So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

Far-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos Disinvited From Conservative Political Action Conference (UPDATE) | The Huffington Post.

It seems RW Darling has finally crossed an uncrossable line.

He was dropped like a hot potato from a scheduled CPAC appearance after video emerged of his defending adults having sex with 13-Year Children.

Yep, yet another Republican Conservative Pedophile exposed.

Yiannopoulos has been a RW Hero. He is young (23) Conservative, Jewish and Gay.....well two out three ain't to bad, but then again RePuBliKlans have no problem with Pedo's like Duggard and Ted Nuget.

Cons seem to have a strong affinity for the buggering of underage children. Nuget actually thinks his brand of nut job bat shit crazy might help him run for Senator from Michigan.

Huck-A-Buck actually did a jam with teddy and went so far as to defend the incest in the Duggar Family.

Just a few short days ago Milo was a RWNJ Hero. Now he will be lucky to find a C-List ConJob brain dead enough to share the air with.

Simon and Schuster also killed a book deal with Milo after the tape came out.

You Cons and Your Pedo's......

Fuck you and yours. I love the dude.

He explains so much and so carefully how one comes out. It's hard. I know so many. They are what they are. They allways were my friends.

Isabella baby. I will stand with you for forever.

Hey just cause a hot gay dude in America is afraid of getting tossed off a roof???????

I'm sure you do. You love a guy who thinks raping 13-Old Boys is great fun.
I just heard on the radio Milo resigned at Breitbart. I haven't followed this saga or even heard of him before the Berkeley kerfluffle. He got a lot of free publicity.

If this were 30 years ago, Milo would be dead of AIDs by now and conservatives everywhere would be proclaiming it as God's punishment of his deviant lifestyle.
You continue to drive the definition of retard down to new depths.
Far-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos Disinvited From Conservative Political Action Conference (UPDATE) | The Huffington Post.

It seems RW Darling has finally crossed an uncrossable line.

He was dropped like a hot potato from a scheduled CPAC appearance after video emerged of his defending adults having sex with 13-Year Children.

Yep, yet another Republican Conservative Pedophile exposed.

Yiannopoulos has been a RW Hero. He is young (23) Conservative, Jewish and Gay.....well two out three ain't to bad, but then again RePuBliKlans have no problem with Pedo's like Duggard and Ted Nuget.

Cons seem to have a strong affinity for the buggering of underage children. Nuget actually thinks his brand of nut job bat shit crazy might help him run for Senator from Michigan.

Huck-A-Buck actually did a jam with teddy and went so far as to defend the incest in the Duggar Family.

Just a few short days ago Milo was a RWNJ Hero. Now he will be lucky to find a C-List ConJob brain dead enough to share the air with.

Simon and Schuster also killed a book deal with Milo after the tape came out.

You Cons and Your Pedo's......

Fuck you and yours. I love the dude.

He explains so much and so carefully how one comes out. It's hard. I know so many. They are what they are. They allways were my friends.

Isabella baby. I will stand with you for forever.

Hey just cause a hot gay dude in America is afraid of getting tossed off a roof???????

I'm sure you do. You love a guy who thinks raping 13-Old Boys is great fun.

Far-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos Disinvited From Conservative Political Action Conference (UPDATE) | The Huffington Post.

It seems RW Darling has finally crossed an uncrossable line.

He was dropped like a hot potato from a scheduled CPAC appearance after video emerged of his defending adults having sex with 13-Year Children.

Yep, yet another Republican Conservative Pedophile exposed.

Yiannopoulos has been a RW Hero. He is young (23) Conservative, Jewish and Gay.....well two out three ain't to bad, but then again RePuBliKlans have no problem with Pedo's like Duggard and Ted Nuget.

Cons seem to have a strong affinity for the buggering of underage children. Nuget actually thinks his brand of nut job bat shit crazy might help him run for Senator from Michigan.

