So who's been idled by the pandemic?

I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

I take it you mean your bidness door, not your house door.

My bidness door has been shut for me, as it kinda depends on people getting together. This is where having a hobby like shortwave radio really comes in handy. :thup:

Oh and yes, plenty of eggs.
Keep working!

I sub almost all of it out so I'll still have time to screw around calling a spade a spade. Heh heh. Sorry, gunsliner. Though, maybe not as often. So you catch a little break, I guess.

What's a gunsliner?
I'm sure he meant GUNSLINGER?

Some people are so rattled by this Wuhanvirus that they forget how to even spell.

Take hold of yourselves, fer' Chrissakes!....:backpedal:.
Whatch you tookin' aboot, Willis? (That DOES sound oddly Canadian, eh?)
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

Nope. LIfe goes on as it always has. Wallyworld run today, wasn't bad. Out of many things like flour, eggs, taters.... Even got a pkg paper towels and they had PT, got enough.

What's PT?
It's the fancy toilet paper, Papier de Toilette......?

I got a 12-pack of John Wayne Toilet Paper today!

The only problem is that it don't take no shit!!

I got the Star Trek TP. It's always looking for Klingons.
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

Nope. LIfe goes on as it always has. Wallyworld run today, wasn't bad. Out of many things like flour, eggs, taters.... Even got a pkg paper towels and they had PT, got enough.

What's PT?
It's the fancy toilet paper, Papier de Toilette......?

I got a 12-pack of John Wayne Toilet Paper today!

The only problem is that it don't take no shit!!

I got the Star Trek TP. It's always looking for Klingons.
Yep, it's ESPECIALLY good for those poop rings around yer anus!
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

I take it you mean your bidness door, not your house door.

My bidness door has been shut for me, as it kinda depends on people getting together. This is where having a hobby like shortwave radio really comes in handy. :thup:

Oh and yes, plenty of eggs.
My parents are farmers. I always have tons of eggs.
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

Went to the supermarket today.
I found everything I needed except for eggs.
Went to the supermarket today eh ???

Ok, so the government is telling people not to gather over 10 ? people, closing resteraunts (use the window if got one), closing gym's, fast food resteraunts, roads empty, hotels motels empty, banks closing inside while using outside window banking business, utilities closing inside business, and then making their customers go to the drive through window, Walmart grocery stores to use curb service, and so on and so forth, but many grocery stores are still excepting patrons inside, who then grab buggies to fill with anything and everything they can get their grubby little hands on... They are working their staff in close proximity to anybody and everybody that comes through the door.

Kidding me right ?

So grocery store employee's mean nothing in this situation ??

Yes people need food of course, but what's wrong with managing this situation better or more correctly ? Are the employee's getting hazardous pay for being required to deal with the Public for whom they have absolutely no clue as to who these patrons are, and if they have the virus or not ? If they contact the virus, do they carry it home to their unsuspecting family or friends ??

This stuff is completely stupid as to how it is all being handled where winners and losers are being picked in society daily... No one should be required to deal with people that they have no clue as to whether or not they have this serious thing.

They could DIE right ?? It's that serious right ?

So let's use common sense in everything that goes on while this thing is active.

What say you ??

Hopefully that Malaria drug and others will quickly mitigate this thing. Let's use common sense folks, and let's protect our people. These stores should be using curb service, and protecting their employee's. They also should be using a system that allows the citizen's to call in their order, and then stop out front to pick their order up. Plastor the information all over the fronts of the store, with the number plastored to call next, just as it would be given in the situation in order to gain the compliance of the customer's.
My wife and I are followers of Dave Ramsey, Debt reduction guru. His rule is that you should have 6 months of living as an emergency fund.

Our fund was recently depleted, by my wife having some cosmetic surgery, which was incredibly painful, for me, but still, I'm confident that we will be fine, for the duration of this panic. She is working, and we have rent coming in from an investment property, and I think that I will still be getting paid, AND even if that all goes to hell somehow, we have vast amounts of untouched credit, that we could use to live on, AND,

well, you get the idea.

Today, my daughter and I started on cleaning out the basement. I have been wanting to do that, but been too busy. She is approaching teen years, and I discussed putting a snack and soda bar in the utility room, for her and her friends.

She was excited about the idea.

I love Dave Ramsey. Doesn't matter if you are just barely getting by on a low paying job. Just mow some lawns or deliver pizza, and you too can be a millionaire. I often wonder what drugs he is on..
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?
Our closest competitor just layed off 25% of their employees and 9 of our clients haven't paid their bills. I may be at home in the future if things don't pan out. I took a 30% pay cut already. It's just the beginning, and for others, it's the end. Or damn near it.
My wife and I are followers of Dave Ramsey, Debt reduction guru. His rule is that you should have 6 months of living as an emergency fund.

