So You Hate Socialism.......

Correct me if I've misunderstood you but how does that system take supply and demand into account? If kids want to study a topic but are told they can't then how is supply and demand in play there?

There say 50 places on a course... That is the supply... But for that year that college has 50 places...

The students who want it applym, that is the demand...

The students with the highest points (and do not have the points for course higher in their preference) gets the course... So when we say Law in UCD is 560 points we actually mean the lowest student who got the course got 560 points (4 As, 2 Bs). The might applied for Actuarial Maths as there number 1 which 580 but they failed to get that...

So points are set by supply (number of places) and Demand (the points of applicants)...

I was confused because that's not how supply and demand works in America. Thanks for the explanation.

You are putting supply and demand in only monetary value... Is the goal of the Education system to make the pupils the best they can be...
Students study a lot harder if they know it is there actions and there results that solely affect their placement.

It is supply and demand and I have done enough economics (in college) to know that is it... The demand is driven by the number of points needed for the courseand the supply is the places in particular courses in College.. The American system is distorting the demand by placing financial constraints which just distorts the market.

I was just interested in what you meant by supply and demand. Thank you for your response. I really don't care how you do things in Ireland and do not want to engage in any kind of discussion at all with a European about anything.

Grand so... Better go back to that isolationist world and learn nothing from the outside world... Europeans have often robbed good ideas of the US but it seems even with overwhelming evidence that European Systems are cheaper and producing better results (bang for buck) you would turn away from it...

Is this ideology over common sense...
That's right asshole. European countries that embraced Socialism/Communism are REALLY doing great right?
The fucking Socialist Governments opened the floodgates for millions of sand monkey muslims to basically destroy these countries assuming the sand monkeys would vote for a Socialist government. Like Obama has done allowing millions of illegal Latinas assuming one day they will be good little Dems.
These countries economies are an international joke. NO ONE! will lend them any more money.
Move to Greece or Spain or Portugal. I'm sure you'll find their "systems" are doing great.
The fundamental flaw of socialism is that there is zero incentive to work hard and make "more" than anyone else, which eventually leads to no one making "more" and paying for all the stuff for everyone else.

Why the hell should my husband or I work our asses off to give 90% to the government? My husband and I have had up to 5 concurrent jobs in our house to get the things we wanted and insure that all five of our kids had college money, and to live the way we wanted (got the kids all cars so they didn't have to go into debt when they moved out, etc. etc.) - but there is no way we'd do that if Sander's were President... 90% tax... yea f'that noise... We'd be /extra/ careful to make sure we /never/ crossed that $250,000/y mark that's for damn sure. Which in itself would be pretty disgusting; that we AMERICAN'S would have to adjust /our/ lifestyle and live at a "lesser" level, which we had previously worked very hard to achieve for ourselves, simply because of socialist policies... Killing the American dream of success and prosperity that's for damn sure, oh yay everyone in the country is "average" ~shakes head~

Not that it matters, if Sander's gets elected every one of us is getting slapped with an $1,100 tax increase - and that's just for the medical single payer thing he's got planned. It was like another $500 each for the free college idea. Who knows what other "free" crap there is, I was so appalled by his taxes that I stopped reading...
Perhaps, my husband and I might be hosed by our tax records, but we could teach our kids not to work so they could avoid getting hung for "not producing for others" heh

hmmm actually we might be able to skate on the "retirement age" loop hole hahaha
Perhaps, my husband and I might be hosed by our tax records, but we could teach our kids not to work so they could avoid getting hung for "not producing for others" heh

hmmm actually we might be able to skate on the "retirement age" loop hole hahaha

I hear what you're saying and it's true. This is why Socialism only works in theory. You remove the incentive for success, which is wealth acquisition and prosperity. Without that incentive, people tend to do only what is required, which is why they must execute the least productive.
So... you're saying that todays liberals will destroy the poor they set out to help? Wouldn't that be an interesting turn heh
So... you're saying that todays liberals will destroy the poor they set out to help? Wouldn't that be an interesting turn heh

Liberal policies hurt the poorest of the poor more than anyone. Look at raising the minimum wage... that hurts the poorest low-education job seeker.
True, companies hire the more qualified workers so they get more bang for the buck, they also raise the rates to consumers to cover the costs [which includes more than just the wage itself since companies pay part of each employee's taxes and what not] thus in turn increasing the COL which always hurts the poor.