Huck-A-Buck actually did a jam with teddy and went so far as to defend the incest in the Duggar Family.

Just a few short days ago Milo was a RWNJ Hero. Now he will be lucky to find a C-List ConJob brain dead enough to share the air with.

Simon and Schuster also killed a book deal with Milo after the tape came out.

You Cons and Your Pedo's......

Fuck you and yours. I love the dude.

He explains so much and so carefully how one comes out. It's hard. I know so many. They are what they are. They allways were my friends.

Isabella baby. I will stand with you for forever.

Hey just cause a hot gay dude in America is afraid of getting tossed off a roof???????

I'm sure you do. You love a guy who thinks raping 13-Old Boys is great fun.

And McMullin is definitely tied in now. Oh and the group that took out Milo once tweeted that they hated white children.

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. They're left wingers.

The Stop Trump PAC also has a Twitter account from which it once tweeted the phrase “we hate white children,” which has since been deleted:

The Reagan Battalion posted to Facebook several anti-Trump and pro-Evan McMullin (2016 presidential candidate) videos, pictures, links, and even a poem. The McMullin site also contains a page stating, “the Reagan Battalion is with us. Are you?”

Evan McMullin retweeted a tweet bragging about his involvement in taking down Yiannopoulos, calling Milo a “Nazi punk” but not directly confirming that he was involved in any supposed hit job.

Read more: Notorious ‘Never Trump’ Org Funded Group Behind Milo Controversy
I've read the transcripts and I can't see where he endorsed pedophilia. I'm still waiting for an exact quote.
I never liked Milo, even before this happened. The man brags about having a black man's penis in his mouth. I do not believe conservatives should be letting someone like that participate in our movement. What makes us better than the other side is that we have moral standards. Milo has no moral standards at all, he is a complete reprobate.

I would feel the same about a straight man who bragged he put his penis in his girlfriend's vagina. That's not appropriate talk at a political meeting. The role of conservatives have always been to elevate the discussion, we're supposed to be the civilized ones. The liberals act like barbarians, that's their thing.

I'm not surprised to learn that Milo condones sex with children. I'm just glad it happened now before conservatives lost any more of their credibility because of this guy.
I never liked Milo, even before this happened. The man brags about having a black man's penis in his mouth. I do not believe conservatives should be letting someone like that participate in our movement. What makes us better than the other side is that we have moral standards. Milo has no moral standards at all, he is a complete reprobate.

I would feel the same about a straight man who bragged he put his penis in his girlfriend's vagina. That's not appropriate talk at a political meeting. The role of conservatives have always been to elevate the discussion, we're supposed to be the civilized ones. The liberals act like barbarians, that's their thing.

I'm not surprised to learn that Milo condones sex with children. I'm just glad it happened now before conservatives lost any more of their credibility because of this guy.

One problem. Milo did not condone pedophilia. He himself was a victim.
I never liked Milo, even before this happened. The man brags about having a black man's penis in his mouth. I do not believe conservatives should be letting someone like that participate in our movement. What makes us better than the other side is that we have moral standards. Milo has no moral standards at all, he is a complete reprobate.

I would feel the same about a straight man who bragged he put his penis in his girlfriend's vagina. That's not appropriate talk at a political meeting. The role of conservatives have always been to elevate the discussion, we're supposed to be the civilized ones. The liberals act like barbarians, that's their thing.

I'm not surprised to learn that Milo condones sex with children. I'm just glad it happened now before conservatives lost any more of their credibility because of this guy.

One problem. Milo did not condone pedophilia. He himself was a victim.
Why are you the only one saying this? Are you saying the people at Breitbart and CPAC are exiling Milo from the conservative movement for something he didn't say? Why would they do this?
I've read the transcripts and I can't see where he endorsed pedophilia. I'm still waiting for an exact quote.

Liberals lie. It is what they do. It is all they do.

Here's the frustrating part. When liberals lie about conservatives I expect liberals to believe anything.

