So You Hate Socialism.......

Because thats the fee for living in a society where you can make yourself wealthy. I can tell you are a failure at life because you dont understand that simple concept.
I think we can all tell you are a failure at life because you have to depend on others to feed you.
No. I feed myself. I'm not on welfare like you told me you were. I understand that since I have the right to make as much money as possible i have to pay for those that dont understand that concept yet or cant put that concept into action.
When did I tell you I was on welfare?
Please provide a link or stfu and admit that you are a lazy welfare sucking liar.
no offense mind you
The same day you assumed I depend on others to feed me. Dont get angry just explain why you dont understand that paying for people less fortunate is the fee for living in a capitalistic society?
So I never told you I was on welfare, you admit that you are a liar.
Good enough, now work on it. and there is a huge difference between less fortunate and lazy.
So now your admitting I dont depend on others to feed me? Good boy.

Who said there was not a difference between less fortunate and lazy? They're two different words with different meanings. I asked you why you thought paying for people less fortunate was a bad thing?
just another BS post showing things that are for the good of all, things that fall under infrastructure or defense as described in the constitution, yet forgets to mention all of the give away programs for the lazy non productive slime bringing this country down.
Same game that's played when the liberals don't get there way with a tax increase, they mention reductions in Police, Fire, Schools, but never do they say that welfare will have to be cut back.
Same tired game.

And that slime is what? Oil companies that get socialized money for what? A congress that has done nothing since being elected getting 6 figures of your money for what? I mean, pick your fuckin battles pal or shut the fuck up!! And just for the record, try living off of welfare for a month and you tell us how grand your life is, you fool
So now its welfare if a company gets a tax break?
and if living off of other peoples pay check is so damn hard, how about you go out and earn your own money or shut the fuck up. People living off of life long welfare are getting way more than they are worth. Darwin comes to mind here.

Yes it is welfare.....the same freebee dead beats get. How is that any different from people who work, who pay no taxes and get a EIC check in the end? No difference at all.
Well lets see. A company employs thousands of people that then pay tax, the company provides a service or product that is required for the country to function. That company, while getting a tax break, still ends up paying billions in taxes.
Now, your welfare dead beat provides no service or value to society, he produces nothing, pays nothing does nothing, yet he gets thousands of dollars from the taxpayer that he didnt earn.
If you cant see this you are an idiot.

First off GE pays no taxes, the oil industry rakes in a billion a month and you want to fry some slob getting 200 bucks a month in welfare? And that grand that your whining about that they get.....guess who ends up with it? Stores that stupid fuck!!!
And that slime is what? Oil companies that get socialized money for what? A congress that has done nothing since being elected getting 6 figures of your money for what? I mean, pick your fuckin battles pal or shut the fuck up!! And just for the record, try living off of welfare for a month and you tell us how grand your life is, you fool
So now its welfare if a company gets a tax break?
and if living off of other peoples pay check is so damn hard, how about you go out and earn your own money or shut the fuck up. People living off of life long welfare are getting way more than they are worth. Darwin comes to mind here.

Yes it is welfare.....the same freebee dead beats get. How is that any different from people who work, who pay no taxes and get a EIC check in the end? No difference at all.
Well lets see. A company employs thousands of people that then pay tax, the company provides a service or product that is required for the country to function. That company, while getting a tax break, still ends up paying billions in taxes.
Now, your welfare dead beat provides no service or value to society, he produces nothing, pays nothing does nothing, yet he gets thousands of dollars from the taxpayer that he didnt earn.
If you cant see this you are an idiot.
Wait....They are paying billions in taxes but getting a tax break? Why do they need a tax break? If they are paying billions in taxes then they must be making billions in profits right?
What does their profit have to do with anything?
they pay more in taxes than you or I will ever make. Why should they be forced to give it away to people that do nothing to advance their bottom line?
Their profit has everything to do with it. I dont give charity to people that are billionaires.
I think we can all tell you are a failure at life because you have to depend on others to feed you.
No. I feed myself. I'm not on welfare like you told me you were. I understand that since I have the right to make as much money as possible i have to pay for those that dont understand that concept yet or cant put that concept into action.
When did I tell you I was on welfare?
Please provide a link or stfu and admit that you are a lazy welfare sucking liar.
no offense mind you
The same day you assumed I depend on others to feed me. Dont get angry just explain why you dont understand that paying for people less fortunate is the fee for living in a capitalistic society?
So I never told you I was on welfare, you admit that you are a liar.
Good enough, now work on it. and there is a huge difference between less fortunate and lazy.
So now your admitting I dont depend on others to feed me? Good boy.

