jesse Jackson was working that cottage industry long before Rush Limbaugh was even a blip on the radar! I ask again...what has Jesse Jackson ever done to have 15 million in the bank? He's made a fortune playing the race card for 50 plus years!
There never has been any such cottage industry. Jackson has not played any race cards. These are two terms Limbaugh made up that got him rich due to his race baiting.
I read your historical comments carefully, Oldstyle . I was inclined at first to agree with you when you first mentioned the economic pull of better paying jobs in the north, about WWI creating job opportunities for southern African Americans, about decreased family farm ownership among all groups. Obviously for many blacks WWI opened up a possible escape from poverty and oppression. Many were long economically and politically forced into de facto slavery in the south. They were a despised race-color caste of sharecroppers, prisoners searching for any escape.

But then you started this narrow game about why they didn’t leave earlier, challenging IM2 to “explain that!,” and I concluded you were not trying to educate but just win a point, a point you were fundamentally ignorant about. As I tried to explain earlier, NOTHING about the African-American experience in that period, not life in the south, not life in the north, not buying a tiny farm or losing that farm, not staying in the south, not moving to the north .... can be explained adequately without reference to the overwhelming reality of American racism. This was a period of increasing national racism, north and south. Black scholars understand this. Most whites have no idea.

Some excellent points. It is also a historical fact that after the KKK briefly experienced a decline in the late 1880's, they experienced a resurgence in membership, and reached a peak of close to
4 million in the 1920's, and was present in nearly every southern state, which also contributed to the migration during that time frame.
As opposed to the first Klan...the second Klan was also present in many Mid Western and Northern States. So why would the Klan's growth in areas outside of the south contribute to the migration of blacks FROM the south?
I read your historical comments carefully, Oldstyle . I was inclined at first to agree with you when you first mentioned the economic pull of better paying jobs in the north, about WWI creating job opportunities for southern African Americans, about decreased family farm ownership among all groups. Obviously for many blacks WWI opened up a possible escape from poverty and oppression. Many were long economically and politically forced into de facto slavery in the south. They were a despised race-color caste of sharecroppers, prisoners searching for any escape.

But then you started this narrow game about why they didn’t leave earlier, challenging IM2 to “explain that!,” and I concluded you were not trying to educate but just win a point, a point you were fundamentally ignorant about. As I tried to explain earlier, NOTHING about the African-American experience in that period, not life in the south, not life in the north, not buying a tiny farm or losing that farm, not staying in the south, not moving to the north .... can be explained adequately without reference to the overwhelming reality of American racism. This was a period of increasing national racism, north and south. Black scholars understand this. Most whites have no idea.
So let me see if I follow your rationale here, Tom! You think that it took two generations of blacks living in the south before they were suddenly overwhelmed by the "reality of American racism" and THAT caused millions of them to uproot and move to the north? That's what you're going with to explain why The Great Exodus started in 1920 and not in 1870? With all due respect...that's absurd!

A more reasonable explanation is that a massive shortage of labor in the north brought on by the First World War prompted northern industrialists to recruit southern black labor to work in their factories. It isn't that the southern blacks were reacting to southern racism because let's be honest here...racism was alive and well from the close of the Civil War until the start of's that they were reacting to the promise of a better life in the north. A better life because of better jobs!
You are white. I am black with family that made the move. It was due to racism, period. That is what they and all the old blacks I talked to while growing up told me. You can have all the opinion you want, you can believe what you want, but the facts have nothing to do with your wants.

So jobs in the north that paid three times what they did in the south wasn't a contributing factor? Just a coincidence that occurred at the start of The Great Migration?
What do you think Jesse Jackson DID to make that 15 million, IM2?
What do you think Rush did to make that 700 million? Whites like you always want to ignore what you do and try pointing fingers at others. Limbaugh got filthy rich by race baiting people like you into believing blacks were using race as some kind of industry. and he still does.
Jesse Jackson was working that cottage industry long before Rush Limbaugh was even a blip on the radar! I ask again...what has Jesse Jackson ever done to have 15 million in the bank? He's made a fortune playing the race card for 50 plus years!
There never has been any such cottage industry. Jackson has not played any race cards. These are two terms Limbaugh made up that got him rich due to his race baiting.
Wow, Jesse Jackson has never played the race card? Did you really just claim that?
I read your historical comments carefully, Oldstyle . I was inclined at first to agree with you when you first mentioned the economic pull of better paying jobs in the north, about WWI creating job opportunities for southern African Americans, about decreased family farm ownership among all groups. Obviously for many blacks WWI opened up a possible escape from poverty and oppression. Many were long economically and politically forced into de facto slavery in the south. They were a despised race-color caste of sharecroppers, prisoners searching for any escape.

