So would $350,000 for every man, woman, and child that is black...would that be enough?

I saw the near billionaire owner of Black Entertainment Television (BET) Robert L. Johnson (worth $500 million) promoting reparations for 40 million Blacks at $14 trillion.

Johnson thinks that all the things that have been done for Blacks in America haven't worked.
War on Poverty
In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution.

Of the $22 trillion 9,900,000 blacks have received a portion of the $22 trillion. And it is not enough!

according to the below chart 22% of 45 million Americans i n poverty are blacks...
So would EVERY BLACK get $350,000 OR only the Blacks in poverty which would be 9,900,000 blacks who each would get $1,414,141 each.
Where would this $14 trillion come from? Why of course the whites!

View attachment 344065

Give them fucking jobs instead and fucking fine them if they quit.

Updated 11:26 AM ET, Fri September 6, 2019
Black unemployment rate falls to a record low
The unemployment rate for black workers fell to 5.5% from 6%, according to the Labor Department data.
The previous record low of 5.9% was set in May 2018.
The unemployment rate for black women fell to a record 4.4% from 5.2% in July. The unemployment rate for black men crept up to 5.9% from 5.8%. But the previous month's rate was a record, so the rate is still near its historic low.

Geez... wait a minute where was the Black president in this???
I saw the near billionaire owner of Black Entertainment Television (BET) Robert L. Johnson (worth $500 million) promoting reparations for 40 million Blacks at $14 trillion.

Johnson thinks that all the things that have been done for Blacks in America haven't worked.
War on Poverty
In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution.

Of the $22 trillion 9,900,000 blacks have received a portion of the $22 trillion. And it is not enough!

according to the below chart 22% of 45 million Americans i n poverty are blacks...
So would EVERY BLACK get $350,000 OR only the Blacks in poverty which would be 9,900,000 blacks who each would get $1,414,141 each.
Where would this $14 trillion come from? Why of course the whites!

View attachment 344065
Hell fucking no. 350k? You have got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:

All the back wages and punitive damages alone come up to about 20mil a piece.

Blacks were saved from dying terrible deaths in Africa where they raped and murdered each other...where they died of disease and starvation.
Becoming a servant in America was like winning the lotto...Why haven't blacks fought to return to their homelands?
The real story of slavery that can't be told....piss yourself yet?
Hell fucking no. 350k? You have got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:

All the back wages and punitive damages alone come up to about 20mil a piece.

I grew up a hell of a lot poorer than most blacks and I won't give you a damn dime because you didn't want to get off your ass and take some personal responsibility.
Thats your fucking fault your ancestors were lazy. They had a chance to get ahead. Mine were discriminated against and killed. Your silly ass dont even know the difference.

Trying to rationalize that I give you my money is enough mental methane to feed a power plant for 100 years.

I don't owe you shit and neither does anyone else.
You dont have to worry. I know your broke ass dont have 2 dimes to rub together. It would be the US not you.

"don't have" I've been telling you clowns your libtarded schools given to you by retarded Democrats have failed you.

Sue your school for reparations.
I saw the near billionaire owner of Black Entertainment Television (BET) Robert L. Johnson (worth $500 million) promoting reparations for 40 million Blacks at $14 trillion.

Johnson thinks that all the things that have been done for Blacks in America haven't worked.
War on Poverty
In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution.

Of the $22 trillion 9,900,000 blacks have received a portion of the $22 trillion. And it is not enough!

according to the below chart 22% of 45 million Americans i n poverty are blacks...
So would EVERY BLACK get $350,000 OR only the Blacks in poverty which would be 9,900,000 blacks who each would get $1,414,141 each.
Where would this $14 trillion come from? Why of course the whites!

View attachment 344065
I will agree to paying reparations to any black who was actually enslaved in America. The rest of them can kiss my rosy red ass.
BTW I want our welfare money clawed back including all the money for food stamps, AFDC and every other form of welfare payment including school lunch programs, public housing etc. that has been pissed away over the decades. It's high time they got up off of their dead asses and make their own way in life for a change. I sure as hell had to and now so can they. And the sooner they do, the better for everyone concerned. Enough pissing, moaning and whining already.

