So WHO Is 'Wacking' People Linked To Epstein Case?

As the song goes, 'Another one bites the dust'....

It doesn't seem like this guy cared about epstein......besides....why kill the judge when another judge will just be appointed.
'One less to deal with'...or perhaps it was a 'message' to other judges?!

The Adventure Capital CEO who was found beheaded and dismembered yet without any trace of blood - THAT looked like a 'warning' to someone. If you want someone dead you don't take the time to kidnap someone, dismember them, drain all blood, clean it all up, bring him back to his apartment, and leave the pieces behind. You just have someone walk up behind them on the street, shoot them, leave all their valuables, then have the police call it a robbery attempt'...or you shoot someone in the back of the head and leave them on the train tracks, and have the coroner ignore the bullet wound and declare the person fell asleep on the train tracks and was killed by the train....right HILLARY?


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