So You Hate Socialism.......

Geez, another genius......FYI....we the people are the government. Of course we elect people and they do it for us, but we don't write out checks directly to the various things the government pays for.......the government is the one that does that. Quit trying to use semantics to twist what I said.

Of course WE are the government, through our elected representatives. But that doesn't mean government gets to redefine the authority it has as enumerated in the Constitution. We have a specific process for that... it's called "amending the Constitution." Yes, everything the government pays for comes out of our pocket or has to be borrowed from foreign investors like China. The government itself doesn't earn any money.

We are currently running a yearly deficit of a billion plus... our cumulative national debt is nearly $19 trillion. The amount we have dedicated through yet-to-be-claimed liabilities is approaching $200 trillion. Most normal persons cannot wrap their minds around the amount of money that is. And we have two Democrat Socialist seeking the presidency by seeing which one can offer more spending and taxing than the other.

The debt is a cumulative amount from decades past, something a nation can do as long as it remains stable and can pay creditors when necessary. The Henny Penny fearmongers have been brainwashed to believe the massive debt is the harbinger for financial collapse.

It is not. The reason the don't tax and spend GOP has brought this issue up now is because they want the seat in the oval office for the perks then made available to the party. It has nothing to do with their ability to govern fiscally responsibly, for we've seen the deficits of Reagan and Bush II and how the issue was silent during their reign.

If the Congress wants to prosecute war, they need to stand up and pass a bond issue to pay for it, not spend a trillion dollars and more on a war of choice not budgeted. Under Obama the cost of military action and the treatment of wounded vets is on budget and transparent - and still the deficit has been cut during his tenure in office.
Wrong. Like always!
Conservatives have always brought up overspending and we pay a MASSIVE amount on interest alone. You dipsticks think a country can spend its' way into prosperity. The country did great under Reagan and Bush, until all the bullshit overspending/speculating/playing games with money collapsed the market. WE should be rolling along way before now but the economy STILL sucks because too many think what got us into trouble is the way forward.

Real conservatives have always been careful with the pennies, but that alone is insufficient when needs go unmet. The problem is clear, the Right and Left have different priorities which each concludes will lead to fiscal sanity,

The current meme on the Right is to push for a Balanced Budget Amendment - a fools errand; one which ignores fiscal cost deficits; which is why they are penny wise and pound foolish.

The Congress, and more specifically the members of the TP Caucus are as out of touch with the reality of governance as were the Utopian Socialists in the early part of the 20th Century,

The Left wants to provide free health care and seemingly open borders, ignoring how this leads to the exploitation of labor and a drain on local government's resources.

The real problems facing us today is The Congress, and the on going bitter divide ignited by Gingrich two decades ago. A Congress, BTW, which is predominantly concerned with their own reelection and only too willing to be bought by the highest bidder (thanks to the five members of the Supreme Court's repeal of sensible reform).
I don't share your religious views so preaching your dogma to me is a waste of time. The real fool is the one that thinks balancing any budget is a bad idea. And the left wing compromises on nothing, blaming the Republicans for our fiscal mess is beyond stupid. So is the belief that corporate donations are wrong but unions confiscating workers money to funnel into the Democrat party is just fine and dandy.
We're already the dumbest country ever, just by you being here... that alone drags us down to unprecedented levels.

Says the dumbass who used to support Carson....and now that's Carson is flopping in the wind has changed to liking the blowhard Trump........

You must have me confused with someone else. I have always supported Ted Cruz. I "like" every candidate up there over the Socialists. I would even take Jeb or Kasich over the two Democrats.... not that it's going to happen.

I'm going to defend any of them against left-wing smear and lies.
I'll vote for the corporate capitalist over either of the socialists if it comes down to it. How libs can think we're headed down the right road is beyond me.
Geez, another genius......FYI....we the people are the government. Of course we elect people and they do it for us, but we don't write out checks directly to the various things the government pays for.......the government is the one that does that. Quit trying to use semantics to twist what I said.

