SOB! Lindsey Vonn Gets Injured After Mouthing Off Against Trump

Hey look! Trump supporters cheering for the physical agony of others! Surprise surprise...

She voiced her opinion, which every American has the right to,

Trump the party of schadenfreude.
And the anti-Trump people are real stable individuals that love their country and the institutions it stands for.

Well, she's out of the Olympics now.
Not because Trump got even with her, the way Obama always got even with his critics, by sending the IRS after her, or armies of lawyers, but because she got hurt.
Must have been her Karma.

What a great Christian point of view! You should be proud!
Hey look! Trump supporters cheering for the physical agony of others! Surprise surprise...

She voiced her opinion, which every American has the right to,

Trump the party of schadenfreude.
Any sports psychologist will tell you that when an athlete goes into any competition with negative feelings inside their head they do not perform at their best.
The spoiled bitch is Trump-hater.
She has allowed President Trump to move into her spoiled brat head and live there 24/7 rent free.
Just as everyone at CNN/WAPO/NYT/MSNBC. That's why these assholes keep fucking up and putting out Fake news.
That makes her a loser BEFORE she puts on her skies.
100% guaranteed when she fell she was thinking in the back of her mind how much she hated the President.
If this is Karma catching up to Von for her comments about Trump, my question is, what is Karma going to do when it catches up with Trump?
Hey look! Trump supporters cheering for the physical agony of others! Surprise surprise...

She voiced her opinion, which every American has the right to,

Trump the party of schadenfreude.
And the anti-Trump people are real stable individuals that love their country and the institutions it stands for.

Well, she's out of the Olympics now.
Not because Trump got even with her, the way Obama always got even with his critics, by sending the IRS after her, or armies of lawyers, but because she got hurt.
Must have been her Karma.

What a great Christian point of view! You should be proud!
If President Trump would have fallen and hurt his back you would have come in your pants with glee.
NO ONE believes a fucking thing you post!
Say bad things about Trump and bad things happen.

Karma is a beautiful thing.

So just like Hillarys campaign, in the end, it wound up laying on the ground, floundering around like a dying fish.


Lindsey Vonn suffers back injury in World Cup race
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Hey look! Trump supporters cheering for the physical agony of others! Surprise surprise...

She voiced her opinion, which every American has the right to,

Trump the party of schadenfreude.
And the anti-Trump people are real stable individuals that love their country and the institutions it stands for.

Well, she's out of the Olympics now.
Not because Trump got even with her, the way Obama always got even with his critics, by sending the IRS after her, or armies of lawyers, but because she got hurt.
Must have been her Karma.

What a great Christian point of view! You should be proud!
If President Trump would have fallen and hurt his back you would have come in your pants with glee.
NO ONE believes a fucking thing you post!

Blah blah blah blah blah... You haven't made a post worth a shit the entire time I've been a member here.
Say bad things about Trump and bad things happen.

Karma is a beautiful thing.

So just like Hillarys campaign, in the end, it wound up laying on the ground, floundering around like a dying fish.


Lindsey Vonn suffers back injury in World Cup race

Well this thread is nauseating. Have a look, can tell your grandkids that this is how Trump broke America. The type of nasty behavior we used to shun has now become a point of pride for about 30 million Americans. Stupid? Good for you, be proud. Vile and mean? Good for you, Trump loves you. Uneducated moron? Good for you, Trump has a cabinet position for you.
She did not want to represent the president at the Olympics. Now she won't have to. See how well it worked out for her?
Read it and weep.

You'll represent America but not Trump?

You'll represent nobody now, bitch.
The Olympics isn't tomorrow, you piece of inbred trash. She'll still compete there.

Unless, of course, the obese pedophile you elected President handles Korea so poorly that the US doesn't even go.
This is the same broad that dated Tiger Woods, then was surprised he cheated on her.

Not exactly the most intelligent girl out there.
The Olympics are in Feb. A back injury most likely will put you out of competing in such a grueling sport just 2 months after injury. Too much risk of re-injury.
Someone on another forum posted this concerning those who go against America's current president. He makes a good case!

Hebrews 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

This video on Youtube."Catholic Priest Who died for 48 Minutes claimed that Donald Trump is an angel sent by God!"
Psalm 105:15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. KJV
Gretchen Carlson got Hank Williams Jr. fired from ESPN, but he's now back on ESPN, but where is Carlson? No where to be found. Just saying.
Krauthammer came against President Trump, now he's not on special report, but in the hospital for surgery. Megyn Kelly came against President Trump, now her ratings are in the toilet, Glenn Beck same as Kelly, matter of fact he has had to layoff a large number of employees twice John McCain came against President Trump, now he has a brain tumor. Hollywood came against President Trump now they're ensnared in the biggest sexual pervert scandal in the history of earth, and box office ticket sales are way down. The swamp came against President Trump, now they're misdeeds are being exposed. And now Carrie Underwood,RANTED AGAINST President Trump, then she broke a wrist.

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