So what I dont believe in God?

Not sure why people view killing as so terrible. God commanded it a lot in the Bible. Obviously, if he calls for it, it's not a sin.

It's when we decide to take lives of our own decision that it's a sin.
"A house divided against itself can not stand." God can't say, "thou shall not kill" and then tell the Jews to go kill the Hittites and take their land. "Thou shall not steal" applies too.
God doesn't command anyone to do evil. The fact that you condone killing proves that you follow false teachings. Good can't be bad, and bad can't be good .Positive and negative are not interchangeable. Using God as an excuse to kill, is a work of iniquity. Again you defy your own bible. Matthew 7:21-22
what do you think about Native American Indians? I would say we stole their land and murdered them in their own country. and Christians say America was founded by Christians don't forget that
America is a stolen land. The karma is the Civil war, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the middle east mess, and much more to come, because this country refuses to learn the lessons of murder and greed.
the entire human species is that way or at least the rulers of all the countries are that way. the people might want different but what can they do? Especially when they control us through religion racism a media that lies to us etc. they have Americans believing they are God's chosen people. everyone thinks their gods favorite
actually the god gene could not have been always in us because at 1 time we were fish and then rodents or small mammals and then apes we certainly werent religious then we may have been curious and afraid and wondered but we werent smart enough yet to possibly imagine the god theory

Ah, no, we were not apes. :lol:
Natalie where we ate we were small rodents before we were apes and before that we were fish you do realize we're even related to trees and plants correct?

What? Most of this reply is nonsensical.

No we aren't. I don't think you have a very good understanding of evolution. It is a branching out of species. It's not like we were once actually apes that turned into humans.
actually the god gene could not have been always in us because at 1 time we were fish and then rodents or small mammals and then apes we certainly werent religious then we may have been curious and afraid and wondered but we werent smart enough yet to possibly imagine the god theory

Ah, no, we were not apes. :lol:
Natalie where we ate we were small rodents before we were apes and before that we were fish you do realize we're even related to trees and plants correct?

What? Most of this reply is nonsensical.

No we aren't. I don't think you have a very good understanding of evolution. It is a branching out of species. It's not like we were once actually apes that turned into humans.
try to understand evolution here goes. Life started on this planet somewhere somehow. That life evolved into every life on this planet today. so we once were not only the same animal as the monkeys before that we are also related to the trees the grass flowers bugs snakes tadpoles giraffe lions tigers zebras chickens. you understand this? Or do you think God planted in individual zebra seed lion tiger chicken seed. when we think of the origin of life how it started on this planet how do you account for the millions of different species and how ninety percent or more of the species that have ever lived on this planet are now extinct. you need to watch the cosmos twice each of them old and the new ones
actually the god gene could not have been always in us because at 1 time we were fish and then rodents or small mammals and then apes we certainly werent religious then we may have been curious and afraid and wondered but we werent smart enough yet to possibly imagine the god theory

Ah, no, we were not apes. :lol:
Natalie where we ate we were small rodents before we were apes and before that we were fish you do realize we're even related to trees and plants correct?

What? Most of this reply is nonsensical.

No we aren't. I don't think you have a very good understanding of evolution. It is a branching out of species. It's not like we were once actually apes that turned into humans.
some animal back millions of years ago is our ancestor and the monkeys ancestor.not too different from the polar bear and the grizzly bear
actually the god gene could not have been always in us because at 1 time we were fish and then rodents or small mammals and then apes we certainly werent religious then we may have been curious and afraid and wondered but we werent smart enough yet to possibly imagine the god theory

Ah, no, we were not apes. :lol:
Natalie where we ate we were small rodents before we were apes and before that we were fish you do realize we're even related to trees and plants correct?

What? Most of this reply is nonsensical.

No we aren't. I don't think you have a very good understanding of evolution. It is a branching out of species. It's not like we were once actually apes that turned into humans.
some animal back millions of years ago is our ancestor and the monkeys ancestor.not too different from the polar bear and the grizzly bear
Hmmmm so plants grass and animals that are still in that form today have just not reached their human form potential? Yeah...that makes perfect sense. Good Christ Almighty!
actually the god gene could not have been always in us because at 1 time we were fish and then rodents or small mammals and then apes we certainly werent religious then we may have been curious and afraid and wondered but we werent smart enough yet to possibly imagine the god theory

Ah, no, we were not apes. :lol:
Natalie where we ate we were small rodents before we were apes and before that we were fish you do realize we're even related to trees and plants correct?

What? Most of this reply is nonsensical.

