Zone1 So You Don't Think Woke Progressivism is a Religion?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

So, You Don't Think Woke Progressivism is a Religion?

Let's head on down to the ol' tent revival!

9 Jul 2022 ~~ By Theophilus Chilton

To begin, woke progressivism has a precisely defined and systematically enforced body of doctrines which are to be believed, not rationalised. The fluidity of gender, the naturalness of homosexuality, the evil of whiteness - all of these and much more are to be received by simple faith. But these aren’t randomly chosen. They have overarching doctrinal bases that fit within the larger progressive ideological agenda. Put together, these constitute an interlocking body of progressive doctrine that provides a comprehensive ideology to its followers.
To reinforce this, woke progressivism also has its own catechol system used to proselytize and then indoctrinate converts. Much of this is done through the public schools. Schools even in deep Red states barely have a square foot of wall space that isn’t plastered with a trans flag or a BLM poster or some other woke progressive platitude. And it isn’t accidental that these schools are packed full of young, indoctrinated wokesters fresh out of seminary college.
What we’re seeing with woke progressivism’s assaults on traditional American society is merely the efforts by a minority, but elite supported, religion to dominate society at large, even though it is not the religion held by the majority of the population. Yet, it is doing so in a way that structurally is not foreign to the American psyche, and thus doesn’t provoke the immune response in many that attempting to enforce a more European/Asiatic style of openly atheistic communism would. Of course, the end result for the victims of progressivism in power will be the same. But in the American paradigm, woke progressive religion is the means by which successful infiltration has and will continue to take place, especially when it guts traditional Christianity and wears its form as a skinsuit. So yes, when people on the Right raise the alarm that woke progressivism is not just your garden variety socialism but is a much more insidious mind virus designed to cordycept the American religious impulse, you should listen to them.

This is Great thesis". The superficial symbolism may look a little different (e.g., mask and raised fist instead of a cross) but the underlying structural framework of 'Woke, inc'. is nearly identical to that of old time American style evangelicalism. Whatever diabolical "think tank" came up with this certainly knew exactly how to capture these guys, hook, line and sinker.
Many Americans agree with T. Chilton that likens Progressivism to a cult. The people I know who are into this all think the same way on all of the issues. They all use the same words and expressions. They never question. If word came down that the sun rises in the west, they would believe it fervently. It’s a form of programming.
Their catechism of Progressivism is a religion. Their sacred publications "Rules For Radicals", Mao's 'Little Red Book', 'The Art of War' and 'The Process of Democratization'.
Their communion is abortion and "Mostly Peaceful Protests", while they burn and loot everything in sight. .

So, You Don't Think Woke Progressivism is a Religion?

Let's head on down to the ol' tent revival!

9 Jul 2022 ~~ By Theophilus Chilton

To begin, woke progressivism has a precisely defined and systematically enforced body of doctrines which are to be believed, not rationalised. The fluidity of gender, the naturalness of homosexuality, the evil of whiteness - all of these and much more are to be received by simple faith. But these aren’t randomly chosen. They have overarching doctrinal bases that fit within the larger progressive ideological agenda. Put together, these constitute an interlocking body of progressive doctrine that provides a comprehensive ideology to its followers.
To reinforce this, woke progressivism also has its own catechol system used to proselytize and then indoctrinate converts. Much of this is done through the public schools. Schools even in deep Red states barely have a square foot of wall space that isn’t plastered with a trans flag or a BLM poster or some other woke progressive platitude. And it isn’t accidental that these schools are packed full of young, indoctrinated wokesters fresh out of seminary college.
What we’re seeing with woke progressivism’s assaults on traditional American society is merely the efforts by a minority, but elite supported, religion to dominate society at large, even though it is not the religion held by the majority of the population. Yet, it is doing so in a way that structurally is not foreign to the American psyche, and thus doesn’t provoke the immune response in many that attempting to enforce a more European/Asiatic style of openly atheistic communism would. Of course, the end result for the victims of progressivism in power will be the same. But in the American paradigm, woke progressive religion is the means by which successful infiltration has and will continue to take place, especially when it guts traditional Christianity and wears its form as a skinsuit. So yes, when people on the Right raise the alarm that woke progressivism is not just your garden variety socialism but is a much more insidious mind virus designed to cordycept the American religious impulse, you should listen to them.

