SOB! Lindsey Vonn Gets Injured After Mouthing Off Against Trump

just a BITCH
lot's of athletes did not like their POTUS, but they had the common decency not to say stupid, impolite, etc crap
really a BITCH...unfriendly, unkind, uncivilized
Hey look! Trump supporters cheering for the physical agony of others! Surprise surprise...

She voiced her opinion, which every American has the right to,

Trump the party of schadenfreude.
Lindsey basically spouted garbage like a good sheeple.
Hey, I don't blame way these days to get an award, or get your ticket punched, is trash the president.
If you don't you just might end up being boycotted.

Isn't it great living in such a free country????
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Meanwhile Rachel Maddow has record ratings, and so on and so on.

Please detail the "and so on's" you mention. Maddow is the exception, everyone else who has gone against Trump has had very bad luck since doing so. Liberal media ratings are still low, and the other poster detailed the lives of people after they attacked Trump. Not good.
Lindsey Vonn can now joint AL Franken, John McCain, and Matt Lauer in next year's soon to be hit cable reality show!

My ass hurts and it's Trump's fault! Hosted by Hillary Clinton.

Fucking hilarious! :clap:

Now watch Democrats whine for a special, special prosecutor to investigate how Trump might have hired a Russian to trip the dizzy bitch.

They can't resist - it's part of their psychosis.

But imagine their distress if it turned out there was a Russian hired - the same Russian who offed several Clinton enemies on guess who's dime!
Hey look! Trump supporters cheering for the physical agony of others! Surprise surprise...

She voiced her opinion, which every American has the right to,

Trump the party of schadenfreude.

Physical agony?

Well, OK. Any mental anguish would affect the entire Democrat Party hive mind and there'd be liberals writhing in pain blocking streets and sidewalks....falling under trains.....but not under buses. They reserve buses for tossing failed presidential candidates......

Ladies and Gentlemen, the new Republican Party.

Somehow managing to take Party over Country to new depths of childishness and pettiness. I wouldn't have guessed it was even possible to sink this low.
Mother Karma.

She's a bitch.

And for that she deserves praise and thanks.


That's a good Trumpian. You're halfway to earning your "Trump over Country" badge.

You only have to cheer for a few more Americans to be injured in revenge for maligning your hero! You're almost there.
Hey look! Trump supporters cheering for the physical agony of others! Surprise surprise...

She voiced her opinion, which every American has the right to,

Trump the party of schadenfreude.

Physical agony?

Well, OK. Any mental anguish would affect the entire Democrat Party hive mind and there'd be liberals writhing in pain blocking streets and sidewalks....falling under trains.....but not under buses. They reserve buses for tossing failed presidential candidates......


You're in no position to talk about "hiveminds", clown. You must realize that by now.
Mother Karma.

She's a bitch.

And for that she deserves praise and thanks.


That's a good Trumpian. You're halfway to earning your "Trump over Country" badge.

You only have to cheer for a few more Americans to be injured in revenge for maligning your hero! You're almost there.

But, but, but... they deserve it! Anyone that doesn't agree with Trump DESERVES punishment!
Meanwhile Rachel Maddow has record ratings, and so on and so on.

Please detail the "and so on's" you mention. Maddow is the exception, everyone else who has gone against Trump has had very bad luck since doing so. Liberal media ratings are still low, and the other poster detailed the lives of people after they attacked Trump. Not good.

Really? Attacking Trump has been bad for everyone who does it?

Tell that to Stephen Colbert who has enjoyed record ratings for his Trump jokes.
Meanwhile Rachel Maddow has record ratings, and so on and so on.

Please detail the "and so on's" you mention. Maddow is the exception, everyone else who has gone against Trump has had very bad luck since doing so. Liberal media ratings are still low, and the other poster detailed the lives of people after they attacked Trump. Not good.

Really? Attacking Trump has been bad for everyone who does it?

Tell that to Stephen Colbert who has enjoyed record ratings for his Trump jokes.

And Saturday Night Live...
Karma? The Ruskies? Trump? Both Trump and the Ruskies? It simply can't be by chance, right? Conspiracy theory time folks.

Olympics: Lindsey Vonn injures back in World Cup event

Well that solves her problem now whether to represent the United States or not while obviously insulting and not wanting to represent the half that was
"deplorable." I want a champion that is free to represent ALL of us.

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