So when representives from 190 countries come together on an agreement on climate change...

Every fucking post from every fucking pawn of the global socialist are both pathetic and arrogant. They are idiots and the pathetic thing is how intelligent they all think they are.

It's not how intelligence I think I am, it's all relative to your ignorance and foolish disregard for the science.

The question isn't how intelligent you are but it is a question about the faith you have in what people tell you.

I have faith in the scientific community, and the visual cues like these




and articles like this:

Sea Temperature Rise -- Pristine Seas -- National Geographic

Nothing posted by the deniers carries facts, photos or credible evidence to even wonder if climate change is not happening and if human activity is not a least partly responsible.

It appears you're a sucker for brightly colored posters. Yes, you do have "faith" in the so-called scientists. That's all it is, faith. You aren't capable of considering two opposing arguments and using facts and logic to determine which is more likely to be correct. You're an obedient little drone who believes whatever the Party tells you to believe.

There is NO opposing argument on the fact that the climate is changing. The argument, if you want to call it that, from your side is not based on evidence (in your case and the case of many others it is based on stupidity).

The only dispute is whether the changing climate is caused by human interaction (which fools deny) or naturally occurring events.

I haven't argued that the changes are all the result of humanity, but the evidence I've read from scientific community has convinced me some or most of the cause are the by products of the Industrial revolution and the destruction of forests - both products of humanity.

It's unfathomable that so many of you right wingers can be so stupid, but I guess that comes with being a right winger.

Maybe you should consider that temps are driving the CO2 instead of the other way round. Temps have moderated and CO2 may follow.
I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

you are so full of demoratscum propaganda shit it seems unbelievable to even some of your own low info demotards.

it is cold and raining here, will you please change my climate to warm and sunny?? :up: .... :lmao:

Poor baby, it's cloudy and 78 here. It was 85 yesterday, but cooler temps and rain are due in tonight.



Ok, you say these thing are driving temps, I say the reverse is true, temps are doing the driving, now prove me wrong. I say naturally occurring temperature variations are causing organic materials on the planet to decay faster, releasing these gases. Your charts support both theories.
I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

you are so full of demoratscum propaganda shit it seems unbelievable to even some of your own low info demotards.

it is cold and raining here, will you please change my climate to warm and sunny?? :up: .... :lmao:

Poor baby, it's cloudy and 78 here. It was 85 yesterday, but cooler temps and rain are due in tonight.



CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. Nice chartsmanship, but its bullshit. Do understand what PPM ( parts per million) means. Do you understand that going from 250 to 300 PPM is a tiny change? The reality is that CO2 cannot be accurately measured to the level of detail.

The whole AGW cult is bullshit.

If you're dealing with poisonous chemicals it's not:

Concentration Symptoms of Hydrogen Sulfide(for example)

5-9 ppm Increased blood lactate concentration, decreased skeletal muscle citrate synthase activity

0-10 ppm
Irritation of eyes, nose, and throat.

20 ppm Bronchial constriction in asthmatic individuals, spontaneous abortion

10-50 ppm Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, difficulty breathing

50-200 ppm Severe respiratory tract irritation, eye irritation/acute conjunctivitis, shock, convulsions, coma and death in severe cases
Last edited:
I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

you are so full of demoratscum propaganda shit it seems unbelievable to even some of your own low info demotards.

it is cold and raining here, will you please change my climate to warm and sunny?? :up: .... :lmao:

Poor baby, it's cloudy and 78 here. It was 85 yesterday, but cooler temps and rain are due in tonight.



CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. Nice chartsmanship, but its bullshit. Do understand what PPM ( parts per million) means. Do you understand that going from 250 to 300 PPM is a tiny change? The reality is that CO2 cannot be accurately measured to the level of detail.

The whole AGW cult is bullshit.

Not if you're dealing with poisonous chemicals it's not. Yes....250-300ppm is a miniscule amount but we're talking about the entire atmosphere.

You might want to read your post again objectively and try to realize exactly how stupid you sound. Minuscule is minuscule no matter the quantity in question.
] It's irrelevant to what's happening today. Just because something was true in the past, doesn't necessarily make it a good thing now

The laws of physics don't change over time, numskull.
These people think that they can make them change, simply by passing a law. :rolleyes-41:

The laws of physics are always tested, that is the scientific method. Once the earth was thought to be the center of the Universe. So the laws we know today may not be the laws a decade or a millennium into the future.

