So when they say they want abortion safe, legal, and rare...

Yes, you have. They're called "progressives" now. Shiny new label, same old bullshit inside.

The government isn't going to ban guns. Period. End of story.

Move to Cuba, you pussy.

Why don't you move to Somalia. they've got guns, they've got no government, they've got crazy religion. You'd love it there.

I mean, they've got a lot of black people, but since you are totally not racist, I'm sure you won't mind. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Like all dumbass progressives (pardon the redundancy), you confuse limited government with no government.

You're really a stupid, stupid little man.

Well, I'm just asking, why is paying you a pension for work you did years ago "limited" but paying people to make sure their children don't starve not?

The problem with you guys is by cutting taxes without cutting benefits, you make govenrment MORE attractive. LOok at all this stuff we get we don't have to pay for!!!
You cut the benefits that have been proven not to improve anything. It has been proven over the last 50 years or so that welfare benefits prop up a destructive and dangerous cut them.

Social security has not CREATED more social security dependents, and has lead to improved health and stability of the it's working. Keep it.
You cut the benefits that have been proven not to improve anything. It has been proven over the last 50 years or so that welfare benefits prop up a destructive and dangerous cut them.

Social security has not CREATED more social security dependents, and has lead to improved health and stability of the it's working. Keep it.

Proven by whom? Who did the study that "proved" this.

(And please don't waste my time with studies by Beck or any of the other usual suspects.)

If Food Stamps and welfare benefits has expanded, it is because the Middle Class has vanished.
Lolol..uh huh.

"Produce proof...but I will dismiss your sources, and when you find other sources, I will dismiss the findings based on my commie mantra...everything is caused by the disappearance of the middle class."

You're such a nutter. Go back to watching abortion porn and jacking off, weirdo.
You cut the benefits that have been proven not to improve anything. It has been proven over the last 50 years or so that welfare benefits prop up a destructive and dangerous cut them.

Social security has not CREATED more social security dependents, and has lead to improved health and stability of the it's working. Keep it.

The purpose of welfare is to reduce crime rates. Without welfare and no viable job market means that the only alternative is crime. During the economic boom of the 1990's when unemployment was at it's lowest so was welfare and crime rates because jobs were plentiful.

If we are serious about reducing welfare we need to create the kind of jobs that will supplant those payments and then some. We are talking about the kind of manufacturing jobs that have been outsourced. We need to rebuild the manufacturing base of this nation and then we will have both jobs and prosperity.

No, welfare will not disappear because there are some amongst us who are unfortunate and who cannot work. That is reality and we must face it honestly. So let's go back to buying "made in America" and create a future that we can all be proud of for our children and grandchildren.
Why don't you move to Somalia. they've got guns, they've got no government, they've got crazy religion. You'd love it there.

I mean, they've got a lot of black people, but since you are totally not racist, I'm sure you won't mind. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Like all dumbass progressives (pardon the redundancy), you confuse limited government with no government.

You're really a stupid, stupid little man.

Well, I'm just asking, why is paying you a pension for work you did years ago "limited" but paying people to make sure their children don't starve not?

The problem with you guys is by cutting taxes without cutting benefits, you make govenrment MORE attractive. LOok at all this stuff we get we don't have to pay for!!!
The War on Poverty is a failure. There is no exit strategy.

Of course, the idea was NEVER to eliminate poverty. It was to bribe people to vote Democrat.

It should tell you something that your Party can't get people to vote for them without bribing them.

It should...but you're a stupid, stupid little man.
You cut the benefits that have been proven not to improve anything. It has been proven over the last 50 years or so that welfare benefits prop up a destructive and dangerous cut them.

Social security has not CREATED more social security dependents, and has lead to improved health and stability of the it's working. Keep it.

Social Security has been the largest transfer of wealth from one segment of society to another in the history of this country. NO one "pays for their retirement". That is Bull Shit, it is a oayas you go system. NO $$ is in any trust for social security, ALL IOUs. Along the way it created the largest and most dangerous street gang, the AARP that supports Obamacare and stands to make a billion dollars themselves off of the program to start.
Seniors vote and babies do not. Social security created a large number of citizens into dependents that vote themselves increased benefits every election. The Bush Gramps and Granny all you can eat DOPE buffet was FOR VOTES ONLY.
Social security was NEVER set up to be a retirement entitlement program and medicare only made matters worse. Yes, seniors represented a larger % of poverty in the 50s but these days poverty wears a diaper. Born out of wedlock is the #1 reason but restrictions on abortion that will NEVER restrict women with money will only add millions more children born into poverty to mothers that do not want them and do not know how to raise them in most instances.
You believe the war on poverty is a failure wait until abortion is "illegal" again for poor women only.
We will see poverty sky rocket.
Like all dumbass progressives (pardon the redundancy), you confuse limited government with no government.

