So who thinks insulting a veteran on these forums is poor form?

My but you do lie, don't you? The only one humiliated in the exchange was you as your ignorance of the job you claimed to have done was exposed for all to see.

If that's the case, you'll be able to show everyone some of the "ignorance" of mine that you exposed. Go on, the threads are all still here. We'll wait.

No, you won't do so. First, everything I said was well-supported, and second, you're a dickless wonder.

And now you, a poser are running to vets for comfort....and I see that you appear the only one stepping up to give you comfort...I do note that you have managed to marginally fool someone...

As to vet spitting, your pretense at being a vet is an insult and a great big loogie in the face of every vet on this board.

According to dickless here, I've spent years and great sums of money carefully crafting a forged identity, all so I could make a single offhand comment on a message board.

SSDD, why don't you just admit your fuckup? You couldn't beat me in an honest argument, so you had a meltdown and started vet-spitting. It's not like you're fooling anyone, and now you're just digging deeper into the stupid hole. You should quit before you reach China.
A veteran should not be considered above anyone else.
Are you part of the club?

You need to elaborate. What club are you talking about?
I would have thought that was obvious - a 'gimme'.

By that, I mean, are you a veteran of the US or an allied military, yourself?
Absolutely not. Never going to fight to help the rich get richer.
Pretty much what I thought.

The rest of us will view your remark: 'A veteran should not be considered above anyone else.' with all the seriousness and credibility it deserves.


"...And gentlemen in England now-a-bed, Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks, That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day." - Henry V, Act IV, Scene III 18-67 - William Shakespeare, ca. 1599 --- Old Will really knew how to pen a sentiment
My but you do lie, don't you? The only one humiliated in the exchange was you as your ignorance of the job you claimed to have done was exposed for all to see.

If that's the case, you'll be able to show everyone some of the "ignorance" of mine that you exposed. Go on, the threads are all still here. We'll wait.

No, you won't do so. First, everything I said was well-supported, and second, you're a dickless wonder.

And now you, a poser are running to vets for comfort....and I see that you appear the only one stepping up to give you comfort...I do note that you have managed to marginally fool someone...

As to vet spitting, your pretense at being a vet is an insult and a great big loogie in the face of every vet on this board.

According to dickless here, I've spent years and great sums of money carefully crafting a forged identity, all so I could make a single offhand comment on a message board.

SSDD, why don't you just admit your fuckup? You couldn't beat me in an honest argument, so you had a meltdown and started vet-spitting. It's not like you're fooling anyone, and now you're just digging deeper into the stupid hole. You should quit before you reach China.

Keep crying one is listening.....or are you still to wrapped up in yourself to notice what is going on around you....lack of situational awareness....more evidence that you are a poser.
Pay attention, dickless.

You claim you revealed my "ignorance" concerning the Navy and nuclear reactors.

I challenged you to back up your bullshit.

You squealed and ran, in full view of everyone.

Hence, everyone knows you're my little bitch now.
Asclepias insisted a man that claims to be a vet is not and insults him. Who thinks this is poor form? How would you feel if someone claimed you were not a vet as you claim?
People insult vets here all the time. I'm a vet and have been insulted numerous times. I can handle it. Can you?
And I defend you every time it happens. We should shame people when they insult vets on this board.

And I saw RGS take SmarterThanTheAverageMal to task for it, too.
Forty years ago pop culture forced kids to spit on Veterans or they couldn't get laid. Since Vietnam has been shoved down American culture as a defeat instead of a victory the radical left has treated Vietnam Veterans as losers. Democrats and the radical left hate victory and freedom and they would rather treat Veterans as victims rather than heroes. Veterans who agree to be victims are the sad legacy of the greatest.

This is off topic, but in what way was Vietnam a victory?
The Tet offensive was the last gasp of the North Vietnam invaders and the US Military was able to not only win the battle but just about wipe out the entire NVA in their last desperate offensive disguised as a religious holiday. General Giap in later years remarked that he had lost his entire army. America depends on the media for it's information and the media could have declared Tet to be a victory but alas at that time in the US the last thing the liberal media wanted was a Military victory. Walter Cronkite gave the VC breathing room when he declared Tet to be a "stalemate" and insulted the valor of every freaking American serviceman. There was no other information source so Vietnam Veterans have had to endure a propaganda defeat ever since.
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A veteran should not be considered above anyone else.
Are you part of the club?