Of course WE are the government, through our elected representatives. But that doesn't mean government gets to redefine the authority it has as enumerated in the Constitution. We have a specific process for that... it's called "amending the Constitution." Yes, everything the government pays for comes out of our pocket or has to be borrowed from foreign investors like China. The government itself doesn't earn any money.

We are currently running a yearly deficit of a billion plus... our cumulative national debt is nearly $19 trillion. The amount we have dedicated through yet-to-be-claimed liabilities is approaching $200 trillion. Most normal persons cannot wrap their minds around the amount of money that is. And we have two Democrat Socialist seeking the presidency by seeing which one can offer more spending and taxing than the other.

The debt is a cumulative amount from decades past, something a nation can do as long as it remains stable and can pay creditors when necessary. The Henny Penny fearmongers have been brainwashed to believe the massive debt is the harbinger for financial collapse.

It is not. The reason the don't tax and spend GOP has brought this issue up now is because they want the seat in the oval office for the perks then made available to the party. It has nothing to do with their ability to govern fiscally responsibly, for we've seen the deficits of Reagan and Bush II and how the issue was silent during their reign.

If the Congress wants to prosecute war, they need to stand up and pass a bond issue to pay for it, not spend a trillion dollars and more on a war of choice not budgeted. Under Obama the cost of military action and the treatment of wounded vets is on budget and transparent - and still the deficit has been cut during his tenure in office.
Wrong. Like always!
Conservatives have always brought up overspending and we pay a MASSIVE amount on interest alone. You dipsticks think a country can spend its' way into prosperity. The country did great under Reagan and Bush, until all the bullshit overspending/speculating/playing games with money collapsed the market. WE should be rolling along way before now but the economy STILL sucks because too many think what got us into trouble is the way forward.

Real conservatives have always been careful with the pennies, but that alone is insufficient when needs go unmet. The problem is clear, the Right and Left have different priorities which each concludes will lead to fiscal sanity,

The current meme on the Right is to push for a Balanced Budget Amendment - a fools errand; one which ignores fiscal cost deficits; which is why they are penny wise and pound foolish.

The Congress, and more specifically the members of the TP Caucus are as out of touch with the reality of governance as were the Utopian Socialists in the early part of the 20th Century,

The Left wants to provide free health care and seemingly open borders, ignoring how this leads to the exploitation of labor and a drain on local government's resources.

The real problems facing us today is The Congress, and the on going bitter divide ignited by Gingrich two decades ago. A Congress, BTW, which is predominantly concerned with their own reelection and only too willing to be bought by the highest bidder (thanks to the five members of the Supreme Court's repeal of sensible reform).
I don't share your religious views so preaching your dogma to me is a waste of time. The real fool is the one that thinks balancing any budget is a bad idea. And the left wing compromises on nothing, blaming the Republicans for our fiscal mess is beyond stupid. So is the belief that corporate donations are wrong but unions confiscating workers money to funnel into the Democrat party is just fine and dandy.

My religion and my dogma? You're one very odd duck.

A real fool is someone who believes a budget is something more than a plan, formed on what is known and projected into the future. Only a real stupid person believes a budget is set in stone.

Shit happens, fire, earthquake, hurricanes, tornadoes and jet planes crash into towers making them collapse.

Blaming Republicans is what I do, for I believe they do the bidding for those who really brought our economy to the brink. That you won't admit the truth is one more flaw in your character.
Of course WE are the government, through our elected representatives. But that doesn't mean government gets to redefine the authority it has as enumerated in the Constitution. We have a specific process for that... it's called "amending the Constitution." Yes, everything the government pays for comes out of our pocket or has to be borrowed from foreign investors like China. The government itself doesn't earn any money.

We are currently running a yearly deficit of a billion plus... our cumulative national debt is nearly $19 trillion. The amount we have dedicated through yet-to-be-claimed liabilities is approaching $200 trillion. Most normal persons cannot wrap their minds around the amount of money that is. And we have two Democrat Socialist seeking the presidency by seeing which one can offer more spending and taxing than the other.

