So which Democrats are going to be running on Obamacare

I think the Dems should run on the Obamacare, they need to bring it up and keep bringing it up. This is a great issue for them, they are very proud of what they have accomplished. They need to run with it, stand behind Obama on this one!
We the people WILL keep bringing up OBAMATAX until November, you can bet your ass on that.

lets roll folks:eusa_clap:
Nope, NOT moving on...Keep beating ObamaTax over the Democrat party heads and the slimy way they passed this 2000 page law...


It's not like Obama or Reid care about jobs anyway.

They've spent 3.5 years figuring out how to kill them....why would they change now ?

Didn't Obama promise it would lower costs by something like 2500 per family ? Have we heard how that is happening lately ?

They can run on this:

The law’s famous guarantee that you can buy insurance after you’re already sick—the situation otherwise known as “preexisting conditions”—gives Americans a huge incentive to go without insurance until they fall ill. The dirty secret of the law’s individual mandate is that it’s too weak: Millions will decide to pay the $695 fine, knowing they can buy insurance later, instead of ponying up $15,000 for health insurance. Their absence, in turn, will drive adverse selection, the process by which only the sickest people buy insurance, driving premiums to unsustainably high levels.

At first i thought the "Pre-existing condition" clause would be pretty would be good for the people that lost their jobs, thus lost their insurance and had been unable to get other insurance because of a pre-existing condition. But...............

I haven't heard anything about how that would really work. I'm sure the insurance companies would HAVE TO cover them, but at what price? I think someone like this would be screwed royally on the premiums! If an insurance company already knows they have, say cancer....their premiums would be so high that the average American (middle class and below) could never afford it! This would only help people that already have a big bank account.....
I think the Dems should run on the Obamacare, they need to bring it up and keep bringing it up. This is a great issue for them, they are very proud of what they have accomplished. They need to run with it, stand behind Obama on this one!

LMAO Good train of thourht the Papa.

Don't hold your breath. I know I won't be holding mine for any Dem to even mention Obamacare if he's running for re-election or office. Don't think you'll hear narry a word about Barry's "Signature Legislation" or the "Historic Momment" for that matter

Dems can't be that stupid.
I think the Dems should run on the Obamacare, they need to bring it up and keep bringing it up. This is a great issue for them, they are very proud of what they have accomplished. They need to run with it, stand behind Obama on this one!

LMAO Good train of thourht the Papa.

Don't hold your breath. I know I won't be holding mine for any Dem to even mention Obamacare if he's running for re-election or office. Don't think you'll hear narry a word about Barry's "Signature Legislation" or the "Historic Momment" for that matter

Dems can't be that stupid.

Only a couple on this board seem to think it is a good idea, most seem to be skirting the issue.
Probably not the ones who refuse to attend the DNC convention, right?

I don't know, I don't get emails from any of them.

I will say, all the candidates that I've somehow found my way onto email lists for are campaigning and fundraising on "Obamacare".

"somehow found my way on to their mailing lists"


Stop Visiting so many left wing Web sites.

I don't visit "left wing websites" very frequently.

I do, on the other hand, work in left wing politics, which is why I'm on so many mailing lists. I'm still on the mailing lists for candidates that I worked for 5 years ago.
You can bet Romney won't be running against Obamacare for long. It's what he did in Massachusetts.

Wrong. The people who hate Obamacare don't care what Romney did on a state level. It's their last chance to get rid of the garbage law and Romney is promising to repeal it.
Now that it's been given the SC imprimatur, are Democrats going to be heralding the accomplishment in their campaign ads?

what are the idiotic reps going to run on? mitch mcconnel saying there isnt much we can do about it?
You can bet Romney won't be running against Obamacare for long. It's what he did in Massachusetts.

Wrong. The people who hate Obamacare don't care what Romney did on a state level. It's their last chance to get rid of the garbage law and Romney is promising to repeal it.

a romney promise is worth less than turds swirling down a toilet bowl.
Now that the GOP thugs got their asses kicked with the supreme court ruling, I'd bet every one will be running on the victory of the affordable care act.

It is so funny that we heard for the longest time that obama was going to lose if the supreme court found the health care mandate unconstitutional. but we were all doomed if SCOTUS upheld it because everyone in the stock market was going to sell everything and move somewhere else despite the fact america is one of the biggest markets out there. The constitution was supposed to spontaneously combust if it was upheld.

Of course, it was upheld. obama's numbers did not take a hit and even got better in some places. The stock market actually went up the day it was announced, and still has not collapsed like it did for Bush. Gas prices are still down. The constitution is still there. Families are not dying off because they have what they call obamacare. I am just waiting for november and hoping Obama wins so that I can see the rape and destruction of logic and reality they wilkl come up with to show how an Obama win is really an obama loss.

It is so amazing ho nomatter what it is is somehow a win for the GOP even when their own people end up turning against their idiocy. 20 years from now the GOP will be stripped of all meaning and just be the delusionary extremists who drove all the moderate intelligent people away, and for some reason they will still be as strong as ever if you talk to their delusional members.

It is like old bigots. they sit around in their houses today because when they go outside they are reminded that they lost, but in their houses they can watch fox news and live in their fantasy world until their younger family members come to visit and remind them that the world outside scares the fuck out of them.

There's only one thing wrong with your whole "scenario", order for all these wonderful things to happen, ObamaCare would actually have to work. Since it's a terrible piece of legislation written by progressive ideologues it's not going to lower health care costs for the average American but will instead raise them. Then there's the whole "adding to the deficit" thing. By the time the REAL costs of ObamaCare become apparent and people like you finally figure out that you can't add 30 million people to the system and not have it cost trillions in money we'll have to borrow...the question on everyone's lips is going to be..."Who was behind this and what the heck were they smoking when they wrote this thing?"
Let's face facts here, Kiddies...the Democrats KNOW that ObamaCare is going to be a slowly unfolding cluster fuck that will eventually become unsustainable fiscally. Their only saving grace is that they've structured it so the most of the costs don't kick in until after the 2012 election. Did you think that was by accident?

I'm glad that the Supreme Court didn't rule ObamaCare unconstitutional. If they HAD we would have heard nonstop wails from the Left that the reason ObamaCare failed was because the GOP got the Robert's Court to take away it's core. We'd be hearing that refrain for YEARS. Instead we're going to get to see what happens when you let idiots like Nancy Pelosi draft legislation. ObamaCare is going to fail not because of GOP's going to fail because it's so inherently flawed.

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