You need to elaborate. What club are you talking about?
I would have thought that was obvious - a 'gimme'.

By that, I mean, are you a veteran of the US or an allied military, yourself?
Absolutely not. Never going to fight to help the rich get richer.
Pretty much what I thought.

The rest of us will view your remark: 'A veteran should not be considered above anyone else.' with all the seriousness and credibility it deserves.
Much more credibility than all that nonsense about fighting for freedom. I remember seeing that bumper sticker that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom" Somebody suggested that was propaganda. I stated no, it's an outright lie. In my books military personel get less respect than others. We can blame Bush or any other president for these invasions and wars but the real problem is those who sign up to blindly do their bidding.
Are you part of the club?

You need to elaborate. What club are you talking about?
I would have thought that was obvious - a 'gimme'.

By that, I mean, are you a veteran of the US or an allied military, yourself?
Absolutely not. Never going to fight to help the rich get richer.
Pretty much what I thought.

The rest of us will view your remark: 'A veteran should not be considered above anyone else.' with all the seriousness and credibility it deserves.
Much more credibility than all that nonsense about fighting for freedom. I remember seeing that bumper sticker that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom" Somebody suggested that was propaganda. I stated no, it's an outright lie. In my books military personel get less respect than others. We can blame Bush or any other president for these invasions and wars but the real problem is those who sign up to blindly do their bidding.
If you look anything like your avi, Uncle Sam wouldn't want your sorry ass.
You need to elaborate. What club are you talking about?
I would have thought that was obvious - a 'gimme'.

By that, I mean, are you a veteran of the US or an allied military, yourself?
Absolutely not. Never going to fight to help the rich get richer.
Pretty much what I thought.

The rest of us will view your remark: 'A veteran should not be considered above anyone else.' with all the seriousness and credibility it deserves.
Much more credibility than all that nonsense about fighting for freedom. I remember seeing that bumper sticker that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom" Somebody suggested that was propaganda. I stated no, it's an outright lie. In my books military personel get less respect than others. We can blame Bush or any other president for these invasions and wars but the real problem is those who sign up to blindly do their bidding.
If you look anything like your avi, Uncle Sam wouldn't want your sorry ass.

You know those funky peackniks from the 60s who would put flowers into rifle barrels, chant "Make love, not war" and then spit on returning soldiers? They're still around. Just follow the aroma of patchouli oil.
I would have thought that was obvious - a 'gimme'.

By that, I mean, are you a veteran of the US or an allied military, yourself?
Absolutely not. Never going to fight to help the rich get richer.
Pretty much what I thought.

The rest of us will view your remark: 'A veteran should not be considered above anyone else.' with all the seriousness and credibility it deserves.
Much more credibility than all that nonsense about fighting for freedom. I remember seeing that bumper sticker that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom" Somebody suggested that was propaganda. I stated no, it's an outright lie. In my books military personel get less respect than others. We can blame Bush or any other president for these invasions and wars but the real problem is those who sign up to blindly do their bidding.
If you look anything like your avi, Uncle Sam wouldn't want your sorry ass.

You know those funky peackniks from the 60s who would put flowers into rifle barrels, chant "Make love, not war" and then spit on returning soldiers? They're still around. Just follow the aroma of patchouli oil.
We used to call it a hippie shower bath.
You need to elaborate. What club are you talking about?
I would have thought that was obvious - a 'gimme'.

By that, I mean, are you a veteran of the US or an allied military, yourself?
Absolutely not. Never going to fight to help the rich get richer.
Pretty much what I thought.

The rest of us will view your remark: 'A veteran should not be considered above anyone else.' with all the seriousness and credibility it deserves.
Much more credibility than all that nonsense about fighting for freedom. I remember seeing that bumper sticker that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom" Somebody suggested that was propaganda. I stated no, it's an outright lie. In my books military personel get less respect than others. We can blame Bush or any other president for these invasions and wars but the real problem is those who sign up to blindly do their bidding.
If you look anything like your avi, Uncle Sam wouldn't want your sorry ass.
Well I can see i'm outdone here. Amazing debating skills, and so clever.
Sarge, bad form?!

I call it reprehensible! To counter the sheer ignorance and nerve of this individual who insulted you - I would like to tell what it an honor I count it to be able to thank you from my heart for your military service - defending the lives and the freedom of the people of the United States of America!