The debt is a cumulative amount from decades past, something a nation can do as long as it remains stable and can pay creditors when necessary. The Henny Penny fearmongers have been brainwashed to believe the massive debt is the harbinger for financial collapse.

It is not. The reason the don't tax and spend GOP has brought this issue up now is because they want the seat in the oval office for the perks then made available to the party. It has nothing to do with their ability to govern fiscally responsibly, for we've seen the deficits of Reagan and Bush II and how the issue was silent during their reign.

If the Congress wants to prosecute war, they need to stand up and pass a bond issue to pay for it, not spend a trillion dollars and more on a war of choice not budgeted. Under Obama the cost of military action and the treatment of wounded vets is on budget and transparent - and still the deficit has been cut during his tenure in office.
Wrong. Like always!
Conservatives have always brought up overspending and we pay a MASSIVE amount on interest alone. You dipsticks think a country can spend its' way into prosperity. The country did great under Reagan and Bush, until all the bullshit overspending/speculating/playing games with money collapsed the market. WE should be rolling along way before now but the economy STILL sucks because too many think what got us into trouble is the way forward.

Real conservatives have always been careful with the pennies, but that alone is insufficient when needs go unmet. The problem is clear, the Right and Left have different priorities which each concludes will lead to fiscal sanity,

The current meme on the Right is to push for a Balanced Budget Amendment - a fools errand; one which ignores fiscal cost deficits; which is why they are penny wise and pound foolish.

The Congress, and more specifically the members of the TP Caucus are as out of touch with the reality of governance as were the Utopian Socialists in the early part of the 20th Century,

The Left wants to provide free health care and seemingly open borders, ignoring how this leads to the exploitation of labor and a drain on local government's resources.

The real problems facing us today is The Congress, and the on going bitter divide ignited by Gingrich two decades ago. A Congress, BTW, which is predominantly concerned with their own reelection and only too willing to be bought by the highest bidder (thanks to the five members of the Supreme Court's repeal of sensible reform).
I don't share your religious views so preaching your dogma to me is a waste of time. The real fool is the one that thinks balancing any budget is a bad idea. And the left wing compromises on nothing, blaming the Republicans for our fiscal mess is beyond stupid. So is the belief that corporate donations are wrong but unions confiscating workers money to funnel into the Democrat party is just fine and dandy.

My religion and my dogma? You're one very odd duck.

A real fool is someone who believes a budget is something more than a plan, formed on what is known and projected into the future. Only a real stupid person believes a budget is set in stone.

Shit happens, fire, earthquake, hurricanes, tornadoes and jet planes crash into towers making them collapse.

Blaming Republicans is what I do, for I believe they do the bidding for those who really brought our economy to the brink. That you won't admit the truth is one more flaw in your character.
Liberalism is a religion. It's based on faith and treats government as god. Opposing liberals isn't just wrong, it's evil.

Your parable is flawed. A balanced budget doesn't mean you can't borrow in an emergency. But you pay it back instead of borrowing more and more.
The debt is a cumulative amount from decades past, something a nation can do as long as it remains stable and can pay creditors when necessary. The Henny Penny fearmongers have been brainwashed to believe the massive debt is the harbinger for financial collapse.

It is not. The reason the don't tax and spend GOP has brought this issue up now is because they want the seat in the oval office for the perks then made available to the party. It has nothing to do with their ability to govern fiscally responsibly, for we've seen the deficits of Reagan and Bush II and how the issue was silent during their reign.

If the Congress wants to prosecute war, they need to stand up and pass a bond issue to pay for it, not spend a trillion dollars and more on a war of choice not budgeted. Under Obama the cost of military action and the treatment of wounded vets is on budget and transparent - and still the deficit has been cut during his tenure in office.
Wrong. Like always!
Conservatives have always brought up overspending and we pay a MASSIVE amount on interest alone. You dipsticks think a country can spend its' way into prosperity. The country did great under Reagan and Bush, until all the bullshit overspending/speculating/playing games with money collapsed the market. WE should be rolling along way before now but the economy STILL sucks because too many think what got us into trouble is the way forward.