But then you started this narrow game about why they didn’t leave earlier, challenging IM2 to “explain that!,” and I concluded you were not trying to educate but just win a point, a point you were fundamentally ignorant about. As I tried to explain earlier, NOTHING about the African-American experience in that period, not life in the south, not life in the north, not buying a tiny farm or losing that farm, not staying in the south, not moving to the north .... can be explained adequately without reference to the overwhelming reality of American racism. This was a period of increasing national racism, north and south. Black scholars understand this. Most whites have no idea.

Some excellent points. It is also a historical fact that after the KKK briefly experienced a decline in the late 1880's, they experienced a resurgence in membership, and reached a peak of close to
4 million in the 1920's, and was present in nearly every southern state, which also contributed to the migration during that time frame.
As opposed to the first Klan...the second Klan was also present in many Mid Western and Northern States. So why would the Klan's growth in areas outside of the south contribute to the migration of blacks FROM the south?

Maybe you didn't read my statement. At its peak of 4 million in the 1920's, they were present in ALMOST EVERY SOUTHERN STATE.

Of course they were present throughout the country however, not in EVERY State in comparable numbers to the southern states.
What do you think Jesse Jackson DID to make that 15 million, IM2?
What do you think Rush did to make that 700 million? Whites like you always want to ignore what you do and try pointing fingers at others. Limbaugh got filthy rich by race baiting people like you into believing blacks were using race as some kind of industry. and he still does.
Jesse Jackson was working that cottage industry long before Rush Limbaugh was even a blip on the radar! I ask again...what has Jesse Jackson ever done to have 15 million in the bank? He's made a fortune playing the race card for 50 plus years!
There never has been any such cottage industry. Jackson has not played any race cards. These are two terms Limbaugh made up that got him rich due to his race baiting.
Wow, Jesse Jackson has never played the race card? Did you really just claim that?
I most certainly did. Tell me what playing the race card is then show me an instance where he played it. Because what you believe is nonsense and I going to show you that..
I read your historical comments carefully, Oldstyle . I was inclined at first to agree with you when you first mentioned the economic pull of better paying jobs in the north, about WWI creating job opportunities for southern African Americans, about decreased family farm ownership among all groups. Obviously for many blacks WWI opened up a possible escape from poverty and oppression. Many were long economically and politically forced into de facto slavery in the south. They were a despised race-color caste of sharecroppers, prisoners searching for any escape.

But then you started this narrow game about why they didn’t leave earlier, challenging IM2 to “explain that!,” and I concluded you were not trying to educate but just win a point, a point you were fundamentally ignorant about. As I tried to explain earlier, NOTHING about the African-American experience in that period, not life in the south, not life in the north, not buying a tiny farm or losing that farm, not staying in the south, not moving to the north .... can be explained adequately without reference to the overwhelming reality of American racism. This was a period of increasing national racism, north and south. Black scholars understand this. Most whites have no idea.
So let me see if I follow your rationale here, Tom! You think that it took two generations of blacks living in the south before they were suddenly overwhelmed by the "reality of American racism" and THAT caused millions of them to uproot and move to the north? That's what you're going with to explain why The Great Exodus started in 1920 and not in 1870? With all due respect...that's absurd!

A more reasonable explanation is that a massive shortage of labor in the north brought on by the First World War prompted northern industrialists to recruit southern black labor to work in their factories. It isn't that the southern blacks were reacting to southern racism because let's be honest here...racism was alive and well from the close of the Civil War until the start of's that they were reacting to the promise of a better life in the north. A better life because of better jobs!
You are white. I am black with family that made the move. It was due to racism, period. That is what they and all the old blacks I talked to while growing up told me. You can have all the opinion you want, you can believe what you want, but the facts have nothing to do with your wants.

So jobs in the north that paid three times what they did in the south wasn't a contributing factor? Just a coincidence that occurred at the start of The Great Migration?
Racism was the reason. I'm done arguing with you about that.
I read your historical comments carefully, Oldstyle . I was inclined at first to agree with you when you first mentioned the economic pull of better paying jobs in the north, about WWI creating job opportunities for southern African Americans, about decreased family farm ownership among all groups. Obviously for many blacks WWI opened up a possible escape from poverty and oppression. Many were long economically and politically forced into de facto slavery in the south. They were a despised race-color caste of sharecroppers, prisoners searching for any escape.

