Social Security faces a $32 trillion shortfall

Ah yes......^^^^^^^....... the concerned. me too, concerned.

YTD federal pension budget = $270B.
YTD SSI budget = $907B

Explain please.
We need only adjust it enough to coast another fifty years or so. Then let our great-grandkids have their input. They're the ones who it will affect, so it should be their decision.
Ah yes......^^^^^^^....... the concerned. me too, concerned.

YTD federal pension budget = $270B.
YTD SSI budget = $907B

Explain please.
There are a lot more people in the SS program.

Is there only 3X more in the SSI program? The "cost" is ~3:1
Why no talk of cutting FED pension or age or whatever? Looks like easy fix. $270B tax dollars available right there YTD? Move to SSI? Eliminate special FED pension, or re-do it into SSI equal for all.
Ah yes......^^^^^^^....... the concerned. me too, concerned.

YTD federal pension budget = $270B.
YTD SSI budget = $907B

Explain please.
There are a lot more people in the SS program.

Is there only 3X more in the SSI program? The "cost" is ~3:1
Why no talk of cutting FED pension or age or whatever? Looks like easy fix. $270B tax dollars available right there YTD? Move to SSI? Eliminate special FED pension, or re-do it into SSI equal for all.

Federal employees have been under Social Security for the last 30 years
Ah yes......^^^^^^^....... the concerned. me too, concerned.

YTD federal pension budget = $270B.
YTD SSI budget = $907B

Explain please.
There are a lot more people in the SS program.

Is there only 3X more in the SSI program? The "cost" is ~3:1
Why no talk of cutting FED pension or age or whatever? Looks like easy fix. $270B tax dollars available right there YTD? Move to SSI? Eliminate special FED pension, or re-do it into SSI equal for all.

Federal employees have been under Social Security for the last 30 years

Then why $270B extravtax dollars to this other fund? Move that to SSI. Problem solved. Glad I could be of help. What else needs fixed?
Just raising the cap to 250K would fix that, putting SS on all earnings would give the system a vast surplus, and enable us to give the seniors that have worked their whole lives for this nation a secure old age. But that is against the morals of the 'Conservatives'. Much better the trader that was making fun of 'Grandma Millie' while ripping us all off in the GOP's Enron scam retire with millions, than the lineman that worked night and day in the worst of weather to keep the power flowing be able to have a comfortable retirement.

Raise the cap all you want as long as the person contributing X times the amount as another person gets that same X times greater distribution than the other person.

Why shouldn't someone that puts in x times more gets x time more out? I thought you Liberals were about equality. Seems that only applies to benefiting not doing your part.
Do you know what means testing is?

Means testing doesn't apply to Social Security. Try again?

It must suck for poor people to be poor. They go through their entire life KNOWING the only way they ever had anything is because someone else was forced to do for them what they weren't willing to do for themselves. How sad it must be to know that you're a leech on society.

I don't fret too much about providing a little extra to those who have only 2/10 of a percent of our wealth


Worrying about the one percent not having enough does not keep me up at night

You're not doing the providing. Just as I thought. Another bleeding heart thinking forcing someone else to fund it means you did it yourself.
Ah yes......^^^^^^^....... the concerned. me too, concerned.

YTD federal pension budget = $270B.
YTD SSI budget = $907B

Explain please.
There are a lot more people in the SS program.

Is there only 3X more in the SSI program? The "cost" is ~3:1
Why no talk of cutting FED pension or age or whatever? Looks like easy fix. $270B tax dollars available right there YTD? Move to SSI? Eliminate special FED pension, or re-do it into SSI equal for all.

Federal employees have been under Social Security for the last 30 years

Federal employees such as?
Ah yes......^^^^^^^....... the concerned. me too, concerned.

YTD federal pension budget = $270B.
YTD SSI budget = $907B

Explain please.
There are a lot more people in the SS program.

Is there only 3X more in the SSI program? The "cost" is ~3:1
Why no talk of cutting FED pension or age or whatever? Looks like easy fix. $270B tax dollars available right there YTD? Move to SSI? Eliminate special FED pension, or re-do it into SSI equal for all.

Federal employees have been under Social Security for the last 30 years

Then why $270B extravtax dollars to this other fund? Move that to SSI. Problem solved. Glad I could be of help. What else needs fixed?

Because there are still employees who are retired
Raise the cap all you want as long as the person contributing X times the amount as another person gets that same X times greater distribution than the other person.

Why shouldn't someone that puts in x times more gets x time more out? I thought you Liberals were about equality. Seems that only applies to benefiting not doing your part.
Do you know what means testing is?

Means testing doesn't apply to Social Security. Try again?

