So What Happens If One Chooses Not To Wear One?

One guess.

The blog said that 30,000 rainbow badges were provided to Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) teachers, administrators and staff “to wear voluntarily that proudly identify themselves as allies and protectors of students who are LGBT.”

Feds Promote Rainbow Badges for Teachers, Staff at Public Schools to Identify as LGBT ‘Allies’

And, on the other side....this Liberal's plan:

"A Harvard law professor has called for liberals to begin treating like Nazis those who subscribe to Christian or conservative beliefs.

In a Friday blog postat Balkinization,Mark Tushnetsaid conservatives and Christians have lost the culture wars, and now the question is “how to deal with the losers.”

“My own judgment is that taking a hard line (‘You lost, live with it’) is better than trying to accommodate the losers,” he wrote.

“Trying to be nice to the losers didn’t work well after the Civil War, nor after Brown,”Mr. Tushnet wrote, citing the Supreme Court case on segregation. “And taking a hard line seemed to work reasonably well in Germany and Japan after 1945.”

Mr. Tushnet said liberals should stop being so hesitant to advance their agenda through the judiciary, saying a majority of federal judges have been appointed by Democratic presidents, and they need not worry “reversal by the Supreme Court” now that former Associate Justice Antonin Scalia is dead."
Harvard professor: Start treating Christian conservatives like Nazis

No giant leap here, as one Democrat/Liberal President actually put American citizens in concentration camps.

It was wrong...but he wasn't the only President who put people in concentration camps...others did too, they just called them Reservations.


Tell, me....were there any other Presidents who facilitated the survival of Soviet Communism and Joseph Stalin?

....or do you imagine that it's a good thing that the major political party today...the very same one in this issue, supports the very same goals as the Communist Party?
We get that you hate FDR......

Be accurate.

I hate the ideology that slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children....
...and, those who made it possible for same to survive and thrive.

Don't you?
One guess.

The blog said that 30,000 rainbow badges were provided to Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) teachers, administrators and staff “to wear voluntarily that proudly identify themselves as allies and protectors of students who are LGBT.”

Feds Promote Rainbow Badges for Teachers, Staff at Public Schools to Identify as LGBT ‘Allies’

And, on the other side....this Liberal's plan:

"A Harvard law professor has called for liberals to begin treating like Nazis those who subscribe to Christian or conservative beliefs.

In a Friday blog postat Balkinization,Mark Tushnetsaid conservatives and Christians have lost the culture wars, and now the question is “how to deal with the losers.”

“My own judgment is that taking a hard line (‘You lost, live with it’) is better than trying to accommodate the losers,” he wrote.

“Trying to be nice to the losers didn’t work well after the Civil War, nor after Brown,”Mr. Tushnet wrote, citing the Supreme Court case on segregation. “And taking a hard line seemed to work reasonably well in Germany and Japan after 1945.”

Mr. Tushnet said liberals should stop being so hesitant to advance their agenda through the judiciary, saying a majority of federal judges have been appointed by Democratic presidents, and they need not worry “reversal by the Supreme Court” now that former Associate Justice Antonin Scalia is dead."
Harvard professor: Start treating Christian conservatives like Nazis

No giant leap here, as one Democrat/Liberal President actually put American citizens in concentration camps.

It was wrong...but he wasn't the only President who put people in concentration camps...others did too, they just called them Reservations.


Tell, me....were there any other Presidents who facilitated the survival of Soviet Communism and Joseph Stalin?

....or do you imagine that it's a good thing that the major political party today...the very same one in this issue, supports the very same goals as the Communist Party?
We get that you hate FDR......

Be accurate.

I hate the ideology that slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children....
...and, those who made it possible for same to survive and thrive.

Don't you?
We get that you hate FDR.
And, on the other side....this Liberal's plan:

"A Harvard law professor has called for liberals to begin treating like Nazis those who subscribe to Christian or conservative beliefs.

In a Friday blog postat Balkinization,Mark Tushnetsaid conservatives and Christians have lost the culture wars, and now the question is “how to deal with the losers.”

“My own judgment is that taking a hard line (‘You lost, live with it’) is better than trying to accommodate the losers,” he wrote.

