So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

Says the lefty pretending that the most extremist statements of the Religious Right is the belief of all conservatives.

I wonder if NY was one of the lefties gloating about how fractured the GOP was when it was tearing itself apart and now is pretending that we are a hive mind.

Because that is the level of dishonesty I've come to expect from lefties.

lol, you're throwing every GOP president's beloved so-called Christian Conservatives overboard?

And that has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.


You just called the Religious Right a bunch of extremists not representative of the mainstream of conservatism.

Did you mean that as a compliment?

Stating that a single statement that came out of the RR, back in the day, was extremist in no way calls the entire RR extremists.

Pointing out that the RR is ONE faction of the conservative movement, and not the whole of it, is not throwing them over board.

I have no idea what these posts will look like to you after they pass though your obviously very powerful filter.

But I hope you got at least a little bit of that.
Corrrell, don't throw away your credibility over a pedo.

NY made a comment and I was addressing it.

If you have nothing to say about that, then stfu.
Poor deplorables. The country now knows that a chief adviser of one of their go to sites is a pedophile.
Funny they don't care that their president is a pathological liar and continues to embarrass this country around the world.
They're so tolerant of their own disgusting kind..

You are flat out lying that Milo is a pedophile. But lies are all you have.
Yet I provided proof in his own words while you flail away helplessly. Simon & Schuster and CPAC both dropped him after his 2016 comments on pedophilia resurfaced.
girls mature in the brain much faster than boys do.

the same level of reasoning and maturity that a girl's brain has developed takes another 11 years for boys to reach the same brain functioning development.

I know it may seem like a boy of 13, or 15, or even 17 may be mature enough to have a relationship with a man or woman in their mid to late 20's, but that simply IS NOT TRUE...that part of their brain, has not developed yet....

if SOME boys seem like they are mature enough at 13 then you've been fooled, can't mess with science and the actual development of the brain.

if you think a boy at 13 with a 27 year old is ok cuz you think he can give consent, you are mistaken!

Would you think a 13 yr old girl is mature enough to have an adult relationship with a 27 year old man?

Well a 13 yr old girl is MUCH MORE MATURE than a boy of the same age.
So why did you Libs honor a known child molester with a postage stamp then?
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.

Milo acknowledged the fact that sex with teens is part of the gay experience. Thing is, that is a bad thing, any way you slice it. We want to pretend that homosexuality is normal, but it isn't.
girls mature in the brain much faster than boys do.

the same level of reasoning and maturity that a girl's brain has developed takes another 11 years for boys to reach the same brain functioning development.

I know it may seem like a boy of 13, or 15, or even 17 may be mature enough to have a relationship with a man or woman in their mid to late 20's, but that simply IS NOT TRUE...that part of their brain, has not developed yet....

if SOME boys seem like they are mature enough at 13 then you've been fooled, can't mess with science and the actual development of the brain.

if you think a boy at 13 with a 27 year old is ok cuz you think he can give consent, you are mistaken!

Would you think a 13 yr old girl is mature enough to have an adult relationship with a 27 year old man?

Well a 13 yr old girl is MUCH MORE MATURE than a boy of the same age.
So why did you Libs honor a known child molester with a postage stamp then?

That's different.
girls mature in the brain much faster than boys do.

the same level of reasoning and maturity that a girl's brain has developed takes another 11 years for boys to reach the same brain functioning development.

I know it may seem like a boy of 13, or 15, or even 17 may be mature enough to have a relationship with a man or woman in their mid to late 20's, but that simply IS NOT TRUE...that part of their brain, has not developed yet....

if SOME boys seem like they are mature enough at 13 then you've been fooled, can't mess with science and the actual development of the brain.

if you think a boy at 13 with a 27 year old is ok cuz you think he can give consent, you are mistaken!

Would you think a 13 yr old girl is mature enough to have an adult relationship with a 27 year old man?

Well a 13 yr old girl is MUCH MORE MATURE than a boy of the same age.
Look at this scumbag making excuses for pedophilia. Freaking amazing.
Are their no depths you trump supporters won't sink to?
learn to improve your reading comprehension skills! :p
girls mature in the brain much faster than boys do.

the same level of reasoning and maturity that a girl's brain has developed takes another 11 years for boys to reach the same brain functioning development.

I know it may seem like a boy of 13, or 15, or even 17 may be mature enough to have a relationship with a man or woman in their mid to late 20's, but that simply IS NOT TRUE...that part of their brain, has not developed yet....

if SOME boys seem like they are mature enough at 13 then you've been fooled, can't mess with science and the actual development of the brain.

if you think a boy at 13 with a 27 year old is ok cuz you think he can give consent, you are mistaken!

Would you think a 13 yr old girl is mature enough to have an adult relationship with a 27 year old man?

