So which Democrats are going to be running on Obamacare

Now that it's been given the SC imprimatur, are Democrats going to be heralding the accomplishment in their campaign ads?

Hmm. I don't think so. Polls show most of this country do not approve of Obamacare. The house will be forcing another vote on Obamacare--which is going to expose a lot of democrats running for reelection in their home districts. We'll see what they do.

As unpopular as Obamacare is i doubt you will see any Dem putting that clusterfuck front and center in their re-election campaigns.

In fact. I doubt you will hear Barry mention it either.

Gotta remember this bill was rammed down the throats of Americans. Its now a tax and I have a feeling come Nov the Dems are gonna find out just how unpopular it is.

How much money did Romney raise right after the SC decision??

Neither party has anything to be proud of in this disaster.

The Democrats pushed through a nasty, bloated pig in the most partisan way possible; the GOP is apparently just thrilled with the horrific status quo.

I wouldn't be surprised if they both tried to avoid this. Can't blame them, after their behavior.

You can bet Romney won't be running against Obamacare for long. It's what he did in Massachusetts.

In Massachusetts it was legal.

Guess the US Constitution doesn't matter to some.

Federal power vs. states rights and such.
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Why would Democrats run on it? They've already won twice on that issue.
Why would Democrats run on it? They've already won twice on that issue.

Won and lost.

Won because of less than moral actions on their parts, and lost because nobody likes having an agenda shoved down their throats.
I am told that most Americans are now receiving taxpayer handouts and vote based on who will keep the gravy train rolling.

I am also reminded that Obamacare is simply another vote-buying handout.

Then I am told that Democrats will not run on Obamacare.

Something doesn't compute.
I hope they do run on'll keep it fresh in all our minds and people won't forget what was done to us with this huge TAX! Besides, it's still going to come up for another vote, with Congress....we'll see what happens then. Hopefully this is a very short lived victory for the left.................
Now that the GOP thugs got their asses kicked with the supreme court ruling, I'd bet every one will be running on the victory of the affordable care act.

It is so funny that we heard for the longest time that obama was going to lose if the supreme court found the health care mandate unconstitutional. but we were all doomed if SCOTUS upheld it because everyone in the stock market was going to sell everything and move somewhere else despite the fact america is one of the biggest markets out there. The constitution was supposed to spontaneously combust if it was upheld.

Of course, it was upheld. obama's numbers did not take a hit and even got better in some places. The stock market actually went up the day it was announced, and still has not collapsed like it did for Bush. Gas prices are still down. The constitution is still there. Families are not dying off because they have what they call obamacare. I am just waiting for november and hoping Obama wins so that I can see the rape and destruction of logic and reality they wilkl come up with to show how an Obama win is really an obama loss.

It is so amazing ho nomatter what it is is somehow a win for the GOP even when their own people end up turning against their idiocy. 20 years from now the GOP will be stripped of all meaning and just be the delusionary extremists who drove all the moderate intelligent people away, and for some reason they will still be as strong as ever if you talk to their delusional members.

It is like old bigots. they sit around in their houses today because when they go outside they are reminded that they lost, but in their houses they can watch fox news and live in their fantasy world until their younger family members come to visit and remind them that the world outside scares the fuck out of them.

oh brother
Now that it's been given the SC imprimatur, are Democrats going to be heralding the accomplishment in their campaign ads?

Sure they in....

Hey, we said Obamacare wasn't a tax.....

Fooled you again !!! :lol:

Guess what we will do this next time around.

Tell the truth ?

Get real.
Why would Democrats run on it? They've already won twice on that issue.

Won and lost.

Won because of less than moral actions on their parts, and lost because nobody likes having an agenda shoved down their throats.

50% of voters like it and even more want everybody to move on and get to jobs jobs jobs.
Why would Democrats run on it? They've already won twice on that issue.

Won and lost.

Won because of less than moral actions on their parts, and lost because nobody likes having an agenda shoved down their throats.

50% of voters like it and even more want everybody to move on and get to jobs jobs jobs.


Less than 40% want it to stay.

50% are O.K. with the ruling (procedural)...which means some of them still want it repealed.

Over 50% want to see it gone.
Nope, NOT moving on...Keep beating ObamaTax over the Democrat party heads and the slimy way they passed this 2000 page law...

Nope, NOT moving on...Keep beating ObamaTax over the Democrat party heads and the slimy way they passed this 2000 page law...


It's not like Obama or Reid care about jobs anyway.

They've spent 3.5 years figuring out how to kill them....why would they change now ?

Didn't Obama promise it would lower costs by something like 2500 per family ? Have we heard how that is happening lately ?

They can run on this:

The law’s famous guarantee that you can buy insurance after you’re already sick—the situation otherwise known as “preexisting conditions”—gives Americans a huge incentive to go without insurance until they fall ill. The dirty secret of the law’s individual mandate is that it’s too weak: Millions will decide to pay the $695 fine, knowing they can buy insurance later, instead of ponying up $15,000 for health insurance. Their absence, in turn, will drive adverse selection, the process by which only the sickest people buy insurance, driving premiums to unsustainably high levels.
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Thread writer nobody will run on obamacare hell nobody wants that guy anywhere near them if they're up for reelection. :lol: they're scattering like roaches and have been since 2010 to get away from him. Hmmm so how is the race close? Ratings? Lol
You can bet Romney won't be running against Obamacare for long. It's what he did in Massachusetts.

Yes he will. Remember Massachusetts is a state not a nation. Problems are much easier to handle when it involves a state rather than an entire nation. And Romney knows its going to take time to reform HC. Its not something you take care of overnight like Ubama has tried to do.
The polls also show people don't understand Obamacare, what's in it for them...

Just gloom and doom Pubcrappe....

Romneycare for all!! Already a great success.

:badgrin:Very true. And its not just the people who don't understand Obamacare...Even most of the admin. doesn't. Bet even Pelosi hasn't read the first page yet.
The polls also show people don't understand Obamacare, what's in it for them...

Just gloom and doom Pubcrappe....

Romneycare for all!! Already a great success.

:badgrin:Very true. And its not just the people who don't understand Obamacare...Even most of the admin. doesn't. Bet even Pelosi hasn't read the first page yet.

Francblo is just hoping it will pay for a regular cornholing (for him). If that is the case.....he'll be extremely happy.

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