Who said there was not a difference between less fortunate and lazy? They're two different words with different meanings. I asked you why you thought paying for people less fortunate was a bad thing?
I have not yet been convinced of that. You certainly sound like you are afraid others will stop paying for your trips to walmart.
And that slime is what? Oil companies that get socialized money for what? A congress that has done nothing since being elected getting 6 figures of your money for what? I mean, pick your fuckin battles pal or shut the fuck up!! And just for the record, try living off of welfare for a month and you tell us how grand your life is, you fool
So now its welfare if a company gets a tax break?
and if living off of other peoples pay check is so damn hard, how about you go out and earn your own money or shut the fuck up. People living off of life long welfare are getting way more than they are worth. Darwin comes to mind here.

Yes it is welfare.....the same freebee dead beats get. How is that any different from people who work, who pay no taxes and get a EIC check in the end? No difference at all.
Well lets see. A company employs thousands of people that then pay tax, the company provides a service or product that is required for the country to function. That company, while getting a tax break, still ends up paying billions in taxes.
Now, your welfare dead beat provides no service or value to society, he produces nothing, pays nothing does nothing, yet he gets thousands of dollars from the taxpayer that he didnt earn.
If you cant see this you are an idiot.
Wait....They are paying billions in taxes but getting a tax break? Why do they need a tax break? If they are paying billions in taxes then they must be making billions in profits right?
What does their profit have to do with anything?
they pay more in taxes than you or I will ever make. Why should they be forced to give it away to people that do nothing to advance their bottom line?

Typical hick....rallying for motherfuckers who don't need your input, while you sit on your socialized ass getting a check....dude go change your diaper, cause you is full of shit!!
So now its welfare if a company gets a tax break?
and if living off of other peoples pay check is so damn hard, how about you go out and earn your own money or shut the fuck up. People living off of life long welfare are getting way more than they are worth. Darwin comes to mind here.

Yes it is welfare.....the same freebee dead beats get. How is that any different from people who work, who pay no taxes and get a EIC check in the end? No difference at all.
Well lets see. A company employs thousands of people that then pay tax, the company provides a service or product that is required for the country to function. That company, while getting a tax break, still ends up paying billions in taxes.
Now, your welfare dead beat provides no service or value to society, he produces nothing, pays nothing does nothing, yet he gets thousands of dollars from the taxpayer that he didnt earn.
If you cant see this you are an idiot.
Wait....They are paying billions in taxes but getting a tax break? Why do they need a tax break? If they are paying billions in taxes then they must be making billions in profits right?
What does their profit have to do with anything?
they pay more in taxes than you or I will ever make. Why should they be forced to give it away to people that do nothing to advance their bottom line?
Their profit has everything to do with it. I dont give charity to people that are billionaires.

Gotta love these hillbilly rednecks who don't have a pot to piss in, but will defend to the end, some billionaire on Wall Street...gotta love these sick fucks, eh
No. I feed myself. I'm not on welfare like you told me you were. I understand that since I have the right to make as much money as possible i have to pay for those that dont understand that concept yet or cant put that concept into action.
When did I tell you I was on welfare?
Please provide a link or stfu and admit that you are a lazy welfare sucking liar.
no offense mind you
The same day you assumed I depend on others to feed me. Dont get angry just explain why you dont understand that paying for people less fortunate is the fee for living in a capitalistic society?
So I never told you I was on welfare, you admit that you are a liar.
Good enough, now work on it. and there is a huge difference between less fortunate and lazy.
So now your admitting I dont depend on others to feed me? Good boy.