But then you started this narrow game about why they didn’t leave earlier, challenging IM2 to “explain that!,” and I concluded you were not trying to educate but just win a point, a point you were fundamentally ignorant about. As I tried to explain earlier, NOTHING about the African-American experience in that period, not life in the south, not life in the north, not buying a tiny farm or losing that farm, not staying in the south, not moving to the north .... can be explained adequately without reference to the overwhelming reality of American racism. This was a period of increasing national racism, north and south. Black scholars understand this. Most whites have no idea.
So let me see if I follow your rationale here, Tom! You think that it took two generations of blacks living in the south before they were suddenly overwhelmed by the "reality of American racism" and THAT caused millions of them to uproot and move to the north? That's what you're going with to explain why The Great Exodus started in 1920 and not in 1870? With all due respect...that's absurd!

A more reasonable explanation is that a massive shortage of labor in the north brought on by the First World War prompted northern industrialists to recruit southern black labor to work in their factories. It isn't that the southern blacks were reacting to southern racism because let's be honest here...racism was alive and well from the close of the Civil War until the start of's that they were reacting to the promise of a better life in the north. A better life because of better jobs!
You are white. I am black with family that made the move. It was due to racism, period. That is what they and all the old blacks I talked to while growing up told me. You can have all the opinion you want, you can believe what you want, but the facts have nothing to do with your wants.

So jobs in the north that paid three times what they did in the south wasn't a contributing factor? Just a coincidence that occurred at the start of The Great Migration?
Racism was the reason. I'm done arguing with you about that.

IMO opinion:

The migration occurred due to racist policies in the south, which also affected the available jobs for blacks.

I recall vividly, the fear that southern black people felt about the Klan, and how they expressed the need to leave.

Job opportunities were definitely a part of it, but the blatant racism in the south was also a big factor as well.

That can't be denied.
So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?
Slavery--sharecropping---jim crow--civil rights legislation--great society--destruction of the family--single parent household--welfare--violence--continued poverty--Slavery.

The end.
I read your historical comments carefully, Oldstyle . I was inclined at first to agree with you when you first mentioned the economic pull of better paying jobs in the north, about WWI creating job opportunities for southern African Americans, about decreased family farm ownership among all groups. Obviously for many blacks WWI opened up a possible escape from poverty and oppression. Many were long economically and politically forced into de facto slavery in the south. They were a despised race-color caste of sharecroppers, prisoners searching for any escape.

But then you started this narrow game about why they didn’t leave earlier, challenging IM2 to “explain that!,” and I concluded you were not trying to educate but just win a point, a point you were fundamentally ignorant about. As I tried to explain earlier, NOTHING about the African-American experience in that period, not life in the south, not life in the north, not buying a tiny farm or losing that farm, not staying in the south, not moving to the north .... can be explained adequately without reference to the overwhelming reality of American racism. This was a period of increasing national racism, north and south. Black scholars understand this. Most whites have no idea.
So let me see if I follow your rationale here, Tom! You think that it took two generations of blacks living in the south before they were suddenly overwhelmed by the "reality of American racism" and THAT caused millions of them to uproot and move to the north? That's what you're going with to explain why The Great Exodus started in 1920 and not in 1870? With all due respect...that's absurd!

A more reasonable explanation is that a massive shortage of labor in the north brought on by the First World War prompted northern industrialists to recruit southern black labor to work in their factories. It isn't that the southern blacks were reacting to southern racism because let's be honest here...racism was alive and well from the close of the Civil War until the start of's that they were reacting to the promise of a better life in the north. A better life because of better jobs!
You are white. I am black with family that made the move. It was due to racism, period. That is what they and all the old blacks I talked to while growing up told me. You can have all the opinion you want, you can believe what you want, but the facts have nothing to do with your wants.

So jobs in the north that paid three times what they did in the south wasn't a contributing factor? Just a coincidence that occurred at the start of The Great Migration?
Racism was the reason. I'm done arguing with you about that.

IMO opinion:

The migration occurred due to racist policies in the south, which also affected the available jobs for blacks.

I recall vividly, the fear that southern black people felt about the Klan, and how they expressed the need to leave.

Job opportunities were definitely a part of it, but the blatant racism in the south was also a big factor as well.