Real conservatives have always been careful with the pennies, but that alone is insufficient when needs go unmet. The problem is clear, the Right and Left have different priorities which each concludes will lead to fiscal sanity,

The current meme on the Right is to push for a Balanced Budget Amendment - a fools errand; one which ignores fiscal cost deficits; which is why they are penny wise and pound foolish.

The Congress, and more specifically the members of the TP Caucus are as out of touch with the reality of governance as were the Utopian Socialists in the early part of the 20th Century,

The Left wants to provide free health care and seemingly open borders, ignoring how this leads to the exploitation of labor and a drain on local government's resources.

The real problems facing us today is The Congress, and the on going bitter divide ignited by Gingrich two decades ago. A Congress, BTW, which is predominantly concerned with their own reelection and only too willing to be bought by the highest bidder (thanks to the five members of the Supreme Court's repeal of sensible reform).
I don't share your religious views so preaching your dogma to me is a waste of time. The real fool is the one that thinks balancing any budget is a bad idea. And the left wing compromises on nothing, blaming the Republicans for our fiscal mess is beyond stupid. So is the belief that corporate donations are wrong but unions confiscating workers money to funnel into the Democrat party is just fine and dandy.

My religion and my dogma? You're one very odd duck.

A real fool is someone who believes a budget is something more than a plan, formed on what is known and projected into the future. Only a real stupid person believes a budget is set in stone.

Shit happens, fire, earthquake, hurricanes, tornadoes and jet planes crash into towers making them collapse.

Blaming Republicans is what I do, for I believe they do the bidding for those who really brought our economy to the brink. That you won't admit the truth is one more flaw in your character.
Liberalism is a religion. It's based on faith and treats government as god. Opposing liberals isn't just wrong, it's evil.

Your parable is flawed. A balanced budget doesn't mean you can't borrow in an emergency. But you pay it back instead of borrowing more and more.

You make stuff up to suit your agenda, and in doing so it's clear to those of use who actually have real life experience that you don't.

BTW, how much of the war of choice in Iraq been repaid? How much of the cost to shut down government has been repaid? How much of the money to bail out the 'to big to fail' has been repaid?

BTW2, a home budget can augmented with a loan, a budget which must be approved by two Chambers of Congress and then approved with the signature of POTUS is another.
Wrong. Like always!
Conservatives have always brought up overspending and we pay a MASSIVE amount on interest alone. You dipsticks think a country can spend its' way into prosperity. The country did great under Reagan and Bush, until all the bullshit overspending/speculating/playing games with money collapsed the market. WE should be rolling along way before now but the economy STILL sucks because too many think what got us into trouble is the way forward.

Real conservatives have always been careful with the pennies, but that alone is insufficient when needs go unmet. The problem is clear, the Right and Left have different priorities which each concludes will lead to fiscal sanity,

The current meme on the Right is to push for a Balanced Budget Amendment - a fools errand; one which ignores fiscal cost deficits; which is why they are penny wise and pound foolish.

The Congress, and more specifically the members of the TP Caucus are as out of touch with the reality of governance as were the Utopian Socialists in the early part of the 20th Century,

The Left wants to provide free health care and seemingly open borders, ignoring how this leads to the exploitation of labor and a drain on local government's resources.

The real problems facing us today is The Congress, and the on going bitter divide ignited by Gingrich two decades ago. A Congress, BTW, which is predominantly concerned with their own reelection and only too willing to be bought by the highest bidder (thanks to the five members of the Supreme Court's repeal of sensible reform).
I don't share your religious views so preaching your dogma to me is a waste of time. The real fool is the one that thinks balancing any budget is a bad idea. And the left wing compromises on nothing, blaming the Republicans for our fiscal mess is beyond stupid. So is the belief that corporate donations are wrong but unions confiscating workers money to funnel into the Democrat party is just fine and dandy.

