So you love socialism ?????

No, the difference is that Sweden went only so far down the road to socialism and then retreated. It didn't expropriate private property or major industries or try to control prices. Venezuela did.

Well, thank you bripat.........You're finally agreeing with us that we NEVER want to emulate Venezuela and we'd rather emulate Sweden.....Took a while but you're finally getting it. Congrats !!!
Why do you want to emulate a country that has a lower standard of living and less personal freedom?
All you're saying is that you don't give a crap about what the Constitution says.

The type of "conclusion" that only an IDIOT would make....and, sure enough...bripat wants to claim the coveted label of being one of this forum's idiots.
Sweden is doing just fine.
View attachment 63300View attachment 63301

Sweden doing fine while Venezuela is failing is just one more bit of evidence at the superiority of an all White society over a Hispanic society.
the problem with the U.S is that the left is so afraid of minorities, they do anything they can to appease them.
Our version of socialism is going to match that of Venezuela, not Sweden.

No, the difference is that Sweden went only so far down the road to socialism and then retreated. It didn't expropriate private property or major industries or try to control prices. Venezuela did.

Good, so you are pro welfare state, which Sweden is.
This will resonance good with your crowd I bet...

No, I'm anti welfare state. However, a welfare state is far superior to the pure socialist model that Venezuela is trying to follow.

Nobody is wanting to emulate Venezuela
Corruption is an intrinsic feature of socialism. Liberals are so smart that they cling to their imbecile belief in socialism despite being shown example after example where it failed.

Always up there in the "moron-quotient", right bripat?

So, if corruption is an "intrinsic part of socialism"....does it follow that corruption does NOT exist in a capitalistic system?

NO ONE on the left wants to emulate Venezuela....and you idiots keep on bringing up Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba and Somalia as the "paragons" of socialism....which make you.......well, .........idiots.

Somebody bringing up Somalia as a "socialist" state?

Somalia is the utmost capitalist state, which has NO effective "government".

If anybody claims "better without government", you can show the image of Somalia....
If they are doing so fine, why do some want to move?
150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.

150 million want to move to America from their social and communist countries.
Why are we moving towards it?
How many of them are from Sweden?

It says in the link.

No it doesn't. Read your own damn link.

Only 1% want to move to Sweden and 23% want to come to America.
If it is so great why does only 1% want to move there?

Sweden is a capitalist country. See all those products on the shelves? They were produced by private companies and corporations. The store itself is owned by a private corporation. The government takes no part in the business of supplying the population with food.

You were saying?

So you'tr saying the proper blend of capitalist and socialist programs is a good thing? I agree. We just went too far to the capitalist side, and need to move the other way some.

Nope. I'm saying any blending with socialism is a bad thing. The more socialism you blend in, the worse off you are. Venezuela drank the whole bottle of poison, Sweden only drank a quarter of it.
The elephant in the room is the fact Socialism has never worked....never in history

Countries with no socialism whatsoever have never worked either.

First, leftwing turds like you claim there are no such countries, so how can you possible make that claim? The less government interferes in the economy, the better a country does economically. That's what the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom shows, and that's what history shows.

There are no such countries? Gee, if it's such a good idea to have no socialist institutions, you'd think that sort of nation would be common.

You must think fleas are good for dogs.
Commerce does not include forcing automobile companies to install airbags in their cars or housing developers how many electrical outlets they have to put in a room.
It does now, and for good reasons, generally. Governments regulating capitalism isn't a new thing. It's the cost of doing business here. You use our courts, our roads, our schools to train up your workers, you follow our regulations.

The reasons are all bad. The worst one being that it violates the Constitution. All you're saying is that you don't give a crap about what the Constitution says.
The Constitution allows for regulated capitalism, as does common sense, as does capitalism itself which doesn't exist without government.

And yes, unlike you, I deal with the real world. We don't live in 1789 so what actually worked for them then doesn't matter a damn today. Since they expected us to recreate the government to fit our needs, exactly what they did, they wouldn't be dumb enough to say you shouldn't have an FAA just because we didn't have one. They would have said, dummies, we didn't have fucking planes you morons...
Sweden doing fine while Venezuela is failing is just one more bit of evidence at the superiority of an all White society over a Hispanic society.
the problem with the U.S is that the left is so afraid of minorities, they do anything they can to appease them.
Our version of socialism is going to match that of Venezuela, not Sweden.

No, the difference is that Sweden went only so far down the road to socialism and then retreated. It didn't expropriate private property or major industries or try to control prices. Venezuela did.

Good, so you are pro welfare state, which Sweden is.
This will resonance good with your crowd I bet...

No, I'm anti welfare state. However, a welfare state is far superior to the pure socialist model that Venezuela is trying to follow.

He is doing it again, patronizing a welfare state...
How many of them are from Sweden?