However, that is a far cry from execution :p
However, that is a far cry from execution

Oh, the executing doesn't start happening right away... at first, the Socialist-Marxist model works just fine... then as people realize they are in a hamster wheel and won't ever attain anything more in life than what they have, they become less and less productive. At some point, the ruling class has to do something to encourage productivity again... their motivator is executing the ones who are least productive. It happened in Russia under Stalin, it happened in China under Mao, it happened in Cambodia under Pol Pot. It happens every single time when the wheels come off the Socialist wagon.
Well, excuse could've fooled sound just like his supporters.....uninformed! :)
You're a piece of shit. You hurl accusations at people and when they correct you, you simply throw more out. Fuck you, asshole, you're the one babbling nonsense.

Bwahahaha....the biggest asshole in the Forum couldn't defend his position and just had a serious can't make this shit up!
I called you an asshole for reasons. You're a piece of shit and it has nothing to do with me. The fact that you believe you are empowered to influence me adds to your low class persona. I did defend myself, retard. You said I was a Trump supporter and I pointed out the fact that I never supported him. You then launched into another falsehood, now another.

So you've helped validate my original statement, "Liberals don't live in reality, never have and never will."
You are the asshole, asshole....a liar piece of shit, too. You claim you do not support Trump but you would vote for him over the more intelligent and qualified Democratic candidate if he was the Republican candidate, and since his support has grown and most likely he'll be the "chosen" that is some kind of support, idiot, so go pound sand, you moron.

Your words:
I would hold my nose and vote for Trump, but doubt I will need to. I can't see his support growing.
Jeb Bush is the Least Liked GOP Presidential Candidate
Digging you hole doesn't help. I called you out for false claims so you quickly threw two more out there. Now you're trying to save face by changing the conversation to the general election. If he ends up being the nominee I'll vote for him, that doesn't mean I'm a supporter, in fact it indicates otherwise.

You're not too bright, highly unethical and malicious, you hammered the point home. Yep, you're definitely a liberal.

Deflect, deflect....when you can't prove something deflect. Typical wrong-wing nut.

If you vote for Trump, knowing what a blowhard and liar he is, yeah, you are supporting him, just like the rest of the lemmings. (Oh, by the'll vote for him but you don't support that's a lemming for you).

That's right asshole. European countries that embraced Socialism/Communism are REALLY doing great right?

Yep, that's right, they are doing great. The Republican party, with their ideology and beliefs will turn the United States into a third world country. Our kids and grandkids won't be able to afford college....only Trump's kids and grandkids will be able to afford it, and we'll become the dumbest country ever. Also, our infrastructure is in dire need of repair...but GOP ideology says let the bridges fall, let the roads deteriorate, cut taxes (especially for the rich) and make the best of it!

Here's a few socialist countries....I don't think they're doing so bad.....:)

Since the 1980s, the main driver of Finnish education policy has been the idea that every child should have exactly the same opportunity to learn, regardless of family background, income, or geographic location. Education has been seen first and foremost not as a way to produce star performers, but as an instrument to even out social inequality.

“In the Finnish view, as Sahlberg describes it, this means that schools should be healthy, safe environments for children. This starts with the basics.Finland offers all pupils free school meals, easy access to health care, psychological counseling, and individualized student guidance.

‘Capitalist’ US vs ‘Socialist’ Finland

We venture to the very heart of the hell that is Scandinavian socialism"”and find out that it's not so bad. Pricey, yes, but a good place to start and run a company.

In Norway, Start-ups Say Ja to Socialism

July 16 (Bloomberg) -- On July 1, Canada Day, Canadians awoke to a startling, if pleasant, piece of news: For the first time in recent history, the average Canadian is richer than the average American.

According to data from Environics Analytics WealthScapes published in the Globe and Mail, the net worth of the average Canadian household in 2011 was $363,202, while the average American household’s net worth was $319,970.