You're really a stupid, stupid little man.

Well, I'm just asking, why is paying you a pension for work you did years ago "limited" but paying people to make sure their children don't starve not?

The problem with you guys is by cutting taxes without cutting benefits, you make govenrment MORE attractive. LOok at all this stuff we get we don't have to pay for!!!
The War on Poverty is a failure. There is no exit strategy.

Of course, the idea was NEVER to eliminate poverty. It was to bribe people to vote Democrat.

It should tell you something that your Party can't get people to vote for them without bribing them.

It should...but you're a stupid, stupid little man.

Your party gets stupid people to vote for them by promising them to ban abortion, impose prayer in schools, and teach kids about the garden of Eden.

Hey, at least the Democrats provide what they promise.
You cut the benefits that have been proven not to improve anything. It has been proven over the last 50 years or so that welfare benefits prop up a destructive and dangerous cut them.

Social security has not CREATED more social security dependents, and has lead to improved health and stability of the it's working. Keep it.

Social Security has been the largest transfer of wealth from one segment of society to another in the history of this country. NO one "pays for their retirement". That is Bull Shit, it is a oayas you go system. NO $$ is in any trust for social security, ALL IOUs. Along the way it created the largest and most dangerous street gang, the AARP that supports Obamacare and stands to make a billion dollars themselves off of the program to start.
Seniors vote and babies do not. Social security created a large number of citizens into dependents that vote themselves increased benefits every election. The Bush Gramps and Granny all you can eat DOPE buffet was FOR VOTES ONLY.
Social security was NEVER set up to be a retirement entitlement program and medicare only made matters worse. Yes, seniors represented a larger % of poverty in the 50s but these days poverty wears a diaper. Born out of wedlock is the #1 reason but restrictions on abortion that will NEVER restrict women with money will only add millions more children born into poverty to mothers that do not want them and do not know how to raise them in most instances.

Actually, there's plenty of money in social security, if the government didn't steal that money to pay for tax cuts for rich people.
Well, I'm just asking, why is paying you a pension for work you did years ago "limited" but paying people to make sure their children don't starve not?

The problem with you guys is by cutting taxes without cutting benefits, you make govenrment MORE attractive. LOok at all this stuff we get we don't have to pay for!!!
The War on Poverty is a failure. There is no exit strategy.

Of course, the idea was NEVER to eliminate poverty. It was to bribe people to vote Democrat.

It should tell you something that your Party can't get people to vote for them without bribing them.

It should...but you're a stupid, stupid little man.

Your party gets stupid people to vote for them by promising them to ban abortion, impose prayer in schools, and teach kids about the garden of Eden.

Hey, at least the Democrats provide what they promise.

Is GITMO still open? Are all bills available on the internet for a few days before the President signs them? Is this the most transparent Administration in history? Are all lobbyists kicked out of the White House? Did Obama add to the debt?

Looks like, yet again, you lie. You simply can't help it.

Is GITMO still open? Are all bills available on the internet for a few days before the President signs them? Is this the most transparent Administration in history? Are all lobbyists kicked out of the White House? Did Obama add to the debt?

Looks like, yet again, you lie. You simply can't help it.

Frankly, guy, I didn't vote for Obama in 2008.

And I only voted for him in 2012 because I wanted to see the Mormon get crushed.

But if I WERE an Obama voter in 2008....

Bush Tax Cuts overturned
Universal Health Care established.
Iraq War Ended

Other than rich people, who got what they wanted when Bush got (not really) "elected"?
You cut the benefits that have been proven not to improve anything. It has been proven over the last 50 years or so that welfare benefits prop up a destructive and dangerous cut them.

Social security has not CREATED more social security dependents, and has lead to improved health and stability of the it's working. Keep it.

Social Security has been the largest transfer of wealth from one segment of society to another in the history of this country. NO one "pays for their retirement". That is Bull Shit, it is a oayas you go system. NO $$ is in any trust for social security, ALL IOUs. Along the way it created the largest and most dangerous street gang, the AARP that supports Obamacare and stands to make a billion dollars themselves off of the program to start.
Seniors vote and babies do not. Social security created a large number of citizens into dependents that vote themselves increased benefits every election. The Bush Gramps and Granny all you can eat DOPE buffet was FOR VOTES ONLY.
Social security was NEVER set up to be a retirement entitlement program and medicare only made matters worse. Yes, seniors represented a larger % of poverty in the 50s but these days poverty wears a diaper. Born out of wedlock is the #1 reason but restrictions on abortion that will NEVER restrict women with money will only add millions more children born into poverty to mothers that do not want them and do not know how to raise them in most instances.

Actually, there's plenty of money in social security, if the government didn't steal that money to pay for tax cuts for rich people.

