So who's been idled by the pandemic?

My wife and I are followers of Dave Ramsey, Debt reduction guru. His rule is that you should have 6 months of living as an emergency fund.

Our fund was recently depleted, by my wife having some cosmetic surgery, which was incredibly painful, for me, but still, I'm confident that we will be fine, for the duration of this panic. She is working, and we have rent coming in from an investment property, and I think that I will still be getting paid, AND even if that all goes to hell somehow, we have vast amounts of untouched credit, that we could use to live on, AND,

well, you get the idea.

Today, my daughter and I started on cleaning out the basement. I have been wanting to do that, but been too busy. She is approaching teen years, and I discussed putting a snack and soda bar in the utility room, for her and her friends.

She was excited about the idea.

I love Dave Ramsey. Doesn't matter if you are just barely getting by on a low paying job. Just mow some lawns or deliver pizza, and you too can be a millionaire. I often wonder what drugs he is on..

It is all about the long term. ONe of my few regrets is that I did not hear of him sooner.

My wife is fairly confident that we will be millionaires by the time we retire. I consider her assumptions optimistic. But as time goes on the complex of what ifs required to go balls up to destroy us, become increasingly unlikely.

Sure, No problem. Just increase your income. It's easy cause Ramsey said it was. Why didn't any one else think of that?

Not always his answer. More about once you get to a certain level, not to increase your standard of living to match.

I recall my first promotion. My co-worker of the time told me that, "maybe now you can get a real car".

I wanted to punch him in the face. The closest thing I had ever had to a "break" and you want me to immediately increase my expenses, instead of trying to get ahead?

I still drive used. I had a car payment ONCE, when I was making too much money and got lazy and impatient. It was a mistake.

About half of my friends make more money than me. But only one of them, is in better financial shape. Maybe.
Good for you, there are far too few Americans who have that mindset.
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?
Our closest competitor just layed off 25% of their employees and 9 of our clients haven't paid their bills. I may be at home in the future if things don't pan out. I took a 30% pay cut already. It's just the beginning, and for others, it's the end. Or damn near it.

Yup, if the government doesn't do something quick the carnage to small businesses will be catastrophic.

You don't think the free market will take care of us? When did you become a communist comrad?
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

I work form home as is and have pretty much all I need and what I didn't I ordered off of Amazon. I too don't plan on going anywhere in the next two weeks except some mild off roading. I go with a group but we are all in separate vehicles and when we're not we just stand a little further and speak a little louder.
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

You can not completely cut yourself off from the outside World and you will venture outside.

I have limited my travel to the Chinese owned store in Katy, Texas, to the Clinic and home...

Why the Chinese Market ya say?

Simple, everyone is afraid to shop there, so they are stocked with food...
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

Went to the supermarket today.
I found everything I needed except for eggs.

Yup. We wanted to make a banana cream pie and had to to go to five supermarkets before we found eggs
Banana cream pie? Clearly you are not embracing the apocalypse. :banana:

Au contraire! We are fully embracing the apocalypse!

Just with pie!:113:

Local fish fry is going on, but pick up only. We are going to call in a lunch order. It will be tasty!

There is a new local pizza delivery service. They have a small, but excellent selection of deserts. I was thinking of checking to see if they are open and have any. I would think they are open. I hear delivery services are doing well. THe only question is if they have any cheesecake left.
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?
Our closest competitor just layed off 25% of their employees and 9 of our clients haven't paid their bills. I may be at home in the future if things don't pan out. I took a 30% pay cut already. It's just the beginning, and for others, it's the end. Or damn near it.

Yup, if the government doesn't do something quick the carnage to small businesses will be catastrophic.

You don't think the free market will take care of us? When did you become a communist comrad?
Be careful what you wish for. We have enough abuse to people under "freedom". There are many closet nazis in this nation. And a lot are Progs. Look how easy we are controlled. This is like animal farm or 1984. .....p.s.....getting a lot of sun is good. Good healthy Vitamin D and natural from its rays.
My wife and I are followers of Dave Ramsey, Debt reduction guru. His rule is that you should have 6 months of living as an emergency fund.

Our fund was recently depleted, by my wife having some cosmetic surgery, which was incredibly painful, for me, but still, I'm confident that we will be fine, for the duration of this panic. She is working, and we have rent coming in from an investment property, and I think that I will still be getting paid, AND even if that all goes to hell somehow, we have vast amounts of untouched credit, that we could use to live on, AND,

well, you get the idea.

Today, my daughter and I started on cleaning out the basement. I have been wanting to do that, but been too busy. She is approaching teen years, and I discussed putting a snack and soda bar in the utility room, for her and her friends.

She was excited about the idea.

I love Dave Ramsey. Doesn't matter if you are just barely getting by on a low paying job. Just mow some lawns or deliver pizza, and you too can be a millionaire. I often wonder what drugs he is on..

It is all about the long term. ONe of my few regrets is that I did not hear of him sooner.

My wife is fairly confident that we will be millionaires by the time we retire. I consider her assumptions optimistic. But as time goes on the complex of what ifs required to go balls up to destroy us, become increasingly unlikely.

Sure, No problem. Just increase your income. It's easy cause Ramsey said it was. Why didn't any one else think of that?

Not always his answer. More about once you get to a certain level, not to increase your standard of living to match.

I recall my first promotion. My co-worker of the time told me that, "maybe now you can get a real car".

