So whats your response to bidens speech?

There own video apology statements praising Putin.

Putin should be our best ally.
We have no inherent conflicts with Russia, and we share the same interests.
The only difference is that we invade everywhere we can, all the time, in order to make money, while Russia only invades after massive oil thefts, abuse of ethnic minorities, and a rogue country attempting to join NATO to put nukes on Russia's border.
Remember when Cuba did that and we blockaded them in 1964? And we had tried to invade Cuba before, with the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Putin should be our best ally.
We have no inherent conflicts with Russia, and we share the same interests.
The only difference is that we invade everywhere we can, all the time, in order to make money, while Russia only invades after massive oil thefts, abuse of ethnic minorities, and a rogue country attempting to join NATO to put nukes on Russia's border.
Remember when Cuba did that and we blockaded them in 1964? And we had tried to invade Cuba before, with the Bay of Pigs invasion.
The reality is that immigration is where the wealth and power of the US came from.
The reason our economy is starting to fail, is that China has more workers, because we have prevented free immigration.
Social Security is starting to fail because we do not have enough workers paying in, because we have prevented free immigration.
Yea, that's part of it, but remember, the other part is our own imperialism, that has disrupted free immigration. We caused a refugee crisis in Central and South America, when we took over all those countries politics, governments, jobs, and resources. And what did we leave the people down there with? They could either join a drug cartel or be killed. Those are the options we left them with, even today. So, when I hear about securing our border, I want to cry and laugh at the same time. For references, just look at Ukraine. Putin attacked with his military and now there is a refugee crisis. We attacked Central America with soft coups and some military intervention, and? Follow the money, like Putin and us, but, in the mean time for our part, let's scapegoat illegals. We've been doing this for decades. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Bottom line, we ruined our own free immigration system thanks to Imperialism.
Share the lies.

Make your List and defend why you thinks it's a lie.
Biggest lie is Joe Depends is sanctioning Russia to their knees and their attacks on Ukraine will stop due
partially to his crippling sanctions.

That's bullshit! Joe already has left the door open for Putin's "minor incursion" in Ukraine.
Russia can still sell their oil. We buy 700,000 to one million barrels per day.
That's some sanction, Joe Depends!
I wonder this about all of the lefties on this board. They conveniently never know anything or remember anything that happened in the past.
No one knows what you are talking about, including you.
We need to have faith that Biden will cure that problem of "being full of shit" without delay....

He'll leave it on the White House carpet before noon today!!!!
Another one who says nothing. Definitely a grievance thread over your lost election.
Wages are up
Jobs are up.
GDP is up.
Oh yea, some inflation.
Immigrants do jobs you won't.

Of course Im disappointed that our supposedly conservative republicans clapped.
They clapped about damn near everything biden said.

Either it was just to be polite or they were just being RINOS.

what should they have done?


My response to bidens speech is did america in general bother to watch it?

Yes regretfully as I had a nightmare from Hell about the old potato head and Corn Pop that I'm about to share in the general section. XD
What she did was focus on issues which matter to the working and middle class people.
Right, the real Americans who never stopped working throughout the leftyvirus scam and who pay for all the stupid Dimmer initiatives and for the Dimmer ilk to sit at home.
Hey holy shit.
Like you or any (R) actually care about people on a fixed income or people in poverty.
All the RW cares about is the Ultra Rich.
But sure, let's pretend some more.
Trump did NOTHING to help ^^^^^^^ these people.
Quit Lying.
Oh yes, democrats "care". If democrats really cared about seniors on fixed incomes they would seal the border and clean up our streets from the criminal filth in Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco, Washington DC, etc, etc.
This is why.

I think we've lost our ability to care. We hold destiny in our own hands, but we seem to have zero interest in holding it.

We value money above all else. Nothing stands in its way.

At some point, probably while it is too late, someone other than myself, you, and a few others on this planet will ask, what is wealth? Is it that 100,000 acre dead looking flattened amazon forest with no trees and a few dying Orangutans, where only a few people accumulate the money from that cutting, or a healthy thriving ecosystem where thousands of species of living things live? Some we haven't even discovered yet. What does "wealth" mean, "really?"

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