Who said there was not a difference between less fortunate and lazy? They're two different words with different meanings. I asked you why you thought paying for people less fortunate was a bad thing?
I have not yet been convinced of that. You certainly sound like you are afraid others will stop paying for your trips to walmart.
Of course youre convinced. Thats why you told me you were on welfare.
Yes it is welfare.....the same freebee dead beats get. How is that any different from people who work, who pay no taxes and get a EIC check in the end? No difference at all.
Well lets see. A company employs thousands of people that then pay tax, the company provides a service or product that is required for the country to function. That company, while getting a tax break, still ends up paying billions in taxes.
Now, your welfare dead beat provides no service or value to society, he produces nothing, pays nothing does nothing, yet he gets thousands of dollars from the taxpayer that he didnt earn.
If you cant see this you are an idiot.
Wait....They are paying billions in taxes but getting a tax break? Why do they need a tax break? If they are paying billions in taxes then they must be making billions in profits right?
What does their profit have to do with anything?
they pay more in taxes than you or I will ever make. Why should they be forced to give it away to people that do nothing to advance their bottom line?
Their profit has everything to do with it. I dont give charity to people that are billionaires.

Gotta love these hillbilly rednecks who don't have a pot to piss in, but will defend to the end, some billionaire on Wall Street...gotta love these sick fucks, eh
Repubs for life and they are still hoping for that trickle down to kick in. :laugh:
When did I tell you I was on welfare?
Please provide a link or stfu and admit that you are a lazy welfare sucking liar.
no offense mind you
The same day you assumed I depend on others to feed me. Dont get angry just explain why you dont understand that paying for people less fortunate is the fee for living in a capitalistic society?
So I never told you I was on welfare, you admit that you are a liar.
Good enough, now work on it. and there is a huge difference between less fortunate and lazy.
So now your admitting I dont depend on others to feed me? Good boy.

Who said there was not a difference between less fortunate and lazy? They're two different words with different meanings. I asked you why you thought paying for people less fortunate was a bad thing?
I have not yet been convinced of that. You certainly sound like you are afraid others will stop paying for your trips to walmart.
Of course youre convinced. Thats why you told me you were on welfare.
You go from Im not on welfare to I am on welfare. I wonder, does the opinion change with the proximity to the hit on your crack pipe?
You should get a job.
Well lets see. A company employs thousands of people that then pay tax, the company provides a service or product that is required for the country to function. That company, while getting a tax break, still ends up paying billions in taxes.
Now, your welfare dead beat provides no service or value to society, he produces nothing, pays nothing does nothing, yet he gets thousands of dollars from the taxpayer that he didnt earn.
If you cant see this you are an idiot.
Wait....They are paying billions in taxes but getting a tax break? Why do they need a tax break? If they are paying billions in taxes then they must be making billions in profits right?
What does their profit have to do with anything?
they pay more in taxes than you or I will ever make. Why should they be forced to give it away to people that do nothing to advance their bottom line?
Their profit has everything to do with it. I dont give charity to people that are billionaires.

Gotta love these hillbilly rednecks who don't have a pot to piss in, but will defend to the end, some billionaire on Wall Street...gotta love these sick fucks, eh
Repubs for life and they are still hoping for that trickle down to kick in. :laugh:
Trickle down worked fine for me.
I got to retire early without having to depend on SS or anything other than my own investments and savings.
When did I tell you I was on welfare?
Please provide a link or stfu and admit that you are a lazy welfare sucking liar.
no offense mind you
The same day you assumed I depend on others to feed me. Dont get angry just explain why you dont understand that paying for people less fortunate is the fee for living in a capitalistic society?
So I never told you I was on welfare, you admit that you are a liar.
Good enough, now work on it. and there is a huge difference between less fortunate and lazy.
So now your admitting I dont depend on others to feed me? Good boy.