Hardheaded Socialism Makes Canada Richer Than U.S.
Yep, that's right, they are doing great. The Republican party, with their ideology and beliefs will turn the United States into a third world country. Our kids and grandkids won't be able to afford college....only Trump's kids and grandkids will be able to afford it, and we'll become the dumbest country ever.

We're already the dumbest country ever, just by you being here... that alone drags us down to unprecedented levels.

The reason college is so outrageously expensive is liberal democrat policy. The Student Loan program has done more to drive up the price colleges charge for tuition than anything else. It's simple free market principles of supply and demand. College is a resource with limited supply. The demand is high and they have loads of student loan money in their pocket. So the price is high. If there weren't student loans, the price would still be high because there is a limited supply and high demand, but competitive forces would implement solutions to capture the market who couldn't afford the high prices. As it stands, everyone qualifies for student loans so everyone can afford the high prices.

Now... what Bernie (and Hillary) want to do is make college education "free" but... nothing is ever free... so what they mean is... they want it to be rationed by government. Since there is a limited supply and high demand, that means you'll only be able to get the amount the government thinks you're entitled to. You won't get to pick where you get your education or how much you get anymore... that will be gone forever. You'll go where the government tells you to go and you'll get the amount the government tells you that you're entitled to.
You're a piece of shit. You hurl accusations at people and when they correct you, you simply throw more out. Fuck you, asshole, you're the one babbling nonsense.

Bwahahaha....the biggest asshole in the Forum couldn't defend his position and just had a serious can't make this shit up!
I called you an asshole for reasons. You're a piece of shit and it has nothing to do with me. The fact that you believe you are empowered to influence me adds to your low class persona. I did defend myself, retard. You said I was a Trump supporter and I pointed out the fact that I never supported him. You then launched into another falsehood, now another.

So you've helped validate my original statement, "Liberals don't live in reality, never have and never will."
You are the asshole, asshole....a liar piece of shit, too. You claim you do not support Trump but you would vote for him over the more intelligent and qualified Democratic candidate if he was the Republican candidate, and since his support has grown and most likely he'll be the "chosen" that is some kind of support, idiot, so go pound sand, you moron.

Your words:
I would hold my nose and vote for Trump, but doubt I will need to. I can't see his support growing.
Jeb Bush is the Least Liked GOP Presidential Candidate
Digging you hole doesn't help. I called you out for false claims so you quickly threw two more out there. Now you're trying to save face by changing the conversation to the general election. If he ends up being the nominee I'll vote for him, that doesn't mean I'm a supporter, in fact it indicates otherwise.

You're not too bright, highly unethical and malicious, you hammered the point home. Yep, you're definitely a liberal.

Deflect, deflect....when you can't prove something deflect. Typical wrong-wing nut.

If you vote for Trump, knowing what a blowhard and liar he is, yeah, you are supporting him, just like the rest of the lemmings. (Oh, by the'll vote for him but you don't support that's a lemming for you).

That's a cute cartoon. did your mom help you color it? But the deflection is all yours. Asshole. I never said I was a Trump supporter and hurling more insults doesn't change anything.
We're already the dumbest country ever, just by you being here... that alone drags us down to unprecedented levels.

Says the dumbass who used to support Carson....and now that's Carson is flopping in the wind has changed to liking the blowhard Trump........
Bwahahaha....the biggest asshole in the Forum couldn't defend his position and just had a serious can't make this shit up!
I called you an asshole for reasons. You're a piece of shit and it has nothing to do with me. The fact that you believe you are empowered to influence me adds to your low class persona. I did defend myself, retard. You said I was a Trump supporter and I pointed out the fact that I never supported him. You then launched into another falsehood, now another.

So you've helped validate my original statement, "Liberals don't live in reality, never have and never will."
You are the asshole, asshole....a liar piece of shit, too. You claim you do not support Trump but you would vote for him over the more intelligent and qualified Democratic candidate if he was the Republican candidate, and since his support has grown and most likely he'll be the "chosen" that is some kind of support, idiot, so go pound sand, you moron.

