So who thinks insulting a veteran on these forums is poor form?

Those guys look totally gay. You aren't really disputing anything here.
Nothing gay about it. That's for dress, not every day use. It was quite warm too being wool and close fitting. You should see the dress whites. And better yet, try to keep the dress whites white! It was a bitch.
I had mine made of gaberdine, lined with silk, dragons embroidered in the cuffs. Made in some place in Kowloon that likely disappeared long ago.
Personally, I don't like all of this "Thank You for your service" that seems to be the rage today.

When someone says it to me......I just kind of nod my head and don't verbally reply.

I was drafted into the US Army 1970 during the heat of the Vietnam war. And have yet to see anything that it achieved. Or exactly how I was defending my country?

So I find the whole thing to be somewhat embarrassing. ...... :cool:

Of course, the 'Thank you for your service' mindset is a welcome change, brought about by the shabby way in which Vietnam veterans were treated when they came home, and the nation's long-delayed but well-meaning response to ensure that such poor treatment is never again directed against those who served (articulated for those not up to speed on that).

Vietnam was a waste of blood and treasure in many respects but it served as demonstration of American resolve not to allow Asia fall to Communism and it also served to illustrate that the US could conduct a major war against Russian and Chinese proxies while simultaneously holding the line in Europe.

I don't think the blood and treasure were worth the value of those demonstrated points but those had some considerable value at the time - value that eventually evaporated.

But, answering your country's call, rather than running for the border or hiding behind a college textbook, is a measure of personal commitment to country and countrymen, and has merit in its own right.

You may very well have difficulty in discerning how you were defending your country, but, once called, you complied, and chose to serve, in an organization which, broadly speaking, was standing on-guard and defending the country, both directly and indirectly, by its show of strength.

For deciding to serve, rather than running, or hiding in your books, and, sincerely - for whatever little it may be worth - I thank you for your service. Well done.
I've got a vet-spitter stalking me in the environment forum, SSDD. Out of nowhere and for no apparent reason, he just started screaming that I'm a total fraud and not really a vet, and he refuses to give it a rest.

Giss at .77c for September Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Just letting everyone here know what a sorry piece of shit SSDD is. I've invited him here to justify his actions and "prove" what a fraud I am. We'll see if the pansy has the guts.
Asclepias insisted a man that claims to be a vet is not and insults him. Who thinks this is poor form? How would you feel if someone claimed you were not a vet as you claim?
I believe it is poor form on any message board to be insulting or to attack others personal opinions. This is something that goes beyond this one scenario. Hate and ridicule should be saved for the flame boards. All other boards should only contain peaceful discussion and debate. This is the best way for everyone to have a good experience, learn from these boards, and to have their voices heard.
I've got a vet-spitter stalking me in the environment forum, SSDD. Out of nowhere and for no apparent reason, he just started screaming that I'm a total fraud and not really a vet, and he refuses to give it a rest.

Giss at .77c for September Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Just letting everyone here know what a sorry piece of shit SSDD is. I've invited him here to justify his actions and "prove" what a fraud I am. We'll see if the pansy has the guts.

Since you are no vet, running to vets for sympathy is hardly a good tactic. You got reamed when you claimed to be a vet by people who knew the job you claimed to have done far better than were outed as a poser and got your feelings you run to actual vets for sympathy....good luck with that.

My advice would be to not talk much about your pretended service...maybe you can actually fool some who aren't paying much attention.

By the way, it doesn't look much like you are getting any sympathy here. You see, running to vets for sympathy isn't really something that a vet would do. It is what a crybaby poser would do. The idea that someone questioning my service could make me run to other vets for comfort is enough to make me laugh out loud. I would be somewhat disappointed if they didn't deride me incessantly for being such a pastel pansy...running to them for support because bad old SSDD called you a poser....clearly you lack the experience of even basic training...and have no inkling of how actual vets think.

The more you do, the more evident it becomes that you are a poser. Want a tissue?
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Your service matters more to those you served with and those you served.

Returning home from my service ... I was initially upset with the disrespect and doubts dumped on me and my fellow soldiers in some cases. Now I recognize it doesn't matter what they think ... They weren't there and don't know any better.