You saw above, $22 trillion in the last 50 years and blacks got 22% of this even though they are 13% of the USA population.
I saw the near billionaire owner of Black Entertainment Television (BET) Robert L. Johnson (worth $500 million) promoting reparations for 40 million Blacks at $14 trillion.

Johnson thinks that all the things that have been done for Blacks in America haven't worked.
War on Poverty
In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution.

Of the $22 trillion 9,900,000 blacks have received a portion of the $22 trillion. And it is not enough!

according to the below chart 22% of 45 million Americans i n poverty are blacks...
So would EVERY BLACK get $350,000 OR only the Blacks in poverty which would be 9,900,000 blacks who each would get $1,414,141 each.
Where would this $14 trillion come from? Why of course the whites!

View attachment 344065
Hell fucking no. 350k? You have got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:

All the back wages and punitive damages alone come up to about 20mil a piece.

Blacks were saved from dying terrible deaths in Africa where they raped and murdered each other...where they died of disease and starvation.
Becoming a servant in America was like winning the lotto...Why haven't blacks fought to return to their homelands?
The real story of slavery that can't be told....piss yourself yet?
Well by God, I think these black folks should pay ME for their enslavement.

Asslips. Where is my check?


Hell fucking no. 350k? You have got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:

All the back wages and punitive damages alone come up to about 20mil a piece.

I grew up a hell of a lot poorer than most blacks and I won't give you a damn dime because you didn't want to get off your ass and take some personal responsibility.
Thats your fucking fault your ancestors were lazy. They had a chance to get ahead. Mine were discriminated against and killed. Your silly ass dont even know the difference.

How did Oprah get so rich? How about the guy who started BET who wants these reparations? What about Ben Carson? Did they have something you didn't growing up? How did they manage to make it in this country that is evidently so discriminatory? Any person, and to an even greater extent, any minority, has every opportunity to make it in the US. They must put forth a little effort however, and that seems to be the real sticking point. Democrats have taught their constituency that they are "owed" everything. It's truly sad.
Hell fucking no. 350k? You have got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:

All the back wages and punitive damages alone come up to about 20mil a piece.
We would probably end up with war on our territory for the first time in a long while. There is no way to pay that.
Sounds like a "yall" problem to me.
Many men and women have backed the rights of people that have been wronged in this nation. I have also. And it won't be a problem for me. At some point people will stop working. They will become numb and non caring as the state takes most of their wages. You will force people to forge alignments that are much stronger then yours. Many of the whites on your side will exit if violence and real casualties start to mount. Many African Americans are macho and not very loving of not just whites, but gays and extreme feminists. Now there are some tough people in those groups. But how many? One Muslim killed 50 and put another 50 in a hospital at shooting in a gay club a few years ago. your abilities to fight is good. Your organizational skills to do precise search and destroy outings is limited to those trained in that way. I can go on. I am not promoting this. But it has to be an end result if this craziness continues. I will give you a big piece of the answer. But you won't listen. Slow down the single parent families. Drastically lower the amount of teenage girls with children. At some point if we all get poor enough, there will be less resources for that anyway. It is better if all of that anger is put into building from within. Most of the rioters are from that situation aren't they? Plenty of fine people to. Anyway, the corporations should really start to decide to leave the cities. Its not worth the blackmail that never ends.
" At some point people will stop working. They will become numb and non caring as the state takes most of their wages. "

Wait. You trying to tell me white people would go on welfare just cause they dont want to pay Black people reparations? Not sure why you think the state would take anymore than they do now.

"Many of the whites on your side will exit if violence and real casualties start to mount. "

I already know this. Not many whites the caliber of John Brown. Now there is a white dude with conviction in his beliefs. I know most whites will see Blacks being successful and that will make them upset. I see that now whenever they see me pull up in a nice car or I do something that lets them know I have a lot of money.