This is Great thesis". The superficial symbolism may look a little different (e.g., mask and raised fist instead of a cross) but the underlying structural framework of 'Woke, inc'. is nearly identical to that of old time American style evangelicalism. Whatever diabolical "think tank" came up with this certainly knew exactly how to capture these guys, hook, line and sinker.
Many Americans agree with T. Chilton that likens Progressivism to a cult. The people I know who are into this all think the same way on all of the issues. They all use the same words and expressions. They never question. If word came down that the sun rises in the west, they would believe it fervently. It’s a form of programming.
Their catechism of Progressivism is a religion. Their sacred publications "Rules For Radicals", Mao's 'Little Red Book', 'The Art of War' and 'The Process of Democratization'.
Their communion is abortion and "Mostly Peaceful Protests", while they burn and loot everything in sight. .
Rubber Room material!

So, You Don't Think Woke Progressivism is a Religion?

Let's head on down to the ol' tent revival!

9 Jul 2022 ~~ By Theophilus Chilton

To begin, woke progressivism has a precisely defined and systematically enforced body of doctrines which are to be believed, not rationalised. The fluidity of gender, the naturalness of homosexuality, the evil of whiteness - all of these and much more are to be received by simple faith. But these aren’t randomly chosen. They have overarching doctrinal bases that fit within the larger progressive ideological agenda. Put together, these constitute an interlocking body of progressive doctrine that provides a comprehensive ideology to its followers.
To reinforce this, woke progressivism also has its own catechol system used to proselytize and then indoctrinate converts. Much of this is done through the public schools. Schools even in deep Red states barely have a square foot of wall space that isn’t plastered with a trans flag or a BLM poster or some other woke progressive platitude. And it isn’t accidental that these schools are packed full of young, indoctrinated wokesters fresh out of seminary college.
What we’re seeing with woke progressivism’s assaults on traditional American society is merely the efforts by a minority, but elite supported, religion to dominate society at large, even though it is not the religion held by the majority of the population. Yet, it is doing so in a way that structurally is not foreign to the American psyche, and thus doesn’t provoke the immune response in many that attempting to enforce a more European/Asiatic style of openly atheistic communism would. Of course, the end result for the victims of progressivism in power will be the same. But in the American paradigm, woke progressive religion is the means by which successful infiltration has and will continue to take place, especially when it guts traditional Christianity and wears its form as a skinsuit. So yes, when people on the Right raise the alarm that woke progressivism is not just your garden variety socialism but is a much more insidious mind virus designed to cordycept the American religious impulse, you should listen to them.

