So what I dont believe in God?

FYI, the Catholics say their way is the one way. The Baptists say their way is the one way. The Muslims say their way is the one way. And the Jews say their way is the one way. And they all say it's THEIR god that revealed it.
The bible that you base your "beliefs" on was put together by priests of Constantine at Nicaea, with the intention of giving the church ultimate power over the masses. It had nothing to do with god. They left out more scripture than was put in the bible. The Catholic church ruled the world for 1,500 years, killing everyone the didn't capitulate to the church. Hundreds of thousands were burned at the stake and beheaded for not being a follower of the church. Do you really believe THAT is what God is all about?
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.

Martin Luther was trying to escape false doctrine. He actually read the Bible and understood it.

Unfortunately, he died a Jew-hater and tarnished the work he had done, but, Catholics were teaching false doctrine (like praying people to heaven, which you can't) or even paying money for it...
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.

Martin Luther was trying to escape false doctrine. He actually read the Bible and understood it.

Unfortunately, he died a Jew-hater and tarnished the work he had done, but, Catholics were teaching false doctrine (like praying people to heaven, which you can't) or even paying money for it...
Yes, exactly. The Church had put the Scriptures out of the reach of ordinary people and insisted on conducting services in Latin, which no one understood. That allowed them to come up with all kinds of non-Biblical heresy which the people had to accept.
What if you follow are a religon's rules and commandments except the 1 about believing in God? :)

Well why would you even want to if you don't believe in God!?

Heaven is obtained 1 way - recognizing Jesus as your savior and following Him. After that, you'll want to follow all the rules... (if you really mean it) -
What if you follow are a religon's rules and commandments except the 1 about believing in God? :)

Well why would you even want to if you don't believe in God!?

Heaven is obtained 1 way - recognizing Jesus as your savior and following Him. After that, you'll want to follow all the rules... (if you really mean it) -

Jewish commandments often make sense whether a god gave them or not.

'Don't be a dick' appears in monst religions and while usually phrased a bit differently, that's what it boils down to. And it makes sense whether or not there are any gods behind the giving of it. As with being charitible. a good and positive rule whethe ryou believe God will reward or not. You're rewarded immediately regardless.
What if you follow are a religon's rules and commandments except the 1 about believing in God? :)

Well why would you even want to if you don't believe in God!?

Heaven is obtained 1 way - recognizing Jesus as your savior and following Him. After that, you'll want to follow all the rules... (if you really mean it) -

Jewish commandments often make sense whether a god gave them or not.

'Don't be a dick' appears in monst religions and while usually phrased a bit differently, that's what it boils down to. And it makes sense whether or not there are any gods behind the giving of it. As with being charitible. a good and positive rule whethe ryou believe God will reward or not. You're rewarded immediately regardless.

the point is, doing it for God and others.
My personal belief (and opinion) is there is no salvation without Jesus' - that's why he died on the cross. this is foretold in the book of Isaiah but for whatever reason, people of the Jewish faith ignore that. I need that explained to me....
Satan is Dead.

He (Satan) wants you to believe that.
He (Satan) wants you to believe that.

are you that dense or just irretrievably stupid - your task then is greater than the Almighty's, who failed ?


Please explain how God failed and I'll answer
he could just snap his fingers and Satan would be gone
sealy: he could just snap his fingers and Satan would be gone

is that an applied ability from the beginning for A, wishful thinking or was it acquired, by the atheist account ?

funny I was reading about the ancient Greeks and in the book it explains that at first life and nature were explained in terms of gods and their actions but by the 6th century before Christ however people had begun to question the world around them and to search for more logical ways of making sense of it. These scholars became known as philosophers which in Greek means lovers of knowledge. great advances were also made in medicine astronomy geology history and math. modern studies are often based on the pioneering works of these Greeks.

so do you understand this? When people stopped thinking God was responsible for everything is when modern man made huge advances.
another good excerpt from the book. Asclepius was the Greek god of healing. sick people prayed to him for cures but a doctor Hippocrates 460 BC adopted a more practical scientific approach to medicine. Patients were examined and the diagnosis made then they were treated with herbal medicines a special diet or told to rest.

is that what God was called four hundred and sixty years before Christ? is that who you pray to when you're sick? So where did the god Asclepius come from? I suspect the same place the Abrahamic God came from

2500 years ago smart people figured out God was a joke at all made up. unfortunately 2500 years later too many people still cling to the fantasy
FYI, the Catholics say their way is the one way. The Baptists say their way is the one way. The Muslims say their way is the one way. And the Jews say their way is the one way. And they all say it's THEIR god that revealed it.
The bible that you base your "beliefs" on was put together by priests of Constantine at Nicaea, with the intention of giving the church ultimate power over the masses. It had nothing to do with god. They left out more scripture than was put in the bible. The Catholic church ruled the world for 1,500 years, killing everyone the didn't capitulate to the church. Hundreds of thousands were burned at the stake and beheaded for not being a follower of the church. Do you really believe THAT is what God is all about?
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.
The Protestants (so called Puritans) who came and committed genocide on a whole nation of true Americans and stole their land. No different than what the nazi's did to the Jews, and now what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians. God must be pleased with what his followers do his his name..
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.