Democrats lobbied for and passed the bill allowing excesses, the few that there were, to go into the general fund.
FICA on rich people is what will pay your social security benefits. How many poor people pay into social security as welfare benefits and disability are not taxable?

Is GITMO still open? Are all bills available on the internet for a few days before the President signs them? Is this the most transparent Administration in history? Are all lobbyists kicked out of the White House? Did Obama add to the debt?

Looks like, yet again, you lie. You simply can't help it.

Frankly, guy, I didn't vote for Obama in 2008.

And I only voted for him in 2012 because I wanted to see the Mormon get crushed.

But if I WERE an Obama voter in 2008....

Bush Tax Cuts overturned
Universal Health Care established.
Iraq War Ended

Other than rich people, who got what they wanted when Bush got (not really) "elected"?
You really are disconnected from reality.
Bush Tax Cuts overturned: Obama extended them.

Universal Health Care established: No, it wasn't. It's utterly ludicrous to call ACA "universal health care".

Iraq War Ended: On a timeline negotiated between the Bush Admin and the government of Iraq. Obama had absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

What a moron you are...but a typical low-information Obama voter.
And of course the fact that the rest of the developed world has had safe, legal abortion for generations is news to the OP....

Here's a tip for conservatives - if you don't believe in abortion - don't have one. Otherwise, respect the rights of others to make their own decision.

I'd say it's about as much news as the "fact" that the US has had safe abortion since it was legalized. FYI, saying something over and over does not make it a fact.

Here's a tip for leftists (and I don't just mean the proper grammar and punctuation for your paragraph): if you believe that killing other human beings is merely a "choice", no one will dispute your right to be an immoral, heartless cretin. But expecting other people to share that worldview and talking as though it's the ONLY worldview just makes you sound ignorant and out-of-touch with reality and mainstream opinion.
Daveman -

Conservatives respect the right of the unborn not to be killed.

Conservatives want the right to rule every aspect of people's lives.

Coming from the party of "Let's outlaw Big Gulps!" that's pretty damned funny.

Leftists are busily implementing a government takeover of the nation's healthcare, regulating the types of toilets and light bulbs people can purchase, telling parents they can't choose which schools to send their kids to, burying businesses under so much red tape and regulation that it's a miracle any of them can manage to function legally . . . but because conservatives think unlimited infanticide is a bad idea, WE "want to rule every aspect of people's lives".

Is that a fact, Sparky? Why don't you list for me ALL the ways in which conservatives want to "rule every aspect of people's lives", just the way I listed all the ways leftists DO rule every aspect of people's lives? Show me something other than the "odd" notion that the government has some say in what is and isn't legal taking of human life.

I shall be fascinated to see what you come up with.
They will be first trimester abortions, so not as difficult as later term abortions. They will be trained for their new 'jobs'. I don't think there is anything to worry about.
You're awfully generous with other people's health.

But, hey, more abortions! That's the important thing, right? I mean, so what if a few women will no longer be able to bear children, or even die due to complications from a botched abortion?

More abortions!

Women were sometimes left infertile from backyard abortions years ago. That is not the case today.

Tell that to Kermit Gosnell's patients . . . y'know, the ones who survived.

And it's "back-alley abortions", dimwit. If you're going to punch the leftist buzzwords, at least get them right, or the glandular thinkers out there won't recognize their cue to froth at the mouth.
An unwanted pregnancy is not something a woman should be forced to endure.

It always gives me the willies when ignorant leftist drones trot out the word "should". Government and society have no business trying to make life perfect, hassle-free, and idyllic for anyone.

An unplanned pregnancy may not be the bestest news that a woman can get in the world, but when you get right down past the fuzzy-wuzzies to the biology of the matter, no one "forced" her to "endure" it except her and her overactive coochie.

Unless you want to pretend that all abortions are performed due to rape, and I don't think even YOU are unwise enough to try to hide behind the skirts of rape victims with me.
That's usually the type of response I get around here nowadays,

when I've won the argument.

I'm sure it comforts you to pretend that.

However, back in reality:
Yet the training is to be provided by the Board of Registered Nursing, not by physicians, and the protocols for defining "supervision" have not been specified. There is nothing in the legislation requiring a physician to be present or on-site during an abortion.​
Yet more badly-written liberal legislation.

Here's the thing Dave; if this makes abortions much more dangerous in California, don't you think that the malpractice insurance rates for these will go through the roof? If they do, then it won't pay to allow non-doctors to perform the abortions in the first place. Of course, insurance underwriters have most likely already determined that there is no greater risk, and therefore rates will remain as is making this a feasible and "safe" option. Insurance underwriters have no skin in the game other than money, so I would tend to believe them over anyone else. You should too.

Certainly are a lot of assumptions in that post, and you know what happens when you assume: you make an ass out of U, not me.

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