So when representives from 190 countries come together on an agreement on climate change...

...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

FOX is going to change. Murdoch junior is taking over and he is very much a climate change believer. The GOP will come along, kicking and screaming.
There is no credible evidence that any climate change has been caused by or can be affected by human-kind.

The libs and other socialists CHOOSE to believe it because they see the benefits that can be derived from it.

MOAR socialism.

Like Scully and Mulder, they WANT to believe.

The denier cult needs to be ignored in general. They are being opposed where it is necessary, by the world's scientists and the governments around the world. The poor dupes that post here just don't know or trust science, they instead are children who believe in magic.

They are in fact Flat Earthers and Birthers. And as with people who still believe the Earth is flat you feel sorry for them but you can't help them. They, for whatever reason, cannot see reality. They are among a group who are very easily manipulated by some former disc jockey on the radio who has no qualifications in science and who relies on the handful of corrupt scientists that have been bribed and paid by the fossil fuel industry to lie about this very real problem.

The world's PH.D's settled the science on Global Warming 15 years ago. There is no debate around the world in the science community.

As with people like the Westboro Church who desecrate soldiers funerals for their own warped mindset, Climate Deniers need to be opposed but also pitied because they are so lost to their delusions.

Pity them and try to lead them, as gently as possible, to accept a truth that is just too scary for them.
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The denier cult needs to be ignored in general. They are being opposed where it is necessary, by the world's scientists and the governments around the world. The poor dupes that post here just don't know or trust science, they instead are children who believe in magic.

The are in fact Flat Earthers and Birthers. And as with people who still believe the Earth is flat you feel sorry for them but you can't help them. They, for whatever reason, cannot see reality. They are among a group who are very easily manipulated by some former disc jockey on the radio who has no qualifications in science and who relies on the handful of corrupt scientists that have been bribed and paid by the fossil fuel industry to lie about this very real problem.

The world's PH.D's settled the science on Global Warming 15 years ago. There is no debate around the world in the science community.

As with people like the Westboro Church who desecrate soldiers funerals for their own warped mindset, Climate Deniers need to be opposed but also pitied because they are so lost to their delusions.

Pity them and try to lead them, as gently as possible, to accept a truth that is just too scary for them.
You sure whine a lot for someone that's confident and are too stupid to see how transparent it is. Doctors of Philosophy have settled on Global Warming and you don't see his silly that is? You have no science to back it up, that's what you idiots need consensus and bullshit thrown around. Arrogant shitstains only fool other arrogant shitstains.
The denier cult needs to be ignored in general. They are being opposed where it is necessary, by the world's scientists and the governments around the world. The poor dupes that post here just don't know or trust science, they instead are children who believe in magic.

The are in fact Flat Earthers and Birthers. And as with people who still believe the Earth is flat you feel sorry for them but you can't help them. They, for whatever reason, cannot see reality. They are among a group who are very easily manipulated by some former disc jockey on the radio who has no qualifications in science and who reli
You seem desperate for attention.
You promised to destroy me with the science. Empty threat? I just want to discuss the science. If you think I'm an attention whore, quit answering my posts.
You just claimed that conditions in the past aren't relevant to conditions today, and you have the chutzpah to talk about the science?

In his defense, I have not read where he talked about the science.
The denier cult needs to be ignored in general. They are being opposed where it is necessary, by the world's scientists and the governments around the world. The poor dupes that post here just don't know or trust science, they instead are children who believe in magic.

The are in fact Flat Earthers and Birthers. And as with people who still believe the Earth is flat you feel sorry for them but you can't help them. They, for whatever reason, cannot see reality. They are among a group who are very easily manipulated by some former disc jockey on the radio who has no qualifications in science and who relies on the handful of corrupt scientists that have been bribed and paid by the fossil fuel industry to lie about this very real problem.

The world's PH.D's settled the science on Global Warming 15 years ago. There is no debate around the world in the science community.

As with people like the Westboro Church who desecrate soldiers funerals for their own warped mindset, Climate Deniers need to be opposed but also pitied because they are so lost to their delusions.

Pity them and try to lead them, as gently as possible, to accept a truth that is just too scary for them.
You sure whine a lot for someone that's confident and are too stupid to see how transparent it is. Doctors of Philosophy have settled on Global Warming and you don't see his silly that is? You have no science to back it up, that's what you idiots need consensus and bullshit thrown around. Arrogant shitstains only fool other arrogant shitstains.

