Social Justice Marxists

so what you're saying is, we should just let the enemy target and kill us at will because if we fight back it means we're cowards.

Yes that's what he's saying.

On Planet Leftist, letting the enemy target and kill us is the way forward :uhoh3:

On Planet Leftist, fighting back means you're a coward :uhoh3:
Try not to be so scared and afraid of everything. You don't have to be whimps. No one is coming to get you. You are safe. Don't go to Syria or to the ghetto at night and you'll be just fine.

We're not wimps, if we were wimps then we'd be Leftists.

Are you in competition with Timmy for who can make the silliest comments today?
You are living in denial of your fear and cowardice. You mistake our desire for peace as wimpy but in reality it is conservatives who are so scared and so afraid that they demand we build walls and throw dark skinned people in jail with no trial. Trump knows you are afraid of your own shadow and you eat it up when he plays into your fears. He's using you and he will continue to do so until you grow a spine and stop being afraid of Muslims, blacks, immigrants and anyone else who is different than you.

yeah, no, don't mistake our desire to get out ahead of this thing to bring an end to terrorism as if it were some childish fear of the boogie-man. it's quite the opposite of that. if you understand what terrorism is, then you know why it works. there will always be the weakness in society that will do anything to appease the terrorist. you can cry peace all you want, but the enemy is not giving you a choice about it, and they will attack again, and again, and again, and they will continue until they own the definition of peace to which you must submit.

"there will always be the weakness in society that will do anything to appease the terrorist."

Which is what I was saying before and that's that the weak must and will be rooted out from our societies, there's no room for any of the weak. This is also a good way of thinning the herd, so that only the strongest and fittest in society are within our walls to be ready to deal with the Radical Islamists, we can't have any Pansies or Bedwetters preventing what we must do, an operation that our Ancestors had to perform on more than one occasion, they succeeded, just like we will succeed.

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is with us, He will not forsake us and we place our faith and trust in Him.

"but the enemy is not giving you a choice about it, and they will attack again, and again, and again, and they will continue until they own the definition of peace to which you must submit."

And they're perfectly willing to submit and to bend over and spread their cheeks, male and female, they'll be on their knees begging to be made Dhimmī, they'll pay the Jizya tax and swallow the Raghead juice and beg for seconds.

They must be held in the lowest of contempt.

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