I just don't get why conservatives believe the garbage the liberals spew out. I lost count of how many lies were told about Trump.

Miss Universe's story was a lie. The women who came forward to say they had been groped were proven to be liars. Ditto the supposed woman who claimed Trump had raped her at age 13. How many?

But there go conservatives doing a knee jerk reaction to what the left spews out. It's nuts.
I never liked Milo, even before this happened. The man brags about having a black man's penis in his mouth. I do not believe conservatives should be letting someone like that participate in our movement. What makes us better than the other side is that we have moral standards. Milo has no moral standards at all, he is a complete reprobate.

I would feel the same about a straight man who bragged he put his penis in his girlfriend's vagina. That's not appropriate talk at a political meeting. The role of conservatives have always been to elevate the discussion, we're supposed to be the civilized ones. The liberals act like barbarians, that's their thing.

I'm not surprised to learn that Milo condones sex with children. I'm just glad it happened now before conservatives lost any more of their credibility because of this guy.

One problem. Milo did not condone pedophilia. He himself was a victim.
Why are you the only one saying this? Are you saying the people at Breitbart and CPAC are exiling Milo from the conservative movement for something he didn't say? Why would they do this?

CPAC was bludgeoned into dropping him. Milo resigned from Brietbart. They did not fire him. I put up all the quotes and a link to the Daily Caller.

The quotes deal with him trying to explain how he had been victimized. And how he learned to cope with it.

Did you see that post?
I've read the transcripts and I can't see where he endorsed pedophilia. I'm still waiting for an exact quote.

Liberals lie. It is what they do. It is all they do.

Here's the frustrating part. When liberals lie about conservatives I expect liberals to believe anything.

I just don't get why conservatives believe the garbage the liberals spew out. I lost count of how many lies were told about Trump.

Miss Universe's story was a lie. The women who came forward to say they had been groped were proven to be liars. Ditto the supposed woman who claimed Trump had raped her at age 13. How many?

But there go conservatives doing a knee jerk reaction to what the left spews out. It's nuts.
I would look into it, tinydancer, but the fact is I already thought Milo went over the line when he bragged about having his black boyfriend's penis in his mouth. This is not the kind of man we want in the conservative movement. We are supposed to be civilized people, that's what makes us better than the liberals. They're the ones that wear "pussy hats" and throw bricks at windows. We clean up the park after our rallies, and leave it cleaner than we found it. Milo was trying to change that, make us low and dirty and disgusting like the liberals. I don't want that to happen, so I'll be glad if he's ejected from the movement.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Yes he did you freaking liar. Is there anything you won't lie about?
I never liked Milo, even before this happened. The man brags about having a black man's penis in his mouth. I do not believe conservatives should be letting someone like that participate in our movement. What makes us better than the other side is that we have moral standards. Milo has no moral standards at all, he is a complete reprobate.

I would feel the same about a straight man who bragged he put his penis in his girlfriend's vagina. That's not appropriate talk at a political meeting. The role of conservatives have always been to elevate the discussion, we're supposed to be the civilized ones. The liberals act like barbarians, that's their thing.

I'm not surprised to learn that Milo condones sex with children. I'm just glad it happened now before conservatives lost any more of their credibility because of this guy.

One problem. Milo did not condone pedophilia. He himself was a victim.
Why are you the only one saying this? Are you saying the people at Breitbart and CPAC are exiling Milo from the conservative movement for something he didn't say? Why would they do this?

CPAC was bludgeoned into dropping him. Milo resigned from Brietbart. They did not fire him. I put up all the quotes and a link to the Daily Caller.

The quotes deal with him trying to explain how he had been victimized. And how he learned to cope with it.

Did you see that post?
The Daily Caller. Funny. Tea Bagger Central.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.

^ this
Milo spoke clearly how he wanted to reduce the age of consent to 13 for young boys having sex with men.
But since this POS is/ was connected to the Neonazi sympathesizer site Breitbart your kind knew they needed to defend him.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Yes he did you freaking liar. Is there anything you won't lie about?