No we aren't. I don't think you have a very good understanding of evolution. It is a branching out of species. It's not like we were once actually apes that turned into humans.
some animal back millions of years ago is our ancestor and the monkeys ancestor.not too different from the polar bear and the grizzly bear
Hmmmm so plants grass and animals that are still in that form today have just not reached their human form potential? Yeah...that makes perfect sense. Good Christ Almighty!
do you think rice is the same today as it was a hundred thousand years ago? And that's human doing imagine what millions of years can produce. Grass serves a purpose. it also thrives off carbon dioxide or whatever I'm not a scientist the point is grass is here because the conditions on this planet are suitable to grass but it too will alter into something who knows what if the conditions on this planet change or if a mutation happens in its DNA
actually the god gene could not have been always in us because at 1 time we were fish and then rodents or small mammals and then apes we certainly werent religious then we may have been curious and afraid and wondered but we werent smart enough yet to possibly imagine the god theory

Ah, no, we were not apes. :lol:
Natalie where we ate we were small rodents before we were apes and before that we were fish you do realize we're even related to trees and plants correct?

What? Most of this reply is nonsensical.

No we aren't. I don't think you have a very good understanding of evolution. It is a branching out of species. It's not like we were once actually apes that turned into humans.
some animal back millions of years ago is our ancestor and the monkeys ancestor.not too different from the polar bear and the grizzly bear
Hmmmm so plants grass and animals that are still in that form today have just not reached their human form potential? Yeah...that makes perfect sense. Good Christ Almighty!
will you explain it to me then? where did the zebra come from where did the dinosaur come from where did the giraffe dog monkey horse fish turtle beetle should I go on? Where did all of these animals come from? Are you going to say god? that's your explanation? what science believes is that all life originated from one fungus or protein or whatever and that or those things evolved into everything we see today. what are you suggesting?
actually the god gene could not have been always in us because at 1 time we were fish and then rodents or small mammals and then apes we certainly werent religious then we may have been curious and afraid and wondered but we werent smart enough yet to possibly imagine the god theory

Ah, no, we were not apes. :lol:
Natalie where we ate we were small rodents before we were apes and before that we were fish you do realize we're even related to trees and plants correct?

What? Most of this reply is nonsensical.

No we aren't. I don't think you have a very good understanding of evolution. It is a branching out of species. It's not like we were once actually apes that turned into humans.
some animal back millions of years ago is our ancestor and the monkeys ancestor.not too different from the polar bear and the grizzly bear

That doesn't make us apes or anything similar. Species have branched out so significantly that we are not identified in that manner. And if we actually evolved from apes, then there all apes would eventually evolve into humans, but that is not the case because we are different species. A cat doesn't evolve into a lion. They are similar yet different.
alright I clicked on it and read it - even if this is true or correct, it may just point to how some people believe in any kind of God. My belief is there is one God, one Way, and that has been revealed by God (not a gene).

Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

Although it is always difficult to determine the many interacting functions of a gene, VMAT2 appears to be involved in the transport of monoamine neurotransmitters across the synapses of the brain. PZ Myers argues: "It's a pump. A teeny-tiny pump responsible for packaging a neurotransmitter for export during brain activity. Yes, it's important, and it may even be active and necessary during higher order processing, like religious thought. But one thing it isn't is a 'god gene.'"[2]
Carl Zimmer claimed that VMAT2 can be characterized as a gene that accounts for less than one percent of the variance of self-transcendence scores. These, Zimmer says, can signify anything from belonging to the Green Party to believing in ESP. Zimmer also points out that the God Gene theory is based on only one unpublished, unreplicated study.[3] However Hamer notes that the importance of the VMAT2 finding is not that it explains all spiritual or religious feelings, but rather that it points the way toward one neurobiological pathway that may be important
FYI, the Catholics say their way is the one way. The Baptists say their way is the one way. The Muslims say their way is the one way. And the Jews say their way is the one way. And they all say it's THEIR god that revealed it.
The bible that you base your "beliefs" on was put together by priests of Constantine at Nicaea, with the intention of giving the church ultimate power over the masses. It had nothing to do with god. They left out more scripture than was put in the bible. The Catholic church ruled the world for 1,500 years, killing everyone the didn't capitulate to the church. Hundreds of thousands were burned at the stake and beheaded for not being a follower of the church. Do you really believe THAT is what God is all about?
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
dude......get real.....evangelicals aren't killing anyone........
Reality is....Shrub and the cons that followed him in the invasion of Iraq are evangelicals out to evangelize the Muslim world. They killed a million Muslims since 2003.
gosh.....that's really stupid.....the question is, do you believe it or just say it for effect?......
FYI, the Catholics say their way is the one way. The Baptists say their way is the one way. The Muslims say their way is the one way. And the Jews say their way is the one way. And they all say it's THEIR god that revealed it.
The bible that you base your "beliefs" on was put together by priests of Constantine at Nicaea, with the intention of giving the church ultimate power over the masses. It had nothing to do with god. They left out more scripture than was put in the bible. The Catholic church ruled the world for 1,500 years, killing everyone the didn't capitulate to the church. Hundreds of thousands were burned at the stake and beheaded for not being a follower of the church. Do you really believe THAT is what God is all about?
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
dude......get real.....evangelicals aren't killing anyone........
Reality is....Shrub and the cons that followed him in the invasion of Iraq are evangelicals out to evangelize the Muslim world. They killed a million Muslims since 2003.
gosh.....that's really stupid.....the question is, do you believe it or just say it for effect?......
We both know it's true. Just shows your dishonesty. But the invasion was really stupid, huh.
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
dude......get real.....evangelicals aren't killing anyone........
Reality is....Shrub and the cons that followed him in the invasion of Iraq are evangelicals out to evangelize the Muslim world. They killed a million Muslims since 2003.
gosh.....that's really stupid.....the question is, do you believe it or just say it for effect?......
We both know it's true. Just shows your dishonesty. But the invasion was really stupid, huh.
no, we don't both believe it to be true.......but I do believe you are slightly insane if that is any the way, for clarification, there are two stupid statements in your sentence......we both know that the US forces did not kill a million Muslims since 2003 and we both know the war was not begun to evangelize the Muslim world.....given that we and everyone else in the world know that, why did you say it?........
This question is being asked to check if a person is optimistic or not, smart or not (according to how the person speaks about his faith), religious or not.
Satan is Dead.

He (Satan) wants you to believe that.
He (Satan) wants you to believe that.

are you that dense or just irretrievably stupid - your task then is greater than the Almighty's, who failed ?


Please explain how God failed and I'll answer
he could just snap his fingers and Satan would be gone
sealy: he could just snap his fingers and Satan would be gone

is that an applied ability from the beginning for A, wishful thinking or was it acquired, by the atheist account ?

The key word in your little article there is "CLAIMS"...
Obviously you didn't even bother to click on it and read the link, which proves you have no desire to learn the truth. It's just easier for you to follow your church dogma, like a sheeple.

alright I clicked on it and read it - even if this is true or correct, it may just point to how some people believe in any kind of God. My belief is there is one God, one Way, and that has been revealed by God (not a gene).

Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

Although it is always difficult to determine the many interacting functions of a gene, VMAT2 appears to be involved in the transport of monoamine neurotransmitters across the synapses of the brain. PZ Myers argues: "It's a pump. A teeny-tiny pump responsible for packaging a neurotransmitter for export during brain activity. Yes, it's important, and it may even be active and necessary during higher order processing, like religious thought. But one thing it isn't is a 'god gene.'"[2]
Carl Zimmer claimed that VMAT2 can be characterized as a gene that accounts for less than one percent of the variance of self-transcendence scores. These, Zimmer says, can signify anything from belonging to the Green Party to believing in ESP. Zimmer also points out that the God Gene theory is based on only one unpublished, unreplicated study.[3] However Hamer notes that the importance of the VMAT2 finding is not that it explains all spiritual or religious feelings, but rather that it points the way toward one neurobiological pathway that may be important
FYI, the Catholics say their way is the one way. The Baptists say their way is the one way. The Muslims say their way is the one way. And the Jews say their way is the one way. And they all say it's THEIR god that revealed it.
The bible that you base your "beliefs" on was put together by priests of Constantine at Nicaea, with the intention of giving the church ultimate power over the masses. It had nothing to do with god. They left out more scripture than was put in the bible. The Catholic church ruled the world for 1,500 years, killing everyone the didn't capitulate to the church. Hundreds of thousands were burned at the stake and beheaded for not being a follower of the church. Do you really believe THAT is what God is all about?
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
dude......get real.....evangelicals aren't killing anyone........
Reality is....Shrub and the cons that followed him in the invasion of Iraq are evangelicals out to evangelize the Muslim world. They killed a million Muslims since 2003.
gosh.....that's really stupid.....the question is, do you believe it or just say it for effect?......
We both know it's true. Just shows your dishonesty. But the invasion was really stupid, huh.
no, we don't both believe it to be true.......but I do believe you are slightly insane if that is any the way, for clarification, there are two stupid statements in your sentence......we both know that the US forces did not kill a million Muslims since 2003 and we both know the war was not begun to evangelize the Muslim world.....given that we and everyone else in the world know that, why did you say it?........
If we were trying to evangelize the Muslim world, why are our troops bending over backward to avoid any offense to Muslims by hiding any mention of Christianity? It's rather stupid to say that's why we liberated Iraq.
Obviously you didn't even bother to click on it and read the link, which proves you have no desire to learn the truth. It's just easier for you to follow your church dogma, like a sheeple.

