So Where Are The Subversive War Protestors Now That A Socialist Is In Charge?

these aren't photoshopped:

charging SOS Condi Rice with fake blood on their hands

they are allowed in a Senate hearing on Iraq

protesting the war with bare chests tits flopping all over
WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Bosina all democrat wars!!!

konradv said:
Funny how the Republicans keep saying they're better at keeping us safe. If it had been up to the Republicans, Hitler would have had several more years of killing Jews under his belt.

vigilante said:
You really are one dumb liberal cocksucker, you yell about my photochop,...And it's TODAYS POLL!

Poll Most Believe Republicans Better at Fighting Terrorism

konradv said:
But you get the Democrats to fight the wars. Like Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh and others, you talk a good game but when it comes down to it you sit at home with Dubya!!! Makes me wonder who the real Code Pink is.

Wrong again, you sanctimonious, totally uninformed prick.

Read the per capita demographics of military disbursement in the charts, and see for yourself, dumbass:



You'll most likely need someone to explain these two images for you. So Cliff's Notes:

The maps represent per-capita US armed forces demographics.

Note the overrepresentation by red states.

So much for your BS theory that Democrats are the ones who fight our wars, you goddamned moron
I might add that the enlisted rates of the ranks of the US armed forces among those in red states has most likely greatly increased since 2007, when the information for the ^ first chart in that post ^ was compiled, solely because of the stagnant US economy since 2007.
A couple short videos explaining the phony 'Anti-War Left' myth.


Good stuff.

It's always funny when cutesy little goody-goody, iPad-toting, Instagram-taking secular-progressive bitches claim that they're doing something for the US military. :badgrin:
Code Pink have been protesting Obama since day one.

They just had a protest at his speech yesterday.
Code Pink have been protesting Obama since day one.

They just had a protest at his speech yesterday.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the despicable thing they said in the OP of this thread.

Disliking a US president—irrespective of his party—and/ or the American military-industrial complex itself, and openly calling for the DEATHS OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS are not the same things, Sherlock.

Those bitches in the image in the OP are no better than the Westboro Church.
Code Pink have been protesting Obama since day one.

They just had a protest at his speech yesterday.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the despicable thing they said in the OP of this thread.

Disliking a US president—irrespective of his party—and/ or the American military-industrial complex itself, and openly calling for the DEATHS OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS are not the same things, Sherlock.

Those bitches in the image in the OP are no better than the Westboro Church.

The picture in the OP is fake. Not real. Photoshopped.
Code Pink have been protesting Obama since day one.

They just had a protest at his speech yesterday.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the despicable thing they said in the OP of this thread.

Disliking a US president—irrespective of his party—and/ or the American military-industrial complex itself, and openly calling for the DEATHS OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS are not the same things, Sherlock.

Those bitches in the image in the OP are no better than the Westboro Church.

The original picture was a despicable lie. Instead of apologizing for posting a lie, the OP doubled down.
Code Pink have been protesting Obama since day one.

They just had a protest at his speech yesterday.

the red shart of courage said:
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the despicable thing they said in the OP of this thread.

Disliking a US president—irrespective of his party—and/ or the American military-industrial complex itself, and openly calling for the DEATHS OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS are not the same things, Sherlock.

Those bitches in the image in the OP are no better than the Westboro Church.

thedoctorisin said:
The picture in the OP is fake. Not real. Photoshopped.

Nope. It ain't.
Code Pink have been protesting Obama since day one.

They just had a protest at his speech yesterday.

the red shart of courage said:
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the despicable thing they said in the OP of this thread.

Disliking a US president—irrespective of his party—and/ or the American military-industrial complex itself, and openly calling for the DEATHS OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS are not the same things, Sherlock.

Those bitches in the image in the OP are no better than the Westboro Church.

thedoctorisin said:
The picture in the OP is fake. Not real. Photoshopped.

Nope. It ain't.

Yeah dude, it is. It's completely fake.

This is the real photograph:


You got suckered.
Code Pink have been protesting Obama since day one.

They just had a protest at his speech yesterday.

And the MEDIA coverage was where?....Unlike Bush, 5 pinko's would show up to protest and have MORE MEDIA taking their pictures then protesters.... Helps when the 4th estates are all sociaolists!
what the hell language are they speaking on that banner?

a bunch of traitors
Apparently, to the fucking left it's a bigger sin to photoshop a picture to illustrate a point your making then it is to have a LYING, FUCKING, DO NOTHING, SOCIALIST PRESIDENT! ...Who would have thought!

Apparently, to the fucking left it's a bigger sin to photoshop a picture to illustrate a point your making then it is to have a LYING, FUCKING, DO NOTHING, SOCIALIST PRESIDENT! ...Who would have thought!


Why aren't you supporting the President? He's doing what you want...
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!

Typical liberal Democrats on the move. These people were critical to victory of "Hope and Change" in 2008.

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