So What Happens If One Chooses Not To Wear One?

I'm afraid that makes you a hater and a bigot.
Why? I see her point it's an adult decision and should be made by ab adult.
I couldn't agree more. But to some here that is hatred and bigotry.
It's up to the individual and to the individual's family. My son is taking hormones. It's the right thing for him. He won't be getting any surgeries until he turns 18. In one year.
It shouldn't be up to the family to mess with a healthy child's hormones. That's just wrong.
If it isn't up to the trans kid and his family who IS it up to? YOU just attacked my family.

No, she did not. She is saying that these changes are forever and a child should be allowed to mature naturally until they are adult enough to make such a decision.
Why? I see her point it's an adult decision and should be made by ab adult.
I couldn't agree more. But to some here that is hatred and bigotry.
It's up to the individual and to the individual's family. My son is taking hormones. It's the right thing for him. He won't be getting any surgeries until he turns 18. In one year.
A lot of kids who believe entirely that they want to be the opposite gender do not feel the same way as adults, ie they do not go on to become trans gender adults. Those that have been given cross gender hormone therapy will become infertile, and Drs are giving these drugs to children as young as 12. I'm afraid I do not believe there is any way to be absolutely certain that a kid with gender issues won't go on to change their mind later, yet some Drs are messing up children's biochemistry, fertility and sexual characteristics for life. That is 100% grossly wrong IMHO. If an adult wants to go through that fine. An adult can make an informed decision, consider the lifetime consequences, study the science, a kid cannot.

I agree with that.
Tough shit. It's OUR decision, rather my sons which I support.

I am beginning to think they lucked out wh
I couldn't agree more. But to some here that is hatred and bigotry.
It's up to the individual and to the individual's family. My son is taking hormones. It's the right thing for him. He won't be getting any surgeries until he turns 18. In one year.
It shouldn't be up to the family to mess with a healthy child's hormones. That's just wrong.
If it isn't up to the trans kid and his family who IS it up to? YOU just attacked my family.

No, she did not. She is saying that these changes are forever and a child should be allowed to mature naturally until they are adult enough to make such a decision.
My kids life. Not yours, and not hers. STOP ATTACKING ME AND MY FAMILY.

You need to step away from the keyboard. Go out and get some fresh air, you are getting hysterical.
I haven't read the entire 68-page thread but I will say that the LAUSD is preparing the groundwork for a lawsuit by any teacher who doesn't wear the loyalty badge, and is punished for it. They might as well start writing checks now.
Why? I see her point it's an adult decision and should be made by ab adult.
I couldn't agree more. But to some here that is hatred and bigotry.
It's up to the individual and to the individual's family. My son is taking hormones. It's the right thing for him. He won't be getting any surgeries until he turns 18. In one year.
It shouldn't be up to the family to mess with a healthy child's hormones. That's just wrong.
If it isn't up to the trans kid and his family who IS it up to? YOU just attacked my family.

No, she did not. She is saying that these changes are forever and a child should be allowed to mature naturally until they are adult enough to make such a decision.
I'm so glad you understand what I'm saying. I think I'm quite clear, yet I'm repeatedly being told I've said this that and the other.
This kind of sums up my feelings on it:

Trans activists are effectively experimenting on children. Could there be anything more cruel?

Brendan O'Neill
The NHS now prescribes puberty-blocking drugs to so-called trans kids when they turn 10 or 11. This seems especially cruel, to deny children that tough but essential transitionary period, that biological burst that turns girls into women and boys into gruff-voiced scallywags who might one day mature into men. We do not ask 10-year-olds to make major decisions in relation to their schooling, where they live, smoking or sex; and yet we now invite them to make the terrifying existential choice to offset adulthood itself, to keep their hormones locked in limbo, to determine what sex they are. What a terrible burden to put on a human being who probably isn’t allowed to walk to the shop on his own or to stay up past 9pm.

We all now recognise that it was wrong and wicked to have castrato singers, males who were castrated before puberty in order to preserve their pure and feminine dulcet tones. The last-ever castrato died in 1922. Yet are we not doing something similar today, using drugs to keep boys (and girls) in a puberty-avoiding state, a childish limbo, having convinced them with psychobabble that they are dysphoric?

The treatment of non-conforming or plain funny kids as ‘transgender’ strikes me as a stunning abdication of adult responsibility. It is the job of adults to correct childish confusions, to guide kids through weird or rough patches, and ensure, to the best of our abilities, that they come out the other end as rounded, hopefully happy adults. But now, the cult of relativism runs so deep that adults even balk from making that most basic of all judgements – that a child with a penis is a boy and a child with a vagina is a girl – and instead we accommodate to the child’s own fads and silliness.

What about children who want to be dogs, or dinosaurs, or racing car drivers? Should we indulge them? ‘Transgender kids’ aren’t at fault at all here – the problem is an adult society that has so profoundly lost the plot that it can no longer steer and socialise the next generation, and can’t even bring itself to say ‘boys will be boys and girls will be girls’ because to do so in our Queer Studies-saturated era is apparently to be discriminatory, judgemental, oppressive.

There’s one more, seriously dark element to the promotion of the ‘trans kids’ phenomenon: it’s being pushed by adult trans activists as a way of pursuing their own interests and agenda. More and more trans campaigners are using ‘trans kids’ effectively as a moral shield, hoping that if they can convince the world that transgenderism is something that emerges as early as three or four then it must be natural, good, healthy, and thus should be insulated from criticism.