"Your organizational skills to do precise search and destroy outings is limited to those trained in that way. I can go on. I am not promoting this. But it has to be an end result if this craziness continues."

We got alot of people trained in search and destroy. Many Blacks have military experience plus we aint afraid to die for a cause. You could beat us if it came down to it but many whites would die as well and white people dont like dying or bleeding.

"I will give you a big piece of the answer. But you won't listen. Slow down the single parent families. Drastically lower the amount of teenage girls with children. "

these things are the direct result of racist tactics waged on the Black family unit since Civil Rights. I dont have time to go into it all but you should research the cause of fathers not being in the homes. I repeat. Its the direct result of racism.
Hell fucking no. 350k? You have got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:

All the back wages and punitive damages alone come up to about 20mil a piece.

I grew up a hell of a lot poorer than most blacks and I won't give you a damn dime because you didn't want to get off your ass and take some personal responsibility.
Thats your fucking fault your ancestors were lazy. They had a chance to get ahead. Mine were discriminated against and killed. Your silly ass dont even know the difference.

How did Oprah get so rich? How about the guy who started BET who wants these reparations? What about Ben Carson? Did they have something you didn't growing up? How did they manage to make it in this country that is evidently so discriminatory? Any person, and to an even greater extent, any minority, has every opportunity to make it in the US. They must put forth a little effort however, and that seems to be the real sticking point. Democrats have taught their constituency that they are "owed" everything. It's truly sad.
" How did Oprah get so rich? How about the guy who started BET "

They never quit. There are plenty of Blacks that never quit. Now explain something to me. Why do both of them say racism is a problem even for them?
I want my $350k those f'ing Romans enslaved my white ancestors. White lives matter you Roman pukes it's high time Italy paid reparations.
Hell fucking no. 350k? You have got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:

All the back wages and punitive damages alone come up to about 20mil a piece.

Haha! Good luck with that dreamer. Far easier to just ship all of you idiots who want reparations back to Africa.
I know that aint gone happen. Yall white people rather castrate yourself before you pay reparations. :)
Hell fucking no. 350k? You have got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:

All the back wages and punitive damages alone come up to about 20mil a piece.
Damn, inflation got out of hand, back in the day wasn’t it just a donkey and six acres of land or something like that
I saw the near billionaire owner of Black Entertainment Television (BET) Robert L. Johnson (worth $500 million) promoting reparations for 40 million Blacks at $14 trillion.

Johnson thinks that all the things that have been done for Blacks in America haven't worked.
War on Poverty
In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution.

Of the $22 trillion 9,900,000 blacks have received a portion of the $22 trillion. And it is not enough!

according to the below chart 22% of 45 million Americans i n poverty are blacks...
So would EVERY BLACK get $350,000 OR only the Blacks in poverty which would be 9,900,000 blacks who each would get $1,414,141 each.
Where would this $14 trillion come from? Why of course the whites!

View attachment 344065
People are already fleeing the backwards and corrupt states that are run by the Democrats.
They will flee the US if they have half of their income looted by the Democrats.
AND it would not stop the Democrat hate and violence.
I saw the near billionaire owner of Black Entertainment Television (BET) Robert L. Johnson (worth $500 million) promoting reparations for 40 million Blacks at $14 trillion.

Johnson thinks that all the things that have been done for Blacks in America haven't worked.
War on Poverty
In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution.

Of the $22 trillion 9,900,000 blacks have received a portion of the $22 trillion. And it is not enough!

according to the below chart 22% of 45 million Americans i n poverty are blacks...
So would EVERY BLACK get $350,000 OR only the Blacks in poverty which would be 9,900,000 blacks who each would get $1,414,141 each.
Where would this $14 trillion come from? Why of course the whites!

View attachment 344065

Give them fucking jobs instead and fucking fine them if they quit.