Our fund was recently depleted, by my wife having some cosmetic surgery, which was incredibly painful, for me, but still, I'm confident that we will be fine, for the duration of this panic. She is working, and we have rent coming in from an investment property, and I think that I will still be getting paid, AND even if that all goes to hell somehow, we have vast amounts of untouched credit, that we could use to live on, AND,

well, you get the idea.

Today, my daughter and I started on cleaning out the basement. I have been wanting to do that, but been too busy. She is approaching teen years, and I discussed putting a snack and soda bar in the utility room, for her and her friends.

She was excited about the idea.

I love Dave Ramsey. Doesn't matter if you are just barely getting by on a low paying job. Just mow some lawns or deliver pizza, and you too can be a millionaire. I often wonder what drugs he is on..

It is all about the long term. ONe of my few regrets is that I did not hear of him sooner.

My wife is fairly confident that we will be millionaires by the time we retire. I consider her assumptions optimistic. But as time goes on the complex of what ifs required to go balls up to destroy us, become increasingly unlikely.
My wife and I are followers of Dave Ramsey, Debt reduction guru. His rule is that you should have 6 months of living as an emergency fund.

Our fund was recently depleted, by my wife having some cosmetic surgery, which was incredibly painful, for me, but still, I'm confident that we will be fine, for the duration of this panic. She is working, and we have rent coming in from an investment property, and I think that I will still be getting paid, AND even if that all goes to hell somehow, we have vast amounts of untouched credit, that we could use to live on, AND,

well, you get the idea.

Today, my daughter and I started on cleaning out the basement. I have been wanting to do that, but been too busy. She is approaching teen years, and I discussed putting a snack and soda bar in the utility room, for her and her friends.

She was excited about the idea.

I love Dave Ramsey. Doesn't matter if you are just barely getting by on a low paying job. Just mow some lawns or deliver pizza, and you too can be a millionaire. I often wonder what drugs he is on..

It is all about the long term. ONe of my few regrets is that I did not hear of him sooner.

My wife is fairly confident that we will be millionaires by the time we retire. I consider her assumptions optimistic. But as time goes on the complex of what ifs required to go balls up to destroy us, become increasingly unlikely.

Sure, No problem. Just increase your income. It's easy cause Ramsey said it was. Why didn't any one else think of that?
My wife and I are followers of Dave Ramsey, Debt reduction guru. His rule is that you should have 6 months of living as an emergency fund.

Our fund was recently depleted, by my wife having some cosmetic surgery, which was incredibly painful, for me, but still, I'm confident that we will be fine, for the duration of this panic. She is working, and we have rent coming in from an investment property, and I think that I will still be getting paid, AND even if that all goes to hell somehow, we have vast amounts of untouched credit, that we could use to live on, AND,

well, you get the idea.

Today, my daughter and I started on cleaning out the basement. I have been wanting to do that, but been too busy. She is approaching teen years, and I discussed putting a snack and soda bar in the utility room, for her and her friends.

She was excited about the idea.

I love Dave Ramsey. Doesn't matter if you are just barely getting by on a low paying job. Just mow some lawns or deliver pizza, and you too can be a millionaire. I often wonder what drugs he is on..

It is all about the long term. ONe of my few regrets is that I did not hear of him sooner.

My wife is fairly confident that we will be millionaires by the time we retire. I consider her assumptions optimistic. But as time goes on the complex of what ifs required to go balls up to destroy us, become increasingly unlikely.

Sure, No problem. Just increase your income. It's easy cause Ramsey said it was. Why didn't any one else think of that?

Not always his answer. More about once you get to a certain level, not to increase your standard of living to match.

I recall my first promotion. My co-worker of the time told me that, "maybe now you can get a real car".

I wanted to punch him in the face. The closest thing I had ever had to a "break" and you want me to immediately increase my expenses, instead of trying to get ahead?

I still drive used. I had a car payment ONCE, when I was making too much money and got lazy and impatient. It was a mistake.

About half of my friends make more money than me. But only one of them, is in better financial shape. Maybe.
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?

Went to the supermarket today.
I found everything I needed except for eggs.

Yup. We wanted to make a banana cream pie and had to to go to five supermarkets before we found eggs
Banana cream pie? Clearly you are not embracing the apocalypse. :banana:

Au contraire! We are fully embracing the apocalypse!

Just with pie!:113:
I decided to close my door for the next two weeks.

Anybody else?
Our closest competitor just layed off 25% of their employees and 9 of our clients haven't paid their bills. I may be at home in the future if things don't pan out. I took a 30% pay cut already. It's just the beginning, and for others, it's the end. Or damn near it.

Yup, if the government doesn't do something quick the carnage to small businesses will be catastrophic.

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