So whats your response to bidens speech?

I told Her for the last 30 years about whats happening in our country. She finally sees it for what it is...a scam.
trump has told you, "What you see and what you hear is not the truth"
and rudy said, "Truth is not truth."
and Kelly Conway said, "We use alternative facts."
There is some comedy gold right there^^^^^^^^^^^

So your claim of what is 'happening' is really not happening.
trump said so.........
Y'all don't worry none! Joe said as strong people, Americans should endeavor to persevere!


"So whats your response to bidens speech?"

I refuse to listen to him.

Geo. Bush Junior
Sarah Palin
Maxine Waters
Hank Johnson
Hillary Clinton
Zarna Joshi
Jen Psaki
Joe Biden

What one word describes each of them?​

Answer: :ahole-1:
trump has told you, "What you see and what you hear is not the truth"
and rudy said, "Truth is not truth."
and Kelly Conway said, "We use alternative facts."
There is some comedy gold right there^^^^^^^^^^^

So your claim of what is 'happening' is really not happening.
trump said so.........

I predicted many of the problems we're having in this country.
I told the Wife that illegal immigration was going to become a huge problem in the mid 80's for an example and she scoffed.
She now admits I was correct.
I loved his solution for inflation. "Businesses should reduce costs." That was hilarious.

Then when he said that he would secure the border, Democrats were pissed . Of course he didn't offer any ideas as to how he's going to do that.
Businesses should Reduce costs while also calling to increase their employee compensation expense? Either the left are idiots, or they are intentionally trying to drive businesses to fail.
Reduce costs?


Replace production workers with Chinese-made robots.

Replace counter clerks with automated kiosks.

Driverless delivery vehicles.

On-line ONLY applications for unemployment handoiuts.

When that's not enough?

Government price controls on raw materials.

That oughta do it!
Me too. Once they started slaughtering the Indian and stole Texas from the Mexicans I knew the jig was up and they were heading for some big, perpetual, irreversible problems.

I dont have any sympathy for the indians.
They were killing each other for eons before we showed up with a stronger tribe.
As far as Texas goes we won it fair and square. Santa Ana vastly underestimated the Texans resolve and fighting spirit.
Businesses should Reduce costs while also calling to increase their employee
The problem is the price to the consumer not the costs to the manufacturer.
compensation expense? Either the left are idiots, or they are intentionally trying to drive businesses to fail.
Failure of big businesses (not small ones) is most often due to skimming off the top and insisting on increasing profits year by year while making their product more expensive to purchase but not more expensive to produce.
He did a good job if you know nothing about the problems in our country.
Anyone who pays attention saw the lies he spouted for what they were.
I saw it on the news, I was gobsmacked that he was such a limp wristed bellend. What a fucking embarrassment he is. You guys must be mortified that he's kissing Putin's rusty sheriff's badge.
I dont have any sympathy for the indians.
They were killing each other for eons before we showed up with a stronger tribe.
The Indians had territorial disputes but did not genocidal annihilate each other as the white man did.

As far as Texas goes we won it fair and square......
Not true. Texas was downright stolen.
His kind have been normalized to believe..."fake news" claims and "rigged" elections,
They do not have any understanding of other statements.

Can you document any? No! Guess who is the one really lying here?
Businesses should Reduce costs while also calling to increase their employee compensation expense? Either the left are idiots, or they are intentionally trying to drive businesses to fail.
While their taxes also increase.

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