alright I clicked on it and read it - even if this is true or correct, it may just point to how some people believe in any kind of God. My belief is there is one God, one Way, and that has been revealed by God (not a gene).

Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

Although it is always difficult to determine the many interacting functions of a gene, VMAT2 appears to be involved in the transport of monoamine neurotransmitters across the synapses of the brain. PZ Myers argues: "It's a pump. A teeny-tiny pump responsible for packaging a neurotransmitter for export during brain activity. Yes, it's important, and it may even be active and necessary during higher order processing, like religious thought. But one thing it isn't is a 'god gene.'"[2]
Carl Zimmer claimed that VMAT2 can be characterized as a gene that accounts for less than one percent of the variance of self-transcendence scores. These, Zimmer says, can signify anything from belonging to the Green Party to believing in ESP. Zimmer also points out that the God Gene theory is based on only one unpublished, unreplicated study.[3] However Hamer notes that the importance of the VMAT2 finding is not that it explains all spiritual or religious feelings, but rather that it points the way toward one neurobiological pathway that may be important
FYI, the Catholics say their way is the one way. The Baptists say their way is the one way. The Muslims say their way is the one way. And the Jews say their way is the one way. And they all say it's THEIR god that revealed it.
The bible that you base your "beliefs" on was put together by priests of Constantine at Nicaea, with the intention of giving the church ultimate power over the masses. It had nothing to do with god. They left out more scripture than was put in the bible. The Catholic church ruled the world for 1,500 years, killing everyone the didn't capitulate to the church. Hundreds of thousands were burned at the stake and beheaded for not being a follower of the church. Do you really believe THAT is what God is all about?
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
alright I clicked on it and read it - even if this is true or correct, it may just point to how some people believe in any kind of God. My belief is there is one God, one Way, and that has been revealed by God (not a gene).

Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

Although it is always difficult to determine the many interacting functions of a gene, VMAT2 appears to be involved in the transport of monoamine neurotransmitters across the synapses of the brain. PZ Myers argues: "It's a pump. A teeny-tiny pump responsible for packaging a neurotransmitter for export during brain activity. Yes, it's important, and it may even be active and necessary during higher order processing, like religious thought. But one thing it isn't is a 'god gene.'"[2]
Carl Zimmer claimed that VMAT2 can be characterized as a gene that accounts for less than one percent of the variance of self-transcendence scores. These, Zimmer says, can signify anything from belonging to the Green Party to believing in ESP. Zimmer also points out that the God Gene theory is based on only one unpublished, unreplicated study.[3] However Hamer notes that the importance of the VMAT2 finding is not that it explains all spiritual or religious feelings, but rather that it points the way toward one neurobiological pathway that may be important
FYI, the Catholics say their way is the one way. The Baptists say their way is the one way. The Muslims say their way is the one way. And the Jews say their way is the one way. And they all say it's THEIR god that revealed it.
The bible that you base your "beliefs" on was put together by priests of Constantine at Nicaea, with the intention of giving the church ultimate power over the masses. It had nothing to do with god. They left out more scripture than was put in the bible. The Catholic church ruled the world for 1,500 years, killing everyone the didn't capitulate to the church. Hundreds of thousands were burned at the stake and beheaded for not being a follower of the church. Do you really believe THAT is what God is all about?
Obviously not. Have you not heard of a little thing called the Reformation?
Isn't that where the Catholics said, "Oh sorry for burning people at the stake, and beheading others" during the inquisitions that lasted over a thousand years? Now if we can get ISIS Muslims and evangelicals and Jews to quit killing each other, then we can have some REAL reformation.
No, it's not. Seriously, look it up.
Instead of me trying to find your point, how about you just make it.
The Reformation was clergy realizing that the Church had become hopelessly secular and corrupt. It was their struggle to first attempt to reform the Church (hence the name Reformation), then splitting off and forming Churches around the Scripture instead of Catholic tradition. The Catholic Church viewed them as heretics, and thus tried to violently exterminate them. It didn't work. Many of the Reformers came to the New World to escape religious persecution.

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