Thus the perception of physics changes over time.

No one knows THE TRUTH!
I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

you are so full of demoratscum propaganda shit it seems unbelievable to even some of your own low info demotards.

it is cold and raining here, will you please change my climate to warm and sunny?? :up: .... :lmao:

Poor baby, it's cloudy and 78 here. It was 85 yesterday, but cooler temps and rain are due in tonight.



CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. Nice chartsmanship, but its bullshit. Do understand what PPM ( parts per million) means. Do you understand that going from 250 to 300 PPM is a tiny change? The reality is that CO2 cannot be accurately measured to the level of detail.

The whole AGW cult is bullshit.

Not if you're dealing with poisonous chemicals it's not. Yes....250-300ppm is a miniscule amount but we're talking about the entire atmosphere:

Concentration Symptoms of Hydrogen Sulfide

0-10 ppm Irritation of eyes, nose, and throat.

20 ppm Bronchial constriction in asthmatic individuals, spontaneous abortion

5-9 ppm Increased blood lactate concentration, decreased skeletal muscle citrate synthase activity

10-50 ppm Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, difficulty breathing

150-250 ppm Olfactory paralysis

50-200 ppm Severe respiratory tract irritation, eye irritation/acute conjunctivitis, shock, convulsions, coma and death in severe cases

CO2 is not a pollutant. Without CO2 there would be no life on planet earth.
] It's irrelevant to what's happening today. Just because something was true in the past, doesn't necessarily make it a good thing now

The laws of physics don't change over time, numskull.
These people think that they can make them change, simply by passing a law. :rolleyes-41:

The laws of physics are always tested, that is the scientific method. Once the earth was thought to be the center of the Universe. So the laws we know today may not be the laws a decade or a millennium into the future.

Thus the perception of physics changes over time.

No one knows THE TRUTH!

One truth is known regarding this topic. Taking money from one person and giving it to another person will not stop air and water pollution.
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

Hide your wallet......they have decided to take your money by lying about the is original though...
I have faith in the scientific community, and the visual cues like these




and articles like this:

Sea Temperature Rise -- Pristine Seas -- National Geographic

Nothing posted by the deniers carries facts, photos or credible evidence to even wonder if climate change is not happening and if human activity is not a least partly responsible.

It appears you're a sucker for brightly colored posters. Yes, you do have "faith" in the so-called scientists. That's all it is, faith. You aren't capable of considering two opposing arguments and using facts and logic to determine which is more likely to be correct. You're an obedient little drone who believes whatever the Party tells you to believe.

There is NO opposing argument on the fact that the climate is changing. The argument, if you want to call it that, from your side is not based on evidence (in your case and the case of many others it is based on stupidity).

The only dispute is whether the changing climate is caused by human interaction (which fools deny) or naturally occurring events.

I haven't argued that the changes are all the result of humanity, but the evidence I've read from scientific community has convinced me some or most of the cause are the by products of the Industrial revolution and the destruction of forests - both products of humanity.

It's unfathomable that so many of you right wingers can be so stupid, but I guess that comes with being a right winger.

Se these far left drones actually believe that without humans the climate would never change..

CO2 does not control climate, it never has..

Only a liar would state, "far left drones actually believe that without humans the climate would never change".

But without the ability to lie, the crazy right wing would be struck dumb(er)!

Says the far left drone that voted for Obama twice..

Yes you believe as your religion tells you to believe that climate can not change unless humans are involved..

Mind you there is zero scientific evidence proving that CO2 controls climate..

There is no evidence that you have a clue about much of anything.

But as a good liberal, I'm willing to help, but you need to want the help to bring you out of the fog. Here is some help:

Carbon Dioxide and Climate

One take away is to put aside the claim that for want of grant money the science of global warming is made up.
It appears you're a sucker for brightly colored posters. Yes, you do have "faith" in the so-called scientists. That's all it is, faith. You aren't capable of considering two opposing arguments and using facts and logic to determine which is more likely to be correct. You're an obedient little drone who believes whatever the Party tells you to believe.