It must suck for poor people to be poor. They go through their entire life KNOWING the only way they ever had anything is because someone else was forced to do for them what they weren't willing to do for themselves. How sad it must be to know that you're a leech on society.
Means testing is a proposed solution for SS. Before the government and SS would go broke means testing would be applied.

Just a worse situation. That's telling people, you were required to put into a system for 40 years but because you were financially successful because you contributed to society and made something of yourself, you're not going to get what was promised to you and you had to pay into so we can give some freeloading piece of shit something they didn't earn.
The point is that your argument that SS will go broke is bullshit. On top of your continuing to call people who collect SS as "freeloaders" really defines who you are and your distorted sense of reality.

When someone gets a higher proportion returned to them because they are low income than a higher income that paid it at the same percentage, they're a freeloader.
You never did understand that part about "We the People of the United States, in order to create a more perfect union...." did you? The Constitution created the Government of "We the People"

'WE The PEOPLE' didn't F* up SS and turn it in to a slush fund / Ponzi scheme. 'We the people' have been getting screwed by politicians for a long time now. I understand 'We the People' just fine, but you are citing 'we the people' WHY? The idea of helping ONE ANOTHER should not be used to justify the government's abuses, mismanagement, and tyranny.

We the People will vote any politician out of office who tries to fuck with our Social Security or Medicare

Oh, a low income freeloader? Thanks for clearing that up.
Ah yes......^^^^^^^....... the concerned. me too, concerned.

YTD federal pension budget = $270B.
YTD SSI budget = $907B

Explain please.
There are a lot more people in the SS program.

Is there only 3X more in the SSI program? The "cost" is ~3:1
Why no talk of cutting FED pension or age or whatever? Looks like easy fix. $270B tax dollars available right there YTD? Move to SSI? Eliminate special FED pension, or re-do it into SSI equal for all.

Federal employees have been under Social Security for the least 30 years

Then why $270B extravtax dollars to this other fund? Move that to SSI. Problem solved. Glad I could be of help. What else needs fixed?

Because there are still employees who are retired

Need to see some actual numbers on this, not just words. I thought you would be gleeful!
I have found $270B tax dollars to move over to solve SSI shortfall! Yahoo! You say Fed already in SSI......what's the problem?
What about those that can't perform past age 60 yet have such low skills they don't save because their lack of skills meant they got a lower wage? I'm sure you'll have some redistribution minded solution where those that did pay for those that didn't.
No, that is exactly WHY we have Social Security, dude.

IT is better to let these people have some cash rather than let them fall into a pit of misery and despair, spreading disease, causing accidents and dying in their own shit at home and thousands of tax dollars being spent to go to their homes to treat them or get their bodies for disposal.

Besides all that, what about simple compassion for stupid people? We have to have that for some very solid reasons as the consequences of having a high percentage of poor is more costly than just giving them money.

And why does Bernie Sander/wife get nearly $50K per year? He is stupid I will give him that, but I am not sure about your reasoning about compassion.

I'm not a Bernie fan but did Bernie pay into the system?
Do you know what means testing is?

Means testing doesn't apply to Social Security. Try again?

It must suck for poor people to be poor. They go through their entire life KNOWING the only way they ever had anything is because someone else was forced to do for them what they weren't willing to do for themselves. How sad it must be to know that you're a leech on society.
Means testing is a proposed solution for SS. Before the government and SS would go broke means testing would be applied.

Just a worse situation. That's telling people, you were required to put into a system for 40 years but because you were financially successful because you contributed to society and made something of yourself, you're not going to get what was promised to you and you had to pay into so we can give some freeloading piece of shit something they didn't earn.
The point is that your argument that SS will go broke is bullshit. On top of your continuing to call people who collect SS as "freeloaders" really defines who you are and your distorted sense of reality.

When someone gets a higher proportion returned to them because they are low income than a higher income that paid it at the same percentage, they're a freeloader.
Why? Because you say so? For what reason does your opinion and made up definitions supersede other peoples?
You never did understand that part about "We the People of the United States, in order to create a more perfect union...." did you? The Constitution created the Government of "We the People"

'WE The PEOPLE' didn't F* up SS and turn it in to a slush fund / Ponzi scheme. 'We the people' have been getting screwed by politicians for a long time now. I understand 'We the People' just fine, but you are citing 'we the people' WHY? The idea of helping ONE ANOTHER should not be used to justify the government's abuses, mismanagement, and tyranny.

We the People will vote any politician out of office who tries to fuck with our Social Security or Medicare

You really need to spend time with the numbers. There is no way to preserve the program in its current state. This piece is from Huffington Post, not exactly a liberal thinktank... The Trust Fund is a buffer against reality. It is the whole we can do nothing placebo. Time is the primary problem in SS, and no one even talks about it. When the younger generation wakes to the bill it is going to vote any politician out of office that tries to preserve the program.