Who said there was not a difference between less fortunate and lazy? They're two different words with different meanings. I asked you why you thought paying for people less fortunate was a bad thing?
I have not yet been convinced of that. You certainly sound like you are afraid others will stop paying for your trips to walmart.
Of course youre convinced. Thats why you told me you were on welfare.

Friend, I would bet my last dollar that 99% of the people here who champion rednecks, hate Obama, hate democrats, hate minorities....99% sit on their computers, while waiting on a mail run to get their socialized checks from tax payers....99% of em. Cause real motherfuckers with some real dollars, could give a fuck about the shit these morons whine and I and others here....all we try to do is check these motherfuckers and keep it real!!
The same day you assumed I depend on others to feed me. Dont get angry just explain why you dont understand that paying for people less fortunate is the fee for living in a capitalistic society?
So I never told you I was on welfare, you admit that you are a liar.
Good enough, now work on it. and there is a huge difference between less fortunate and lazy.
So now your admitting I dont depend on others to feed me? Good boy.

Who said there was not a difference between less fortunate and lazy? They're two different words with different meanings. I asked you why you thought paying for people less fortunate was a bad thing?
I have not yet been convinced of that. You certainly sound like you are afraid others will stop paying for your trips to walmart.
Of course youre convinced. Thats why you told me you were on welfare.
You go from Im not on welfare to I am on welfare. I wonder, does the opinion change with the proximity to the hit on your crack pipe?
You should get a job.
Your assumption that I depend on others to feed me is just as ridiculous. The problem is that you have demonstrated a marked lack of intellect regarding the reason you have to pay for those less fortunate. That is the hallmark of your typical low skilled, low hanging fruit, white welfare recipient stupidly parroting conservative talking points.
Wait....They are paying billions in taxes but getting a tax break? Why do they need a tax break? If they are paying billions in taxes then they must be making billions in profits right?
What does their profit have to do with anything?
they pay more in taxes than you or I will ever make. Why should they be forced to give it away to people that do nothing to advance their bottom line?
Their profit has everything to do with it. I dont give charity to people that are billionaires.

Gotta love these hillbilly rednecks who don't have a pot to piss in, but will defend to the end, some billionaire on Wall Street...gotta love these sick fucks, eh
Repubs for life and they are still hoping for that trickle down to kick in. :laugh:
Trickle down worked fine for me.
I got to retire early without having to depend on SS or anything other than my own investments and savings.
Sure boy. Try harder to convince me. Its not working.
So I never told you I was on welfare, you admit that you are a liar.
Good enough, now work on it. and there is a huge difference between less fortunate and lazy.
So now your admitting I dont depend on others to feed me? Good boy.

Who said there was not a difference between less fortunate and lazy? They're two different words with different meanings. I asked you why you thought paying for people less fortunate was a bad thing?
I have not yet been convinced of that. You certainly sound like you are afraid others will stop paying for your trips to walmart.
Of course youre convinced. Thats why you told me you were on welfare.
You go from Im not on welfare to I am on welfare. I wonder, does the opinion change with the proximity to the hit on your crack pipe?
You should get a job.
Your assumption that I depend on others to feed me is just as ridiculous. The problem is that you have demonstrated a marked lack of intellect regarding the reason you have to pay for those less fortunate. That is the hallmark of your typical low skilled, low hanging fruit, white welfare recipient stupidly parroting conservative talking points.