There is NO opposing argument on the fact that the climate is changing. The argument, if you want to call it that, from your side is not based on evidence (in your case and the case of many others it is based on stupidity).

The only dispute is whether the changing climate is caused by human interaction (which fools deny) or naturally occurring events.

I haven't argued that the changes are all the result of humanity, but the evidence I've read from scientific community has convinced me some or most of the cause are the by products of the Industrial revolution and the destruction of forests - both products of humanity.

It's unfathomable that so many of you right wingers can be so stupid, but I guess that comes with being a right winger.

Se these far left drones actually believe that without humans the climate would never change..

CO2 does not control climate, it never has..

Only a liar would state, "far left drones actually believe that without humans the climate would never change".

But without the ability to lie, the crazy right wing would be struck dumb(er)!

Says the far left drone that voted for Obama twice..

Yes you believe as your religion tells you to believe that climate can not change unless humans are involved..

Mind you there is zero scientific evidence proving that CO2 controls climate..

There is no evidence that you have a clue about much of anything.

But as a good liberal, I'm willing to help, but you need to want the help to bring you out of the fog. Here is some help:

Carbon Dioxide and Climate

One take away is to put aside the claim that for want of grant money the science of global warming is made up.

.039% of the atmosphere. its that today and was that millions of years ago.

you have been duped, lied to, made a fool of.
It appears you're a sucker for brightly colored posters. Yes, you do have "faith" in the so-called scientists. That's all it is, faith. You aren't capable of considering two opposing arguments and using facts and logic to determine which is more likely to be correct. You're an obedient little drone who believes whatever the Party tells you to believe.

There is NO opposing argument on the fact that the climate is changing. The argument, if you want to call it that, from your side is not based on evidence (in your case and the case of many others it is based on stupidity).

The only dispute is whether the changing climate is caused by human interaction (which fools deny) or naturally occurring events.

I haven't argued that the changes are all the result of humanity, but the evidence I've read from scientific community has convinced me some or most of the cause are the by products of the Industrial revolution and the destruction of forests - both products of humanity.

It's unfathomable that so many of you right wingers can be so stupid, but I guess that comes with being a right winger.

Se these far left drones actually believe that without humans the climate would never change..

CO2 does not control climate, it never has..

Only a liar would state, "far left drones actually believe that without humans the climate would never change".

But without the ability to lie, the crazy right wing would be struck dumb(er)!

Says the far left drone that voted for Obama twice..

Yes you believe as your religion tells you to believe that climate can not change unless humans are involved..

Mind you there is zero scientific evidence proving that CO2 controls climate..

There is no evidence that you have a clue about much of anything.

But as a good liberal, I'm willing to help, but you need to want the help to bring you out of the fog. Here is some help:

Carbon Dioxide and Climate

One take away is to put aside the claim that for want of grant money the science of global warming is made up.

And proof you are a far left drone!

Correlation does not equal causation, never has..

CO2 does not control climate, never has..

"Global Warming" would happen without humans on the planet..

The entire religion of AGW is based on a myth/computer models:

Let's stop arguing!! The world is saved!!

By a vague and aspirational agreement that is not legally binding!!

What could go wrong!! The UN saved the world!!!

...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris
190 countries didn't come together. politicians from 190 countries came together. How many of these countries have the best interests of the Unites States in mind?

None, obviously.
You repubs are such egocentric toddlers. You think the world should come together to fix the US's problems? Are our problems more important than other nation's problems?

Why should Americans pay billions in taxes to provide these other countries with welfare?
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris
190 countries didn't come together. politicians from 190 countries came together. How many of these countries have the best interests of the Unites States in mind?

None, obviously.
You repubs are such egocentric toddlers. You think the world should come together to fix the US's problems? Are our problems more important than other nation's problems?

This is really an argument against democracy. What if the legislators of our country said no, should the democratic process be overridden because our problems are not more important than other countries. It is sad that this country can't recognize the many and subtle ways democrats have overridden the democratic process in this country.
Every fucking post from every fucking pawn of the global socialist are both pathetic and arrogant. They are idiots and the pathetic thing is how intelligent they all think they are.

It's not how intelligence I think I am, it's all relative to your ignorance and foolish disregard for the science.

The question isn't how intelligent you are but it is a question about the faith you have in what people tell you.

