So you want a conspiracy kook as president?

This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate stilltoys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Alex Jones is a nut job in the purest form...

Yet you voted for Obama 2 times!

Whats your excuse?
We are going to vote for Hillary two times
This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate stilltoys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Alex Jones is a nut job in the purest form...

Yet you voted for Obama 2 times!

Whats your excuse?
We are going to vote for Hillary two times

Same day? Same place?

Finally a valid explanation how Democrats win elections.
stuffing the ballot box is an old and venerated republican practice ,that's how gw bush got elected

That and suppressing the vote
This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate stilltoys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Alex Jones is a nut job in the purest form...

Yet you voted for Obama 2 times!

Whats your excuse?
We are going to vote for Hillary two times
This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate stilltoys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Alex Jones is a nut job in the purest form...

Yet you voted for Obama 2 times!

Whats your excuse?
We are going to vote for Hillary two times

Same day? Same place?

Finally a valid explanation how Democrats win elections.
stuffing the ballot box is an old and venerated republican practice ,that's how gw bush got elected

That and suppressing the vote
oh right ! how could I forget that ....
Trump is a cancer to this country, who can't even run his own campaign, and was even scared to debate a 75 year old socialist...:laugh:

The Repugs have lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 National elections, in November it will be 6 out of 7, Trump is gonna get hammered...:deal:
He wouldn't be my first choice, but one of those nutters ran Minnessota for a few years, it still exists.

What I don't want is a corrupt criminal in office. I'll take the Conspiracy guy over her any day.
Hillary Clinton dressed herself up in pink for a press conference and calmly told Americans that her husband's DNA on Monica's dress was the fault of a "vast right wing conspiracy" and y'all think Trump is a conspiracy kook?
revisionist history sure is fun...
This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate stilltoys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Alex Jones is a nut job in the purest form...

Yet you voted for Obama 2 times!

Whats your excuse?

oh one of very low IQ, you don't know who I voted or

Oh you voted for him twice, everyone who has ever read your post knows you voted for Oblammer...

You chicken shit little POS, better not let your CO know your not defending him, he'll cut your welfare check...

Yes I voted for Barack Obama twice- and amazingly- he is not a nutjob Conspiracy theorist like Trump is



This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate still toys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Yes the disconnect from reality is so stark and so weird that these people do need some time in Bellevue. Trump, Palin, Bachmann, Alex Jones, Michail Sewage, these people don't just have 'other' opinions, their entire worldviews are based on myth. Things that never happened. Their reality is unreality. And this is the dead-end of the gene pool the Republican party has attracted as it's base the last 25 years. The Frankenstein of trump arose naturally out of their midst. He represents the large unstable cohort that is the Republican base.
Last edited:
This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate still toys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Yes the disconnect from reality is so stark and so weird that these people do need some time in Bellevue. Trump, Palin, Bachmann, Alex Jones, Michail Sewage, these people don't just have 'other' opinions, their entire worldviews are based on myth. Things that never happened. Their reality is unreality. And this is the dead-end of the gene pool the Republican party has attracted as it's base the last 25 years. The Frankentstein of trump arose naturally out of their midst. He represents the large unstable cohort that is the Republican base.
Nice post:deal:

John McCain calls them the Crazies, Cruz, Hannity, Coulter, Beck, Ingram, Santorum, and of course the one that's easiest to hate the most, that obese drug addict, cocksucker Limbaugh..

After Trump gets smoked in the fall, what will their RAGE, tell them to do, try to dig up Reagans dead body to run against Hillary in 20? probably not because even he would be to Liberal for those Nazis...:cuckoo:
This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate stilltoys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Alex Jones is a nut job in the purest form...

Yet you voted for Obama 2 times!

Whats your excuse?
We are going to vote for Hillary two times
This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate stilltoys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Alex Jones is a nut job in the purest form...

Yet you voted for Obama 2 times!

Whats your excuse?
We are going to vote for Hillary two times

Same day? Same place?

Finally a valid explanation how Democrats win elections.
stuffing the ballot box is an old and venerated republican practice ,that's how gw bush got elected
and those rascally republicans managed to do it twice!....
Liberal code "Its only ok when the uneducated vote Democrat. and if you don't believe as I do your stupid."
He wouldn't be my first choice, but one of those nutters ran Minnessota for a few years, it still exists.

What I don't want is a corrupt criminal in office. I'll take the Conspiracy guy over her any day.
why accept either one?....
Last edited:
This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate stilltoys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Alex Jones is a nut job in the purest form...

Yet you voted for Obama 2 times!

Whats your excuse?

oh one of very low IQ, you don't know who I voted or

Oh you voted for him twice, everyone who has ever read your post knows you voted for Oblammer...

You chicken shit little POS, better not let your CO know your not defending him, he'll cut your welfare check...
you are one dumb goy, there were other people running

Guano doesn't ask if America really wants to elect a career criminal and professional extortionist like Clinton.

Some goyim are better than others I guess.
This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate stilltoys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Alex Jones is a nut job in the purest form...

Yet you voted for Obama 2 times!

Whats your excuse?

oh one of very low IQ, you don't know who I voted or

Oh you voted for him twice, everyone who has ever read your post knows you voted for Oblammer...

You chicken shit little POS, better not let your CO know your not defending him, he'll cut your welfare check...
you are one dumb goy, there were other people running

No shit but you still support Oblammer...
This is why the uneducated want to have access to America's nuclear arsenal , people like this should be residing at Bellevue hospital in NY under observation


Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked. Etcetera. Trump also trades heavily in imaginary events and conspiracy theories. He gained national traction on the American right by promoting the canard that President Obama was born outside the United States—a race-baiting lie that the candidate stilltoys with on Twitter. But birtherism is only the best-known among Trump’s large collection of creepy political fairy tales. You’ve probably heard the one about vaccines and autism. He even pushed that during a Presidential primary debate, on national television. Do you really believe that Obama won the 2012 election fairly? Wrong. Fraud. (At the same time, it’s Mitt Romney, total loser, who let everyone down.) Bill Ayers, not Obama, wrote “Dreams from My Father.” There is no drought in California, and the Chinese, outwitting us per usual, invented the concept of global warming to undermine American manufacturing. And so on.

Donald Trump and the “Amazing” Alex Jones - The New Yorker

Alex Jones is a nut job in the purest form...

Yet you voted for Obama 2 times!

Whats your excuse?

oh one of very low IQ, you don't know who I voted or
Probly didn't vote ,judging the drivel you post. ,iam 99 % certain if you did it was Obama .

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