.....So you know, the J6 is back on Thursday (tomorrow)...

Reported yesterday in the Washington Post was this analysis by Amber Phillips, a Post staff writer:

What has the committee uncovered so far?

  • "It made the case that Trump was responsible for the attack: He knew protesters came to his “Stop the Steal” rally armed — with “knives, guns in the form of pistols and rifles, bear spray, body armor, spears and flagpoles,” said former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson — and he urged them to go to the Capitol anyway.
  • It laid out Trump’s pressure campaign on government officials to overturn legitimate results: Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R) described conversations with Trump and Giuliani in which they asked him to convene the state legislature and somehow determine that Trump won Arizona. “I said, ‘Look, you are asking me to do something that is counter to my oath,’ ” Bowers pushed back. Top Justice Department officials under Trump also testified about how the president and his aides tried to replace the attorney general with election deniers.

  • It held up Pence as a hero for withstanding the pressure and certifying the results: During the attack, the committee revealed that Pence came within 40 feet of the rioters, who, egged on by a Trump tweet accusing the vice president of lacking courage, streamed into the Capitol shouting, “Hang Mike Pence.” Pence’s resolve hardened as he hid from the mob in a parking garage, along with his family and top aides.
  • It shared evidence of the Republican Party’s big role in lifting up Trump’s fraud claims: Just one example uncovered by the committee: On the morning of Jan. 6, the top aide for Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) inquired about giving Pence’s staff a list of fake electors declaring Trump won Wisconsin and Michigan. .... The committee also alleged that a number of Republican lawmakers and aides requested pardons for themselves and others after the attack."

"What happens next?​

This is probably going to be the committee’s final televised hearing — unless the committee uncovers something else it wants to quickly bring to the public’s attention.

The committee is also working on a report about what happened on Jan. 6 and how to prevent it from happening again. It could also release thousands of pages of transcripts of their interviews, which would let the public sort through its findings."


Sure there are partisan voices on this venue who dismiss the importance and the revelations of this Committee. That's to be expected. They are, after all, partisan.

However, America has been listening. Viewership built over the course of the previous sessions.

To what effect will this have?
Hell, I dunno. I am old retired farmer a long long ways from Washington DC.

To be sure, the Committee has had headwinds. After all, Don Trump still has a core of MAGA/QAnon fanboys....maybe 30million? ... that layer him with political clout. Meaning, GOP office-holders and wannabes know that that 30milllion are impassioned and will likely vote.
And too many of them will commit crimes ...threats, violence, harassment, to protect and advance their interests in DTrump.
Plus, it appears Kevin McCarthy and other GOP leaders are uber-sensitive to DTrump's threat to create his own party.....thus splitting the GOP and giving it a much weaker voice in American policy-making.

Regardless, the J6 attack on our legislators, an insurrection if you will......is a wound that needs sunshine and openness if it is ever to heal. To that end, this J6 Committee has done a great service to America. And to patriotic Americans.

Yeah, they are B-a-a-a-a-c-k.
1pm EDT on Thursday...October 13th. Many channels.

And the hints are that they can show DTrump was well informed about the threats, the potential, the warnings, and the actors...that signaled violence.

In short, if the hints are true then ----- he knew.
He knew.
He knew the danger.

And if true.....it is even more revealing that he did so little to lead. So little to guide towards peaceful protest. So little to be a good example of a leader at the cusp of volatility. He stirred and instigated.

In my humble opinion, that is not leadership.
And, honestly, I think most of the readers here know that too.
LOL. Yeah, right. As summer long George Floyd rioters killed people, hurt people, killed cops, hurt cops, burned down law enforcement places and other places, vandalized and looted at will with Democrats ordering law enforcement to stand down and let them do it, rioters attacking federal courts, rioters taking over swaths of territory from the United States and turning them into lawless zones, the left bailing rioters out who were arrested, and the leaders of the left and the lefty media calling them, "Mostly peaceful protesters".

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