Social Security and Generation Warfare

Why would we keep it in its current state?

Changes need to be made including gradually moving the retirement age to 70, raising the contribution limit and increasing the contribution slightly

Not earth shattering and it will make SS solvent for the next 50 years

It can be done with a bipartisan effort

Sounds like more Liberal redistribution of wealth not a bipartisan effort unless you call being bipartisan as one side dictating what happens and the other side accepting it.
Means testing doesn't apply to Social Security. Try again?

It must suck for poor people to be poor. They go through their entire life KNOWING the only way they ever had anything is because someone else was forced to do for them what they weren't willing to do for themselves. How sad it must be to know that you're a leech on society.
Means testing is a proposed solution for SS. Before the government and SS would go broke means testing would be applied.

Just a worse situation. That's telling people, you were required to put into a system for 40 years but because you were financially successful because you contributed to society and made something of yourself, you're not going to get what was promised to you and you had to pay into so we can give some freeloading piece of shit something they didn't earn.
The point is that your argument that SS will go broke is bullshit. On top of your continuing to call people who collect SS as "freeloaders" really defines who you are and your distorted sense of reality.

When someone gets a higher proportion returned to them because they are low income than a higher income that paid it at the same percentage, they're a freeloader.
Why? Because you say so? For what reason does your opinion and made up definitions supersede other peoples?

It's not MY definition. It's the definition of freeloader.
Social Security is the system that we have. You can't wave your hand and make it go away. It has been paying benefits for 75 years. Before Social Security, people worked until they died or went to live with their children. For most working Americans, there was no "retirement" to look forward to. Social Security and Medicare provided a safety net for people who worked to be taken care of in their old age

safety-net? How is paying Bernie Sanders and his wife $50K a year a safety-net? For most people they saw their kids as a 401k, and treated them accordingly.

Typically a worker loses money on Social Security. How is throwing money away a 'safety-net'. It would seem to cause the need.

SS is not a safety net. When a worker putting in at 4x the amount as another worker only get 2 1/2 times the distribution, it's redistribution.

I ran the numbers on the SS website. I put in the same birth date and same "retirement" date. The only difference was the income amount. For one, I put in $25,000 and the other $100,000. When it came to distributions, the lower income got just over $1100/month while the higher income got just over $2500/month. How is that not redistribution?

The other difference is how much one contributed to the system. Benefits are priced in three different tiers. The first block of earnings is 90% weight, then 32% and finally 15%.

At the margin of $1000 of earnings creates $103 of tax. The benefit formula uses that $1000 to determine the benefit. (1000/12) / 35 *.90 = 2.142857143 the is the monthly increase, or $25.71 per year. The other guy gets (1000/12) / 35 *.90 = ... $4.37 per year.

You'll have to argue that with the SS benefits calculator. I punched in the numbers and the SS calculator gave me the results.
What about those that can't perform past age 60 yet have such low skills they don't save because their lack of skills meant they got a lower wage? I'm sure you'll have some redistribution minded solution where those that did pay for those that didn't.
No, that is exactly WHY we have Social Security, dude.

IT is better to let these people have some cash rather than let them fall into a pit of misery and despair, spreading disease, causing accidents and dying in their own shit at home and thousands of tax dollars being spent to go to their homes to treat them or get their bodies for disposal.

Besides all that, what about simple compassion for stupid people? We have to have that for some very solid reasons as the consequences of having a high percentage of poor is more costly than just giving them money.

And why does Bernie Sander/wife get nearly $50K per year? He is stupid I will give him that, but I am not sure about your reasoning about compassion.
Compassion is an evolved survival trait for a community. Byt helping others of the tribe during bad times you have more tribal members available for emergencies later down the road. You also have less crime, resentment and corruption.

Its really not hard to deduce, dude.

Compassion is the result of a voluntary action by the giver not a mandate from the taker.

The fault with your "helping others during the bad times" outlook is in our "tribe", the U.S., it constantly the same one needing help and constantly the same ones being forced to help them. When are people going to learn that if you constantly offset the results when people make bad choices putting themselves where they are, they have no reason to make good choice. .

As far as resentment is concerned, I don't give two shits if someone resents me because I don't believe the costs of their mistakes should be placed on someone else that didn't make them. As far as corruption, any system that would take from the productive members of society to offset the poor choices of the non-productive is corrupt. As far as less crime, sometimes you have to weed out the bad ones in the herd so the good ones can move on to better things.
Well well, lookey here. I find $270B ytd Fed Tax dollars collected but not really published who how-much where when? Whar' do it go?

Even rabid commie pinko leftist puke run off from dis' one."they" worry bout cutting SSI but 1/3 "fund" can't be spun? Spinners.

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