So Why All the Lying About Russia?

why do you want it to continue?

What is it you suggest be done?

I want answers.

Once we have the report we'll see if there are answers

The answers have already told you that there was no collusion, obstruction, etc. It won't matter though. You can't handle the fact that you lost 2016.
By Trump’s handpicked flunky Barr? The guy who recommended pardons for the Iran Contra criminals? The guy who campaigned for his job on a promise to protect Trump?

That guy?

I saw it as the Democratic party's desperate attempt to win the White House through the Electoral College after their defeat at the polls.
Win the White House? Do you know how Impeachment works? Pence would become President
Let's see the report so we know.

How bout that?
By can't.
And the lying Dems know this.

If Mueller conducted a thorough investigation, by law he cannot reveal names of innocent victims during the investigation. By law.
what law? Did that stop the Clinton email investigation from being released, all 800 pages of the FBI Investigation? Did this law stop the Starr report from being released, including grand jury testimony? Did that stop the Watergate investigation from being released? How about the Stzrok and Page texts and emails from being released, they were not charged with anything?

Most all situations where, we the people need to know or with great public interest, the courts rule, it ALL can be released, including grand jury testimony....
Let's see the report so we know.

How bout that?
By can't.
And the lying Dems know this.

If Mueller conducted a thorough investigation, by law he cannot reveal names of innocent victims during the investigation. By law.
what law? Did that stop the Clinton email investigation from being released, all 800 pages of the FBI Investigation? Did this law stop the Starr report from being released, including grand jury testimony? Did that stop the Watergate investigation from being released? How about the Stzrok and Page texts and emails from being released, they were not charged with anything?

Most all situations where, we the people need to know or with great public interest, the courts rule, it ALL can be released, including grand jury testimony....
I want everyone with immunity deals to get them pulled and go to trial. john podesta.
what answers are you looking for? why won't you accept the answers in the report?
In WHAT report? We haven't seen the Mueller report?
Did I say we had? I want the entire thing out. let's see it. I merely asked what answer she needed.
here are just some of the loose ends that I would like answers to...

Why did Manafort give the secret inside Trump polling data to Kilimnic and lie about it? Did he pass it on to the Russians? What did he need it for....?

Why did Roger Stone lie about his PROVEN contact with Wikileaks Julian Assange during the campaign on the stolen emails? Did he give this info to Trump? Did he help direct the stolen email drops?

Why did Manafort change the Republican platform to favor Russia over the Ukraine? Was Candidate Trump aware of it?

Why did Eric Prince try to set up a back channel for the Russians and the Trump campaign?

Why did Jarod Kushner try to set up a back channel for communications between the Trump campaign and the Russians at the Russian embassy? :eek:

Why did papadopoulis lie about his contacts with the Russians that told him the russians had the clinton and dnc emails?

Why did Donny junior lie before congress?

Why did Flynn lie to the FBI and Vice president Pence about his talks with the Russian Ambassador about relieving them of sanctions?

How did Cambridge Analytica illegally affect the election?

Why did President Trump make up a big ass lie about the Trump tower meeting with Donny junior?

Why did Donny junior meet with the Russian operative and illegal donor to the NRA, at an NRA meet up/dinner?

How much money did the Russians in total, illegally contribute to the NRA?

Why did Trump and Donny junior and Cohen all LIE about the Trump tower Moscow proposal they were pursuing with Russia during the entire campaign?

Why did Trump ease sanctions on Deripaska?

What exactly took place in the meeting in the Seychelles with the Russians and United Emirates and Trump team member and brother of Betsy Devos?

WHY did President Trump say the near traitorous things he said, in the press conference in Helsinki with Putin? Basically, why does Trump lick Putin's ass?

those are just a few of the questions that I have and am certain Mueller tried to get the facts on....

Why did papadopoulis lie about his contacts with the Russians that told him the russians had the clinton and dnc emails?

The Russians didn't tell him they had Hillary's emails.

Joseph Mifsud told him the Russians had Hillary's emails.
They lied to Congress

They lied to the FBI

They lied to the American people.

They risked JAIL for these lies.

Why would they do that?
if donnie's emails where he is told a russian agent sent by putin to give dirt on hillary because putin wants trump to win, and donnie agrees to the meeting in Trump tower, and brings in Jared and Manafort who also know the purpose of the meeting, are not proof of collusion then what is? there is the rub- is it against the law to just talk to russian government agents when they ask if they can meet you to give you dirt on a poltical opponent because dictator crime boss Putin fears hillary and knows he has control over Trump? if it cannot be proven during that meeting that any of those guys said trump is good to go and he will make it worth your while, it is wrong and awful and should make everyone not want to support Trump, but it is probably also not indictable.

