So when they say they want abortion safe, legal, and rare...

It's easy to claim there's no evidence when you ignore it.

Yet the training is to be provided by the Board of Registered Nursing, not by physicians, and the protocols for defining "supervision" have not been specified. There is nothing in the legislation requiring a physician to be present or on-site during an abortion.​

None of that is evidence that this procedure is less safe when performed by a trained professional who isn't a doctor.

btw, why are you pretending this matters to you?

Clearly conservatives don’t believe in states’ rights, otherwise it shouldn’t matter.

There's a big difference between "a state has a right to pass this law" and "it's a good idea for the state to pass this law."

An unwanted pregnancy is not something a woman should be forced to endure.
Considering that abortions due to rape and incest are a vanishingly small percentage of the reasons given for seeking abortion, perhaps women (and their partners) should take a few more precautions to prevent getting pregnant.

Does this mean that you support women having free access to contraception since that would be a precaution that would prevent them from becoming pregnant?

"Free access", as in the legally-unrestricted right for adult women to purchase contraception? Or "free access", as in we the taxpayers are supposed to purchase contraception for the hot-drawered little trollops?
And of course the fact that the rest of the developed world has had safe, legal abortion for generations is news to the OP....

Here's a tip for conservatives - if you don't believe in abortion - don't have one. Otherwise, respect the rights of others to make their own decision.

I'd say it's about as much news as the "fact" that the US has had safe abortion since it was legalized. FYI, saying something over and over does not make it a fact.

Here's a tip for leftists (and I don't just mean the proper grammar and punctuation for your paragraph): if you believe that killing other human beings is merely a "choice", no one will dispute your right to be an immoral, heartless cretin. But expecting other people to share that worldview and talking as though it's the ONLY worldview just makes you sound ignorant and out-of-touch with reality and mainstream opinion.

Leftists want to give the power to government to pick and choose who gets a "legal" abortion and who doesn't. Abortion has never been "illegal" for those with money that can pay a few grand to get ANY doctor to state "the abortion was in the best interest of the health of the mother" which NO other doctor will ever dispute or challenge.
Nothing to do about "choice", "pro life" or any other catch phrase people on any side want to use.
No law has ever banned abortion and none ever will as far back as to when this country was founded when the founders had all abortion as legal. Everyone that is pro government control wants a law to ban abortion and those that seek the freedom of the individual and less government control want to keep things the way they are.
Amazing that we have those that support the Bush Plan B Granny and Gramps All you can Eat DOPE at taxpayer expense yet oppose contraception at taxpayer expense. A OK for drug addiction among seniors to go up 8 times yet not okay to save taxpayer money by a ratio of 100 to 1 with taxpayer funds for contraception.
You really are disconnected from reality.
Bush Tax Cuts overturned: Obama extended them.

He extended them once to keep the REpublicans happy. Then he let them expire. Again, if Obama's supporters have a complaint, it's that he keeps trying to make nice with these assholes instead of running roughshod over them like Clinton did.

Universal Health Care established: No, it wasn't. It's utterly ludicrous to call ACA "universal health care".

True, Single Payer would be better, but you are still crapping yourself over the notion poor people can see a doctor now.

Iraq War Ended: On a timeline negotiated between the Bush Admin and the government of Iraq. Obama had absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

What a moron you are...but a typical low-information Obama voter.

Why would we need to "negotiate" with the Government of Iraq. All we need to say is, "Fuck it, we're leaving".
Considering that abortions due to rape and incest are a vanishingly small percentage of the reasons given for seeking abortion, perhaps women (and their partners) should take a few more precautions to prevent getting pregnant.

Does this mean that you support women having free access to contraception since that would be a precaution that would prevent them from becoming pregnant?

"Free access", as in the legally-unrestricted right for adult women to purchase contraception? Or "free access", as in we the taxpayers are supposed to purchase contraception for the hot-drawered little trollops?

Given that women already have the former how difficult is it to connect the dots?

Are these the "hot-drawered little trollops" that you are referring to?

At least half of American women will experience an unintended pregnancy by age 45, and, at current rates, one in 10 women will have an abortion by age 20, one in four by age 30 and three in 10 by age 45.[4,5]

About 61% of abortions are obtained by women who have one or more children

The reasons women give for having an abortion underscore their understanding of the responsibilities of parenthood and family life. Three-fourths of women cite concern for or responsibility to other individuals; three-fourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents; and half say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner

Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States
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You really are disconnected from reality.
Bush Tax Cuts overturned: Obama extended them.

He extended them once to keep the REpublicans happy. Then he let them expire. Again, if Obama's supporters have a complaint, it's that he keeps trying to make nice with these assholes instead of running roughshod over them like Clinton did.

Universal Health Care established: No, it wasn't. It's utterly ludicrous to call ACA "universal health care".

True, Single Payer would be better, but you are still crapping yourself over the notion poor people can see a doctor now.

Iraq War Ended: On a timeline negotiated between the Bush Admin and the government of Iraq. Obama had absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

What a moron you are...but a typical low-information Obama voter.

Why would we need to "negotiate" with the Government of Iraq. All we need to say is, "Fuck it, we're leaving".
And yet, you STILL can't acknowledge that the reasons you praise Obama are wrong.

Typical Obama supporter.
You really are disconnected from reality.
Bush Tax Cuts overturned: Obama extended them.

He extended them once to keep the REpublicans happy. Then he let them expire. Again, if Obama's supporters have a complaint, it's that he keeps trying to make nice with these assholes instead of running roughshod over them like Clinton did.

True, Single Payer would be better, but you are still crapping yourself over the notion poor people can see a doctor now.

Iraq War Ended: On a timeline negotiated between the Bush Admin and the government of Iraq. Obama had absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

What a moron you are...but a typical low-information Obama voter.

Why would we need to "negotiate" with the Government of Iraq. All we need to say is, "Fuck it, we're leaving".
And yet, you STILL can't acknowledge that the reasons you praise Obama are wrong.

Typical Obama supporter.

Why would I?

Obama did exactly what he promised. As opposed to your boy Bush who turned prosperity into poverty, peace into war and surpluses into deficits...

I mean, I know it would absolutely kill you to give the black guy credit for anything...

But here's your chance.

Name five things you think Obama has done that are good.

We'll wait.

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