Martin Luther was trying to escape false doctrine. He actually read the Bible and understood it.

Unfortunately, he died a Jew-hater and tarnished the work he had done, but, Catholics were teaching false doctrine (like praying people to heaven, which you can't) or even paying money for it...
Martin Luther had his interpretation of the Catholic bible. Jim Jones, David Koresh and the Mormons do the same.
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.

Martin Luther was trying to escape false doctrine. He actually read the Bible and understood it.

Unfortunately, he died a Jew-hater and tarnished the work he had done, but, Catholics were teaching false doctrine (like praying people to heaven, which you can't) or even paying money for it...
Martin Luther had his interpretation of the Catholic bible. Jim Jones, David Koresh and the Mormons do the same.

There can only be one truth.
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.
The Protestants (so called Puritans) who came and committed genocide on a whole nation of true Americans and stole their land. No different than what the nazi's did to the Jews, and now what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians. God must be pleased with what his followers do his his name..
How is that relevant to a discussion of the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.

Martin Luther was trying to escape false doctrine. He actually read the Bible and understood it.

Unfortunately, he died a Jew-hater and tarnished the work he had done, but, Catholics were teaching false doctrine (like praying people to heaven, which you can't) or even paying money for it...
Martin Luther had his interpretation of the Catholic bible. Jim Jones, David Koresh and the Mormons do the same.
Jones and Koresh conveniently left out parts of the Scriptures and twisted them to support what they wanted to do. The Mormons also ignore parts of the Bible, and add their own. Luther was trying to get back to the actual meaning of Scripture, having been taught wrongly his entire life.
So you do not believe in a God?

Cool with me...

Now for those that believe in God please note the God you worship is Chaos in Greek Mythology, and the story of the so-call Messiah is based on Roman story telling to convince the mass public of the day that Jesus was some type of God like being but in reality he was mere mortal like you and I.

So if you believe in God then might as well start doing the old Greek rituals and offering up virgins, animals, and humans and hope a God will hear you calls to them...


I prefer Taoism instead...
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.

Martin Luther was trying to escape false doctrine. He actually read the Bible and understood it.

Unfortunately, he died a Jew-hater and tarnished the work he had done, but, Catholics were teaching false doctrine (like praying people to heaven, which you can't) or even paying money for it...
Martin Luther had his interpretation of the Catholic bible. Jim Jones, David Koresh and the Mormons do the same.
Jones and Koresh conveniently left out parts of the Scriptures and twisted them to support what they wanted to do. The Mormons also ignore parts of the Bible, and add their own. Luther was trying to get back to the actual meaning of Scripture, having been taught wrongly his entire life.
The Catholic priests at Nicaea that put the bible together, left out half of scripture.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.

Martin Luther was trying to escape false doctrine. He actually read the Bible and understood it.

Unfortunately, he died a Jew-hater and tarnished the work he had done, but, Catholics were teaching false doctrine (like praying people to heaven, which you can't) or even paying money for it...
Martin Luther had his interpretation of the Catholic bible. Jim Jones, David Koresh and the Mormons do the same.
Jones and Koresh conveniently left out parts of the Scriptures and twisted them to support what they wanted to do. The Mormons also ignore parts of the Bible, and add their own. Luther was trying to get back to the actual meaning of Scripture, having been taught wrongly his entire life.
The Catholic priests at Nicaea that put the bible together, left out half of scripture.

God can use men (saved or not) to fulfill his purposes. You have a right to not believe that.
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.
The Protestants (so called Puritans) who came and committed genocide on a whole nation of true Americans and stole their land. No different than what the nazi's did to the Jews, and now what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians. God must be pleased with what his followers do his his name..
I take it you slept through American History in high school........
Now for those that believe in God please note the God you worship is Chaos in Greek Mythology, and the story of the so-call Messiah is based on Roman story telling to convince the mass public of the day that Jesus was some type of God like being but in reality he was mere mortal like you and I.
. do atheists deny the Bible yet accept everything posted on AtheistsRUs websites without hesitation............
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.

Martin Luther was trying to escape false doctrine. He actually read the Bible and understood it.

Unfortunately, he died a Jew-hater and tarnished the work he had done, but, Catholics were teaching false doctrine (like praying people to heaven, which you can't) or even paying money for it...
Martin Luther had his interpretation of the Catholic bible. Jim Jones, David Koresh and the Mormons do the same.
Jones and Koresh conveniently left out parts of the Scriptures and twisted them to support what they wanted to do. The Mormons also ignore parts of the Bible, and add their own. Luther was trying to get back to the actual meaning of Scripture, having been taught wrongly his entire life.
The Catholic priests at Nicaea that put the bible together, left out half of scripture.
They had strict criteria by which writings could be considered part of Scripture. Obviously, not everything was.
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.
The Protestants (so called Puritans) who came and committed genocide on a whole nation of true Americans and stole their land. No different than what the nazi's did to the Jews, and now what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians. God must be pleased with what his followers do his his name..
I take it you slept through American History in high school........
I didn't go to school in Texas, where they teach "creationist" history.

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