So whats your response to bidens speech?

Right, the real Americans who never stopped working throughout the leftyvirus scam and who pay for all the stupid Dimmer initiatives and for the Dimmer ilk to sit at home.
Have you talked to the almost 1 million U.S. citizens who died of Covid about that yet?
Putin should be our best ally.
We have no inherent conflicts with Russia, and we share the same interests.
The only difference is that we invade everywhere we can, all the time, in order to make money, while Russia only invades after massive oil thefts, abuse of ethnic minorities, and a rogue country attempting to join NATO to put nukes on Russia's border.
Remember when Cuba did that and we blockaded them in 1964? And we had tried to invade Cuba before, with the Bay of Pigs invasion.
I do not share authoritarian dictatorship regimes with Putin who murders who he wants. Let's make sure we understand each other on that.
Oh yes, democrats "care". If democrats really cared about seniors on fixed incomes they would seal the border and clean up our streets from the criminal filth in Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco, Washington DC, etc, etc.
Yea, that's part of it, but remember, the other part is our own imperialism, that has disrupted free immigration. We caused a refugee crisis in Central and South America, when we took over all those countries politics, governments, jobs, and resources. And what did we leave the people down there with? They could either join a drug cartel or be killed. Those are the options we left them with, even today. So, when I hear about securing our border, I want to cry and laugh at the same time. For references, just look at Ukraine. Putin attacked with his military and now there is a refugee crisis. We attacked Central America with soft coups and some military intervention, and? Follow the money, like Putin and us, but, in the mean time for our part, let's scapegoat illegals. We've been doing this for decades. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Bottom line, we ruined our own free immigration system thanks to Imperialism.
Let's no put the Democrats in one bucket here Sling Blade. The U.S. needs to take out its own garbage first. This isn't a party thing.
Yea, that's part of it, but remember, the other part is our own imperialism, that has disrupted free immigration. We caused a refugee crisis in Central and South America, when we took over all those countries politics, governments, jobs, and resources. And what did we leave the people down there with? They could either join a drug cartel or be killed. Those are the options we left them with, even today. So, when I hear about securing our border, I want to cry and laugh at the same time. For references, just look at Ukraine. Putin attacked with his military and now there is a refugee crisis. We attacked Central America with soft coups and some military intervention, and? Follow the money, like Putin and us, but, in the mean time for our part, let's scapegoat illegals. We've been doing this for decades. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Bottom line, we ruined our own free immigration system thanks to Imperialism.
Let's no put the Democrats in one bucket here Sling Blade. The U.S. needs to take out its own garbage first. This isn't a party thing.
We haven't taken over any South American nations. That's delusional.
Economic sanctions are a war crime according to the 1906 Geneva Conventions.
And murdering your own people, attacking and murdering women and children in other countries for no reason isn't a war crime?
We haven't taken over any South American nations. That's delusional.
If you can't read the link, or can't comprehend what you are reading, then you aren't smart enough to debate topics on this forum. Telling us that, proves you can't engage the argument. You simply are not educated and smart enough to be here.
Lucky guy.

He had his speech made for him. It was all about Russia and Ukraine.
He spoke of nothing else. Didn’t he?

Sabre rattling. It doesn’t quite suit Sleepy Joe. He must have had a surge of testosterone. Can you get that now, per injection?

And as for Nancy’s simpering facial expression....:puhleeze:
Lucky guy.

He had his speech made for him. It was all about Russia and Ukraine.
He spoke of nothing else. Didn’t he?

Sabre rattling. It doesn’t quite suit Sleepy Joe. He must have had a surge of testosterone. Can you get that now, per injection?

And as for Nancy’s simpering facial expression....:puhleeze:
He talked about a lot more. You are a liar.
you can't read the link, or can't comprehend what you are reading, then you aren't smart enough to debate topics on this forum. Telling us that, proves you can't engage the argument. You simply are not educated and smart enough to be here.
You're full of shit.
We haven't taken over any South American nations. That's delusional.
Read! Stop being a pussy; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Lucky guy.

He had his speech made for him. It was all about Russia and Ukraine.
He spoke of nothing else. Didn’t he?

Sabre rattling. It doesn’t quite suit Sleepy Joe. He must have had a surge of testosterone. Can you get that now, per injection?

And as for Nancy’s simpering facial expression....:puhleeze:
he was reciting nursery rhymes

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