That is, they’re effectively experimenting on children, both socially and medically, both through filling kids’ heads with nonsense about dysphoria and offering them drugs, in order to advance their own adult demands for greater recognition. This is repulsive, the creation of a new generation of castratos who are paraded and praised in public by self-serving trans activists who only want more political clout and respect. Stop it. Let kids be kids. A boy who plays with dolls is not trans or dysphoric – he’s just a boy who plays with dolls.

Trans activists are effectively experimenting on children. Could there be anything more cruel? | Coffee House
I couldn't agree more. But to some here that is hatred and bigotry.
It's up to the individual and to the individual's family. My son is taking hormones. It's the right thing for him. He won't be getting any surgeries until he turns 18. In one year.
It shouldn't be up to the family to mess with a healthy child's hormones. That's just wrong.
If it isn't up to the trans kid and his family who IS it up to? YOU just attacked my family.

No, she did not. She is saying that these changes are forever and a child should be allowed to mature naturally until they are adult enough to make such a decision.
My kids life. Not yours, and not hers. STOP ATTACKING ME AND MY FAMILY.
I am NOT attacking anyone and have no desire to do so. I'm simply explaining why I am opposed to this treatment of children, but you clearly are only interested in attacking and smearing rather than looking at my reasons.
Transgender Youth: Are Puberty-Blocking Drugs An Appropriate Medical Intervention?

...Yet some argue that the physical long-term effects of puberty suppression remain unknown. And this is why some people claim that puberty suppression may not only be inappropriate but potentially abusive. "Puberty does not just change the sexual organs; it also affects brain development, bone and muscle development," wrote Dale O'Leary in an article for MercatorNet. "No one knows all the potential side effects of administering puberty-delaying hormones on children; it constitutes human experimentation

Some simply question whether an adolescent child is able to give truly informed consent. Others argue that allowing adolescents to suspend their normal puberty development is pushing them along the path of sexual reassignment surgery (SRS), which they will feel compelled to undergo after blocking puberty. One other bioethical argument can be made that GID is a hugely complex condition about which too little is understood. In one instance, a man suffering GID and awaiting SRS was administered female hormones for a number of years, which caused enlargement of his breasts and atrophy of his genitals. After being correctly diagnosed with schizophrenia and medicated properly, he regretted the hormone treatment as he no longer believed he was truly female...

Transgender Youth: Are Puberty-Blocking Drugs An Appropriate Medical Intervention?
My son did not have puberty blocking drugs. He is taking hormones, and he aspires to have surgery next year.

I have been personalizing too much of this discussion. I'm actually the wimp in the family about this. My wife and son are more courageous.

That's all I have to say. Once again, I should NEVER discuss family with internet strangers.

My apologies to all of you. I plan to stop posting for awhile.
Pile on in progress. Enjoy all of you. NOT ONE freaking friend here in this.

"NOT ONE freaking friend here in this."

A friend tells you that you've lost control and to get a grip. You need to go and calm down, do something calming, this isn't healthy for you what's happening right now.

"My apologies to all of you."

You don't need to apologise, but you do need to get your head in a more positive mode, because it's all been somewhat frightening what's occurred....please try to calm down for your own sake.
Pile on in progress. Enjoy all of you. NOT ONE freaking friend here in this.
You are the only person in this thread who is being combative.
Sue me.
Not worth the time or effort. Tilley is a lucky lass if you put her on ignore.
I am happy to put Tilly and everyone else on ignore and to avoid this topic in the future. I've certainly learned how unwise it is to talk about something this close to my heart.
Pile on in progress. Enjoy all of you. NOT ONE freaking friend here in this.
You are the only person in this thread who is being combative.
Sue me.
Not worth the time or effort. Tilley is a lucky lass if you put her on ignore.
I am happy to put Tilly and everyone else on ignore and to avoid this topic in the future. I've certainly learned how unwise it is to talk about something this close to my heart.

You need to learn, for example ice-cream is close to my heart, but if someone doesn't 100% agree with me about ice-cream, I'll agree to disagree with them :smoke:
My son did not have puberty blocking drugs. He is taking hormones, and he aspires to have surgery next year.

I have been personalizing too much of this discussion. I'm actually the wimp in the family about this. My wife and son are more courageous.

That's all I have to say. Once again, I should NEVER discuss family with internet strangers.

My apologies to all of you. I plan to stop posting for awhile.

Here's something nice, this should make anyone feel a bit better....the cute baby piglets, look how fluffy they are :smile:

Pile on in progress. Enjoy all of you. NOT ONE freaking friend here in this.
You are the only person in this thread who is being combative.
Sue me.
Not worth the time or effort. Tilley is a lucky lass if you put her on ignore.

Does anyone know what even caused all of this, it just erupted.

I think we disagreed about badges. That seems to be a no no.
My son did not have puberty blocking drugs. He is taking hormones, and he aspires to have surgery next year.

I have been personalizing too much of this discussion. I'm actually the wimp in the family about this. My wife and son are more courageous.

That's all I have to say. Once again, I should NEVER discuss family with internet strangers.

My apologies to all of you. I plan to stop posting for awhile.

Here's something nice, this should make anyone feel a bit better....the cute baby piglets, look how fluffy they are :smile:

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I have a friend who raises the little dwarf pigs.

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