Well a 13 yr old girl is MUCH MORE MATURE than a boy of the same age.
Thank you, CareForAll. This is the first thing from you I have read that is not 100% crap. The entire convo is academic. 13 year olds having sex with older people is virtually guaranteed to fuck up their heads and development. Maybe Milo's dick sucking at 13 - instead of playing kickball or riding bikes with friends - is why he is running around today in short-shorts espousing neo-Nazi, Alt-right rhetoric and describing what it is like to suck black cock.

This is the guy that many on the RW wanted heard at Berkeley.

We decent people follow Voltaire in that we may not like what you have to say, but will fight to the death to defend your right to say it.

So different than you of the Soros army, where you don't like what we have to say, so will fight to silence us, with death if necessary.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Yes he did you freaking liar. Is there anything you won't lie about?

You are the liar.
Yeah sure. Lol
Keep lying for your neonazi site. It's says so much about you.
Milo Yiannopoulos appears to speak fondly of pedophilia in video

I went to that link as well and there is no quote of Milo endorsing pedophilia.
Is there room on your back for carrying the water of both pedo's and chronic lying presidents?
Doesn't matter what you think or lie about.
America now knows a Breitbart top adviser is a pedophile and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Not to mention having sex with underage children is ILLEGAL.
The law and order crowd..
Makes me laugh..
girls mature in the brain much faster than boys do.

the same level of reasoning and maturity that a girl's brain has developed takes another 11 years for boys to reach the same brain functioning development.

I know it may seem like a boy of 13, or 15, or even 17 may be mature enough to have a relationship with a man or woman in their mid to late 20's, but that simply IS NOT TRUE...that part of their brain, has not developed yet....

if SOME boys seem like they are mature enough at 13 then you've been fooled, can't mess with science and the actual development of the brain.

if you think a boy at 13 with a 27 year old is ok cuz you think he can give consent, you are mistaken!

Would you think a 13 yr old girl is mature enough to have an adult relationship with a 27 year old man?

Well a 13 yr old girl is MUCH MORE MATURE than a boy of the same age.
Thank you, CareForAll. This is the first thing from you I have read that is not 100% crap. The entire convo is academic. 13 year olds having sex with older people is virtually guaranteed to fuck up their heads and development. Maybe Milo's dick sucking at 13 - instead of playing kickball or riding bikes with friends - is why he is running around today in short-shorts espousing neo-Nazi, Alt-right rhetoric and describing what it is like to suck black cock.
Most gay men I know were introduced to that life style via sexual assault and date rape. What happened to Milo is not uncommon unfortunately.
girls mature in the brain much faster than boys do.

the same level of reasoning and maturity that a girl's brain has developed takes another 11 years for boys to reach the same brain functioning development.

I know it may seem like a boy of 13, or 15, or even 17 may be mature enough to have a relationship with a man or woman in their mid to late 20's, but that simply IS NOT TRUE...that part of their brain, has not developed yet....

if SOME boys seem like they are mature enough at 13 then you've been fooled, can't mess with science and the actual development of the brain.

if you think a boy at 13 with a 27 year old is ok cuz you think he can give consent, you are mistaken!

Would you think a 13 yr old girl is mature enough to have an adult relationship with a 27 year old man?

Well a 13 yr old girl is MUCH MORE MATURE than a boy of the same age.
So why did you Libs honor a known child molester with a postage stamp then?
i have no idea what you are talking about??? refresh my memory...???
girls mature in the brain much faster than boys do.

the same level of reasoning and maturity that a girl's brain has developed takes another 11 years for boys to reach the same brain functioning development
Oh yeah, pussy suits and the Woman's March
is a perfect example to corroborate your statement!
I know it may seem like a boy of 13, or 15, or even 17 may be mature enough to have a relationship with a man or woman in their mid to late 20's, but that simply IS NOT TRUE...that part of their brain, has not developed yet....

if SOME boys seem like they are mature enough at 13 then you've been fooled, can't mess with science and the actual development of the brain
Lol...well, obviously you don't know what you're talking about!
A 3 year old is capable of knowing,
that are the opposite gender they were born!
The Right embraced Milo and now they are falling over each other to reject him. Talk about phony people.
even in age of consent laws on early marriage with consent of parents, a girl it is no younger than 12 (which i think is ridiculously low)

but a boy is no younger than 14....

even without the cat-scans and mri's to prove it, in common law as well, they recognized that girls mature earlier than boys.
A pedophile has sex with a child under the age of puberty....the love of kids after puberty and teens is another disorder

Ephebophilia - Wikipedia

And that's what he brought up. There was no condoning of pedophilia whatsoever. The other important point is Milo kept with the age of consent. Never suggested anything illegal.

In Britain it is 16. He was 17 when he had an affair with a 29 year old. Because of the number of gays I knew in the music business this is not an unusual circumstance to find sort of May - December relationships in the gay community.

Milo was speaking honestly. And one more time he never endorsed pedophilia.

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