So whats your response to bidens speech?

Why do you spend time on a political message board when you're this ill informed?
Employment was at an all time high for all Americans under Trump.

I wonder this about all of the lefties on this board. They conveniently never know anything or remember anything that happened in the past.
Because they are working to bring this country down with the rest of the America hating other reason.
I didn't watch the lying sonofabitch. Who wants to listen to anything that incompetent, corrupt and dishonest asshole has to say?

However, I heard that he is concerned that the Russians have encircled the IRANIANS.

I heard he didn't mention anything about his fuck up in Afghanistan.

I heard he didn't mention jackshit about the millions of Illegals he allowed to flood in and that he lied about the border being secure.

I heard that his entire speech was that he is doing a Jim Dandy job but we need the Federal government to spend more money for Left Wing wacko projects.

If this the best they have the Democrats are facing a major ass kicking in the mid terms.
He did a good job if you know nothing about the problems in our country.
Anyone who pays attention saw the lies he spouted for what they were.
He talked about the Ukraine but didn't give them the weapons they needed to defend themselves so he basically allowed Putin to do what Putin is now doing.
Then he tried to sell Build Back Better again...proposing the same things without calling it Build Back Better!
People are concerned with inflation and his response to that was to tell the Private Sector to "lower costs" while raising worker's of the more clueless things I've EVER heard a President make! How do you lower your costs when your biggest being raised? It was a totally unrealistic answer to a pressing question given by a man who doesn't seem to grasp basic economics.
The most intelligent comment made at last night's speech was Lauren Boebert calling out the fact that President Potatohead screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan and caused the deaths of 13 American Soldiers and Marines.
The talk about the police by all Democrats I know, are to put more funding out there. You should learn to separate reactions versus policy.
Of course they're talking about funding the Police NOW, BWK but that's only because their whole "Defund the Police" idea that they've been pushing for the last two years is such an utter failure with violent crime spiking in Democratically controlled cities across the country! It borders on farce for Democrats to suddenly find Jesus when it comes to funding the Police! They're the ones who broke they're claiming they're here to fix it!
OMG---The reason why we would say that Biden wants to defund the police is because both BIDEN AND HIS HO said they wanted to defund the police including in their commercials.

Swing and a miss. The commercial doesn’t say anything about defunding the police. It calls for REFORMING the police.
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I thought I saw that too, but it was when the vegetable said we needed to "control the borders and fix immigration once and for all" I think it is the only thing he said that I agreed with. The rest was a campaign speech.
But his fixing the borders is not your fixing the borders. It's them fixing their borders. The problem is, after eighty years of Imperialism, are we going to let them?Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -
I’m embarrassed to say Biden is America’s president. He‘s weaker than Jimmy Carter.

Carter may have been our only honest president.
The US embassy in Iran had been totally complicit in the destruction of Iran's democracy in 1953, when we paid the Shad to conduct the military takeover, murdering tens of thousands of Iranian.
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The reality is that immigration is where the wealth and power of the US came from.
The reason our economy is starting to fail, is that China has more workers, because we have prevented free immigration.
Social Security is starting to fail because we do not have enough workers paying in, because we have prevented free immigration.

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