So you want a Civil War?

This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Anyone who thinks civil war is a good idea has never been in combat. A fire fight in suburbia, even one that never escalated beyond small arms or the basic SAW, would kill dozens if not hundreds of civilians. Those M249s will go though a stick built suburban house the long way, and considering their propensity for shooting high will basically shower the area with lead for miles around. If things escalate beyond that we go from tragedy to disaster. Even a Bradly is a pocket apocalypse in a suburban neighborhood.

It's funny the way leftists believe the military will support their totalitarianism.

Hint: It will not.
A civil war is not necessary. What we should do is have two countries instead of one. Divided this land north to south. Democrats will get the west part of our current country where their precious Mexican border is, and the conservatives will get the east. They won't have to put up with us, and best of all, we won't have to put up with them. Since I'm on the east side, once the Democrats move out, my property value will double overnight.
Nope. You will live under the laws passed by Congress or you will get the fuck out.
"America -- love it or leave it!"

The left used to condemn such jingoist rhetoric. Now they repeat it like they invented it.
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write. It's the constitutional rights of people you disagree with that you really see as a threat. Their votes, their speech, their very existence is a threat to your white bread single party view of what the country ought to be. Bring it on you stupid inbred fuck or shut the hell up. I fear none of you and your impotent rage.

Wrong. As usual. If elections are fairly held, we have no problem. But when the political process is corrupted, that is when every true American should have a problem. We KNOW that the USA is a moderate country. So how is it that extremist leftists keep getting elected? Now we know how. They cheat.

Well, ,it was handled fairly so you can relax now.

No, it PROVABLY wasn't. The fact you choose to remain ignorant, or are part of the 5th column at work is immaterial to the fact that the election is corrupt.
No one really wants a civil war but the far right definitely wants to be feared. They talk all this hogwash hoping that we will think they are going postal if they don't get what they want.
You better fear us. You asswipes aint taking this country from us.
It's all our country, yours, mine and everyone else. That's the problem with you isn't it? I grew up during desegregation in Alabama. The shit you people are talking is nothing new. It's almost nostalgic.
No one really wants a civil war but the far right definitely wants to be feared. They talk all this hogwash hoping that we will think they are going postal if they don't get what they want.
You better fear us. You asswipes aint taking this country from us.
It's all our country, yours, mine and everyone else. That's the problem with you isn't it? I grew up during desegregation in Alabama. The shit you people are talking is nothing new. It's almost nostalgic.
It's not your country if you're a socialist.
Even if I were a socialist (whatever that means) I have every right as an American to whatever political beliefs I happen to hold. Your idea of America sounds kind of like Russia.
Of course you have freedom to believe whatever you want, but you're not going to install a socialist government here. We are a Constitutional Republic. Go ahead and dream all day, enjoy your freedom.
Quit talking to me as if were personally responsible for all your phantom fears. The very worst I can do to you is make you think.
Um, I was thinking long before you showed up. You're the one being schooled here, you arrogant toad.
The most useless waste of energy there is is walking around being personally insulted by the world.
Odd, then, don't you think, how the left keeps going around doing just that?
No one really wants a civil war but the far right definitely wants to be feared. They talk all this hogwash hoping that we will think they are going postal if they don't get what they want.
Like the left has done all summer?

Actually the Progressive Marxist/DSA 'Democrat' Left has conducted a Civil War on America since November 2016..
Try watching real news on CBS NBC ABC BBC France 24 PBS and rejoin the real world, brainwashed functional moron. Or any media in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and hangers on here in the United States only.

You're a perfect mushroom, living in the dark, feeding on the shit your masters toss down to you.
No one really wants a civil war but the far right definitely wants to be feared. They talk all this hogwash hoping that we will think they are going postal if they don't get what they want.

You write this bullshit after watching your left wing goons burn cities and murder people. And you wonder why talk of civil war is everywhere.

Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit upon by people, like you. We are tired of the political class waging war on the citizenry of this country. We are tired of the political class selling the PEOPLE of this country out to the highest bidder. Which right now appears to be china. So, it is becoming quite clear that a reset is coming. I hope it is done peaceably, but history tells us that the chances for that are increasingly unlikely as the political class fights to protect the power they have been able to steal away from the PEOPLE.
You're kind of vague about all this stuff you say the left wing is doing. Where do you get your info from? My guess is right wing radio. Rush? Hannity? There is almost no left wing radio anymore. Better lay off right wing radio. Those guys are getting wealthy bamboozling the likes of yourself/
Yeah, that free exchange of ideas thing kinda hampers your agenda, huh. Much easier when your plans are hidden.
No one really wants a civil war but the far right definitely wants to be feared. They talk all this hogwash hoping that we will think they are going postal if they don't get what they want.

You write this bullshit after watching your left wing goons burn cities and murder people. And you wonder why talk of civil war is everywhere.

Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit upon by people, like you. We are tired of the political class waging war on the citizenry of this country. We are tired of the political class selling the PEOPLE of this country out to the highest bidder. Which right now appears to be china. So, it is becoming quite clear that a reset is coming. I hope it is done peaceably, but history tells us that the chances for that are increasingly unlikely as the political class fights to protect the power they have been able to steal away from the PEOPLE.
A load of ignorant righwing nonsense.
I do however know a lot of people, that simply no longer wish to live alongside of people they have deep fundamental differences with.

They do not want to live under the same laws and government who are heading towards gendered language being hate speech.

They do not want to live alongside people who agree that conservative traditional views should not be allowed to be spoken on any American campus.

They do not want to share a country with people who believe America should not protect it's borders, and who believe the worlds entire population of refugees are welcome here.

They do not want to be in a country where the government controls the healthcare needs of the entire population

They are finished trying to get along with people who believe police officers are evil bastards and that their place is society should be replaced by social workers.

They do not want to live in a country where half the population wants the other half to hand over their wealth and for the government to redistribute to those THEY deem are worthy of receiving it.

They are finished living with people who believe the white population are evil, and should be kept from having the freedoms to grow their own wealth and prosperity.

They do not want to live in a country that values choice over the life of an innocent human.

They can move.

Or they can grow up and accept that people around them are going to have different beliefs.
Nobody cares what others believe. The conflict comes when people think they are free to deprive others of their rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. You need to accept the fact that people honestly believe that the election was fixed and that doing so was high treason. It appears that you are the one unable to accept the fact that others honestly have beliefs other than your own. Don't be such a bigot.
This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Let Texas peacefully and unconditionally leave the Union, and none of you need to die.


Even Texans don’t believe that’s a thing.
We're already in a civil war. Some of you obviously weren't watching the news this past summer.
Right, but so far, we the adults have kept our composure and discipline. The question remains as to whether the war will move into open hostilities.

When it goes, it will go fast. War always starts fast, or not at all. WWI, the Germans thru France, Pearl Harbor, the collapse of the Soviet Union, 9/11.
This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Liberals are bringing us there without a civil war. President Harris will make sure. Liberal policies do this.
We Can use the Mississippi as the border line....
No! Please. The Appalachian Mountains. Those New York leftists and the Baltimore types wouldn't know what to do with all that farmland from the mountains to Missouri. What, the whole state of Tennessee? Tennessee wouldn't put up with that, trust me.
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write. It's the constitutional rights of people you disagree with that you really see as a threat. Their votes, their speech, their very existence is a threat to your white bread single party view of what the country ought to be. Bring it on you stupid inbred fuck or shut the hell up. I fear none of you and your impotent rage.
That is weapon grade stupid. Don't reply unless you have actually read and understood the post you quoted.
A civil war is not necessary. What we should do is have two countries instead of one. Divided this land north to south. Democrats will get the west part of our current country where their precious Mexican border is, and the conservatives will get the east. They won't have to put up with us, and best of all, we won't have to put up with them. Since I'm on the east side, once the Democrats move out, my property value will double overnight.
Nope. You will live under the laws passed by Congress or you will get the fuck out.

Or what? Are you going to come looking for me?
Maybe you are the one who should get the fuck out.

I've got a better idea, let's divide it up.
Am I in law enforcement? No.

We’re not dividing shit. You’re just going to have to man up, bitch.

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