Updated 11:26 AM ET, Fri September 6, 2019
Black unemployment rate falls to a record low
The unemployment rate for black workers fell to 5.5% from 6%, according to the Labor Department data.
The previous record low of 5.9% was set in May 2018.
The unemployment rate for black women fell to a record 4.4% from 5.2% in July. The unemployment rate for black men crept up to 5.9% from 5.8%. But the previous month's rate was a record, so the rate is still near its historic low.

Geez... wait a minute where was the Black president in this???
Two things. Obama started this. Matter of fact the unemployment rate dropped farther under Obamas official time than Drumpfs. Plus Drumpf inherited Obamas economy.

Secondly what is the white unemployement rate in comparison. Therein lies the true problem.
Hell fucking no. 350k? You have got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:

All the back wages and punitive damages alone come up to about 20mil a piece.
Damn, inflation got out of hand, back in the day wasn’t it just a donkey and six acres of land or something like that
Yep but white boys be Indian givers. They took that shit back because they couldnt stand the sight of people they thought were dumb out performing them.
We recent;y discovered that my great grandfather was black. Do I get the money too?
Sure if a DNA test backs up your claim. Aint gone be none of that $5 Indian shit where you got blond blue eyed Indians with 20 acres of land because they committed fraud.
Hell fucking no. 350k? You have got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:

All the back wages and punitive damages alone come up to about 20mil a piece.
We would probably end up with war on our territory for the first time in a long while. There is no way to pay that.
Sounds like a "yall" problem to me.
Many men and women have backed the rights of people that have been wronged in this nation. I have also. And it won't be a problem for me. At some point people will stop working. They will become numb and non caring as the state takes most of their wages. You will force people to forge alignments that are much stronger then yours. Many of the whites on your side will exit if violence and real casualties start to mount. Many African Americans are macho and not very loving of not just whites, but gays and extreme feminists. Now there are some tough people in those groups. But how many? One Muslim killed 50 and put another 50 in a hospital at shooting in a gay club a few years ago. your abilities to fight is good. Your organizational skills to do precise search and destroy outings is limited to those trained in that way. I can go on. I am not promoting this. But it has to be an end result if this craziness continues. I will give you a big piece of the answer. But you won't listen. Slow down the single parent families. Drastically lower the amount of teenage girls with children. At some point if we all get poor enough, there will be less resources for that anyway. It is better if all of that anger is put into building from within. Most of the rioters are from that situation aren't they? Plenty of fine people to. Anyway, the corporations should really start to decide to leave the cities. Its not worth the blackmail that never ends.
" At some point people will stop working. They will become numb and non caring as the state takes most of their wages. "

Wait. You trying to tell me white people would go on welfare just cause they dont want to pay Black people reparations? Not sure why you think the state would take anymore than they do now.

"Many of the whites on your side will exit if violence and real casualties start to mount. "

I already know this. Not many whites the caliber of John Brown. Now there is a white dude with conviction in his beliefs. I know most whites will see Blacks being successful and that will make them upset. I see that now whenever they see me pull up in a nice car or I do something that lets them know I have a lot of money.

"Your organizational skills to do precise search and destroy outings is limited to those trained in that way. I can go on. I am not promoting this. But it has to be an end result if this craziness continues."

We got alot of people trained in search and destroy. Many Blacks have military experience plus we aint afraid to die for a cause. You could beat us if it came down to it but many whites would die as well and white people dont like dying or bleeding.

"I will give you a big piece of the answer. But you won't listen. Slow down the single parent families. Drastically lower the amount of teenage girls with children. "

these things are the direct result of racist tactics waged on the Black family unit since Civil Rights. I dont have time to go into it all but you should research the cause of fathers not being in the homes. I repeat. Its the direct result of racism.
But I didn't. Anyone who has said anything about social programs bad side, gets drowned out. Every program that has financial funds is massively corrupted and/or used for living in a certain manner. I am saying this. People will choose sides if they have no choice. The rural, semi rural areas have all of the things needed to survive. The cities do not. It is not that simple, but it is closer to the truth.

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