This is Great thesis". The superficial symbolism may look a little different (e.g., mask and raised fist instead of a cross) but the underlying structural framework of 'Woke, inc'. is nearly identical to that of old time American style evangelicalism. Whatever diabolical "think tank" came up with this certainly knew exactly how to capture these guys, hook, line and sinker.
Many Americans agree with T. Chilton that likens Progressivism to a cult. The people I know who are into this all think the same way on all of the issues. They all use the same words and expressions. They never question. If word came down that the sun rises in the west, they would believe it fervently. It’s a form of programming.
Their catechism of Progressivism is a religion. Their sacred publications "Rules For Radicals", Mao's 'Little Red Book', 'The Art of War' and 'The Process of Democratization'.
Their communion is abortion and "Mostly Peaceful Protests", while they burn and loot everything in sight. .
So a religion without any gods or anything supernatural? Sounds like an ideology to me.
Aren't you exaggerating a bit too much for this section of the forum? That kind of comment is just begging for the same sort of excessive nonsense in return.
Funny you should make that asinine remark. BTW, I found this, in relation to your Liberal Progressive religious Maoist Cult.
1. Demonizes those who dare to disagree or disapprove with cult ideology.​
2. Isolates, mocks and bullies it’s enemies. Enemies are defined as anyone who could pose a threat or expose the organization.​
3. Entices you with promises of security, freedom from want and the perfect way to heal or fix the world.​
4. The cult offers members an opportunity to be part of something “bigger than themselves” and a sense of belonging.​
5. The cult is self-perpetuating and cannot afford to attain the goals it claims it exists to address.​
6. Requires secrecy to hide its true goals and beliefs. New recruits are never told the true agenda.​
7. Has intense interest in all potential recruits’ personal information, foibles, and weaknesses to be used at a later date to keep them tied to the cult.​
8. Uses blackmail and fear to scare followers and even non-followers into keeping quiet.​
9. Systematically bullies you into submission, especially after it has taken a great deal of your income.​
10. Has “Messianic” leaders, who are continually enriched by the system, never have to live by the same rules they require of others, and are worshipped as Gods or super-human.​
11. Wants to separate you from those you love and make you suspicious of them. Sees independent, personal relationships and the “nuclear family” as a threat.​
12. Preys and thrives on the most gullible and lost among us.​
13. The cult is vindictive and retaliatory toward outsiders and anyone who dares to criticize.​
14. Targets children and devotes enormous resources to indoctrinating them as early as possible.​
15. Causes poverty financially and spiritually.​
16. Willing to lie outlandishly to further its goals.​
17. Worships celebrity and treats certain people as more special than others. Celebrities are used to perpetuate the cult to the masses.​
18. Blatant contradictions and hypocrisy are simply ignored. If exposed they simply deny, deny, deny.​
19. Seeks to control every aspect of life to perpetuate itself and to maintain control over its followers.​
20. The deeper adherents become involved in the cult, the more they are willing to abandon and contradict every principle that attracted them to the cult in the first place.​
21. The final result of their involvement leads to a complete loss of self and ultimately, slavery.​
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Funny you should make that asinine remark. BTW, I found this, in relation to your Liberal Progressive religious Maoist Cult.
1. Demonizes those who dare to disagree or disapprove with cult ideology.​
2. Isolates, mocks and bullies it’s enemies. Enemies are defined as anyone who could pose a threat or expose the organization.​
3. Entices you with promises of security, freedom from want and the perfect way to heal or fix the world.​
4. The cult offers members an opportunity to be part of something “bigger than themselves” and a sense of belonging.​
5. The cult is self-perpetuating and cannot afford to attain the goals it claims it exists to address.​
6. Requires secrecy to hide its true goals and beliefs. New recruits are never told the true agenda.​
7. Has intense interest in all potential recruits’ personal information, foibles, and weaknesses to be used at a later date to keep them tied to the cult.​
8. Uses blackmail and fear to scare followers and even non-followers into keeping quiet.​
9. Systematically bullies you into submission, especially after it has taken a great deal of your income.​
10. Has “Messianic” leaders, who are continually enriched by the system, never have to live by the same rules they require of others, and are worshipped as Gods or super-human.​
11. Wants to separate you from those you love and make you suspicious of them. Sees independent, personal relationships and the “nuclear family” as a threat.​
12. Preys and thrives on the most gullible and lost among us.​
13. The cult is vindictive and retaliatory toward outsiders and anyone who dares to criticize.​
14. Targets children and devotes enormous resources to indoctrinating them as early as possible.​
15. Causes poverty financially and spiritually.​
16. Willing to lie outlandishly to further its goals.​
17. Worships celebrity and treats certain people as more special than others. Celebrities are used to perpetuate the cult to the masses.​
18. Blatant contradictions and hypocrisy are simply ignored. If exposed they simply deny, deny, deny.​
19. Seeks to control every aspect of life to perpetuate itself and to maintain control over its followers.​
20. The deeper adherents become involved in the cult, the more they are willing to abandon and contradict every principle that attracted them to the cult in the first place.​
21. The final result of their involvement leads to a complete loss of self and ultimately, slavery.​
I think Trumpism fits this list pretty well.

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