So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

Far-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos Disinvited From Conservative Political Action Conference (UPDATE) | The Huffington Post.

It seems RW Darling has finally crossed an uncrossable line.

He was dropped like a hot potato from a scheduled CPAC appearance after video emerged of his defending adults having sex with 13-Year Children.

Yep, yet another Republican Conservative Pedophile exposed.

Yiannopoulos has been a RW Hero. He is young (23) Conservative, Jewish and Gay.....well two out three ain't to bad, but then again RePuBliKlans have no problem with Pedo's like Duggard and Ted Nuget.

Cons seem to have a strong affinity for the buggering of underage children. Nuget actually thinks his brand of nut job bat shit crazy might help him run for Senator from Michigan.

Huck-A-Buck actually did a jam with teddy and went so far as to defend the incest in the Duggar Family.

Just a few short days ago Milo was a RWNJ Hero. Now he will be lucky to find a C-List ConJob brain dead enough to share the air with.

Simon and Schuster also killed a book deal with Milo after the tape came out.

You Cons and Your Pedo's......

Fuck you and yours. I love the dude.

He explains so much and so carefully how one comes out. It's hard. I know so many. They are what they are. They allways were my friends.

Isabella baby. I will stand with you for forever.

Hey just cause a hot gay dude in America is afraid of getting tossed off a roof???????

I'm sure you do. You love a guy who thinks raping 13-Old Boys is great fun.


In my OP.

Milo like buggering little boys.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Yes he did you freaking liar. Is there anything you won't lie about?

Give me the exact quote endorsing pedophilia with link to transcript then.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Yes he did you freaking liar. Is there anything you won't lie about?

You are the liar.
Yeah sure. Lol
Keep lying for your neonazi site. It's says so much about you.
Milo Yiannopoulos appears to speak fondly of pedophilia in video
I just heard on the radio Milo resigned at Breitbart. I haven't followed this saga or even heard of him before the Berkeley kerfluffle. He got a lot of free publicity.

If this were 30 years ago, Milo would be dead of AIDs by now and conservatives everywhere would be proclaiming it as God's punishment of his deviant lifestyle.
You continue to drive the definition of retard down to new depths.

You continue to sound like an idiot.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Yes he did you freaking liar. Is there anything you won't lie about?

Give me the exact quote endorsing pedophilia with link to transcript then.

Give it up.
Far-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos Disinvited From Conservative Political Action Conference (UPDATE) | The Huffington Post.

It seems RW Darling has finally crossed an uncrossable line.

He was dropped like a hot potato from a scheduled CPAC appearance after video emerged of his defending adults having sex with 13-Year Children.

Yep, yet another Republican Conservative Pedophile exposed.

Yiannopoulos has been a RW Hero. He is young (23) Conservative, Jewish and Gay.....well two out three ain't to bad, but then again RePuBliKlans have no problem with Pedo's like Duggard and Ted Nuget.

Cons seem to have a strong affinity for the buggering of underage children. Nuget actually thinks his brand of nut job bat shit crazy might help him run for Senator from Michigan.

Huck-A-Buck actually did a jam with teddy and went so far as to defend the incest in the Duggar Family.

Just a few short days ago Milo was a RWNJ Hero. Now he will be lucky to find a C-List ConJob brain dead enough to share the air with.

Simon and Schuster also killed a book deal with Milo after the tape came out.

You Cons and Your Pedo's......

Fuck you and yours. I love the dude.

He explains so much and so carefully how one comes out. It's hard. I know so many. They are what they are. They allways were my friends.

Isabella baby. I will stand with you for forever.

Hey just cause a hot gay dude in America is afraid of getting tossed off a roof???????

I'm sure you do. You love a guy who thinks raping 13-Old Boys is great fun.


In my OP.

Milo like buggering little boys.

There is nothing in the Huff Po piece that is a quote saying Milo likes to fudgepack kids. Nothing at all.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Yes he did you freaking liar. Is there anything you won't lie about?

Give me the exact quote endorsing pedophilia with link to transcript then.

Give it up.
I just did two posts earlier. Do u need a trail of breadcrumbs?
Milo Yiannopoulos appears to speak fondly of pedophilia in video
Poor deplorables. The country now knows that a chief adviser of one of their go to sites is a pedophile.
Funny they don't care that their president is a pathological liar and continues to embarrass this country around the world.
They're so tolerant of their own disgusting kind..
View attachment 113473 First, Milo apologizes. Next, he said he has nothing to apologize for. He sounds exactly like an abuser.

Who jokes about such a thing? Who is flippant about such a thing? Who says such reckless things? Moreover, is Milo himself "paying it forward" and "mentoring" boys?

It is ALL fucking gross. View attachment 113473

He lists quite a number of things he did wrong. That is not saying that he had nothing to apologize for.

Thus, by your own standard, he does NOT sound like an abuser.

You don't sound like you are seriously here to discuss anything, but merely here to smear the Right in general.
Sorry you get that impression of me. I am pretty far to the right. But if red flags are not going off about Milo then you are damaged.

As an aside, Milo himself may have intended to stir up this crap, creating controversy to sell his book. Of course, if that was the plan then it backfired.

I have posted his formal position on the issue. Do you have a comment on that, as opposed to the transcript from the Drunken Peasant?
I already commented on it. I said that his words resemble what you would expect to hear from an abuser. I also said that his statement was disgusting.

Please Fact Check prior to posting and we will all be much better off. Thank you.

You said that an abuser "says he has nothing to apologize for".

While referring to a post where Milo apologizes for a number of actions.
You are REALLY reaching.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Yes he did you freaking liar. Is there anything you won't lie about?