Anyone who claims "the science is settled" because the "consensus" says so is certifying that he's a scientific ignoramus who doesn't understand the first thing about science. It's hilarious watching these pompous imbeciles strut around pretending to have superior knowledge of scientific issues.
You seem desperate for attention.
You promised to destroy me with the science. Empty threat? I just want to discuss the science. If you think I'm an attention whore, quit answering my posts.
You just claimed that conditions in the past aren't relevant to conditions today, and you have the chutzpah to talk about the science?

The clown is a liberal Kool-Aid drinking know nothing. First he would throw his list of talking points at me, I would destroy them with real science, frustrated and out of talking points the fool would then fall back to name calling. I mean that's how the last 100 discussions have gone, boring. We need to get some smarter libs on the forum I guess.
I agree they are children. But this is serious business. This relatively small group of people are terrorizing the entire world human population. You'd think one would be talking about Isis but we are talking about Republicans in the US. They are the only losers who's lips are so firmly stuck to the milk-teet of the fossil fuel industry they would deny humans breathe air and plants rely on sunlight to produce food.

But their time is running out. The catastrophe that is coming dwarfs the tiny lives of the Koch's and their minions.

I can't tell if this post is more pathetic than it is arrogant.

The climate alchemists have been hard at it for a long time (in terms of human years) and have pretty much failed to come up with anything that is useful in terms of predictions based on their models.

And yet the far left and far right worship them like they were gods.

Time is running out ? It ran out a long time ago according to the most strident of the morons in the realm of public policy.

Just like the dinks that were out predicting that oil would "peak" sometime in the late nineties.

It's amazing how those who say crying about a real crisis like health insurance (and Obamacare is not helping) is like the boy who cried wolf all the while gearing up for yet another round of Canis spotting in manufactured data that has yet to produce anything useful or of import.
Every fucking post from every fucking pawn of the global socialist are both pathetic and arrogant. They are idiots and the pathetic thing is how intelligent they all think they are.

It's not how intelligence I think I am, it's all relative to your ignorance and foolish disregard for the science.

The question isn't how intelligent you are but it is a question about the faith you have in what people tell you.

I have faith in the scientific community, and the visual cues like these




and articles like this:

Sea Temperature Rise -- Pristine Seas -- National Geographic

Nothing posted by the deniers carries facts, photos or credible evidence to even wonder if climate change is not happening and if human activity is not a least partly responsible.

It appears you're a sucker for brightly colored posters. Yes, you do have "faith" in the so-called scientists. That's all it is, faith. You aren't capable of considering two opposing arguments and using facts and logic to determine which is more likely to be correct. You're an obedient little drone who believes whatever the Party tells you to believe.
I agree they are children. But this is serious business. This relatively small group of people are terrorizing the entire world human population. You'd think one would be talking about Isis but we are talking about Republicans in the US. They are the only losers who's lips are so firmly stuck to the milk-teet of the fossil fuel industry they would deny humans breathe air and plants rely on sunlight to produce food.

But their time is running out. The catastrophe that is coming dwarfs the tiny lives of the Koch's and their minions.

I can't tell if this post is more pathetic than it is arrogant.

The climate alchemists have been hard at it for a long time (in terms of human years) and have pretty much failed to come up with anything that is useful in terms of predictions based on their models.

And yet the far left and far right worship them like they were gods.

Time is running out ? It ran out a long time ago according to the most strident of the morons in the realm of public policy.

Just like the dinks that were out predicting that oil would "peak" sometime in the late nineties.

It's amazing how those who say crying about a real crisis like health insurance (and Obamacare is not helping) is like the boy who cried wolf all the while gearing up for yet another round of Canis spotting in manufactured data that has yet to produce anything useful or of import.
Every fucking post from every fucking pawn of the global socialist are both pathetic and arrogant. They are idiots and the pathetic thing is how intelligent they all think they are.

It's not how intelligence I think I am, it's all relative to your ignorance and foolish disregard for the science.

The question isn't how intelligent you are but it is a question about the faith you have in what people tell you.

I have faith in the scientific community, and the visual cues like these




and articles like this:

Sea Temperature Rise -- Pristine Seas -- National Geographic

Nothing posted by the deniers carries facts, photos or credible evidence to even wonder if climate change is not happening and if human activity is not a least partly responsible.
So a bunch of NWO Globalist assholes got together to sign another Bullshit agreement? Gee, go figure? Cue the massive taxation and oppression. They got that mean ole Global Warming Boogeyman. YAY NWO!!!
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris
190 countries didn't come together. politicians from 190 countries came together. How many of these countries have the best interests of the Unites States in mind?