I thank God for men such as yourself that gave your all for this country!

Lies, oh and by the way, god does not exist.
Are you part of the club?

You need to elaborate. What club are you talking about?
I would have thought that was obvious - a 'gimme'.

By that, I mean, are you a veteran of the US or an allied military, yourself?
Absolutely not. Never going to fight to help the rich get richer.
Pretty much what I thought.

The rest of us will view your remark: 'A veteran should not be considered above anyone else.' with all the seriousness and credibility it deserves.
Much more credibility than all that nonsense about fighting for freedom. I remember seeing that bumper sticker that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom" Somebody suggested that was propaganda. I stated no, it's an outright lie. In my books military personel get less respect than others. We can blame Bush or any other president for these invasions and wars but the real problem is those who sign up to blindly do their bidding.
Oh, there's no escaping the idea that the Iraq War was complete and total bullshit.

However, when you are in the Armed Forces, you don't get to pick and choose your wars; you go where your country needs you to go.

Hindsight is 20/20 - the casus belli for Iraq was already looking questionable at the time but things were far less clear in 2003 than they were a couple of years later, when that horseshit bumper sticker would have been printed.

And that uncertainty goes double for the personal confusion experienced by the young people of the times who were badly used by their civilian superiors.

Do not blame the young kids who went into harm's way, in connection with Iraq. Blame their civilian elected officials, who sent them there on false premises.

If you truly believe that the REAL problem is the people who sign-up to serve their country and to put themselves into harm's way, rather than the errant public officials who, from time to time, send them on missions or campaigns of questionable value or merit, then, you are not someone whom most of your countrymen would want to stand beside.

And, if you truly cannot correctly distinguish between dedication and service to country and countrymen, versus misuse by elected civilian government officials, then you are also not particularly perceptive, nor realistic - nor, for that matter, much of an American, as that appellation is commonly perceived and applied by most of your own countrymen.

As I said before - the rest of us will view your remark - 'A veteran should not be considered above anyone else' - with all the seriousness and credibility that it deserves.

Thank you for your feedback.
You gotta have a thin skin if you are wounded by petty insults on the forum. Right gunny?
Once again I wasn't insulted he accused another person of not being a vet. Whats wrong? Can't get anyone to agree with you that PTSD should lose their 2nd amendment rights?
I read "Stolen Valor'.

I don't believe anyone on a board that claims to be a vet.

As a kid, I recall many WWII vets, and one thing they had in common, they rarely talked about it.
I would have thought that was obvious - a 'gimme'.

By that, I mean, are you a veteran of the US or an allied military, yourself?
Absolutely not. Never going to fight to help the rich get richer.
Pretty much what I thought.

The rest of us will view your remark: 'A veteran should not be considered above anyone else.' with all the seriousness and credibility it deserves.
Much more credibility than all that nonsense about fighting for freedom. I remember seeing that bumper sticker that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom" Somebody suggested that was propaganda. I stated no, it's an outright lie. In my books military personel get less respect than others. We can blame Bush or any other president for these invasions and wars but the real problem is those who sign up to blindly do their bidding.
If you look anything like your avi, Uncle Sam wouldn't want your sorry ass.

You know those funky peackniks from the 60s who would put flowers into rifle barrels, chant "Make love, not war" and then spit on returning soldiers? They're still around. Just follow the aroma of patchouli oil.
I don't think our colleague is old enough to quality - he/she/it certainly hasn't manifested a sufficiently mature and perceptive persona to make me buy into that - but, of course, I could be wrong - some people never grow up - ever - and dwell in the land of the immature until their bodies give out - true of many 'peaceniks' from the 60s.
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As per someone's post, most vets who've been in combat rarely talk about it. I am NOT one of those because I was not a combat soldier - although I did get in harm's way a few times.

However, being a vet should not entitle any of us more than we have already been legislated to have.

As for insulting me - go ahead! Doesn't bother me at all as I simply consider the source. :salute: :tank:
I don't care if you are a veteran or not. If you are on these forums you are fair game. Being a veteran myself, I can say that I don't expect special treatment from anyone.​
I don't care if you are a veteran or not. If you are on these forums you are fair game. Being a veteran myself, I can say that I don't expect special treatment from anyone.​

Right on! Come here and accept what's coming. Or - go home.

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