My religion and my dogma? You're one very odd duck.

A real fool is someone who believes a budget is something more than a plan, formed on what is known and projected into the future. Only a real stupid person believes a budget is set in stone.

Shit happens, fire, earthquake, hurricanes, tornadoes and jet planes crash into towers making them collapse.

Blaming Republicans is what I do, for I believe they do the bidding for those who really brought our economy to the brink. That you won't admit the truth is one more flaw in your character.
Liberalism is a religion. It's based on faith and treats government as god. Opposing liberals isn't just wrong, it's evil.

Your parable is flawed. A balanced budget doesn't mean you can't borrow in an emergency. But you pay it back instead of borrowing more and more.

You make stuff up to suit your agenda, and in doing so it's clear to those of use who actually have real life experience that you don't.

BTW, how much of the war of choice in Iraq been repaid? How much of the cost to shut down government has been repaid? How much of the money to bail out the 'to big to fail' has been repaid?

BTW2, a home budget can augmented with a loan, a budget which must be approved by two Chambers of Congress and then approved with the signature of POTUS is another.
What did I make up? You're just parroting me, not too clever. GM still owes us, it was a bad move? The wars could have been payed back long ago, I don't know that they haven't been but that's a small amount of federal expenditures. If you're borrowing more than you can pay back, you're doing it wrong.
Real conservatives have always been careful with the pennies, but that alone is insufficient when needs go unmet. The problem is clear, the Right and Left have different priorities which each concludes will lead to fiscal sanity,

The current meme on the Right is to push for a Balanced Budget Amendment - a fools errand; one which ignores fiscal cost deficits; which is why they are penny wise and pound foolish.

The Congress, and more specifically the members of the TP Caucus are as out of touch with the reality of governance as were the Utopian Socialists in the early part of the 20th Century,

The Left wants to provide free health care and seemingly open borders, ignoring how this leads to the exploitation of labor and a drain on local government's resources.

The real problems facing us today is The Congress, and the on going bitter divide ignited by Gingrich two decades ago. A Congress, BTW, which is predominantly concerned with their own reelection and only too willing to be bought by the highest bidder (thanks to the five members of the Supreme Court's repeal of sensible reform).
I don't share your religious views so preaching your dogma to me is a waste of time. The real fool is the one that thinks balancing any budget is a bad idea. And the left wing compromises on nothing, blaming the Republicans for our fiscal mess is beyond stupid. So is the belief that corporate donations are wrong but unions confiscating workers money to funnel into the Democrat party is just fine and dandy.

My religion and my dogma? You're one very odd duck.

A real fool is someone who believes a budget is something more than a plan, formed on what is known and projected into the future. Only a real stupid person believes a budget is set in stone.

Shit happens, fire, earthquake, hurricanes, tornadoes and jet planes crash into towers making them collapse.

Blaming Republicans is what I do, for I believe they do the bidding for those who really brought our economy to the brink. That you won't admit the truth is one more flaw in your character.
Liberalism is a religion. It's based on faith and treats government as god. Opposing liberals isn't just wrong, it's evil.

Your parable is flawed. A balanced budget doesn't mean you can't borrow in an emergency. But you pay it back instead of borrowing more and more.

You make stuff up to suit your agenda, and in doing so it's clear to those of use who actually have real life experience that you don't.

BTW, how much of the war of choice in Iraq been repaid? How much of the cost to shut down government has been repaid? How much of the money to bail out the 'to big to fail' has been repaid?

BTW2, a home budget can augmented with a loan, a budget which must be approved by two Chambers of Congress and then approved with the signature of POTUS is another.
What did I make up? You're just parroting me, not too clever. GM still owes us, it was a bad move? The wars could have been payed back long ago, I don't know that they haven't been but that's a small amount of federal expenditures. If you're borrowing more than you can pay back, you're doing it wrong.