None, obviously.
You repubs are such egocentric toddlers. You think the world should come together to fix the US's problems? Are our problems more important than other nation's problems?

What problem? AGW is a myth, not a problem. Idiots like you who agree with the politicians from 190 countries are the problem.
No I agree with the scientific consensus. Those 190 countries are mature enough to agree. You disbelieve it simply because your republican leaders and Fox News told you to. Have you noticed that MSNBC didn't come up with idea?

Mature or greedy? The three people that still watch MSNBC are Obama voters and believe every lie he tells.
The denier cult needs to be ignored in general. They are being opposed where it is necessary, by the world's scientists and the governments around the world. The poor dupes that post here just don't know or trust science, they instead are children who believe in magic.

The are in fact Flat Earthers and Birthers. And as with people who still believe the Earth is flat you feel sorry for them but you can't help them. They, for whatever reason, cannot see reality. They are among a group who are very easily manipulated by some former disc jockey on the radio who has no qualifications in science and who relies on the handful of corrupt scientists that have been bribed and paid by the fossil fuel industry to lie about this very real problem.

The world's PH.D's settled the science on Global Warming 15 years ago. There is no debate around the world in the science community.

As with people like the Westboro Church who desecrate soldiers funerals for their own warped mindset, Climate Deniers need to be opposed but also pitied because they are so lost to their delusions.

Pity them and try to lead them, as gently as possible, to accept a truth that is just too scary for them.
You sure whine a lot for someone that's confident and are too stupid to see how transparent it is. Doctors of Philosophy have settled on Global Warming and you don't see his silly that is? You have no science to back it up, that's what you idiots need consensus and bullshit thrown around. Arrogant shitstains only fool other arrogant shitstains.

Anyone who claims "the science is settled" because the "consensus" says so is certifying that he's a scientific ignoramus who doesn't understand the first thing about science. It's hilarious watching these pompous imbeciles strut around pretending to have superior knowledge of scientific issues.

KABOOM you nailed it!
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

FOX is going to change. Murdoch junior is taking over and he is very much a climate change believer. The GOP will come along, kicking and screaming.

If FOX ever starts pumping out leftwing propaganda like the other networks, it will start circling the drain. Murdoch Jr isn't going to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
I can't tell if this post is more pathetic than it is arrogant.

The climate alchemists have been hard at it for a long time (in terms of human years) and have pretty much failed to come up with anything that is useful in terms of predictions based on their models.

And yet the far left and far right worship them like they were gods.

Time is running out ? It ran out a long time ago according to the most strident of the morons in the realm of public policy.

Just like the dinks that were out predicting that oil would "peak" sometime in the late nineties.

It's amazing how those who say crying about a real crisis like health insurance (and Obamacare is not helping) is like the boy who cried wolf all the while gearing up for yet another round of Canis spotting in manufactured data that has yet to produce anything useful or of import.
Every fucking post from every fucking pawn of the global socialist are both pathetic and arrogant. They are idiots and the pathetic thing is how intelligent they all think they are.

It's not how intelligence I think I am, it's all relative to your ignorance and foolish disregard for the science.

The question isn't how intelligent you are but it is a question about the faith you have in what people tell you.

I have faith in the scientific community, and the visual cues like these




and articles like this:

Sea Temperature Rise -- Pristine Seas -- National Geographic

Nothing posted by the deniers carries facts, photos or credible evidence to even wonder if climate change is not happening and if human activity is not a least partly responsible.

It appears you're a sucker for brightly colored posters. Yes, you do have "faith" in the so-called scientists. That's all it is, faith. You aren't capable of considering two opposing arguments and using facts and logic to determine which is more likely to be correct. You're an obedient little drone who believes whatever the Party tells you to believe.
The smarter ones are the actual socialists. The democrats and world leaders that manipulate their useful idiots.

They are the Harry Reids of the world who justified the fact that they deliberately lied about Romney and taxes. He laughed and said, "we won the election didn't we?" They are fucking evil. They are deliberate in their deception.

That is no one that posts here. All of the Obama monkeys that post here are nothing more than their useful losers. That is all. Clearly parroting what they read and hear on their liberal news sources.
Cool, will they stop whining and fear mongering now? They got their massive taxation and control. Can they STFU now? Most are completely sick of their Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering shite. This better end that.

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