So what I dont believe in God?

^^^^Proof that Christians are so full of themselves, they look down their noses at those who don't "believe" their dogma.

Not all -find a message of mine that is like this... Christian's are under more scrutiny, but we are fallible also.
Postmodernprophet was looking down his nose at Hollie.
and why would that be wrong?.......Hollie is a dimwitted and dishonest poster......
^^^^Proof that Christians are so full of themselves, they look down their noses at those who don't "believe" their dogma.

Not all -find a message of mine that is like this... Christian's are under more scrutiny, but we are fallible also.
Postmodernprophet was looking down his nose at Hollie.
and why would that be wrong?.......Hollie is a dimwitted and dishonest poster......
Would the jeebus approve of that?
^^^^Proof that Christians are so full of themselves, they look down their noses at those who don't "believe" their dogma.

Not all -find a message of mine that is like this... Christian's are under more scrutiny, but we are fallible also.
Postmodernprophet was looking down his nose at Hollie.
and why would that be wrong?.......Hollie is a dimwitted and dishonest poster......
Would the jeebus approve of that?
yes.....he always encouraged people to be truthful.......
^^^^Proof that Christians are so full of themselves, they look down their noses at those who don't "believe" their dogma.

Not all -find a message of mine that is like this... Christian's are under more scrutiny, but we are fallible also.
Postmodernprophet was looking down his nose at Hollie.
and why would that be wrong?.......Hollie is a dimwitted and dishonest poster......
Would the jeebus approve of that?
yes.....he always encouraged people to be truthful.......
So why not be truthful about your belief in biblical literalism and your YEC'ist fantasies?
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God?

You'll go to hell where demons will poke your soft dingle dangle bits with red hot pitchforks while gay elephants enjoy your anus.

Other than that - no worries.
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God?

You'll go to hell where demons will poke your soft dingle dangle bits with red hot pitchforks while gay elephants enjoy your anus.

Other than that - no worries.

It's ok Freddie------when the time comes-----the whole issue can be
resolved and the eternal cat-house in
the sky can be WON-----by, simply,
beheading a kafira baby----Ramadan Cheer-----"SAVE YOUR DINGLE DANGLE BITS---BEHEAD A KAFFIRA"
<rape her first>
Not all -find a message of mine that is like this... Christian's are under more scrutiny, but we are fallible also.
Postmodernprophet was looking down his nose at Hollie.
and why would that be wrong?.......Hollie is a dimwitted and dishonest poster......
Would the jeebus approve of that?
yes.....he always encouraged people to be truthful.......
So why not be truthful about your belief in biblical literalism and your YEC'ist fantasies?
lol, Hollie....between the two of us, I am the one who HAS been....... do atheists deny the Bible yet accept everything posted on AtheistsRUs websites without hesitation............
It's not just atheists who reject the biblical accounts of magic, supernaturalism and your 6,000 year old earth tales and fables. Believers in other religions also deny the bibles and your polytheistic gawds. Most of the planet denies the bibles.

Your being in a permanent stupor makes these things difficult for you to understand.
lol......the little girl with the 6000 year fixation thinks I am the one in a stupor......
^^^^Proof that Christians are so full of themselves, they look down their noses at those who don't "believe" their dogma.

No, we just look down on halfwit assmunches like you, and we have that in common with everyone else who encounters you, so it's probably not related to religion at all.
Thanks for exposing the true christian heart.

Ironic post is ironic.
It's not just atheists who reject the biblical accounts of magic, supernaturalism and your 6,000 year old earth tales and fables. Believers in other religions also deny the bibles and your polytheistic gawds. Most of the planet denies the bibles.

Your being in a permanent stupor makes these things difficult for you to understand.
lol......the little girl with the 6000 year fixation thinks I am the one in a stupor......
^^^^Proof that Christians are so full of themselves, they look down their noses at those who don't "believe" their dogma.

No, we just look down on halfwit assmunches like you, and we have that in common with everyone else who encounters you, so it's probably not related to religion at all.
Thanks for exposing the true christian heart.

Ironic post is ironic.
False christian is false christian. No irony.
lol......the little girl with the 6000 year fixation thinks I am the one in a stupor......
^^^^Proof that Christians are so full of themselves, they look down their noses at those who don't "believe" their dogma.

No, we just look down on halfwit assmunches like you, and we have that in common with everyone else who encounters you, so it's probably not related to religion at all.
Thanks for exposing the true christian heart.

Ironic post is ironic.
False christian is false christian. No irony.
and an irrational rationalist remains irrational......
lol......the little girl with the 6000 year fixation thinks I am the one in a stupor......
^^^^Proof that Christians are so full of themselves, they look down their noses at those who don't "believe" their dogma.

No, we just look down on halfwit assmunches like you, and we have that in common with everyone else who encounters you, so it's probably not related to religion at all.
Thanks for exposing the true christian heart.

Ironic post is ironic.
False christian is false christian. No irony.

And the unintentional humor keeps coming.
lol......the little girl with the 6000 year fixation thinks I am the one in a stupor......
^^^^Proof that Christians are so full of themselves, they look down their noses at those who don't "believe" their dogma.

No, we just look down on halfwit assmunches like you, and we have that in common with everyone else who encounters you, so it's probably not related to religion at all.
Thanks for exposing the true christian heart.

Ironic post is ironic.
False christian is false christian. No irony.

See! You'd rather believe a Christian is like HIM than someone like ME. I'm not perfect, but, I have not been nasty or derogatory. Yet,, you choose to associate Christianity with him... why?
Why so close-minded?

I have been an atheist, agnostic, Lutheran, I have looked at what's out there and kept an open mind. Never trashing people for what they believe, but discussing and asking. Is this so hard?
Why Did God Create Atheists?
"There is a famous story told in Chassidic literature that addresses this very question. The Master teaches the student that God created everything in the world to be appreciated, since everything is here to teach us a lesson.

One clever student asks “What lesson can we learn from atheists? Why did God create them?”

The Master responds “God created atheists to teach us the most important lesson of them all — the lesson of true compassion. You see, when an atheist performs and act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that god commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his acts are based on an inner sense of morality. And look at the kindness he can bestow upon others simply because he feels it to be right.”

“This means,” the Master continued “that when someone reaches out to you for help, you should never say ‘I pray that God will help you.’ Instead for the moment, you should become an atheist, imagine that there is no God who can help, and say ‘I will help you.’”

Tales of Hasidim Vol. 2 by Mar
Why Did God Create Atheists?
"There is a famous story told in Chassidic literature that addresses this very question. The Master teaches the student that God created everything in the world to be appreciated, since everything is here to teach us a lesson.

One clever student asks “What lesson can we learn from atheists? Why did God create them?”

The Master responds “God created atheists to teach us the most important lesson of them all — the lesson of true compassion. You see, when an atheist performs and act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that god commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his acts are based on an inner sense of morality. And look at the kindness he can bestow upon others simply because he feels it to be right.”

“This means,” the Master continued “that when someone reaches out to you for help, you should never say ‘I pray that God will help you.’ Instead for the moment, you should become an atheist, imagine that there is no God who can help, and say ‘I will help you.’”

Tales of Hasidim Vol. 2 by Mar

excellent Tyrone------it is a fine example of how and why I was able to live in a Chassidic
neighborhood----send my child to a Chassidic
school and not go nuts for three years. There were people who wondered. I did enjoy those of their stories as a teen----but
in practice-----weird as they seem----they are a lesson to all mankind

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