"A balanced budget doesn't mean you can't borrow in an emergency. But you pay it back instead of borrowing more and more."

These ^^^ are your words which do not reflect reality.

Want evidence:

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual
I don't share your religious views so preaching your dogma to me is a waste of time. The real fool is the one that thinks balancing any budget is a bad idea. And the left wing compromises on nothing, blaming the Republicans for our fiscal mess is beyond stupid. So is the belief that corporate donations are wrong but unions confiscating workers money to funnel into the Democrat party is just fine and dandy.

My religion and my dogma? You're one very odd duck.

A real fool is someone who believes a budget is something more than a plan, formed on what is known and projected into the future. Only a real stupid person believes a budget is set in stone.

Shit happens, fire, earthquake, hurricanes, tornadoes and jet planes crash into towers making them collapse.

Blaming Republicans is what I do, for I believe they do the bidding for those who really brought our economy to the brink. That you won't admit the truth is one more flaw in your character.
Liberalism is a religion. It's based on faith and treats government as god. Opposing liberals isn't just wrong, it's evil.

Your parable is flawed. A balanced budget doesn't mean you can't borrow in an emergency. But you pay it back instead of borrowing more and more.

You make stuff up to suit your agenda, and in doing so it's clear to those of use who actually have real life experience that you don't.

BTW, how much of the war of choice in Iraq been repaid? How much of the cost to shut down government has been repaid? How much of the money to bail out the 'to big to fail' has been repaid?

BTW2, a home budget can augmented with a loan, a budget which must be approved by two Chambers of Congress and then approved with the signature of POTUS is another.
What did I make up? You're just parroting me, not too clever. GM still owes us, it was a bad move? The wars could have been payed back long ago, I don't know that they haven't been but that's a small amount of federal expenditures. If you're borrowing more than you can pay back, you're doing it wrong.

"A balanced budget doesn't mean you can't borrow in an emergency. But you pay it back instead of borrowing more and more."

These ^^^ are your words which do not reflect reality.

Want evidence:

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual
You're a liberal so you expect me to do your homework. I don't play that shit. Yes, they have run up the debt, explain how that's good.
Blaming Republicans is what I do, for I believe they do the bidding for those who really brought our economy to the brink.

This is because you have been, and continue to be, brainwashed by Socialists. I don't know how else to tell you that. It's not me exaggerating or being rhetorical, it's just an outright fact of what's been happening.

The economy collapsed because of a host of situations that all happened at the same time. If you want to blame a political party it's futile... they both contributed to the policies that caused the financial calamity. But it was clearly the LIBERAL ideology which was responsible. Banks were ordered by matter of Federal law to make loans to people who had no business getting them. Conservatives screamed bloody murder but it didn't do any good... they were lambasted as uncaring oafs who wanted to keep the little man down and republican and democrat progressives passed one law after another to make it easier for poor people to buy homes.
Blaming Republicans is what I do, for I believe they do the bidding for those who really brought our economy to the brink.

This is because you have been, and continue to be, brainwashed by Socialists. I don't know how else to tell you that. It's not me exaggerating or being rhetorical, it's just an outright fact of what's been happening.

The economy collapsed because of a host of situations that all happened at the same time. If you want to blame a political party it's futile... they both contributed to the policies that caused the financial calamity. But it was clearly the LIBERAL ideology which was responsible. Banks were ordered by matter of Federal law to make loans to people who had no business getting them. Conservatives screamed bloody murder but it didn't do any good... they were lambasted as uncaring oafs who wanted to keep the little man down and republican and democrat progressives passed one law after another to make it easier for poor people to buy homes.
...and a whole lot of people took advantage and became home flippers, jacking up the prices well past their worth to put money in their pockets. Then got caught as the bubble busted and pricing fell. They don't get a pass from me.
Blaming Republicans is what I do, for I believe they do the bidding for those who really brought our economy to the brink.