You are the liar.
Yeah sure. Lol
Keep lying for your neonazi site. It's says so much about you.
Milo Yiannopoulos appears to speak fondly of pedophilia in video

I went to that link as well and there is no quote of Milo endorsing pedophilia.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Yes he did you freaking liar. Is there anything you won't lie about?

Give me the exact quote endorsing pedophilia with link to transcript then.

Give it up.
I just did two posts earlier. Do u need a trail of breadcrumbs?
Milo Yiannopoulos appears to speak fondly of pedophilia in video

Yes. Preferably without your spittle on them.
If this were 30 years ago, Milo would be dead of AIDs by now and conservatives everywhere would be proclaiming it as God's punishment of his deviant lifestyle.

Says the lefty pretending that the most extremist statements of the Religious Right is the belief of all conservatives.

I wonder if NY was one of the lefties gloating about how fractured the GOP was when it was tearing itself apart and now is pretending that we are a hive mind.

Because that is the level of dishonesty I've come to expect from lefties.

lol, you're throwing every GOP president's beloved so-called Christian Conservatives overboard?

And that has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.


You just called the Religious Right a bunch of extremists not representative of the mainstream of conservatism.

Did you mean that as a compliment?

Stating that a single statement that came out of the RR, back in the day, was extremist in no way calls the entire RR extremists.

Pointing out that the RR is ONE faction of the conservative movement, and not the whole of it, is not throwing them over board.

I have no idea what these posts will look like to you after they pass though your obviously very powerful filter.

But I hope you got at least a little bit of that.
Corrrell, don't throw away your credibility over a pedo.
Poor deplorables. The country now knows that a chief adviser of one of their go to sites is a pedophile.
Funny they don't care that their president is a pathological liar and continues to embarrass this country around the world.
They're so tolerant of their own disgusting kind..

You are flat out lying that Milo is a pedophile. But lies are all you have.
Poor deplorables. The country now knows that a chief adviser of one of their go to sites is a pedophile.
Funny they don't care that their president is a pathological liar and continues to embarrass this country around the world.
They're so tolerant of their own disgusting kind..

You are flat out lying that Milo is a pedophile. But lies are all you have.

So when should we be seeing the big news about Jake Tapper going down in flames over your blackmail you have on him?
girls mature in the brain much faster than boys do.

the same level of reasoning and maturity that a girl's brain has developed takes another 11 years for boys to reach the same brain functioning development.

I know it may seem like a boy of 13, or 15, or even 17 may be mature enough to have a relationship with a man or woman in their mid to late 20's, but that simply IS NOT TRUE...that part of their brain, has not developed yet....

if SOME boys seem like they are mature enough at 13 then you've been fooled, can't mess with science and the actual development of the brain.

if you think a boy at 13 with a 27 year old is ok cuz you think he can give consent, you are mistaken!

Would you think a 13 yr old girl is mature enough to have an adult relationship with a 27 year old man?

Well a 13 yr old girl is MUCH MORE MATURE than a boy of the same age.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Yes he did you freaking liar. Is there anything you won't lie about?

You are the liar.
Yeah sure. Lol
Keep lying for your neonazi site. It's says so much about you.
Milo Yiannopoulos appears to speak fondly of pedophilia in video

Godwin loser.
I've read the transcripts and I can't see where he endorsed pedophilia. I'm still waiting for an exact quote.

Liberals lie. It is what they do. It is all they do.

Here's the frustrating part. When liberals lie about conservatives I expect liberals to believe anything.

I just don't get why conservatives believe the garbage the liberals spew out. I lost count of how many lies were told about Trump.

Miss Universe's story was a lie. The women who came forward to say they had been groped were proven to be liars. Ditto the supposed woman who claimed Trump had raped her at age 13. How many?

But there go conservatives doing a knee jerk reaction to what the left spews out. It's nuts.
I did not need anyone to tell me that what Milo was saying is fucked up. I just knew it.
He lists quite a number of things he did wrong. That is not saying that he had nothing to apologize for.

Thus, by your own standard, he does NOT sound like an abuser.

You don't sound like you are seriously here to discuss anything, but merely here to smear the Right in general.
Sorry you get that impression of me. I am pretty far to the right. But if red flags are not going off about Milo then you are damaged.

As an aside, Milo himself may have intended to stir up this crap, creating controversy to sell his book. Of course, if that was the plan then it backfired.

I have posted his formal position on the issue. Do you have a comment on that, as opposed to the transcript from the Drunken Peasant?
I already commented on it. I said that his words resemble what you would expect to hear from an abuser. I also said that his statement was disgusting.

Please Fact Check prior to posting and we will all be much better off. Thank you.

You said that an abuser "says he has nothing to apologize for".

While referring to a post where Milo apologizes for a number of actions.
You are REALLY reaching.

YOU are the one that said it. If anyone is reaching, it would be you.
girls mature in the brain much faster than boys do.

the same level of reasoning and maturity that a girl's brain has developed takes another 11 years for boys to reach the same brain functioning development.

I know it may seem like a boy of 13, or 15, or even 17 may be mature enough to have a relationship with a man or woman in their mid to late 20's, but that simply IS NOT TRUE...that part of their brain, has not developed yet....

if SOME boys seem like they are mature enough at 13 then you've been fooled, can't mess with science and the actual development of the brain.

if you think a boy at 13 with a 27 year old is ok cuz you think he can give consent, you are mistaken!

Would you think a 13 yr old girl is mature enough to have an adult relationship with a 27 year old man?

Well a 13 yr old girl is MUCH MORE MATURE than a boy of the same age.
Look at this scumbag making excuses for pedophilia. Freaking amazing.
Are their no depths you trump supporters won't sink to?

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