You are the liar.
I never liked Milo, even before this happened. The man brags about having a black man's penis in his mouth. I do not believe conservatives should be letting someone like that participate in our movement. What makes us better than the other side is that we have moral standards. Milo has no moral standards at all, he is a complete reprobate.

I would feel the same about a straight man who bragged he put his penis in his girlfriend's vagina. That's not appropriate talk at a political meeting. The role of conservatives have always been to elevate the discussion, we're supposed to be the civilized ones. The liberals act like barbarians, that's their thing.

I'm not surprised to learn that Milo condones sex with children. I'm just glad it happened now before conservatives lost any more of their credibility because of this guy.

One problem. Milo did not condone pedophilia. He himself was a victim.
Why are you the only one saying this? Are you saying the people at Breitbart and CPAC are exiling Milo from the conservative movement for something he didn't say? Why would they do this?

CPAC was bludgeoned into dropping him. Milo resigned from Brietbart. They did not fire him. I put up all the quotes and a link to the Daily Caller.

The quotes deal with him trying to explain how he had been victimized. And how he learned to cope with it.

Did you see that post?
The Daily Caller. Funny. Tea Bagger Central.

ONly a pathetic asshole would use the term Tea Bagger at this late date.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.

^ this
Milo spoke clearly how he wanted to reduce the age of consent to 13 for young boys having sex with men.
But since this POS is/ was connected to the Neonazi sympathesizer site Breitbart your kind knew they needed to defend him.

This is for you.

I've read the transcripts and I can't see where he endorsed pedophilia. I'm still waiting for an exact quote.

Liberals lie. It is what they do. It is all they do.

Here's the frustrating part. When liberals lie about conservatives I expect liberals to believe anything.

I just don't get why conservatives believe the garbage the liberals spew out. I lost count of how many lies were told about Trump.

Miss Universe's story was a lie. The women who came forward to say they had been groped were proven to be liars. Ditto the supposed woman who claimed Trump had raped her at age 13. How many?

But there go conservatives doing a knee jerk reaction to what the left spews out. It's nuts.
I would look into it, tinydancer, but the fact is I already thought Milo went over the line when he bragged about having his black boyfriend's penis in his mouth. This is not the kind of man we want in the conservative movement. We are supposed to be civilized people, that's what makes us better than the liberals. They're the ones that wear "pussy hats" and throw bricks at windows. We clean up the park after our rallies, and leave it cleaner than we found it. Milo was trying to change that, make us low and dirty and disgusting like the liberals. I don't want that to happen, so I'll be glad if he's ejected from the movement.

Just so you know here are his exact quotes. In context.

"And this author puts the comments in context. No where does Milo endorse pedophilia.

" Most of his remarks are actually inoffensive:

•He said the age of consent is “roughly the right age,” though “there are certainly people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age.”

Well, of course. There are people who are mature enough to vote at 17, and people who are mature enough to drive at 15.

Milo recognized that some children are mature enough to consent to sex before the legal age, but he did not say the law should allow them to do so.

What do his critics think, then 100 percent of children one day before the age of consent are too immature, and 48 hours later all are mature enough?

Maturity for consent is a spectrum – as for everything, but the law has to pick a number – as for everything.


This part was his personal life experiences.

"These particular remarks are boringly pedestrian.

•He praised “coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable and sort of a rock where they can’t speak to their parents.”

Those comments were in the specific context of discussing his own molestation."


Milo is just being clinical here.

•He said “You’re misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13-years-old who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty.”


He’s right. The English language has different terms – hebephilia and ephebophilia – for people attracted to post-pubescent boys. I’m not sure why Milo didn’t use those terms to clarify his point, but he shouldn’t be condemned for having a better vocabulary than his critics.

More at link:

Attacks On Milo Yiannopoulos Are About Homophobia, Not Pedophilia[/

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