Your words:
I would hold my nose and vote for Trump, but doubt I will need to. I can't see his support growing.
Jeb Bush is the Least Liked GOP Presidential Candidate
Digging you hole doesn't help. I called you out for false claims so you quickly threw two more out there. Now you're trying to save face by changing the conversation to the general election. If he ends up being the nominee I'll vote for him, that doesn't mean I'm a supporter, in fact it indicates otherwise.

You're not too bright, highly unethical and malicious, you hammered the point home. Yep, you're definitely a liberal.

Deflect, deflect....when you can't prove something deflect. Typical wrong-wing nut.

If you vote for Trump, knowing what a blowhard and liar he is, yeah, you are supporting him, just like the rest of the lemmings. (Oh, by the'll vote for him but you don't support that's a lemming for you).

That's a cute cartoon. did your mom help you color it? But the deflection is all yours. Asshole. I never said I was a Trump supporter and hurling more insults doesn't change anything.

My mother is thanks for proving that you're the asshole.....and you said you would vote for Trump....that is support, no matter how much you try to disguise it.
I called you an asshole for reasons. You're a piece of shit and it has nothing to do with me. The fact that you believe you are empowered to influence me adds to your low class persona. I did defend myself, retard. You said I was a Trump supporter and I pointed out the fact that I never supported him. You then launched into another falsehood, now another.

So you've helped validate my original statement, "Liberals don't live in reality, never have and never will."
You are the asshole, asshole....a liar piece of shit, too. You claim you do not support Trump but you would vote for him over the more intelligent and qualified Democratic candidate if he was the Republican candidate, and since his support has grown and most likely he'll be the "chosen" that is some kind of support, idiot, so go pound sand, you moron.

Your words:
I would hold my nose and vote for Trump, but doubt I will need to. I can't see his support growing.
Jeb Bush is the Least Liked GOP Presidential Candidate
Digging you hole doesn't help. I called you out for false claims so you quickly threw two more out there. Now you're trying to save face by changing the conversation to the general election. If he ends up being the nominee I'll vote for him, that doesn't mean I'm a supporter, in fact it indicates otherwise.

You're not too bright, highly unethical and malicious, you hammered the point home. Yep, you're definitely a liberal.

Deflect, deflect....when you can't prove something deflect. Typical wrong-wing nut.

If you vote for Trump, knowing what a blowhard and liar he is, yeah, you are supporting him, just like the rest of the lemmings. (Oh, by the'll vote for him but you don't support that's a lemming for you).

That's a cute cartoon. did your mom help you color it? But the deflection is all yours. Asshole. I never said I was a Trump supporter and hurling more insults doesn't change anything.

My mother is thanks for proving that you're the asshole.....and you said you would vote for Trump....that is support, no matter how much you try to disguise it.
You love insulting people then bitch when it comes back. I said I'd vote for him if he got the nomination. To people with lucid minds that means I'm not a supporter now. Go fuck yourself.
You are the asshole, asshole....a liar piece of shit, too. You claim you do not support Trump but you would vote for him over the more intelligent and qualified Democratic candidate if he was the Republican candidate, and since his support has grown and most likely he'll be the "chosen" that is some kind of support, idiot, so go pound sand, you moron.

Your words:
Digging you hole doesn't help. I called you out for false claims so you quickly threw two more out there. Now you're trying to save face by changing the conversation to the general election. If he ends up being the nominee I'll vote for him, that doesn't mean I'm a supporter, in fact it indicates otherwise.

You're not too bright, highly unethical and malicious, you hammered the point home. Yep, you're definitely a liberal.

Deflect, deflect....when you can't prove something deflect. Typical wrong-wing nut.

If you vote for Trump, knowing what a blowhard and liar he is, yeah, you are supporting him, just like the rest of the lemmings. (Oh, by the'll vote for him but you don't support that's a lemming for you).

That's a cute cartoon. did your mom help you color it? But the deflection is all yours. Asshole. I never said I was a Trump supporter and hurling more insults doesn't change anything.