You gotta love a race of ingrates, so stuck on stupid and the GOP montra' of welfare is bad that has been around since the boat ride...who seem incapable of thinking outside of that box. (sigh), I just pity these people.
What does their profit have to do with anything?
they pay more in taxes than you or I will ever make. Why should they be forced to give it away to people that do nothing to advance their bottom line?
Their profit has everything to do with it. I dont give charity to people that are billionaires.

Gotta love these hillbilly rednecks who don't have a pot to piss in, but will defend to the end, some billionaire on Wall Street...gotta love these sick fucks, eh
Repubs for life and they are still hoping for that trickle down to kick in. :laugh:
Trickle down worked fine for me.
I got to retire early without having to depend on SS or anything other than my own investments and savings.
Sure boy. Try harder to convince me. Its not working.
I find it amusing when a welfare negro refers to a white MAN as a boy.
But in the end, It makes no difference to me what you think, Paying for a lazy bastard to eat does not serve any purpose to me at all.
Their profit has everything to do with it. I dont give charity to people that are billionaires.

Gotta love these hillbilly rednecks who don't have a pot to piss in, but will defend to the end, some billionaire on Wall Street...gotta love these sick fucks, eh
Repubs for life and they are still hoping for that trickle down to kick in. :laugh:
Trickle down worked fine for me.
I got to retire early without having to depend on SS or anything other than my own investments and savings.
Sure boy. Try harder to convince me. Its not working.
I find it amusing when a welfare negro refers to a white MAN as a boy.
But in the end, It makes no difference to me what you think, Paying for a lazy bastard to eat does not serve any purpose to me at all.
I find it amusing when a white boy thinks what he believes makes a difference to me. You will pay your taxes or go to prison. I am not going to leave you any other options boy.
Gotta love these hillbilly rednecks who don't have a pot to piss in, but will defend to the end, some billionaire on Wall Street...gotta love these sick fucks, eh
Repubs for life and they are still hoping for that trickle down to kick in. :laugh:
Trickle down worked fine for me.
I got to retire early without having to depend on SS or anything other than my own investments and savings.
Sure boy. Try harder to convince me. Its not working.
I find it amusing when a welfare negro refers to a white MAN as a boy.
But in the end, It makes no difference to me what you think, Paying for a lazy bastard to eat does not serve any purpose to me at all.
I find it amusing when a white boy thinks what he believes makes a difference to me. You will pay your taxes or go to prison. I am not going to leave you any other options boy.
Again you fail to think outside of the box.
I wont pay taxes, before I retired I bought a second house. I get the tax deduction while building equity that I can pass on to my daughter. So, your family gets less of my money and goes hungry a few days a month while my net value continues to grow.
See how that works?
I like the going hungry part.
Daily Kos???? Really?

Are you saying none of these things exist? Did you look at the original source?

Please post proof that the list is wrong, incorrect. Thanks.

please post proof that the things listed are not accounted for in the constitution, and then explain why all the social BS like welfare and healthcare, free phones, transportation, food, housing etc... are not ever included in the liberal socialism rant.

That free phone you morons are hyped about......120 minutes a month....3 hours of talking for free for a those people got it made,eh?

And started by the very Socialist Ronnie RayGun.
Wait....They are paying billions in taxes but getting a tax break? Why do they need a tax break? If they are paying billions in taxes then they must be making billions in profits right?
What does their profit have to do with anything?
they pay more in taxes than you or I will ever make. Why should they be forced to give it away to people that do nothing to advance their bottom line?
Their profit has everything to do with it. I dont give charity to people that are billionaires.

Gotta love these hillbilly rednecks who don't have a pot to piss in, but will defend to the end, some billionaire on Wall Street...gotta love these sick fucks, eh
Repubs for life and they are still hoping for that trickle down to kick in. :laugh:
Trickle down worked fine for me.
I got to retire early without having to depend on SS or anything other than my own investments and savings.

Yep. Every RWNJ who posts here was born in a log cabin they built themselves but is now independently wealthy and none of them use any of the 75 things listed in the OP.


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