This is because you have been, and continue to be, brainwashed by Socialists. I don't know how else to tell you that. It's not me exaggerating or being rhetorical, it's just an outright fact of what's been happening.

The economy collapsed because of a host of situations that all happened at the same time. If you want to blame a political party it's futile... they both contributed to the policies that caused the financial calamity. But it was clearly the LIBERAL ideology which was responsible. Banks were ordered by matter of Federal law to make loans to people who had no business getting them. Conservatives screamed bloody murder but it didn't do any good... they were lambasted as uncaring oafs who wanted to keep the little man down and republican and democrat progressives passed one law after another to make it easier for poor people to buy homes.

Most of what you posted is true, but the fact remains the housing bubble had many fathers. Bankers took advantage of people who didn't understand the lending process (in fact if you've ever bought a house and needed a loan you know that process is hurried and broker's instruction are, Sign here, sigh here, sign here, initial here, etc. dozens of times). And, "Don't worry about the balloon payment, in five years, the house will be worth much more than you paid for it and will be able to refinance and pay it off then"

Every "wall streeter" new the game and early on bundled the riskiest mortgages and sold them to others.
Most of what you posted is true, but the fact remains the housing bubble had many fathers. Bankers took advantage of people who didn't understand the lending process (in fact if you've ever bought a house and needed a loan you know that process is hurried and broker's instruction are, Sign here, sigh here, sign here, initial here, etc. dozens of times). And, "Don't worry about the balloon payment, in five years, the house will be worth much more than you paid for it and will be able to refinance and pay it off then"

Every "wall streeter" new the game and early on bundled the riskiest mortgages and sold them to others.

All of what I said is true... let's take this one step at a time...

Bankers took advantage of people who didn't understand the lending process...

No, bankers were ordered by Federal law to make the loans regardless of credit status. That is the part you don't glean from the Socialist propaganda.

Every "wall streeter" (k)new the game and early on...

People on Wall Street are investors who are in business to make money off of stock trade and investment opportunities. Just like corporations are in business to make profits and banks are in business to become big banks with lots of money. These are simply aspects of any free market capitalist system. Money goes where money can make money.

"Wall Street" has been demonized by the Socialists who want you to believe they are evil and greedy monsters who simply want to take advantage of people. This is just not true. They are people just like you and I, they simply make their living by trading stocks and investing in speculative opportunities. It is the essential foundation of our capitalist free market and to destroy it by simply being idiotic and buying into Socialist propaganda is asinine.
Most of what you posted is true, but the fact remains the housing bubble had many fathers. Bankers took advantage of people who didn't understand the lending process (in fact if you've ever bought a house and needed a loan you know that process is hurried and broker's instruction are, Sign here, sigh here, sign here, initial here, etc. dozens of times). And, "Don't worry about the balloon payment, in five years, the house will be worth much more than you paid for it and will be able to refinance and pay it off then"

Every "wall streeter" new the game and early on bundled the riskiest mortgages and sold them to others.

All of what I said is true... let's take this one step at a time...

Bankers took advantage of people who didn't understand the lending process...

No, bankers were ordered by Federal law to make the loans regardless of credit status. That is the part you don't glean from the Socialist propaganda.

Every "wall streeter" (k)new the game and early on...

People on Wall Street are investors who are in business to make money off of stock trade and investment opportunities. Just like corporations are in business to make profits and banks are in business to become big banks with lots of money. These are simply aspects of any free market capitalist system. Money goes where money can make money.

"Wall Street" has been demonized by the Socialists who want you to believe they are evil and greedy monsters who simply want to take advantage of people. This is just not true. They are people just like you and I, they simply make their living by trading stocks and investing in speculative opportunities. It is the essential foundation of our capitalist free market and to destroy it by simply being idiotic and buying into Socialist propaganda is asinine.

Funny you needed to add the k to new, as if I need a spelling lesson; being cavil is at best fatuous and childish. Stating my opinion is nothing more than an echo of "Socialist propaganda is asinine.

