So who's been idled by the pandemic?

Nope. Nothing here. In fact, I'm gonna have a lot more work to bid. With all of the corporate headquarters and other corporate buildings sending people home it's a perfect time to do those reconfigs. I've got bids out in 14 states so far. Some of which are weks-long projects. Most of em are existing clientele, but I have to bid on the work just as a technicality.

Oddly enough, there's a recent uptick in earthquake kit installations. Usually only install those on the west coast.
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Nope. Nothing here. In fact, I'm gonna have a lot more work to bid. With all of the corporate headquarters and other corporate buildings sending people home it's a perfect time to do those reconfigs. I've got bids out in 14 states so far. Most of em are existing clientele, but I have to bid on the work just as a technicality.

Keep working!
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

Nope. LIfe goes on as it always has. Wallyworld run today, wasn't bad. Out of many things like flour, eggs, taters.... Even got a pkg paper towels and they had PT, got enough.

What's PT?
It's the fancy toilet paper, Papier de Toilette......?

I got a 12-pack of John Wayne Toilet Paper today!

The only problem is that it don't take no shit!!
Keep working!

I sub almost all of it out so I'll still have time to screw around calling a spade a spade. Heh heh. Sorry, gunslinger. Though, maybe not as often. So you catch a little break, I guess.
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No change.

I've been turning away business for decades. In comfortable retirement I only do pro-bono work for a limited number of non-profit clients. I can afford to do it; they can't afford to pay for it. There was an instance this week where I couldn't do more than tele-assist due to a travel ban. It worked so I may extend that practice because travel through the bullshit airport theater TSA stuff has never gone away from the last big "crisis". Nor will most of the crap you lemmings will endure years after "the virus" is a distant memory.

But just now I've been rethinking my collection of Obama toilet tissue. It had declined in value but is suddenly zooming though for the wrong reason.

Whaddyka think a roll might be worth just now?
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

Nope. LIfe goes on as it always has. Wallyworld run today, wasn't bad. Out of many things like flour, eggs, taters.... Even got a pkg paper towels and they had PT, got enough.

What's PT?
It's the fancy toilet paper, Papier de Toilette......?

I got a 12-pack of John Wayne Toilet Paper today!

The only problem is that it don't take no shit!!
Funny! Thanks for the humorous post.
Keep working!

I sub almost all of it out so I'll still have time to screw around calling a spade a spade. Heh heh. Sorry, gunsliner. Though, maybe not as often. So you catch a little break, I guess.

What's a gunsliner?
I'm sure he meant GUNSLINGER?

Some people are so rattled by this Wuhanvirus that they forget how to even spell.

Take hold of yourselves, fer' Chrissakes!....:backpedal:.

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