“Trying to be nice to the losers didn’t work well after the Civil War, nor after Brown,”Mr. Tushnet wrote, citing the Supreme Court case on segregation. “And taking a hard line seemed to work reasonably well in Germany and Japan after 1945.”

Mr. Tushnet said liberals should stop being so hesitant to advance their agenda through the judiciary, saying a majority of federal judges have been appointed by Democratic presidents, and they need not worry “reversal by the Supreme Court” now that former Associate Justice Antonin Scalia is dead."
Harvard professor: Start treating Christian conservatives like Nazis

No giant leap here, as one Democrat/Liberal President actually put American citizens in concentration camps.

It was wrong...but he wasn't the only President who put people in concentration camps...others did too, they just called them Reservations.


Tell, me....were there any other Presidents who facilitated the survival of Soviet Communism and Joseph Stalin?

....or do you imagine that it's a good thing that the major political party today...the very same one in this issue, supports the very same goals as the Communist Party?
We get that you hate FDR......

Be accurate.

I hate the ideology that slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children....
...and, those who made it possible for same to survive and thrive.

Don't you?
We get that you hate FDR.

Gee....that was such a simple query...
I hate the ideology that slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children....
...and, those who made it possible for same to survive and thrive.

Don't you?

Why would you be afraid to answer it?

Gads you Liberals are such cowards when it comes to confronting the evil on your side.
Fuck off ya dimwitted've literally been on this thread for hours...I go pick up my children from school, come back and here ya are. Don't you have a life other than trying to bullshit people? Listen very're a fake, a fraud, you don't know shit from shinola about 90% of the topics you comment on....give it up already and stop looking like the clown you are.

He's a troll. He got to you which is what gets trolls off.

I sent him to ignore island long ago. This thread is much more pleasant to read without having to scroll through his excrement.


One guess.

The blog said that 30,000 rainbow badges were provided to Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) teachers, administrators and staff “to wear voluntarily that proudly identify themselves as allies and protectors of students who are LGBT.”

Feds Promote Rainbow Badges for Teachers, Staff at Public Schools to Identify as LGBT ‘Allies’
It’s creepy.

Our public schools now assume the authority of indoctrination, all the while are failing our students in the duty of education. They could not care less of the very real moral and spiritual ramifications of their intrusive ways. This is solely for the parents to deal with homosexuality, transgenderism and sexual choices. Don’t tell me these authorities and the govt do not have an agenda or are pushing kids to one ideology of thought --- i.e., it’s all Ok, it’s all good, it is just a matter of choice. This is wrong and dangerous and not their business.
Lucy claims to be a Christian but does not show Christ like love.

Sassy and OO clearly do not know the Lord.

Sassy quoted the Lord's word....while you blabber about things you know little of....fake
No, they quoted John's word.

I quoted the teaching of Jesus Himself, as you well know.

Don't ever correct me on matters scriptural, because you will always reveal your ignorance.

Really, I say this as a person concerned for your soul.

The Lord's Prayer is quite clear that you must ask for the forgiveness of your sins in the same light as you forgive others who sin against you.

Don't have a troubled heart, please.

All things are possible in Christ Jesus.

Lean on Him, Lucy.

The Lord's word, along and try and bullshit someone else.....I think you're a fucking idiot, nothing more and nothing less
Lucy claims to be a Christian but does not show Christ like love.

Sassy and OO clearly do not know the Lord.

Sassy quoted the Lord's word....while you blabber about things you know little of....fake
No, they quoted John's word.

I quoted the teaching of Jesus Himself, as you well know.

Don't ever correct me on matters scriptural, because you will always reveal your ignorance.

Really, I say this as a person concerned for your soul.

The Lord's Prayer is quite clear that you must ask for the forgiveness of your sins in the same light as you forgive others who sin against you.

Don't have a troubled heart, please.

All things are possible in Christ Jesus.

Lean on Him, Lucy.

The Lord's word, along and try and bullshit someone else.....I think you're a fucking idiot, nothing more and nothing less
You don't know your Bible, routeirish.

Lean on Him, sassy, you are in spiritual turmoil.

Fuck off ya dimwitted've literally been on this thread for hours...I go pick up my children from school, come back and here ya are. Don't you have a life other than trying to bullshit people? Listen very're a fake, a fraud, you don't know shit from shinola about 90% of the topics you comment on....give it up already and stop looking like the clown you are.