My mother is thanks for proving that you're the asshole.....and you said you would vote for Trump....that is support, no matter how much you try to disguise it.
You love insulting people then bitch when it comes back. I said I'd vote for him if he got the nomination. To people with lucid minds that means I'm not a supporter now. Go fuck yourself. talk like him, too.......and you must be really dense. Nobody "votes" for someone they don't support, except some moronic conservative. Have someone with a brain explain it to you,
You are scared to death, Mertex. The fear is flowing from your pores.
Digging you hole doesn't help. I called you out for false claims so you quickly threw two more out there. Now you're trying to save face by changing the conversation to the general election. If he ends up being the nominee I'll vote for him, that doesn't mean I'm a supporter, in fact it indicates otherwise.

You're not too bright, highly unethical and malicious, you hammered the point home. Yep, you're definitely a liberal.

Deflect, deflect....when you can't prove something deflect. Typical wrong-wing nut.

If you vote for Trump, knowing what a blowhard and liar he is, yeah, you are supporting him, just like the rest of the lemmings. (Oh, by the'll vote for him but you don't support that's a lemming for you).

That's a cute cartoon. did your mom help you color it? But the deflection is all yours. Asshole. I never said I was a Trump supporter and hurling more insults doesn't change anything.

My mother is thanks for proving that you're the asshole.....and you said you would vote for Trump....that is support, no matter how much you try to disguise it.
You love insulting people then bitch when it comes back. I said I'd vote for him if he got the nomination. To people with lucid minds that means I'm not a supporter now. Go fuck yourself. talk like him, too.......and you must be really dense. Nobody "votes" for someone they don't support, except some moronic conservative. Have someone with a brain explain it to you,
Geez, another genius......FYI....we the people are the government. Of course we elect people and they do it for us, but we don't write out checks directly to the various things the government pays for.......the government is the one that does that. Quit trying to use semantics to twist what I said.

Of course WE are the government, through our elected representatives. But that doesn't mean government gets to redefine the authority it has as enumerated in the Constitution. We have a specific process for that... it's called "amending the Constitution." Yes, everything the government pays for comes out of our pocket or has to be borrowed from foreign investors like China. The government itself doesn't earn any money.

We are currently running a yearly deficit of a billion plus... our cumulative national debt is nearly $19 trillion. The amount we have dedicated through yet-to-be-claimed liabilities is approaching $200 trillion. Most normal persons cannot wrap their minds around the amount of money that is. And we have two Democrat Socialist seeking the presidency by seeing which one can offer more spending and taxing than the other.

The debt is a cumulative amount from decades past, something a nation can do as long as it remains stable and can pay creditors when necessary. The Henny Penny fearmongers have been brainwashed to believe the massive debt is the harbinger for financial collapse.

It is not. The reason the don't tax and spend GOP has brought this issue up now is because they want the seat in the oval office for the perks then made available to the party. It has nothing to do with their ability to govern fiscally responsibly, for we've seen the deficits of Reagan and Bush II and how the issue was silent during their reign.

If the Congress wants to prosecute war, they need to stand up and pass a bond issue to pay for it, not spend a trillion dollars and more on a war of choice not budgeted. Under Obama the cost of military action and the treatment of wounded vets is on budget and transparent - and still the deficit has been cut during his tenure in office.
Wrong. Like always!
Conservatives have always brought up overspending and we pay a MASSIVE amount on interest alone. You dipsticks think a country can spend its' way into prosperity. The country did great under Reagan and Bush, until all the bullshit overspending/speculating/playing games with money collapsed the market. WE should be rolling along way before now but the economy STILL sucks because too many think what got us into trouble is the way forward.

Real conservatives have always been careful with the pennies, but that alone is insufficient when needs go unmet. The problem is clear, the Right and Left have different priorities which each concludes will lead to fiscal sanity,

The current meme on the Right is to push for a Balanced Budget Amendment - a fools errand; one which ignores fiscal cost deficits; which is why they are penny wise and pound foolish.

The Congress, and more specifically the members of the TP Caucus are as out of touch with the reality of governance as were the Utopian Socialists in the early part of the 20th Century,

The Left wants to provide free health care and seemingly open borders, ignoring how this leads to the exploitation of labor and a drain on local government's resources.

The real problems facing us today is The Congress, and the on going bitter divide ignited by Gingrich two decades ago. A Congress, BTW, which is predominantly concerned with their own reelection and only too willing to be bought by the highest bidder (thanks to the five members of the Supreme Court's repeal of sensible reform).

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