I wanted to punch him in the face. The closest thing I had ever had to a "break" and you want me to immediately increase my expenses, instead of trying to get ahead?

I still drive used. I had a car payment ONCE, when I was making too much money and got lazy and impatient. It was a mistake.

About half of my friends make more money than me. But only one of them, is in better financial shape. Maybe.
Good for you, there are far too few Americans who have that mindset.

My background, and the first half of my life, was tough financially.

My parents were old school, hard working, blue collar. They lived pay check to pay check, not because they were trying to keep up with the jones, but because they did not make a lot of money.

THey did have a windfall later in life. But their idea of investing, well...not good. Easy money, is not the answer.

I learned, the normal way. Though pain. A lot of pain.

you know, I haven't really talked to anyone about that for a long time. I would like to, once this is over, to do so, over a picture of beer, do some wallowing in old bitterness....

But, who would I talk to that would not see it, now, as over the top bragging? Mmm, I will give it some thought.
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

You can not completely cut yourself off from the outside World and you will venture outside.

I have limited my travel to the Chinese owned store in Katy, Texas, to the Clinic and home...

Why the Chinese Market ya say?

Simple, everyone is afraid to shop there, so they are stocked with food...
I closed my business temporarily. I didn't lock myself in the house.
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

You can not completely cut yourself off from the outside World and you will venture outside.

I have limited my travel to the Chinese owned store in Katy, Texas, to the Clinic and home...

Why the Chinese Market ya say?

Simple, everyone is afraid to shop there, so they are stocked with food...
I closed my business temporarily. I didn't lock myself in the house.
While the impeachment was going on this was spreading. Could Trump have done more if he did not deal with a fake impeachment? This is a simple yes or no.
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

You can not completely cut yourself off from the outside World and you will venture outside.

I have limited my travel to the Chinese owned store in Katy, Texas, to the Clinic and home...

Why the Chinese Market ya say?

Simple, everyone is afraid to shop there, so they are stocked with food...
I closed my business temporarily. I didn't lock myself in the house.
While the impeachment was going on this was spreading. Could Trump have done more if he did not deal with a fake impeachment? This is a simple yes or no.
tRump was still telling the faithful it was a hoax during that time frame. Maybe without impeachment he could have said that a little louder and we'd be in even deeper shit than we are now?
My wife and I are followers of Dave Ramsey, Debt reduction guru. His rule is that you should have 6 months of living as an emergency fund.

Our fund was recently depleted, by my wife having some cosmetic surgery, which was incredibly painful, for me, but still, I'm confident that we will be fine, for the duration of this panic. She is working, and we have rent coming in from an investment property, and I think that I will still be getting paid, AND even if that all goes to hell somehow, we have vast amounts of untouched credit, that we could use to live on, AND,

well, you get the idea.

Today, my daughter and I started on cleaning out the basement. I have been wanting to do that, but been too busy. She is approaching teen years, and I discussed putting a snack and soda bar in the utility room, for her and her friends.

She was excited about the idea.

I love Dave Ramsey. Doesn't matter if you are just barely getting by on a low paying job. Just mow some lawns or deliver pizza, and you too can be a millionaire. I often wonder what drugs he is on..

It is all about the long term. ONe of my few regrets is that I did not hear of him sooner.

My wife is fairly confident that we will be millionaires by the time we retire. I consider her assumptions optimistic. But as time goes on the complex of what ifs required to go balls up to destroy us, become increasingly unlikely.

Sure, No problem. Just increase your income. It's easy cause Ramsey said it was. Why didn't any one else think of that?

Most people I know see Dave Ramsey as being helpful. They don't talk of being millionairs. They talk of paying off debt and doing other smart things.

Seems typical to me that you don't have the mental acuity to catch on. Consequently, you mock someone who has a pretty good following, many of whom attribute his advice as being the primary element to them practicing more disciplined money management.

He's got a radio show (don't know...but he's got something).

Who the fuck is listening to you ?
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

You can not completely cut yourself off from the outside World and you will venture outside.

I have limited my travel to the Chinese owned store in Katy, Texas, to the Clinic and home...

Why the Chinese Market ya say?

Simple, everyone is afraid to shop there, so they are stocked with food...
I closed my business temporarily. I didn't lock myself in the house.
While the impeachment was going on this was spreading. Could Trump have done more if he did not deal with a fake impeachment? This is a simple yes or no.
tRump was still telling the faithful it was a hoax during that time frame. Maybe without impeachment he could have said that a little louder and we'd be in even deeper shit than we are now?

And how deep are we in ?

Please give us your metrics.
I'm able to telecommute. Very busy. Getting ready to ride my bike on my lunch break.
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

You can not completely cut yourself off from the outside World and you will venture outside.

I have limited my travel to the Chinese owned store in Katy, Texas, to the Clinic and home...

Why the Chinese Market ya say?

Simple, everyone is afraid to shop there, so they are stocked with food...
I closed my business temporarily. I didn't lock myself in the house.
While the impeachment was going on this was spreading. Could Trump have done more if he did not deal with a fake impeachment? This is a simple yes or no.
tRump was still telling the faithful it was a hoax during that time frame. Maybe without impeachment he could have said that a little louder and we'd be in even deeper shit than we are now?
Well he closed off China when you were calling him a racist. Should he have listened to you?
social distancing. use it, get out. they are encouraging that.

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