It says in the link.

No it doesn't. Read your own damn link.

Only 1% want to move to Sweden and 23% want to come to America.
If it is so great why does only 1% want to move there?

Sweden is a capitalist country. See all those products on the shelves? They were produced by private companies and corporations. The store itself is owned by a private corporation. The government takes no part in the business of supplying the population with food.

You were saying?

So you'tr saying the proper blend of capitalist and socialist programs is a good thing? I agree. We just went too far to the capitalist side, and need to move the other way some.

Nope. I'm saying any blending with socialism is a bad thing. The more socialism you blend in, the worse off you are. Venezuela drank the whole bottle of poison, Sweden only drank a quarter of it.
Moderation in all things. Not too much capitalism, not too much socialism, and plenty of common sense, which the US, and you especially, lack...
Sweden doing fine while Venezuela is failing is just one more bit of evidence at the superiority of an all White society over a Hispanic society.
the problem with the U.S is that the left is so afraid of minorities, they do anything they can to appease them.
Our version of socialism is going to match that of Venezuela, not Sweden.

No, the difference is that Sweden went only so far down the road to socialism and then retreated. It didn't expropriate private property or major industries or try to control prices. Venezuela did.

Good, so you are pro welfare state, which Sweden is.
This will resonance good with your crowd I bet...

No, I'm anti welfare state. However, a welfare state is far superior to the pure socialist model that Venezuela is trying to follow.

Nobody is wanting to emulate Venezuela

Then why are we doing the same type of social programs?
6. “As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” — George Washington
Your point?
If someone had floated the idea of socialism to the Founding Fathers they would have looked at them like they had worms coming out their ears
Think so huh?

1. “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
— Thomas Jefferson, 1802 letter to Secretary of State Albert Gallatin.

2. “I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”
— Thomas Jefferson.

3. “The power of all corporations ought to be limited, […] the growing wealth acquired by them never fails to be a source of abuses.”
— James Madison

Both of them would be totally against the Federal Reserve.
Very likely, the opposed concentrated power and wealth getting its way with no group able to stop them however they believed in government, it's why the founded one eh?

What they did not establish, anarchy, unregulated capitalism, or a nation for selfish children who think only of their own welfare...

Actually, they did establish unregulated capitalism. What kind of regulations on business did the federal government enforce in 1800?
Doesn't matter if they didn't have a one, they established, in the Constitution itself, the ability to regulate economic activity. That wasn't by accident.

They regulated only buying and selling of goods across state lines, not the manufacture or production of goods.
6. “As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” — George Washington
Your point?
Government, and liberals, are not the enemy, then or now.
Think so huh?

1. “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
— Thomas Jefferson, 1802 letter to Secretary of State Albert Gallatin.

2. “I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”
— Thomas Jefferson.

3. “The power of all corporations ought to be limited, […] the growing wealth acquired by them never fails to be a source of abuses.”
— James Madison

Both of them would be totally against the Federal Reserve.
Very likely, the opposed concentrated power and wealth getting its way with no group able to stop them however they believed in government, it's why the founded one eh?

What they did not establish, anarchy, unregulated capitalism, or a nation for selfish children who think only of their own welfare...

Actually, they did establish unregulated capitalism. What kind of regulations on business did the federal government enforce in 1800?
Doesn't matter if they didn't have a one, they established, in the Constitution itself, the ability to regulate economic activity. That wasn't by accident.

They regulated only buying and selling of goods across state lines, not the manufacture or production of goods.
It doesn't matter a damn what they did, in the final analysis. They did what worked for them, and expected us to do the same.
6. “As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” — George Washington
Your point?
Government, and liberals, are not the enemy, then or now.
liberals then are the complete opposite of the kind of liberals we have now. The liberals then believed in free enterprise. Liberals now are all communists.
Both of them would be totally against the Federal Reserve.
Very likely, the opposed concentrated power and wealth getting its way with no group able to stop them however they believed in government, it's why the founded one eh?

What they did not establish, anarchy, unregulated capitalism, or a nation for selfish children who think only of their own welfare...

Actually, they did establish unregulated capitalism. What kind of regulations on business did the federal government enforce in 1800?
Doesn't matter if they didn't have a one, they established, in the Constitution itself, the ability to regulate economic activity. That wasn't by accident.

They regulated only buying and selling of goods across state lines, not the manufacture or production of goods.
It doesn't matter a damn what they did, in the final analysis. They did what worked for them, and expected us to do the same.

Meaningless twaddle.

What sort of taxes wouldn't interfere with trade?
Income taxes...

They weren't allowed then. And furthermore they do interfere with trade.
How? Oh right, they don't...
Puhleeze, our income tax code interferes with trade in 80,000 ways.
I'm not talking about the tax code, I'm talking about a tax on income affecting trade, which it does not.

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