There is little we can do back here in the real world that compares to what we accomplished elsewhere ... And I am thankful for that. You know what you did ... Those you directly served and served with know ... That is how and why you served ... If others disagree, fuck em.

Since you are no vet, running to vets for sympathy is hardly a good tactic. You got reamed when you claimed to be a vet by people who knew the job you claimed to have done far better than were outed as a poser and got your feelings you run to actual vets for sympathy....good luck with that.

My DD214 says you're a liar and vet-spitter. Post #94 in this thread. You've seen it before, and shit yourself and run before.

For those interested in the background here, about a year back, I mentioned once in the Environment folder that I understood heat flow quite well, being I used to run nuclear reactors for the Navy. That sent my stalker-pack, not the most stable bunch, into a jihad of vet-spitting.

After a month of humiliating them over their complete ignorance of the Navy, they eventually gave it a rest. Alas, SSDD here has been particularly stupid lately, so I've been humiliating him (on environmental topics) with more than the usual severity. Hence, his current meltdown and sudden unprompted return to vet-spitting.
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Asclepias insisted a man that claims to be a vet is not and insults him. Who thinks this is poor form? How would you feel if someone claimed you were not a vet as you claim?

Nothing at all wrong with insulting a vet, so long as you are not insulting his/her military service. I respect anyone who has worn the uniform but I think a lot of them are blithering idiots.
Asclepias insisted a man that claims to be a vet is not and insults him. Who thinks this is poor form? How would you feel if someone claimed you were not a vet as you claim?
People insult vets here all the time. I'm a vet and have been insulted numerous times. I can handle it. Can you?
Now that you mention it, ol Sarge hasn't said one word at the bashing you have taken over the years. I wonder why that is. Pick and choose who to be indignant over, eh?
A man who claims to have gone to war cries over an insult?

Bit pathetic.
Since you are no vet, running to vets for sympathy is hardly a good tactic. You got reamed when you claimed to be a vet by people who knew the job you claimed to have done far better than were outed as a poser and got your feelings you run to actual vets for sympathy....good luck with that.

My DD214 says you're a liar and vet-spitter. Post #94 in this thread. You've seen it before, and shit yourself and run before.

For those interested in the background here, about a year back, I mentioned once in the Environment folder that I understood heat flow quite well, being I used to run nuclear reactors for the Navy. That sent my stalker-pack, not the most stable bunch, into a jihad of vet-spitting.

After a month of humiliating them over their complete ignorance of the Navy, they eventually gave it a rest. Alas, SSDD here has been particularly stupid lately, so I've been humiliating him (on environmental topics) with more than the usual severity. Hence, his current meltdown and sudden unprompted return to vet-spitting.

My but you do lie, don't you? The only one humiliated in the exchange was you as your ignorance of the job you claimed to have done was exposed for all to see. And now you, a poser are running to vets for comfort....and I see that you appear the only one stepping up to give you comfort...I do note that you have managed to marginally fool someone...

As to vet spitting, your pretense at being a vet is an insult and a great big loogie in the face of every vet on this board.
Asclepias insisted a man that claims to be a vet is not and insults him. Who thinks this is poor form? How would you feel if someone claimed you were not a vet as you claim?

So you don't think that SmarterThanTheAverageBear should insult bodecea with his constant posting of new harassing threads, lying about her as well as lying about other posters here?

What about lying about having attended West Point? You think that's wrong?
Asclepias insisted a man that claims to be a vet is not and insults him. Who thinks this is poor form? How would you feel if someone claimed you were not a vet as you claim?

So you don't think that SmarterThanTheAverageBear should insult bodecea with his constant posting of new harassing threads, lying about her as well as lying about other posters here?

What about lying about having attended West Point? You think that's wrong?

I have never lied on this forum Luddly.
Asclepias insisted a man that claims to be a vet is not and insults him. Who thinks this is poor form? How would you feel if someone claimed you were not a vet as you claim?

So you don't think that SmarterThanTheAverageBear should insult bodecea with his constant posting of new harassing threads, lying about her as well as lying about other posters here?

What about lying about having attended West Point? You think that's wrong?

I have never lied on this forum Luddly.


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