I have always posted the US has a mixed economy, a private sector and a public sector. Our government does not own the means of production, in fact the government is many times the best customer for private sector goods and services.
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Most of what you posted is true, but the fact remains the housing bubble had many fathers. Bankers took advantage of people who didn't understand the lending process (in fact if you've ever bought a house and needed a loan you know that process is hurried and broker's instruction are, Sign here, sigh here, sign here, initial here, etc. dozens of times). And, "Don't worry about the balloon payment, in five years, the house will be worth much more than you paid for it and will be able to refinance and pay it off then"

Every "wall streeter" new the game and early on bundled the riskiest mortgages and sold them to others.

All of what I said is true... let's take this one step at a time...

Bankers took advantage of people who didn't understand the lending process...

No, bankers were ordered by Federal law to make the loans regardless of credit status. That is the part you don't glean from the Socialist propaganda.

Every "wall streeter" (k)new the game and early on...

People on Wall Street are investors who are in business to make money off of stock trade and investment opportunities. Just like corporations are in business to make profits and banks are in business to become big banks with lots of money. These are simply aspects of any free market capitalist system. Money goes where money can make money.

"Wall Street" has been demonized by the Socialists who want you to believe they are evil and greedy monsters who simply want to take advantage of people. This is just not true. They are people just like you and I, they simply make their living by trading stocks and investing in speculative opportunities. It is the essential foundation of our capitalist free market and to destroy it by simply being idiotic and buying into Socialist propaganda is asinine.

Funny you needed to add the k to new, as if I need a spelling lesson; being cavil is at best fatuous and childish. Stating my opinion is nothing more than an echo of "Socialist propaganda is asinine.

I have always posted the US has a mixed economy, a private sector and a public sector. Our government does not own the means of production, in fact the government is many times the best customer for private sector goods and services.

Our current system is by far the best kind of system on this planet. A perfect balance!
Funny you needed to added the k to new, as if I need a spelling lesson; being cavil is at best fatuous and childish. Stating my opinion is nothing more than an echo of "Socialist propaganda is asinine.

I have always posted the US has a mixed economy, a private sector and a public sector. Our government does not own the means of production, in fact the government is many times the best customer for private sector goods and services.

First of all, I hate to quote spelling errors. Sorry if someone correcting your errors offends you, Cam Newton, but you better get used to that around me... because I will do so in a heartbeat. It is not fatuous or childish, it's simply correcting incorrect spelling and it happens everywhere without people getting their feelings hurt. I did not mock you or call you names like "illiterate hick" or otherwise call any attention to your misspelling, I simply corrected it for you and moved on. I suggest you do the same.

Stating your opinion is nothing more than an echo of Socialist propaganda is simply the truth... that's what it is. You can find your argument posted in thousands of threads all over this board... it's not an original thought or opinion.

What America has traditionally been or currently is, has nothing to do with what Socialists want to transform America into or what we will be in the future. We do not have a mixed economy, you cannot mix Socialism and free market Capitalism, it doesn't work... they don't play nice together. We have a free market Capitalist economy and Socialists want us to have a Socialist economy.

Therefore, they must first undermine and destroy free market Capitalism. When the pillars of Capitalism fall, Socialism can be ushered in... that's how it is done. Collapse the system from within and then replace it with the new system while the people are desperate for relief.

Now... Socialist propagandists will have you believe that we already have Socialist systems built in to our current economy. This is a myth perpetrated on the fact that our Constitutional system enumerates specific powers to the Federal government in order to act on our behalf as a collective. Like the military, for example... it's NOT a Socialist system, it's a Constitutional system. Outlined and enumerated in our Constitution. States also have constitutionally enumerated systems and they often work in conjunction with private enterprise. This is not Socialism.

The most unique and brilliant aspect of our system is that it establishes these enumerated powers to allow our central government to do the most fundamental things we need a central government to do, like providing for our national defense and security... while at the same time, allowing free market private enterprise to flourish.

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