If $145 million in "charitable donations" is not proof of collusion then what is?
so somehow a person or a company or a country giving a donation to a A+ rated charity, ranked higher than the Red Cross by some charity watchdog groups, where 87 cents out of every dollar donated goes to those who need help, not overhead, and a Foundation from which no Clinton receives a penny in compensation, somehow is proof of collusion? tell us how even a dumbass trump voter can believe something that stupid.

Yes, foreigners and foreign governments buying access to the next President, the most qualified candidate to ever run.

Beat by two amateurs. LOL!
why do you want it to continue?

What is it you suggest be done?

I want answers.

Once we have the report we'll see if there are answers

The answers have already told you that there was no collusion, obstruction, etc. It won't matter though. You can't handle the fact that you lost 2016.
By Trump’s handpicked flunky Barr? The guy who recommended pardons for the Iran Contra criminals? The guy who campaigned for his job on a promise to protect Trump?

That guy?


Are you still mad that Reagan beat the Contras?
why do you want it to continue?

What is it you suggest be done?

I want answers.

Once we have the report we'll see if there are answers
what answers are you looking for? why won't you accept the answers in the report?

Are you now calling mueller stupid and ineffective?

because they aren't mueller's answers. they are barr's summary & interpretation of mueller's answers.
why do you want it to continue?

What is it you suggest be done?

I want answers.

Once we have the report we'll see if there are answers

The answers have already told you that there was no collusion, obstruction, etc. It won't matter though. You can't handle the fact that you lost 2016.

there may not have been enough to convict on a charge of conspiracy... but trump HAS NOT been exonerated on OBSTRUCTION & saying he has is a big fat orange LIE.
They lied to Congress

They lied to the FBI

They lied to the American people.

They risked JAIL for these lies.

Why would they do that?
You have to be specific genius.......what did Don Jr lie about?

traitor tot lied about the trump tower meeting, when he said it was about russian adoptions rather than 'getting dirt on hillary'. trump obstructed justice when he dictated to jr what to tweet out about said meeting, when they were on air force one.
why do you want it to continue?

What is it you suggest be done?

I want answers.

Once we have the report we'll see if there are answers
what answers are you looking for? why won't you accept the answers in the report?

Are you now calling mueller stupid and ineffective?

because they aren't mueller's answers. they are barr's summary & interpretation of mueller's answers.
that would be illegal to misquote a special prosecutors report. how do you know he miss quoted since you haven't seen the report yet? wow, again, I didn't know you all were Bob's buddies and got to see the report before everyone else.
They lied to Congress

They lied to the FBI

They lied to the American people.

They risked JAIL for these lies.

Why would they do that?
You have to be specific genius.......what did Don Jr lie about?
Trump Tower in Russia.
No Trump Tower in Russia. That was cooked up by Lanny Davis.

trump signed a letter of intent for that very same moscow tower.
so? is that illegal? show me the statute he violated.
They lied to Congress

They lied to the FBI

They lied to the American people.

They risked JAIL for these lies.

Why would they do that?
You have to be specific genius.......what did Don Jr lie about?

traitor tot lied about the trump tower meeting, when he said it was about russian adoptions rather than 'getting dirt on hillary'. trump obstructed justice when he dictated to jr what to tweet out about said meeting, when they were on air force one.
wow, that one went wayyyyyyyy over you head dude.
They lied to Congress

They lied to the FBI

They lied to the American people.

They risked JAIL for these lies.

Why would they do that?
You have to be specific genius.......what did Don Jr lie about?
Trump Tower in Russia.
when did he do that?
To Congress. Don't you know anything?????
so why isn't he arrested?

Good question.
They lied to Congress

They lied to the FBI

They lied to the American people.

They risked JAIL for these lies.

Why would they do that?
You have to be specific genius.......what did Don Jr lie about?
Trump Tower in Russia.
No Trump Tower in Russia. That was cooked up by Lanny Davis.

trump signed a letter of intent for that very same moscow tower.
so? is that illegal? show me the statute he violated.

He lied. Oh wait, you don't care how much Trump lied to you & dupe you into voting for him.

He had to file a financial disclosure form as a candidate & President. Did he list this business in Russia?

He signed the LOI & then claimed he had no business in Russia nor any plans for business with Russia.
You have to be specific genius.......what did Don Jr lie about?
Trump Tower in Russia.
when did he do that?
To Congress. Don't you know anything?????
so why isn't he arrested?

Good question.
well why? if you believe he lied, he should be right? as should Comey and all the dems that lied. right?
why do you want it to continue?

What is it you suggest be done?

I want answers.

Once we have the report we'll see if there are answers

The answers have already told you that there was no collusion, obstruction, etc. It won't matter though. You can't handle the fact that you lost 2016.
By Trump’s handpicked flunky Barr? The guy who recommended pardons for the Iran Contra criminals? The guy who campaigned for his job on a promise to protect Trump?

That guy?


Are you still mad that Reagan beat the Contras?
Its all about the covert up. You're still pissed about Nixon?

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