That can't be denied.
Sigh...racist policies existed in the south long before 1920, Katsteve! So why were blacks not afraid of them in the fifty years since the Civil War? In 1920 the Klan was reconstituting but this time it was not just in the south...there were an estimated 40,000 Klansmen in the Detroit area. So explain to me why blacks would leave the south out of fear of the Klan in 1920 when the Klan was now in the area they were going to be moving to? Then they were scared but not when the Klan was only in the south? That makes sense to you?
So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?
Slavery--sharecropping---jim crow--civil rights legislation--great society--destruction of the family--single parent household--welfare--violence--continued poverty--Slavery.

The end.

No, that's not what has happened. But that's the intellectually lazy white racists rationalization of continuing white racist public policy. By both parties, in all towns, cities and states.
I read your historical comments carefully, Oldstyle . I was inclined at first to agree with you when you first mentioned the economic pull of better paying jobs in the north, about WWI creating job opportunities for southern African Americans, about decreased family farm ownership among all groups. Obviously for many blacks WWI opened up a possible escape from poverty and oppression. Many were long economically and politically forced into de facto slavery in the south. They were a despised race-color caste of sharecroppers, prisoners searching for any escape.

But then you started this narrow game about why they didn’t leave earlier, challenging IM2 to “explain that!,” and I concluded you were not trying to educate but just win a point, a point you were fundamentally ignorant about. As I tried to explain earlier, NOTHING about the African-American experience in that period, not life in the south, not life in the north, not buying a tiny farm or losing that farm, not staying in the south, not moving to the north .... can be explained adequately without reference to the overwhelming reality of American racism. This was a period of increasing national racism, north and south. Black scholars understand this. Most whites have no idea.
So let me see if I follow your rationale here, Tom! You think that it took two generations of blacks living in the south before they were suddenly overwhelmed by the "reality of American racism" and THAT caused millions of them to uproot and move to the north? That's what you're going with to explain why The Great Exodus started in 1920 and not in 1870? With all due respect...that's absurd!

A more reasonable explanation is that a massive shortage of labor in the north brought on by the First World War prompted northern industrialists to recruit southern black labor to work in their factories. It isn't that the southern blacks were reacting to southern racism because let's be honest here...racism was alive and well from the close of the Civil War until the start of's that they were reacting to the promise of a better life in the north. A better life because of better jobs!
You are white. I am black with family that made the move. It was due to racism, period. That is what they and all the old blacks I talked to while growing up told me. You can have all the opinion you want, you can believe what you want, but the facts have nothing to do with your wants.

So jobs in the north that paid three times what they did in the south wasn't a contributing factor? Just a coincidence that occurred at the start of The Great Migration?
Racism was the reason. I'm done arguing with you about that.

IMO opinion:

The migration occurred due to racist policies in the south, which also affected the available jobs for blacks.

I recall vividly, the fear that southern black people felt about the Klan, and how they expressed the need to leave.

Job opportunities were definitely a part of it, but the blatant racism in the south was also a big factor as well.

That can't be denied.
Sigh...racist policies existed in the south long before 1920, Katsteve! So why were blacks not afraid of them in the fifty years since the Civil War? In 1920 the Klan was reconstituting but this time it was not just in the south...there were an estimated 40,000 Klansmen in the Detroit area. So explain to me why blacks would leave the south out of fear of the Klan when the Klan was now in the area they were going to be moving to but DIDN'T move when the Klan was only in the south?
Why do you continuing arguing with blacks whose family members moved during the great migration? Why are you trying to tell us why it happened when we were told why by the blacks who actually did the moving? We did not come to these opinions by reading about it in a white written textbook, that was published by a white company, then approved by a majority or all white state education board.
So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?
Slavery--sharecropping---jim crow--civil rights legislation--great society--destruction of the family--single parent household--welfare--violence--continued poverty--Slavery.

The end.

No, that's not what has happened. But that's the intellectually lazy white racists rationalization of continuing white racist public policy. By both parties, in all towns, cities and states.
You know what's sad about you, IM2? You see "racism" behind every bush, tree and outhouse but you can't see any of the bad things that your liberal leaders have done to blacks over the past sixty years. People like Jesse Jackson do their "racist" song and dance...for all that time...and you can't see that they haven't done squat to make the lives of black people any better. He points at white people as the cause of all evil and you eat it up with a spoon! Meanwhile he's living high on the hog laughing his ass off at you.

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