I have faith in the scientific community, and the visual cues like these




and articles like this:

Sea Temperature Rise -- Pristine Seas -- National Geographic

Nothing posted by the deniers carries facts, photos or credible evidence to even wonder if climate change is not happening and if human activity is not a least partly responsible.

It appears you're a sucker for brightly colored posters. Yes, you do have "faith" in the so-called scientists. That's all it is, faith. You aren't capable of considering two opposing arguments and using facts and logic to determine which is more likely to be correct. You're an obedient little drone who believes whatever the Party tells you to believe.

There is NO opposing argument on the fact that the climate is changing. The argument, if you want to call it that, from your side is not based on evidence (in your case and the case of many others it is based on stupidity).

The only dispute is whether the changing climate is caused by human interaction (which fools deny) or naturally occurring events.

No one ever claimed that the climate doesn't change. It's been changing ever since the earth was created. The question is whether man is causing it to change, and there isn't a shred of evidence to support that theory. The fools are the ones who trust so-called "scientists" whose careers depend on AGW being true.

I haven't argued that the changes are all the result of humanity, but the evidence I've read from scientific community has convinced me some or most of the cause are the by products of the Industrial revolution and the destruction of forests - both products of humanity.

It's unfathomable that so many of you right wingers can be so stupid, but I guess that comes with being a right winger.

So far there is insufficient evidence to justify the government spending one dime on this boondoggle or imposing any regulations that cause the price of energy to increase.

It's "unfathomable" to you that anyone questions your religion. Muslim savages have the same attitude about their religion.
The agreement is LEGALLY NON BINDING.

How big of a problem is "global warning" when a worthless piece of paper can solve it?


Progressivism is too dumb for words......
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris
190 countries didn't come together. politicians from 190 countries came together. How many of these countries have the best interests of the Unites States in mind?

None, obviously.
You repubs are such egocentric toddlers. You think the world should come together to fix the US's problems? Are our problems more important than other nation's problems?

What problem? AGW is a myth, not a problem. Idiots like you who agree with the politicians from 190 countries are the problem.


You just showed your intelligence.....or lack thereof.

Your logic is stunning!
I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

you are so full of demoratscum propaganda shit it seems unbelievable to even some of your own low info demotards.

it is cold and raining here, will you please change my climate to warm and sunny?? :up: .... :lmao:

Poor baby, it's cloudy and 78 here. It was 85 yesterday, but cooler temps and rain are due in tonight.



NOAA/NCDC data has been demonstrated to be doctored and fraudulent ad nauseum
I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

you are so full of demoratscum propaganda shit it seems unbelievable to even some of your own low info demotards.

it is cold and raining here, will you please change my climate to warm and sunny?? :up: .... :lmao:

Poor baby, it's cloudy and 78 here. It was 85 yesterday, but cooler temps and rain are due in tonight.



CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. Nice chartsmanship, but its bullshit. Do understand what PPM ( parts per million) means. Do you understand that going from 250 to 300 PPM is a tiny change? The reality is that CO2 cannot be accurately measured to the level of detail.

The whole AGW cult is bullshit.

If you're dealing with poisonous chemicals it's not:

Concentration Symptoms of Hydrogen Sulfide(for example)

5-9 ppm Increased blood lactate concentration, decreased skeletal muscle citrate synthase activity

0-10 ppm
Irritation of eyes, nose, and throat.

20 ppm Bronchial constriction in asthmatic individuals, spontaneous abortion

10-50 ppm Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, difficulty breathing

50-200 ppm Severe respiratory tract irritation, eye irritation/acute conjunctivitis, shock, convulsions, coma and death in severe cases

That's concentration in the blood, not in the atmosphere, numskull.
] It's irrelevant to what's happening today. Just because something was true in the past, doesn't necessarily make it a good thing now

The laws of physics don't change over time, numskull.
These people think that they can make them change, simply by passing a law. :rolleyes-41:

The laws of physics are always tested, that is the scientific method. Once the earth was thought to be the center of the Universe. So the laws we know today may not be the laws a decade or a millennium into the future.

Thus the perception of physics changes over time.

No one knows THE TRUTH!

Yet you're willing to give up liberty and resources to those that claim to know the truth, go figure.

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