Your postings over the last few hours, counting back:

4:01, 3:54, 3:44, 3:41, 3:14, 3:02, 2:58, 2:55, 2:38, 2:32, 2:30, 2:14, 2:10, 2:08.....Hmmmmm
I don't see a problem in anyone VOLUNTARILY offering support to a vulnerable student of ANY kind.
Of course Jake and Co. wouldn't know this, being anti-God and anti-Christian.
You should show us your "I get to call who is and isn't a Christian" credential.
The bible tells you who is and is not a christian.
Which version, Christer?
What the heck is a "christer"?

It's what the fruit loops call Christians.
I had no idea that "Christer" is a slur for Christian. Is this a USMB invention? Who invented it?
Let this sink in real good given the insane PC world the leftists have created in our indoctrination centers:

"The federal government’s anti-bullying website posted a blog last month touting the OUT for Safe Schools program started by homosexual activists in the Los Angeles, Calif., public schools where “rainbow badges” are worn by teachers and staff to identify them as “allies” of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender students."

Your tax dollars at work.

So I'm a little snowflake with an agenda walking down the hall and I see a teacher without a rainbow badge. I immediately feel threatened by this overt aggression and run to the school administration in fear. The administration, afraid of PC backlash, has no alternative than to sanction/suspend/fire the offending faculty member.

Toe the line no matter how crazy it is. Once you submit, it won't be enough. There will be another and another level of depravity. There is never enough for the leftists tools.
Let this sink in real good given the insane PC world the leftists have created in our indoctrination centers:

"The federal government’s anti-bullying website posted a blog last month touting the OUT for Safe Schools program started by homosexual activists in the Los Angeles, Calif., public schools where “rainbow badges” are worn by teachers and staff to identify them as “allies” of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender students."

Your tax dollars at work.

So I'm a little snowflake with an agenda walking down the hall and I see a teacher without a rainbow badge. I immediately feel threatened by this overt aggression and run to the school administration in fear. The administration, afraid of PC backlash, has no alternative than to sanction/suspend/fire the offending faculty member.

Toe the line no matter how crazy it is. Once you submit, it won't be enough. There will be another and another level of depravity. There is never enough for the leftists tools.
Yes...we get it. Very upset that there are not ribbons for teachers to wear identifying them as "allies" of bullies and bigots. What design for those ribbons, I wonder.
Let this sink in real good given the insane PC world the leftists have created in our indoctrination centers:

"The federal government’s anti-bullying website posted a blog last month touting the OUT for Safe Schools program started by homosexual activists in the Los Angeles, Calif., public schools where “rainbow badges” are worn by teachers and staff to identify them as “allies” of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender students."

Your tax dollars at work.

So I'm a little snowflake with an agenda walking down the hall and I see a teacher without a rainbow badge. I immediately feel threatened by this overt aggression and run to the school administration in fear. The administration, afraid of PC backlash, has no alternative than to sanction/suspend/fire the offending faculty member.

Toe the line no matter how crazy it is. Once you submit, it won't be enough. There will be another and another level of depravity. There is never enough for the leftists tools.
Yes...we get it. Very upset that there are not ribbons for teachers to wear identifying them as "allies" of bullies and bigots. What design for those ribbons, I wonder.

Spin fail. Epic fail.
Let this sink in real good given the insane PC world the leftists have created in our indoctrination centers:

"The federal government’s anti-bullying website posted a blog last month touting the OUT for Safe Schools program started by homosexual activists in the Los Angeles, Calif., public schools where “rainbow badges” are worn by teachers and staff to identify them as “allies” of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender students."

Your tax dollars at work.

So I'm a little snowflake with an agenda walking down the hall and I see a teacher without a rainbow badge. I immediately feel threatened by this overt aggression and run to the school administration in fear. The administration, afraid of PC backlash, has no alternative than to sanction/suspend/fire the offending faculty member.

Toe the line no matter how crazy it is. Once you submit, it won't be enough. There will be another and another level of depravity. There is never enough for the leftists tools.
Yes...we get it. Very upset that there are not ribbons for teachers to wear identifying them as "allies" of bullies and bigots. What design for those ribbons, I wonder.

Spin fail. Epic fail.
C'mon....what color ribbon do you want your allies to wear?

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