So where is Obama?

He is partly responsible for the violence in our city streets. He is the one egging on protestors and making asinine comments without facts about situations he has not been adequately briefed on. His statements with the Zimmerman case, his statements with the Ferguson case all show a lack of waiting for the information and staying out of local events that he has no business stirring up. Remind us Liberals how he is all our President while he inspires encourages and makes happen black riots in our cities and communities?
Fuck You, you partisan hack.

You scumbags are pathetic.

Just die the fuck off quickly.

:laugh:....your typical informed Democrat...
He be niggotiatin wid da Iran homies..ova newklear tissue..dat be priority, yo.

No peafs
Dats ony when he ain't krunkin wid yo mama.

Why don't you and your low class friends grow up?? Is that even possible?? When you post such racist comments it does not appear as though you can.
Another right wing supporter of disgusting racist trash weighs in.
He is partly responsible for the violence in our city streets. He is the one egging on protestors and making asinine comments without facts about situations he has not been adequately briefed on. His statements with the Zimmerman case, his statements with the Ferguson case all show a lack of waiting for the information and staying out of local events that he has no business stirring up. Remind us Liberals how he is all our President while he inspires encourages and makes happen black riots in our cities and communities?
I believe the riot and protest is about police misconduct. I find it hard to believe that Mr. Obama encouraged police misconduct. If you disagree, please tell us how Mr. Obama has encouraged police misconduct. Thanks in advance.

6 Horribly Racist Comments from Obama Administration Officials
He is partly responsible for the violence in our city streets. He is the one egging on protestors and making asinine comments without facts about situations he has not been adequately briefed on. His statements with the Zimmerman case, his statements with the Ferguson case all show a lack of waiting for the information and staying out of local events that he has no business stirring up. Remind us Liberals how he is all our President while he inspires encourages and makes happen black riots in our cities and communities?
No he does not, publicly he has condemned the actions of rioters....

is the Prez golfing?
Maybe him and his wife have taken separate jets to an environmental forum..
He is partly responsible for the violence in our city streets. He is the one egging on protestors and making asinine comments without facts about situations he has not been adequately briefed on. His statements with the Zimmerman case, his statements with the Ferguson case all show a lack of waiting for the information and staying out of local events that he has no business stirring up. Remind us Liberals how he is all our President while he inspires encourages and makes happen black riots in our cities and communities?
No he does not, publicly he has condemned the actions of rioters....

is the Prez golfing?
Maybe him and his wife have taken separate jets to an environmental forum..

My God!

How I hate their jets !!!!!!!!!!!
He is partly responsible for the violence in our city streets. He is the one egging on protestors and making asinine comments without facts about situations he has not been adequately briefed on. His statements with the Zimmerman case, his statements with the Ferguson case all show a lack of waiting for the information and staying out of local events that he has no business stirring up. Remind us Liberals how he is all our President while he inspires encourages and makes happen black riots in our cities and communities?

He's waiting for the next Corporation to tell him how to act/think.

Welcome to politics.
it's like they can stuck all their planes and yatchs and shit up their ass

I mean

you know what I'm saying?
This is totally on the segregationist-in-chief. He riles up the black segregationist voting block for political expediency and now the tone has been set, the snowball is rolling. And it won't be easy to stop.
Virtually no rioting for years, post-Rodney King, and now several race riots and issues ever since the hack took office.
This is the obama legacy.
He is partly responsible for the violence in our city streets. He is the one egging on protestors and making asinine comments without facts about situations he has not been adequately briefed on. His statements with the Zimmerman case, his statements with the Ferguson case all show a lack of waiting for the information and staying out of local events that he has no business stirring up. Remind us Liberals how he is all our President while he inspires encourages and makes happen black riots in our cities and communities?
Fuck You, you partisan hack.

You scumbags are pathetic.

Just die the fuck off quickly.

Keyboard warriors are the biggest pussies I've ever met.

The op is a bit over the top but so is your retarded response.
let Hussein Mussolini fade in thin air

we are not goin to miss him

donl't let him reapear again

so he is gone and nowhere to be seen....YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

don;t want to see his face again
I believe the riot and protest is about police misconduct. I find it hard to believe that Mr. Obama encouraged police misconduct. If you disagree, please tell us how Mr. Obama has encouraged police misconduct. Thanks in advance.
No it is about stealing shit.
I believe the riot and protest is about police misconduct. I find it hard to believe that Mr. Obama encouraged police misconduct. If you disagree, please tell us how Mr. Obama has encouraged police misconduct. Thanks in advance.
No it is about stealing shit.
For some, yes. There's always going to be those that use tragedy as an excuse to act uncivil and destructive. But, there are those that are protesting without looting, burning, stealing, and destroying property. Also, remember what started this chain of events. I do not approve of, nor do I condone, the burning of buildings, stealing, personal harm and injury, but I do strongly approve of and condone protesting the criminal activities of members of law enforcement. In my opinion, civil unrest has been building for a long time now. We've all seen the videos, read the news articles, and heard from others, the inhumane, animalistic, and barbaric acts of law enforcement personnel from all across this nation. Something needs to be done to stop it, and people have the right to express their concerns.
He is partly responsible for the violence in our city streets. He is the one egging on protestors and making asinine comments without facts about situations he has not been adequately briefed on. His statements with the Zimmerman case, his statements with the Ferguson case all show a lack of waiting for the information and staying out of local events that he has no business stirring up. Remind us Liberals how he is all our President while he inspires encourages and makes happen black riots in our cities and communities?

Did this riot occur BEFORE the police killed another innocent black man?
He is partly responsible for the violence in our city streets. He is the one egging on protestors and making asinine comments without facts about situations he has not been adequately briefed on. His statements with the Zimmerman case, his statements with the Ferguson case all show a lack of waiting for the information and staying out of local events that he has no business stirring up. Remind us Liberals how he is all our President while he inspires encourages and makes happen black riots in our cities and communities?

Did this riot occur BEFORE the police killed another innocent black man?
No, it did not.
He is partly responsible for the violence in our city streets. He is the one egging on protestors and making asinine comments without facts about situations he has not been adequately briefed on. His statements with the Zimmerman case, his statements with the Ferguson case all show a lack of waiting for the information and staying out of local events that he has no business stirring up. Remind us Liberals how he is all our President while he inspires encourages and makes happen black riots in our cities and communities?
You want him to stay out of local events and interfere in local events all at the same time.

Do you still think all black people look alike?
What is the problem?

Black culture?
Black parents?
Black crime?
Black drugs?
Black leaders?
Political leaders?
Or just a conglomeration of individual failures...

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